Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts 2

Chapter 89 Devil 3 Corner Domain

Chapter 89 Devil's Triangle

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirates? !

This name immediately made the lazy man who was sleeping on the chair sit up.


"Ah la la, I just wanted to sleep. It's really troublesome to meet such a big man."

Aokiji let out a long yawn.

"Or just pretend you didn't see it, how about it, little brother?"

"Ah, this... well, isn't it...not good?" the sentinel replied hesitantly.

Smoker Smoker, after a moment of shock, ignored Aokiji and directly ordered:
"Go at full speed and chase the Beast Pirates!"

"Hey, Smoker, I'm your boss, and the reason why I'm in this trouble is to go to Alabasta to save you. You should be a little grateful to me anyway."

Aokiji stood up and stretched a lot.

Smoker snorted with a cigar in his mouth: "I don't need you to save me. I want to shrink back when I hear the name of beasts. You, the admiral of the Navy headquarters, are too useless!"

"It doesn't matter whether I have a kind or not. It's the Four Emperors. A conflict with them will bring a lot of trouble to the navy, understand?"

Aokiji lay down again, with his elbows on the ground and his head propped on his palms.

"I see clearly that you find it troublesome!"

"Okay, you two, stop arguing!"

Hina interrupted and stopped the two of them.

"The most urgent task now is to find out what the purpose of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Ship is and who is the leader."

Qingzhi immediately agreed: "Miss can do whatever she wants. In short, you can decide. I'm just here for a walk, so I can catch up on sleep."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Smoker was very angry when he saw this, and he hated iron for being weak. If he had the strength of Aokiji, if he had the status of Aokiji, he would definitely not be so decadent.

At the very least, he will never let Crocodile of Alabasta do anything wrong, just because the latter is the so-called Shichibukai? !
He originally chased the Straw Hats into Alabasta, but he was rescued by the Straw Hats instead.

What hit Smoker the most was that in the face of the tragedy in Alabasta, the entire navy did nothing and could do nothing but let a group of pirates save the country.

In the end, you have to deceive the public and take the credit for yourself, which is really ugly!

There was a fire in Smoker's heart, and he had nowhere to vent it, so even if it was the Beasts Pirates, he would pursue it without hesitation.

At the same time, on the ship of the Hundred Beasts that just came down from the empty island.

Batman also noticed the Navy warship.

"Lord Luo Xing, there is a navy ship more than twenty miles away, and there are many sailors on it. Eh, that sleeping man, could it be..."

Batman suddenly gasped.

"Aokiji Kuzan, one of the three generals with the highest combat power in the Navy Headquarters!"

Everyone on the boat shook.

Admiral, that's not a silver gun candle head like Enilo, who has fruitful abilities but is useless, but the real top combat power in this sea.

Especially Aokiji, a user with the ability to freeze fruit, encountered on the sea, once the ship was frozen, he would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

Luo Xing was a little depressed, how could he bump into the admiral by coincidence, last time it was Whitebeard, this time it was Aokiji, does he have the physique to attract top experts?

Besides, this time his burden was even heavier, because behind the ship was dragging a huge golden ball, which was of course covered by the black cloth.

Under the drag of the golden ball, the speed of the ship has been slowed down a lot.

Luo Xing would never give up the hard-won gold no matter what, so he chose to escape without hesitation, ordered the ship to turn around, and drive it to the maximum.

But with the burden of the golden ball, the speed of the ships of the Hundred Beasts was still a little slower than that of the navy's warships.

The distance is pulled in bit by bit.

Smoker and Rina gradually saw Luo Xing's appearance clearly and were taken aback.

"It turned out to be this man. The front-page news in the newspapers recently is all about him. Even the limelight of those super newcomers has been suppressed by him."

"Of course, this guy has only been famous for more than a month, and the bounty has already risen to 6 million Baileys!"

"Do you want to continue chasing him? He is not easy to deal with." Hina asked.

Smoker clenched his teeth and said angrily, "Of course I will pursue it, I am not afraid of any pirates!"

"Well, Smoker, it's not a qualified sailor to be arrogant."

Aokiji stood up again.

Although he seems lazy and not interested in anything, in fact he is very clear in his heart.

Since it is Luo Xing who has a bounty of more than [-] million, he can no longer be lazy.

Including this trip to the vicinity of Alabasta, on the surface it was to take care of Smoker, but secretly he had another purpose.

That is to find Nico Robin, the only survivor of O'Hara, the son of the devil who was deliberately let go by him back then!
Aokiji walked to the front of the deck and stared at the Beasts pirate ship whose shadow could already be seen in the distance.

On the pirate ship, the man actually looked at him at the same time.

The eyes of the two met from a distance.

Aokiji was surprised to find that the man smiled in front of him, the admiral of the navy.

Aokiji couldn't help muttering.

"Sure enough, it's not as simple as the rumors say, but are you too confident? As long as I freeze the sea, how can you escape?"

He planned to start the Ice Age when the two ships got closer.


The pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts suddenly changed direction.

After advancing in that direction for a few minutes, bursts of black mist suddenly appeared on the sea ahead.

The ships of the Hundred Beasts entered the black mist without stopping, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Aokiji's face changed slightly: "It's the Devil's Triangle sea area, I remember it seems to be the territory of Shichibukai Moonlight Moria."

Smoker said, "What does that matter!"

Hina glanced at Smoker, exhaled a thin smoke ring and said:

"It's a big deal. The Devil's Triangle sea area is very dangerous. In the past, if a ship accidentally entered by mistake, it never came out again."

"In addition, since it is the territory of Qibuhai, our navy cannot enter without the permission of the superior."

Smoker clenched his fists, suppressing his anger: "It's the so-called Shichibukai rules again, Alabasta is like this, facing the evil, the navy is just watching!"

Aokiji didn't know what to think of, patted Smoker on the shoulder, and sighed:
"That's how the world works, Smoker, whether you're a general or a soldier, most of the time you just go with the flow."

Immediately he ordered.

"Stop advancing, no need to pursue."

In order to prevent Smoker from acting impulsively, Aokiji added:

"Let's go back to Marin Vanduo first, and report this matter to Marshal Warring States. Anyway, they have entered the Devil's Triangle sea area, and they will definitely not be able to get out in a short time."


"Master Luo Xing, the navy is gone!"

Inside the Devil's Triangle, the Batman detected with sonar and sensed the departure of the navy's warship, reported.

Luo Xing nodded slightly, this matter was within his expectation.

Aokiji is not a brainless stunned young man, he will not casually enter a territory of Shichibukai, causing conflicts between Shichibukai and the navy, especially at this ambiguous moment after Crocodile was defeated.

There is already a slight crisis in the trust between the navy and Qiwuhai.

"Molia, you've done me a big favor."

Looking at the huge terrifying three-masted ship in the center of the Devil's Triangle, Luo Xing suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Then let me thank you very much."

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, ask for a first order
(End of this chapter)

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