Chapter 340 Finding Your Own Way (Please Subscribe)

Su Qingmu stepped forward and helped Elder Mu up.Elder Mu's movements were very slow. He didn't look like an extremely strong man who was famous in the mainland. He really looked like an old man who had entered his twilight years and would go west any moment. He slowly stood up from the reclining chair.

Elder Mu chuckled, and said, "I'm not lying here to show off. I was injured when I was young, and since then, my waist can no longer be straight. I'm going to prepare a recliner." While speaking, he raised his finger and pointed in one direction.

Su Qingmu helped Mr. Mu to walk over knowingly. He understood the truth that too many words would be lost, so he kept silent all the time, showing a slightly nervous look.

Elder Mu smiled and said as he walked: "Su Qingmu, I noticed you when you first entered the dormitory for freshmen. Because you are one of the rare people who will take the initiative to greet my children. You are very polite. Every time I enter the hall, I’m greeted, which is nice.”

"This is what juniors should do." Su Qingmu said.He already knew Mu En's identity in advance, and he deliberately did this to gain favor in front of Mu En.

With Su Qingmu's support, the two walked to a wall. Elder Mu raised his hand and pointed. Suddenly, a golden light lit up, and everything around him became illusory in an instant.

The rich golden light filled his eyes, Su Qingmu closed his eyes subconsciously, and then only felt that his feet were empty.When the down-to-earth feeling came again, the surrounding scene had changed.

This is a different hall, almost square in shape, with a length and width of [-] meters each.On both sides of the hall, there are several passages leading to unknown directions. There are no windows, but the air is very fresh.

On the inside of the hall, there are statues standing there, which are the same statues as at the entrance of Shrek Academy, the Golden Iron Triangle and the original Shrek Seven Monsters.Compared with the two sides as a whole, the statues here may be placed for convenience.Smaller in size and made of wood.

Elder Mu smiled and said, "Aren't you wondering why the Sea God Pavilion, which is so famous in the mainland, doesn't look very eye-catching?"

"En." Su Qingmu nodded pretending not to know.

Elder Mu explained with a smile: "Actually, the Sea God Pavilion was not built, but carved."

"Carving?" Su Qingmu looked at Elder Mu suspiciously.

Elder Mu raised his head slightly, looked around and said: "The Sea God Pavilion was originally a big tree, a rare golden tree in the world. It has a tree of light and life. Without affecting the life of this golden tree, the ancestors of the academy Da Neng directly carved out the Sea God Pavilion based on this golden tree. So the Sea God Pavilion you see does not have any traces of splicing. And the various furnishings inside the Sea God Pavilion and the statues of these sages were carved at the beginning This golden tree can also be said to be the root of our Shrek Academy, and you will understand its meaning in the future."

As he said that, Elder Mu stretched out his hand again and said, "Su Qingmu, you go in from the first passage on the left, go to the deepest room, and meditate in it. When you wake up, you can Leave the Sea God Pavilion."

"Yes, thank you, senior." Su Qingmu nodded.As a time traveler, he knew that the Sea God's Pavilion was not as simple as it seemed. There were many secrets here, and a visit would definitely benefit him a lot.

Mr. Mu smiled: "My surname is Mu, you can call me Mr. Mu, go."

"Yes." Su Qingmu nodded, and entered that passage as Mu En said.

After going about a hundred meters deep, he has come to the end of this passage. The door is made of wood, the same material as the furnishings in the Sea God Pavilion.It should also be made of the tree body of the golden tree.

The door was not locked, Su Qingmu easily pushed the door open, the moment the door opened, a special aura rushed towards the face along the gap of the door.

This breath obviously contained three different energies, light, ice, and fire.Thinking about it carefully, isn't this attribute exactly the same as his Sun Moon Spirit's Martial Soul?
Light plus ice is the power of the cold moon.

Light plus fire is the power of the corona.

Su Qingmu pushed the door and walked into it. This is a room only about ten square meters. The walls on all sides of the room are covered with some kind of plant roots. These roots look simple and old, but they faintly exude a golden color. color.

The room is very empty, and there are no unnecessary decorations. Only in the middle, there is a jade-like object about one meter in length and width, and about seventy to eighty centimeters in height.

This jade looks weird, half ice white, half red.Su Qingmu clearly felt the astonishing power of ice attribute and fire attribute from above.

"This is." Su Qingmu's eyes were fixed on this piece of jade.Its aura is a bit like the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, but it is not as extreme and strong as the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye.

When Su Qingmu wondered what it was, a gentle and familiar voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Old Mu." Su Qingmu looked up and looked around.

Mu En said via voice transmission: "Su Qingmu, this piece of jade contains a very powerful power of ice and fire. It is a strange stone that a senior expert of the academy accidentally obtained from a mysterious place thousands of years ago. Combined with the light of the golden tree The power of three kinds of power superimposed, which fits very well with the attribute of your second martial soul, and it is very beneficial for you to practice on it, maybe it will allow you to truly experience the mystery of the fusion of ice and fire."

"As we all know, soul masters are divided into strong attack, sensitive attack, control, and support, but this is only the most superficial division. If you want to have higher achievements, you must find your own path more accurately and precisely. This No one else can tell you the way, you have to find it yourself. For your twin spirits, it is more important to find your own way. Remember, no matter what the way you find in the end, don’t doubt, let alone hesitate, Go as far as you can, as long as your heart is determined, no matter what kind of path it is, you will succeed in the end."

"I know Mr. Mu." Su Qingmu nodded.

Then, according to Elder Mu's guidance, he sat cross-legged on this strange stone that contained the power of two attributes of ice and fire.

The moment of contact, Su Qingmu immediately felt a strange energy pouring into his body.Half cold, half hot.

At the same time, in the room, the primitive plant roots on the surrounding walls suddenly emitted a golden light, and the rich light spread, turning into clusters of golden halos, continuously merging into Su Qingmu's body.

The sun and moon elf martial spirit usually possesses itself when stimulated, this time, it is neither in the form of the corona nor in the form of the cold moon.The wings of the Sun Moon Elf strangely have two colors at this moment, one is moon white and the other is golden red, and the aura they exude are also completely different.

A soul ring rises!
With the possession of the sun and moon spirit spirit, in the room, the energy of the three attributes of ice, fire, and light began to flow into Su Qingmu's body like a sea of ​​rivers.

 Thanks 8744, 1372, do anything for money, 3526, Sakura Sakura, KSP, don’t fall at will, Buenos Aires’ Ferrari, Yang Diji, Hermit Sage, 4846, 5006, 9254, just ask for coloring Bits of Starlight, 5629, Pupils of Lianyue, 5414, Melody in the Rain, 6896, wenjie, monthly ticket for book friends of Destiny of Heaven
(End of this chapter)

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