Douluo: I am an extraterrestrial demon

Chapter 119 Tang 3: This guard has a way to kill

Chapter 119 Tang San: This guard has a way to kill

With a look of embarrassment on his face, he said, "But the Star Luo Empire and I are world feuds!"

To be honest, although Xingluo and Tiandou have not had any large-scale wars in recent years, local wars have continued and hatred has continued to accumulate. In addition, Xingluo's current emperor is magnificent and powerful, and his national power is strong. Xingluo was destroyed.

"Your Majesty, Spirit Hall is the biggest threat at this time." Ning Fengzhi persuaded: "Although Xingluo is strong, it is not easy to defeat my Tiandou, but Spirit Hall is different."

"In my opinion, the Wuhun Palace has the ambition to unify the continent, and its strength is so strong that no one clan or country can compete. If we don't unite, we will be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

After speaking, Ning Fengzhi paused, "Wuhundian is the biggest enemy at present, and it is the first threat. We can fight against it only by forming an alliance. If Xingluo wants to invade Tiandou afterwards, I will represent Qibao Glazed Tile Sect to cooperate with Tiandou." advance and retreat."

Ning Fengzhi's words can be described as bold. If Xueqinghe was really Xueqinghe, then maybe he would agree. After all, although these sects nominally belong to the two empires, they are actually small independent kingdoms that are completely unaffected. Imperial control.

The change of country is meaningless to these sects, neither Xingluo nor Tiandou will be enemies of these powerful and ancient sects.

And Ning Fengzhi's words were equivalent to binding the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to the Heaven Dou Empire, at least he didn't have to worry about Xing Luo turning his guns to attack Tian Dou afterwards.

However, Ning Fengzhi was not impulsive, but after careful consideration. If he couldn't resist in the Spirit Hall, then everything would be out of the question. If the Spirit Hall was allowed to unify the continent, with the dominance of the Spirit Hall, the sect would inevitably belong to him. In the country, how could these proud ancient sects be willing.

However, the Spirit Hall is so powerful that even if it resists the Hall of Spirits, or even destroys the Hall of Spirits, then the two empires will definitely lose their vitality, and it is impossible to fight again in a short time.

And when his daughter inherits the suzerain position, then the words of his former suzerain will naturally be invalidated. After that, it has nothing to do with him whether Xingluo Mietiandou or Tiandou Mie Xingluo, whoever he helps will naturally see the choice at the time .

"What the teacher said is true, but this matter is of great importance, may I think about it for a few more days."

Xue Qinghe made a gesture of emotion.

"Of course, then I will come back to discuss with His Majesty in a few days."

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly and quickly loosened his brows. Although he felt that Xue Qinghe was a little indecisive, this matter was after all a major event that could change the pattern of the continent. He should think about it for a few more days. He had no reason not to agree to come to Xue Qinghe .

"Okay, I'll see the teacher off."

After sending Ning Fengzhi away, Xue Qinghe returned to the palace, the gentleness on his face disappeared, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect likes to jump up and down, why don't you obediently submit to my Spirit Hall?"

Ning Fengzhi was walking outside the palace, at this time Jian Douluo also came up.

"Fengzhi, what's the matter, has the emperor agreed?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "No, Your Majesty still has to think about it for a few days."

Jian Douluo frowned, "What are you thinking about, I think this Xue Qinghe is not as powerful as that Emperor Xue Ye."

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand, "No problem, I believe His Majesty will make the right decision."

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi had said this, Jian Douluo stopped talking and started talking about another matter.

"Just now a disciple of the sect sent a letter saying that Rong Rong's friend wants to see you."

"Rongrong's friend?" Ning Fengzhi was very pleased to hear that Ning Rongrong had made friends. He let Ning Rongrong out because Ning Rongrong was too lonely in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. People are deeply repulsed and have never had any true friends.

"Then let's meet, I don't know which family heir?"

For Ning Rongrong's friends, Ning Fengzhi still had the patience to meet them.

"I don't know, Rongrong didn't go into details in the letter, but said that the talent is very powerful, so we must pay attention to it."

Jian Douluo said as he took out an envelope and handed it to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi took it and opened the envelope. The letter was indeed exactly the same as Jian Douluo said, but then he frowned again.


Ning Rongrong hasn't made many friends in recent years, if it's a male friend, at most Xue Qinghe is considered one, and the letter also said that he joined the team formed by this person, so he quit the Tiandou Royal Academy, so this friend is obviously not ordinary Oh my friend.

Ning Fengzhi kept thinking about it.

"That's right." Jian Douluo nodded, but in his heart he was thinking about whether he should teach this man a lesson for daring to abduct his little princess from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Okay, send a letter back, see you tomorrow at Fengming Tower."

Ning Fengzhi loosened his brows, and showed a meaningful smile. If that person is really talented and agrees with Rongrong, then it's not a bad idea to recruit him to be the husband-in-law of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Soon the news spread to Shang An's mansion.


Shang An nodded casually, took a sip of tea, "Ning Fengzhi, I hope you'll be more sensible."

The former Lanba Academy.

Ever since Flender took over the academy, he changed the name and logo of the academy to Shrek, and after wearing that ugly shit yellow icon, the academy instantly felt like it had dropped a notch.

"Shrek, heh."

At this time, a man in a shabby black robe walked to the entrance of the academy.


The guard immediately stepped forward to stop the man.

"Shrek Academy, idlers are not allowed to enter."

Looking at the shabby-dressed man in front of him, the guard automatically classified him as an idler.

"Step aside!"

Tang San snorted coldly, his tone somewhat impatient.

"I said that idlers are exempt from entering."

Seeing that Tang San still wanted to go in, the guard of course refused, this man was dressed in rags, a beggar's outfit, what else was he wearing.If the beggar is put in, then he will lose his job.

"I'm a student here."

Resisting the urge to do something, Tang San reluctantly explained.

"Student?" The guard glanced at Tang San suspiciously, making sure he had never seen this student.

After all, Tang San didn't stay in Shrek Academy for long before leaving, and Tang San stayed in that space all day for nearly a year, without being exposed to the sun, his skin became a little pale, and with full After being tortured, his face changed a little, becoming more ferocious.

In short, he has changed from the former black boy to a brave and ruthless short mule, and he is not a good person at first sight.

"Where's your student ID card?" The guard still asked to prevent himself from making a mistake.

Tang San was slightly stunned for the student card. At the time when Dean Liu Erlong disappeared, the group of them intervened midway, and the academy hadn't been reformed yet, so they weren't issued a student card for the time being, at least not before he left. So he doesn't seem to have it now.

"I don't have a student card, but I am indeed a student here, you can contact the master."

"If you don't have a student ID, leave quickly."

Seeing that Tang San didn't have a student certificate, the guard immediately lost his face, and waved his hands directly to chase people away.

Still trying to get in touch with the master con artist?A fat man who doesn't want to teach ordinary students eats and drinks all day long, and even he can't beat him. If it wasn't for the fat man's relationship with the dean, how could he stay in the academy? I want to come and eat and drink.

"Step aside!"

Tang San saw the guard's hand waving towards him, grabbed it, and said with a vicious expression on his face.

The guard was startled by the evil spirit, and subconsciously wanted to get out of the way, but he stopped again when he realized that his back was leaning against Shrek Academy.

"Hey, you stinky beggar is still going crazy, take a good look, this is Shrek Academy, not a place for you to beg, if you don't leave, I will call someone."

Tang San's eyes turned cold, he dared to say that he was a beggar, there is a way to kill him, death is not a pity.

He exerted a slight force on his hand, and there was a dark force in it, and the guard's hand bones were pinched and creaked.

"Ah, let go, let me go!"

The guard wailed and said, he is just an ordinary great soul master, how could he stand Tang San's strength.

Hearing the doorman's screams, Tang San's pale face showed a morbid blush, he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, and his hands were even more forceful.

The guard's hand bone was crushed by him, and the bone pierced through the flesh.

"Ahhh! My hand!"

The guard hugged his hand and rolled on the ground in pain.

Tang San glanced at the guard coldly, it was a pity, now it was broad daylight, it was not easy to kill people.

He stepped into the academy, and at the same time said something coldly to the guard.

"Don't look down on people."

Then stepped over the guard's body.


A blond man who was about to go out immediately shouted when he saw the miserable situation of the guard, and walked towards Tang San angrily.

"Who are you, you dare to come to my Shrek Academy to make trouble."

Because of the change in Tang San's appearance, Dai Mubai really didn't recognize Tang San for a while.

Tang San was about to explain his identity, but thinking of Dai Mubai's insult to him, he closed his mouth again.

Coincidentally, his strength has greatly increased now, so he will try Dai Mubai.

Seeing that Tang San didn't answer, Dai Mubai was a little angry, "Hmph, kid, I don't care who you are, if you dare to come to my Shrek Academy to make trouble, you will have to pay the price."

"White tiger, possessed."

Huang Huangzi's three soul rings appeared on his body. After this year, his soul power has risen to level 39, only one level away from becoming a soul sect.

Seeing Dai Mubai's spirit ring, Tang San showed a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"It's been almost a year, and you are still a soul master, what a waste."

"who are you?"

Hearing Tang San's tone, Dai Mubai took another careful look at Tang San, this appearance looks familiar!Kind of like that little dick.
(End of this chapter)

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