Chapter 69
"Two soul beasts that have just broken through to the level of fierce beasts dare to show their power in front of me. Let me show you today that there is a big difference between fierce beasts."

At this time, Ziji burst out laughing when she saw that the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape wanted to challenge her.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, purple-black rays of light emerged from the whole body, and the berserk Longwei pressed towards the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape in front, and the power of the explosion poured into the audience.

For thousands of years, she has never done anything!

She never thought that as soon as she came out, she would encounter two lifeless soul beasts who dared to challenge her majesty.

That being the case, let her exercise her muscles and bones today, and teach these two ignorant spirit beasts a lesson.

"Heavenly Demon Waters!"

All the power in Ziji's body emerged, and the purple-black soul power emerged, gradually transforming into deep whirlpools.

It is mixed with extremely strong hell magic power and the power of water element, which spreads towards the surroundings in an instant.


A circle of light appeared under Zi Ji's feet, and it arrived instantly, covering the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

This is Ziji's own domain skills, which completely integrate her two attributes, and finally use her powerful strength to display the most powerful domain.

It can be said that under this field, Zi Ji's strength will be improved without limit, and the power consumed will be replenished continuously.

The opponent is also suppressed by the domain, unable to exert its full strength.

"Er Ming, be careful. This field is very strange. Next, the two of us must not hold back, and use our full strength to try to defeat her as quickly as possible."

After the Azure Bull Python sensed this domain and completely suppressed his strength, he said to the Titan Giant Ape in a solemn tone.

Let him be careful next time.

"Hmph, it's just a dragon clan soul beast, I want to try it today, how about the power of the supreme bloodline of the soul beast clan!"

When the titan giant ape heard the words of the sky blue bull python, he didn't take it to heart at all. An unprecedented fighting spirit appeared in the eyes of the whole person, and the violent aura spread around him.

"Gravity field!"

At this moment, the Titan Great Ape was not afraid at all, and took the lead in displaying his own domain skills: the domain of gravity.

A black vortex spread from the body of the titan great ape to all around, and collided with the domain released by Zi Ji, creating a violent aura of coercion.

The domain skills displayed by the titan giant ape who has now broken through to the beast level are more than a hundred times stronger than before.

"how could be?"

"This field is so strong!"

Even Zi Ji, who was in front of her, felt the domain skills displayed by the titan great ape, her back sank slightly, her feet sunk into the ground, her eyes were full of awe.

She also didn't expect that the Titan Giant Ape, who had just broken through to the beast level, would have so many times stronger domain skills.

Even she, who has the highest blood of the dragon clan, felt the full pressure.

This made Zi Ji realize that the next battle might not be easy, but she didn't take it to heart.

She is a ferocious beast with dragon blood in the Douluo Continent, and she was not qualified to be her opponent to the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape who had just broken through from the ferocious beasts.

"Death and withering!"

Ziji formed seals with both hands, and immediately aroused the power of her dragon blood.


From the moment this majestic dragon power appeared, it instantly sent the Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape flying tens of meters away.

Under the effect of this dragon power, the gravity on Zi Ji's body was reduced a lot. Although she could feel some pressure, under the blessing of her domain power, she felt as if she was walking on flat ground.

Immediately, Zi Ji's hands were filled with dazzling purple light, which exuded unparalleled power of death.

Within the domain, Zi Ji disappeared directly in place, and the purple-black soul power in her right hand condensed into pieces of illusory purple-black dragon scales.

Endless sharp rays of light and the power of death emanate from it.

Zi Ji condensed countless pieces of dragon scales in the sky, and when the soul power was successfully condensed, she directly waved her hand.


All the dragon scales in front of him, mixed with endless power of death, flew towards the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape in front of them with an astonishing sound of piercing through the air.

Try to get rid of both of them with one blow!
Zi Ji also didn't want to waste too long time with these two fierce beasts, and returned to the Lake of Life as soon as possible to complete the task Ditian entrusted to her.

"Er Ming, be careful!"

At this moment, the Azure Bull Python sensed this terrifying wave of soul power, and immediately reminded the Titan Giant Ape beside him to be careful in the future.

After all, he felt the mysterious and extraordinary power from these illusory dragon scales, which not only contained the powerful dragon might of the dragon clan.

Moreover, there is a sharp light mixed in it, which is enough to pierce their bodies, and the power of death permeating it can definitely cause them a lot of injuries.

"Slow field!"

At this moment, the thunder light on the Azure Bull Python flickered, and a blue field enveloped the entire area.

The Dragon Scale, which was originally traveling at extreme speed, seemed to have fallen into a stillness under the influence of the slow domain.

After the Sky Blue Bull Python reached the beast level, his own slow domain also increased hundreds of times.

Therefore, the Dragon Scale, which was originally traveling at extreme speed, glides slowly in the air like a snail under the influence of the Slow Domain.

Seeing such a situation, the Sky Blue Bull Python took advantage of the victory to pursue and jumped up, its blue tail surged forward in an instant.

The terrifying soul power of the ferocious beast burst forward using its tail as a medium, intending to destroy the dragon scales in the sky.


Under the blessing of the power of the slow domain, and the Azure Bull Python burst out all of its soul power in a trance.

"Bang bang bang!"

The scales that were originally traveling at high speed in the air were shattered into pieces one after another, turned into bits of soul power, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"Damn! I didn't expect your cooperation to be so perfect."

"And your domain... It seems that if you don't move forward, there is really no way to forcefully bring you back to the lake of life."

Ziji's face became ugly when she saw that a move that she was sure of winning was actually eliminated by two major domains and an attack.

Zi Ji didn't know what she thought of, and a slight killing intent flashed in her eyes.

These two soul beasts have been fighting stubbornly, which really made her feel displeased, so she didn't plan to keep her hand.


The purple-black light on Ziji's body flashed, and suddenly changed into a purple-black [-]-meter dragon, releasing majestic coercion.

The soul beast that has been running in the body for nearly 30 years jumped up, and the two giant claws in front of it rushed forward.

The explosive soul power and the power of death carried in it seem to be able to destroy everything, turning everything into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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