Chapter 8 The Gold of Life
At this moment, Lu Yun's eyes fell on a small grass next to the spirit bone.

This small grass is emerald green, but there are a few red silk threads around it, and the overall look is extremely coquettish.

At the same time, a majestic spiritual force was released around the grass, making it impossible for the few people present to ignore this spiritual force.

"This is……"

Lu Yun looked at this fairy grass, and also wanted to know the name and effect of this fairy grass.

This fairy grass seems to be different from the fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes. Although Lu Yun has read the original book, he doesn't know this fairy grass.

Just when he was confused, a few lines of words suddenly appeared in front of him, which was the introduction of this fairy grass.

When Lu Yun saw this situation, he knew it was done by the system.

[Nine Heart Profound Grass: The top spiritual attribute fairy grass, taking it can greatly improve spiritual power. 】

The name and specific functions of this fairy grass are all known to Lu Yun.

"Psychic celestial grass is indeed extremely rare. It seems that this celestial grass can be a good auction item."

Lu Yun looked at the fairy grass and nodded in satisfaction.

Lu Yun knew that the fairy grass with spiritual attributes was extremely precious in the Douluo Continent.

Moreover, spiritual power is also very important to a soul master. Today's cultivation of spiritual power in Douluo Dalu is really too rough.

If your mental power is strong enough, you can not only control your own soul skills, but also make them more mysterious.

Moreover, it can also cause its own soul skills to unleash more powerful attacks.

Therefore, this one lot is enough to restrain a lot of auction points.

Lu Yun searched again, but he didn't seem to find anything very precious.

"Huh? This is..."

Lu Yun's line of sight suddenly fell to a stone in the corner. It was extremely dark in color, with bumps and holes on the surface, and looked extremely ordinary.

Just such an ordinary stone, on the surface it exudes a strong breath of life.

[Gold of Life: It contains a strong life force! 】

Seeing this short one-line introduction, Lu Yun was extremely pleasantly surprised. Excitement cannot even be used to describe his current mood.

"This small piece of stone is actually the gold of life, which is too surprising!"

Lu Yun quickly put the stone in the palm of his hand. After feeling the strong life force in it, he was so excited beyond words.

It turned out to be a precious treasure such as the gold of life, which was completely formed by condensing the power of life into a solid state.

It is enough to imagine how huge the power of life contained in this small stone is.

Otherwise, solid living gold would not be formed.

Lu Yun has read the original book, of course he knows the function of living gold, don't underestimate this piece of living gold.

The power of life contained in it can definitely reach half of the Star Dou Great Forest.

One of the functions of life gold is to improve one's physique and make it a life physique with unlimited growth.

Wash your own impurities and make your own talents stronger.

"This piece of life gold will not be auctioned, and I will absorb it myself!"

Afterwards, Lu Yun thought about it in his heart, and decided to keep this piece of life gold for himself.

Although he doesn't have a martial spirit in his body, he can further strengthen his physique so that he can absorb the spirit power more easily in the future and practice.

"I am very satisfied with the treasures you brought. Don't worry, I will give you back your freedom after five years!"

"However, I believe that when the time comes, you will be reluctant to leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

Lu Yun put away these treasures, raised his head slightly, and looked at the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape with distressed faces in front of him with a smile on his face.

"I hope you keep your word!"

When the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape heard Lu Yun's words, their eyes lit up immediately, and they quickly covered it up.

They didn't believe that this human soul master would let them go after five years.

However, in his heart, he hoped that Lu Yun could keep his word.

Seeing the expressions of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, Lu Yun didn't say anything, but there was a meaningful smile on his face.

Five years later, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has developed to an unknown extent, and his own strength may have already reached an unimaginable level.

As long as the Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python are not stupid, they will not leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion easily.

Afterwards, with a big wave of Lu Yun's hand, he directly told the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape to leave here, and he was going to start absorbing this piece of living gold.

After the two beasts left, Lu Yun sat cross-legged on the spot.

Putting the living gold in front of him, he turned his head to Jiuyou who was in front of him and said, "Jiuyou, help me absorb this piece of living gold."

Lu Yun asked Xuanshuang to protect the dharma, and Jiuyou helped him absorb this piece of living gold.

He is an ordinary person without any soul power at the moment, and when such a huge life force enters his body, unpredictable consequences will inevitably occur in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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