Chapter 76 No Suspense
Immediately, Ditian's expression became extremely solemn, and he began to be alert to Medusa's next attack.

Suddenly, a deadly sense of crisis emerged in Ditian's heart, and he sensed a life-threatening aura behind him.

"not good!"

Ditian finally knew where the woman was going, and actually came behind him.

Under the premise of releasing all his mental power, he still didn't detect that the woman in red appeared behind him.

At this critical moment, a powerful force of extreme darkness suddenly emerged from Di Tian's body surface.

Pieces of black dragon scales covered the whole body, ready to deal with the next attack of Medusa.

Regrettably, Ditian's reaction was still slow, so that he had no time to display his strength to resist Medusa's attack.

So it can only be passive defense.

After the scales covered his whole body, Ditian's right hand moved towards the back, and the violent power burst out, offsetting part of Medusa's attack by the way.

"You are slow!"

Behind Ditian, Medusa murmured softly.

His fists slammed into Ditian's body. Even though Ditian's body was covered in countless scales, trying to resist Medusa's attack, it was still useless.

This fist of Medusa gathered all her own strength, and bombarded forward in one breath.

If it was an ordinary beast, under Medusa's punch, it would definitely turn into a blood mist on the spot, disappear into ashes, and cease to exist.

Even though Ditian's soul beast is close to 80 years old, and he has exerted all his power and the defense of the dragon scales, it seems impossible to resist Medusa's punch unscathed.



When Medusa's fist touched Ditian's body, there were bursts of cracking sounds.

"Bang bang bang!"

A shocking scene happened, the scales on the surface of Ditian's body showed cracks, and then continued to explode.

Ditian's attack also came in front of Medusa's fist, the two energies collided, annihilated all forces together, and spread from the dividing point to the outside world.

"how could be?"

Di Tian felt this powerful destructive force, broke his defense without any suspense, and continued to blast into his body with an invincible aura.

The strange power kept destroying the internal organs in his body.

Di Tian's eyes widened, and his complexion immediately became extremely pale.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person flew thousands of meters like a cannonball, and drops of blood sprinkled in the air, which contained the blood of the huge golden-eyed Black Dragon King.

Blood spilled on the ground, enough to destroy the entire area.

Every drop of Ditian's blood contains thick blood and soul power, which is difficult for ordinary soul beasts to bear.

Finally, with a bang, Di Tian fell heavily to the ground, kicking up waves of dust.

After the dust cleared, Di Tian's whole body was in tatters, drops of blood seeped out from his body, and his aura was extremely weak.

It's hard to connect with Di Tian who was high-spirited before.

This is enough to see how powerful Medusa's previous attack was.

Taking advantage of Ditian's inattention, he beat him until he was seriously injured.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to be able to withstand my blow. Sure enough, I still underestimated you."

After seeing Ditian's miserable appearance, Queen Medusa had a look of surprise on her face, obviously very curious about Ditian's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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