Chapter 131 Tang San is gone
Yu Xiaogang's face was a little ugly, he didn't expect Shrek to encounter Waterloo in the second match, his face was very gloomy, and he cursed secretly:
"Dai Mubai and the others are really a bunch of trash, if it wasn't for Xiao San's absence, how could they have lost this match."

He is very dissatisfied with Dai Mubai and the others who usually don't listen to his teachings, and this time they even lost the game, making Yu Xiaogang's dissatisfaction reach a peak.

In his opinion, if Dai Mubai and the others obeyed his teachings like Xiaosan, then this match would not be lost.

But fortunately, the qualifiers adopt a single round-robin competition system, ranked by points, this division, as the largest division of Tiandou, has five places, and they still have a chance.

"I don't know where Xiaosan is now. Could it be that someone thought Xiaosan was too genius and secretly murdered him."

Yu Xiaogang was startled, this is not impossible, although the rules of the competition are strict, and once found out, he will face the pursuit of the two empires and the Hall of Spirits, but even so, this kind of thing still cannot be completely eliminated.

"Little San, don't worry."

Thinking of that possibility, Yu Xiaogang's heart was filled with worry. Although Tang San had Tang Hao behind him, what if Tang Hao wasn't there at that time, just like the Star Forest.

If Tang San was really assassinated by someone, then he, a master, would really never have a bright future.

Shrek's match this time disappointed the audience. At first they thought it was a dark horse that could go forward, but they didn't expect to lose so thoroughly in the second match.

"Where's that boy named Wannian Fourth Ring?"

"I don't know, is it hiding strength?"

"Is that Shrek's teacher a fool? He hid his strength in the preliminaries and deliberately lost, right?"

"It's gone, Shrek is a garbage academy, I think the first match was just luck."

"Damn it, I even bet on Shrek, what a fucking piece of trash."

The so-called higher the expectation, the higher the disappointment. The audience who had full expectations for Shrek experienced such a gap at this time, not to mention that many people even bet on Shrek. After losing money, they immediately turned into Shrek black fans and crazily belittled Shrek. abuse.

Shang An was not surprised by this, without the celestial grass, the rest of the Shrek people were just ordinary geniuses, and in this Continental Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition where the geniuses gathered, they could only lose sight of everyone.

A concentrated garbage dump in Tiandou City,
In a big sack in a garbage mountain in the middle of here,
The groggy Tang San forced himself to open his eyes.


Severe pain, bursts of severe pain came from all over the body, especially the waist, as if being pressed by some hard object, Tang San moved his body with support.

It turned out that there was a damaged small hammer under his waist, and the handle of the hammer penetrated the sack and pressed against his damaged waist.

"Damn hammer."

After cursing, Tang San thought of that man again.

"Damn it, just wait, I will definitely be back."

"And Xiao Wu!"

Thinking of Xiao Wu, Tang San was filled with grief and desolation.

His Xiao Wu really didn't want him anymore, she threw herself into the arms of others, and even regarded him as an enemy.

This was the only time in his past and present life that he loved someone so deeply, yet she hurt him so deeply.

"I will definitely snatch you back!"

Tang San's eyes were full of twists, even if Xiao Wu fell in love with someone else, so what, he would kill that man, snatch her back, if he could not get her heart, he would get her man.

What's more, Tang San also believed that it was that man who bewitched Xiao Wu, with his bond with Xiao Wu, as long as that man died, Xiao Wu would soon remember how good her brother was, and throw herself into her arms again.

Now Xiao Wu has almost become Tang San's obsession.

Lying in the garbage dump again panting for a while, and staying with Yu Xiaogang for a long time, Tang San no longer felt the smell of garbage.

He reached out from his pocket and took out a small carving knife, which he used to carve hidden weapons.

Using a carving knife to cut a hole in the sack, Tang San supported the rubbish on the rubbish mountain and climbed out with difficulty.

He moved his legs, wanting to leave the garbage dump, when suddenly an extremely intense pain hit his forehead.

Tang San was taken aback, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Regardless of the situation, he hastily unbuttoned his trouser pockets and looked down.

Goodbye is just empty and empty~

"I want you to die, I want you to die!"

The people who were about to throw away the garbage at the garbage dump shrank when they heard the howling like a ghost.

"There will be no ghosts?"

"I can't tell, but it's still a eunuch after hearing the voice."

"Granny? Hiss~"

"Go, go, don't get entangled."

Several people left in a hurry after throwing away the trash.

In front of the rubbish mountain, Tang San looked crazy, beating the rubbish in front of him desperately, and let out a sharp howl from time to time, because he didn't know Shang An's name, he could only keep shouting 'I want to die, I want you to die ' and so on, he didn't calm down a bit until the flesh on his arm was torn and the bones were exposed.

And then the eyes are blind,

From then on he could no longer hold his chest out and say he was a man.

Although he has never used this thing in his past and present lives.

But he can use it, but he can't live without it!

What's the point of living without it?
After sitting on the garbage dump for three full hours, the sun was setting.

Only then did Tang San stand up, only hatred and anger remained in his eyes.

He can't die yet, he wants revenge!

The divine power of suffering in his body unexpectedly surged at this moment, a loud voice seemed to come from ancient times, resounding in Tang San's ears.

"The fifth test of the God of Suffering, the punishment is completed, and the reward is to increase the soul power by five levels."

Um, this is it?

A wave of soul power emerged from Tang San's body out of thin air, Tang San's level 42 bottleneck was instantly broken through, and his strength soared all the way to level 47. Feeling the surging soul power in his body, Tang San reacted.

Under the influence of that divine power, his body recovered a lot, but when he touched the bottom, it was still empty.

Facing this familiar prompt from the gods at this time, Tang San didn't know how to feel.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, he actually completed the fifth test, but he would rather not have this reward.

"However, can one become a god and be reborn with a severed limb?"

A bit of hope suddenly appeared in Tang San's eyes. Although mortals can't do anything, gods might not be able to do this. As long as he becomes a god, wouldn't he be able to become a real man again.

"There is also that Divine Doctor Ye, although I feel that his healing ability should not be able to do this, but you can also ask him to try."

Tang San thought of Ye Cunxin who helped him heal his eyes back then, although the injury this time was more serious than that of the eyes, it could be said that it turned into a puddle of flesh, but it's not a bad idea to ask him to try.

But I have to find my aunt again, after all, I don't know that Ye Cunxin.

After tidying up the torn and messy clothes a little, Tang San didn't care anymore, and walked directly to the competition area.

One must continue to participate in the competition, one is to find out the identity of the person who hit him, and the other is to make a name for himself first, so that he can discuss cooperation with the Qinghe Emperor and the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

And even though he was beaten up by Shang An, he still believed that Shang An would not dare to blatantly attack him under the nose of the Heaven Dou Empire.

This time, he will not impulsively run to find Xiao Wu again.

"who are you?"

Not surprisingly, the guard stopped Tang San.

"Get out of the way!" Tang San shouted skillfully.

"This is the sub-division of the All-Continent Elite Soul Master Competition, beggars are not allowed to enter." The guard glanced at Tang San and said.

"I'm not a beggar for a guy who looks down on people with a dog's eyes!"

Being regarded as a beggar again, Tang San was furious, if he hadn't been afraid that he would be disqualified for injuring the guard, he would have made a move a long time ago.

The guard looked Tang San up and down, the dirty chicken nest head, the ragged and inferior clothes, there was still a lot of dirt on them, and the body also exuded a strong garbage smell, it looked like he had just walked out of the garbage dump , isn't this obvious?
"Also say you are not a beggar!"

Tang San clenched his fists. Although he still had a few gold soul coins that hadn't been looted, he could go to a hotel to change clothes, but he was in a hurry to find Yu Xiaogang, so he didn't find a place to clean his body. Thinking of being stopped by this guard, does he have a grudge against the guard?Even a guard stopped him.

Even if he is not well dressed now, this is not the reason for the guard dog to look down on people, Tang San's voice gradually became cold and stern,

"You will not let me!"

"Hmph." The guard was about to drive away the smelly beggar who was polluting the air in front of him, when suddenly a smell of excrement came from behind.

"Little San, is that you?"

Yu Xiaogang's surprised voice sounded.

"Teacher." Tang San also saw Yu Xiaogang.

Although Tang San's appearance was really bad at this time, Yu Xiaogang, who had a deep relationship between master and apprentice, recognized his beloved apprentice Tang San at a glance. He walked up quickly and saw the blurred flesh and blood on Tang San's hands and the scars on his body.

Immediately, his voice was sharp, and anger appeared in his eyes, "Little San, who hurt you like this!"

Tang San shook his head, didn't mention Shang An, it wasn't that he didn't want to confess Shang An, but so what if he said it, could he avenge himself with Yu Xiaogang, a great soul master?

Or report to the organizer of the competition?

But I was the first to provoke, so if I reported it, even if Shang An was really punished, I would be disqualified from the competition, and the gain outweighed the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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