Chapter 66
The turmoil caused by the entire Lake of Life is getting bigger and bigger, even affecting the entire Star Dou Forest.

At this moment, under the lake of life, there was an unknown space, and it was quiet inside.

However, several powerful auras were faintly released, causing the surrounding space to fall into distortion.

In the deepest part of this space, a dragon chant suddenly appeared, and a pair of pitch-black dragon pupils appeared in a trance at this moment.

"Boom boom boom!"

The endless darkness in the eyes struck, and the coercion of the entire soul beast seemed very powerful in this different space.

A dazzling ray of light flashed, and what came into view was a huge black dragon with a length of [-] meters.

The dragon scales, like cast black iron, exude a strong sense of oppression.

The powerful breath of soul beasts filled the entire space, making people feel terrified.

The coercion emanating from the black dragon instantly spread around.

Soon he felt that in this space, one after another powerful spirit beast coercion appeared one after another, and it became extremely restless.

This black dragon is the current beast god of the Star Dou Great Forest: Di Tian.

It is a golden-eyed black dragon king infinitely close to 80 years old, the patriarch of the black dragon clan.

"What's going on? Why did the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest fall into a riot."

From the mouth of the black dragon, a puzzled word suddenly spit out.

He didn't understand it very much. It stands to reason that he was sleeping in the space below the lake of life, and ordinary movements could not wake him up.

But why is there so many 10-year spirit beast breaths in the Star Dou Great Forest at this time.

He even slightly felt the breath of two 20-year-old soul beasts, which made Di Tian extremely puzzled.

Even before he fell into a deep sleep, he only found two soul beasts that had just broken through 10 years in the lake of life.

But why did two new beast-level soul beasts be born?

On the other hand, there seemed to be so many 10-year-old soul beasts appearing in the entire Star Dou Forest.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
"Indeed, we have slept so much in the Lake of Life, and we have never really felt such a big change in the Star Dou Forest. Even 10-year-old soul beasts have been born so many."

Immediately afterwards, another aura of a ferocious beast appeared next to him, thinking of the Star Dou Forest before, he felt the same doubts as Di Tian.

"No, through my perception, the concentration of soul power in the Star Dou Great Forest has actually increased by more than a hundred times. How is this possible?"

In one of them, a green light flashed, and soon a beautiful woman in a long green dress appeared on the spot in an instant.

With a surprised expression on her face, the woman told the people present verbatim the news she found out.

This woman is a fierce beast of more than 50 years in the Douluo Continent, and she is a top-level soul beast with life attributes: the strongest of the Emerald Swan clan, Bi Ji.

The healing power of one hand can be called the best in the world.

However, after all, she is a soul beast with the attribute of life, so she naturally has a very clear perception of the energy between heaven and earth.

Although she was in this different space, she still sensed that the concentration of soul power in the entire Star Dou Forest had increased by nearly a hundred times.

How can this not shock Brigitte?

It is almost difficult to change the soul power of Douluo Dalu, how could it be possible to increase by such a rapid pace, reaching a concentration of more than a hundred times?
This made Bi Ji extremely incomprehensible, and she knew from Di Tian that there were so many 10-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

These changes should be inseparable from the increase in the concentration of soul power.

So who caused all these changes?
"Bi Ji, is your perception correct? The soul power of the Star Dou Great Forest has really increased by more than a hundred times."

At this moment, after hearing the news, Di Tian felt extremely shocked, and immediately confirmed it again and again with a solemn expression.

If this is true, wouldn't it mean that this is an opportunity for the Star Dou Forest to rise.

The higher the concentration of soul power, the more beneficial it will be for their soul beasts to cultivate.

In the coming time, the Star Dou Great Forest will definitely give birth to more powerful soul beasts, so the day when they counterattack the God Realm is getting closer and closer.

"That's right, I even used the innate magical powers of the Emerald Swans, and I'm sure there is nothing wrong with my perception."

"Perhaps not only the Star Dou Great Forest, but even the entire Douluo Continent's soul power concentration has also increased by more than a hundred times. It is for this reason that the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest fell into riots."

Immediately afterwards, Brigitte said in a very affirmative tone.

"The increase in the concentration of soul power is also an indescribable benefit for soul masters. If this is the case, one of you will go out and take charge of the overall situation."

"If the hundred thousand soul beasts above are allowed to kill each other, wouldn't it be self-damaging the foundation of the soul beast family?"

"As for the two 10-year-old soul beasts that were guarding the Lake of Life before, it seems that because of the increase in the concentration of their soul power, they have been transformed and have reached the level of beasts. You also took the time to bring them to the Lake of Life. Let's practice together."

Ditian probably understood that the Douluo Continent will undergo major changes in the future, and then he made a noise, wanting a fierce beast to go out to put an end to this disaster.

Every 10-year-old soul beast is the top combat power of the Star Dou Great Forest, and it is absolutely impossible to lose one.

If the few 10-year-old soul beasts above were allowed to continue fighting, the peak combat power of the entire Star Dou Forest would definitely decrease a lot.

Di Tian didn't know why the two 10-year-old soul beasts that guarded the Lake of Life had made rapid progress and reached the level of ferocious beasts so quickly.

Di Tian didn't pursue the matter any further, but brought the two beasts back to the Lake of Life as soon as possible, and practiced with them.

In this different space, it is very conducive to the cultivation of soul beasts. Although the concentration of external soul power has increased by a hundred times, it is not as pure as the power inside.

"Let me go, I will complete the task you gave me as soon as possible."

At this moment, a giant purple-black dragon suddenly appeared beside Di Tian, ​​emitting a bewitching light.

The light dissipated, and a woman in a long purple dress appeared in a trance.

This woman's body was covered with purple-black scales, and she was slender and extremely hot.

A head of purple-black long hair hangs loosely behind him, rippling from both sides of his body naturally without wind.

Jiaoyan is extremely coquettish, her eyes are dark purple, but her lips are bright purple.

On the forehead, on a pitch-black scale, there were layers of purple halos, which naturally flowed over the top of her head.

She is one of the kings of the Star Dou Great Forest: Zi Ji.

Ziji is also called the Queen of the Devil, and her body is the Demon Dragon King of Hell, the new star of the dragon clan, and the patriarch of the dragon clan of hell.

One of the two dragon kings among the ten fierce beasts, the soul beast has a life span of more than 20 years.

(End of this chapter)

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