Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant.

Chapter 605 Confrontation in the air, triumphant victory!

Chapter 605 Confrontation in the air, triumphant victory!
  Lu Jun's black hair was flying, and his eyes intertwined with holy blue and blood-ink swept across Yingzhou. There was a dead silence between heaven and earth, and no one dared to say a word.

Yingzhou's Forbidden Curse Dharma God remained silent. His original intention to hold Jiuzhou and Lu Jun to account had faded away. What else could he say? A rising star can chase three emperors and kill them indiscriminately, beheading them on the Yingzhou continent.

The powerful men of the older generation in Jiuzhou haven't taken action yet!

They couldn't even defeat Mr. Lu in front of them.

As for the forbidden curse, some mages and common people who harbored the idea that Jiuzhou was not as arrogant as Yingzhou were silenced. Their three views were completely shattered and reorganized, and they looked at the tiny figure at the top of the outline of the 'Standing Mountains' with awe and admiration.

Suddenly, at the edge of Yingzhou, Dean Xiao came on the waves and barely followed Lu Jun. When he saw the torn remains of the shark king, his expression suddenly became happy.

This battle was so enjoyable. Not only was it of great significance, but the actual results were even richer.

The Pacific Empire attacked with great force. As a result, the four demon emperors fled, two emperors fell, and the losses were heavy.

In terms of strategic situation, the stage of passive defense has shifted to the stage of stalemate and long-term war, and then the stage of counterattack.

Dean Xiao came to Lu Jun and noticed that the atmosphere around him was not right. Many unfamiliar eyes were focused, and he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Lu Jun said with a playful expression: "There is an unexpected gain. Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys has shocked the group of people with evil intentions in Yingzhou."

The fall of Emperor Lan Erlong and his tour of the Nine Continents were reported in Japan and the people were shocked, but nothing could be as profound as this personal experience.

After a while, a Forbidden Curse Dharma God rose up from Yingzhou and came forward to communicate with the two of them. He said respectfully and solemnly: "I wonder when your Excellency will return? Do you want our help in transporting the emperor's body?"

Before Lu Jun could speak, he suddenly looked towards the eastern ocean with a solemn expression.

  Who knew the top experts in Yingzhou were aware of it? They looked towards the Pacific Ocean with shocked expressions. The sky opened up, and a pale vortex rolled into the sky. The demons rolling in the sky were constantly superimposed. It was so vast that there was some indescribable great creature dormant in the center. .

Even though they were tens of thousands of kilometers away, everyone felt a sudden realization that He was watching them.

"The demon god with cold moon eyes."

Lu Jun whispered softly, but was not afraid at all. His body slowly rose into the air. The mental power of the Thirteenth Realm shook the past and the present, traveling through time and space, traveling in the void, and confronting the opponent in the air.

Obviously, the Pacific Master learned about the outcome of this battle and became angry.

At this time, the situation in Yingzhou was stagnant, time and space were frozen, and people were silent, fearing that an emperor-level war would break out in the next second and completely subvert the foundation of the already severely damaged island.

Fortunately, after a long time, the rolling demon in the depths of the Pacific gradually fell down and returned to calm. The cold moon-eyed demon god fell silent again and did not attack immediately.

Yingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Lu Jun restrained his breath. The healing soul and the ancient king's armor that were about to stir in his mind fell silent, with a calm expression.

If the cold moon-eyed demon god is really impulsive to come alone, he will dare to release his two trump cards, reach the dominant level of combat power, gather a group of Asia's ceiling powerhouses, and hunt the opponent.

After this little episode, Yingzhou was like sending off a plague, eager to let Lu Jun leave quickly.

Lu Jun didn't care. As his cultivation level improved, the state of ascending to the gods wouldn't cause much consumption to him at all, and he could almost stand on a regular basis.

But he was not interested in staying in Yingzhou either. With a wave of his hand, the space he carried opened up and the body of the shark-man king was stored inside.

This corpse contains a huge amount of metal elements and has various special metals. Refining it will greatly improve the metal system. Lu Jun made a lot of money this time. Even if one of the two emperors' spirits and corpses had to be given to Dean Xiao and other Forbidden Curse Society, he could still keep the Shark Man King in his pocket.

The Forbidden Curse Society has no objections to this allocation.

For a moment, when Lu Jun stepped on the mine-like body of the shark-man king and returned, the whole city of Jiuzhou Magic City roared loudly.

For a time, the entire Jiuzhou received this exciting news. The Pacific Empire War failed, and the two emperors were beheaded.

After receiving the news, Hua Zhanhong of the imperial capital burst into laughter, and the situation improved. Feng Zhoulong and other familiar people in the military strategy office of the ancient capital were even more proud.

After the war ended, Lu Jun declined the repeated requests from big figures from all walks of life to meet, came to Ding Yumian and Lu Mei, smiled and said: "I'm fine."

Buzz! Then, between his eyebrows, the soul of a woman in a white dress soared into the sky and returned to Ding Yumian's body.

Ding Yumian's body trembled, and his main soul returned. He looked back and forth between Lu Mei and Lu Jun with a smile, then walked away easily and said, "You guys can chat, I won't disturb you anymore."

Hearing this, Lu Jun looked embarrassed, while Lu Mei looked calm and didn't say anything.

He was about to speak, but his sister stopped and said, "You have just experienced a war, so you should rest for a while, and there are still many things to deal with."

Lu Mei returned to Jinyuan Apartment, seemingly trying to figure out how to obtain the power of the fire element from the body of Neptune's skeleton.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he was still far away from enjoying the blessings of the whole family. What happened if he wanted to fight and relax?
  My sister is right, he is very busy now. In addition to the emperor's essence corpse, there are also official rewards from Kyushu for this battle.

It is said that this time the sea level rose, ocean currents and tides flooded the coast, and treasures from the depths of the Pacific Empire washed up. Among them, a water-based Earth Core emerged and was caught by the South China Sea.

It just so happened that Lu Jun was rewarded with the Core of the Earth from the Jiuzhou Forbidden Curse Society. He got it from the mission of killing two cardinals, and he could change it according to his attributes.

In addition, Mr. Lu can get one more Earth Core from this battle.

However, he wanted more forbidden curse treasures in terms of curses and souls. These two systems had reached super-level cultivation. After experiencing the emperor's battle, he began to evolve into semi-forbidden curses, and divine gifts were about to be born.

After Lu Jun refines the forbidden curse-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it won't take long before a curse-type forbidden curse magic god is born.

Jiuzhou attached great importance to this, approved this request, and used an earth core to obtain a cursed heavenly material and earthly treasure from the ancestral family.

According to the ancestral family's forbidden curse, no one in the family has met the standards for promotion to the forbidden curse anyway, so it is useless to keep them. They might as well trade them out to help the heroes of Jiuzhou.

Even so, Lu Jun also felt the kindness of his ancestors.

He naturally accepted it with a smile, along with the water-type Earth Core.

Just when Lu Jun was about to return to the ancient capital, Shao Zheng hurried over and met him.

Shao Zheng said solemnly: "Something is not right. The Holy City has launched an attack. They used the heavy losses in Yingzhou and your abnormal combat power to kill the emperor at a super level. They suspect that you have practiced evil arts."

Hearing this, Lu Jun sneered: "Can't you finally bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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