Chapter 98
When Lu Yun successfully evolved the secret realm of chaos, he returned to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and started a one-month retreat.

Time passed, and soon a month passed.

A small auction held once a month kicked off.

All major forces in the Douluo Continent went to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to participate in the auction held.

However, at this time, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has been announced, and a small auction will be held every month.

The auction item this time should not be as precious as a large auction.

Even so, the rest of the top forces still don't want to miss this small auction.

Therefore, the experts from the dispatched forces came to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to see if they could obtain the top treasures that occasionally appeared.

Just after the top forces in Douluo Continent rushed towards the Star Dou Forest, Lu Yun and Xuanshuang on the third floor stood in the same room.

"Xuan Shuang, leave today's auction to me. Anyway, I've been in seclusion for a month. It's time to relax."

Lu Yun said to Xuanshuang with a smile on his face.

Leave the auction this time to him. Since the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was established, he really hasn't conducted an auction.

Moreover, he retreated for another month. Due to the combination of these two reasons, Lu Yun came up with the idea of ​​becoming an auctioneer.

"Okay, Pavilion Master!"

Hearing this, Xuanshuang nodded lightly, agreed to Lu Yun's order, and handed over the auction to the Pavilion Master.

The five items Lu Yun took out this time are not too precious as a whole, but they are more rare and unusual.

I believe that this auction can still gather a large number of soul crystals.

All major forces came to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion one after another, found seats, and waited for the auction to start.

After Lu Yun saw that there were almost no soul masters coming to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion again, he didn't stay any longer.

Walking towards the auction stage with light steps, his whole body exudes an aura that blends with the world.

Lu Yun owns the invincible domain in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and he and the world here are integrated into one.

"Huh? What's going on? Why did the auctioneer change today?"

"However, who is this person? Could it be that he is also a powerful existence in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?"



From the moment Lu Yun, an unfamiliar face, appeared, everyone showed surprised expressions.

The previous auctions were all held by Xuanshuang, but this time a strange man appeared, no wonder everyone felt very confused.

Most people don't care about this matter, no matter who is auctioning, they just need to prepare enough soul crystals to take the treasure.

This small auction also came to the top forces in the Douluo Continent. From the moment the strong ones saw Lu Yun, their faces still had incomparably solemn expressions.

Where their strength is, they can naturally see things that weak soul masters cannot see.

They found that Lu Yun's temperament was very unique, as if it was integrated into the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion, making people feel unfathomable.

The spiritual power of everyone present spread, but they still couldn't get close to Lu Yun.

It seemed that there was a vague force around them, restricting their spiritual power, and they were not allowed to get close to Lu Yun.

With just this tiny means, the top experts present realized that the man who held the auction today is definitely not simple.

None of the people present connected Lu Yun with the owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. After all, Lu Yun's face was too young.

Why can't it be the mysterious owner behind the Xingdou Auction Pavilion?

"This man has such a unique aura!"

Bibi Dong, who was in the private room, fixed her eyes on Lu Yun, her black eyebrows were tightly frowned, and a solemn look flashed in her eyes.

Her strength also couldn't get close to Lu Yun's, so she couldn't know Lu Yun's specific strength.

This made Bibidong's heart full of curiosity. After all, except for the god-level powerhouses in today's Douluo Continent, there is almost no one who can hide under her nose.

But the young man in front of him did it, which is really incredible.

After a long time, Bibi Dong no longer cared about this person's identity, he belonged to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is so mysterious and powerful, such a situation seems normal.

Bibi Dong suppressed the doubts in her heart, and waited for the next auction to start.

"Welcome all soul masters to participate in today's auction at Star Dou Auction Pavilion, let's get straight to the point."

Lu Yun said to all the soul masters with a smile on his face, announcing the official start of the auction.

With a wave of Lu Yun's hand, the power of space fluctuated, and a car with a whole body in black and radiant colors appeared beside him.

Overall, it looks very luxurious.

These cars are the two cars drawn by Lu Yun through the last lottery.

For this rare item, Lu Yun planned to take one out for auction.

There is only one left, he can drive to the Douluo Continent when he has time, and the journey will definitely be extremely exciting.

In a way, the sedan isn't very useful, but it's more than unusual.

It is impossible for people in Douluo Continent to have seen this kind of car. This car has been systematically modified and does not need gasoline or new energy to drive it. It only needs to input its own soul power.

Of course, soul crystals can also be used instead, which is very convenient overall.

Lu Yun understood the magic of this car. With the impetus of the soul crystal, the top speed that this car can reach is also very amazing.

According to Lu Yun's evaluation, the car's top speed is hard to catch even a soul master of the agility attack system at the soul emperor level with all his strength.

Therefore, this car is an artifact of escape, and of course it is not of much use to top players.

Even so, this is still a life-saving artifact for some weak soul masters.


As soon as this car appeared, everyone felt extremely puzzled by the weird thing in front of them.

What exactly is this?

They knew that the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would not bring out some useless things.

So everyone suppressed their curiosity and waited for Lu Yun's next introduction.

"This is the first auction item in our auction. The name is a car. It is also unique to our Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"This car can be regarded as a walking tool. It uses soul crystals or its own soul power to drive it. The maximum speed reached by this car is comparable to the speed of the soul emperor of the agility attack system when he exerts his full strength."

"Overall, the value of this car is not very high, so the first auction price of this car is: 1000 soul crystals."

Lu Yun roughly introduced the specific functions of this car, and said his first auction price.

The cost of this car is very cheap, ten soul crystals in the system can buy one.

In any case, he made money!

As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, all the major forces present were surprised by the functions of this car.

But most people don't believe it. Can this iron lump really explode at such a terrifying speed?
After seeing this situation, Lu Yun understood everything and wanted to demonstrate for them.

Since he got these two cars, has he really not tried them himself?

I also want to experience it in my heart, what kind of experience is it like to use soul power to drive this magical car?

"I think everyone is not clear about this car, so I will demonstrate it for you personally."

Lu Yun said to all the soul masters.

As soon as the words were finished, Lu Yun's right fingertips felt a weak wave of space power.

A silver ball condensed on the fingertips, and Lu Yun gently pointed towards the void.

The silver ball exploded violently, spreading towards the surroundings, and the violent space power generated instantly enveloped the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, everyone showed horrified expressions, and this violent space force was about to affect everyone.

Everyone exerted all their strength to resist the power of space.

It's a pity that there is still no help for this huge force of space. They just watched themselves being covered by this force of space.

(End of this chapter)

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