Douluo: I am an extraterrestrial demon

Chapter 137 One-eyed Douluo Tang 3, Shrek loses again

Chapter 137 One-eyed Douluo Tang San, Shrek loses again
When that hammer fell heavily, Shi Nian's body was thrown to the ground like a rag bag, his chest collapsed, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief. Only the last breath left.

He pointed at Tang San, his fingers suddenly shifted slightly, as if he saw something.

"you you"

Without saying a word, Tang San approached slowly with the golden giant hammer, like a god of death harvesting life, under Shi Nian's horrified eyes.

Fall hard.

"Phew, it looks like I'm not good at it."

Shang An took out a towel and wiped the blood stained on the brick made of deep-sea immersion silver, and then put it back into the storage ring casually.

I looked again at the time when I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you're not dead yet?"

"伱" was terrified at that time.

"Forget it, your martial spirit is not bad, you can study it carefully, and don't waste it."

In his unwilling and terrified eyes, Shang An drove an origin orb into his body, directly absorbing the origin of Canmeng Martial Soul.

But in a short time, Shi Nian, who was already on the verge of death, was sucked to death by life and death, and the original pearl returned to Shang An's hands.

He threw it into the storage ring, and then looked at Tang San who was lying face to face on the ground.

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed a lucky person, and you can still explode if you are like this."

When Shi Nian was chasing and killing Tang San, he discovered that he had marks on Shi Nian's body, but he had been quietly following behind him, and watched Tang San's torture all the way.

When Shi Nian followed them before, they were going to be killed by Nihuang directly, but Shang An wanted to see if Shi Nian would go after Tang San as before, so he stopped Nihuang and just asked her to kill Tang San. It's time for a warning.

As expected, Shi Nian still made a move.

But this time Tang San didn't enter the Eye of Ice and Fire, and didn't have the material to make the Hades Post, so Shang An wanted to see how Tang San would break the situation.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Nian was rambunctious, his mouth was like a machine gun, and he had to say everything clearly about himself. He had all the bad qualities of a villain, and he didn't make up for it in time after Tang San was recruited. .

In the end, the divine power in Tang San's body was awakened, which directly made him kill Shi Nian. If Shang An hadn't made a move, Shi Nian would have died in Tang San's hands.

I saved Shi Nian's life, so it shouldn't be too much to take his life again.

I poured the corpse water that I refined on Shi Nian's body, and Shi Nian soon melted into a pool of yellow liquid, leaving only a crystal clear jewel-like object and a jade tablet lying in place.

Use your soul power to pick up those two things. The crystal is a head soul bone, ten thousand years old, better than nothing, and can be filled into the treasure house of the Wuhun Temple. As for the jade tablet, it is a storage soul tool.

Shang An poured his soul power into it, penetrated with his spiritual power, and found that there was a space about five cubic meters in size, and besides a few clothes, there was a small pile of gold soul coins and a few photo balls.

Take out the picture ball and take a look, good guy, it is all the pictures of those who were tortured to death by him before they died, what a quirk!After waving his hands to destroy these photo balls, Shang An suddenly found that there was a notebook under the clothes in the jade card space.

He took out the notebook and opened it to see that it recorded various experimental data of the seven-in-one fusion technique, as well as ideas about different types of seven-in-one martial soul fusion techniques. The notes on the last page are still a bit new, it seems It was written not long ago.


Shang An flipped through another two pages casually, and found that Nian was still a bit talented at this time, at least much better than a certain master.The seven-in-one fusion technique is almost completed, and the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique is also a little bit of a prospect.

If it can be improved and spread to the army of soul masters, it can be regarded as a medium-sized killer weapon, and it is more useful than that soul bone.

Putting this book away, Shang An suddenly thought of the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique invented by Master Zhong Yu in the original book, maybe it was because of reading this notebook.

It is very possible to think so!Tang San killed Shi Nian, and then handed this notebook to Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang sorted out the seven-in-one fusion technique based on the data in the notebook, and then called it his own research.

You must know that the seven-in-one fusion technology can never be invented overnight. It can be seen from the notes that it has been studied for many years, but how could it be possible for Yu Xiaogang's talent to be invented in such a short period of time? According to a display of Canghui College, its principle was researched.

"I see."

Shang An laughed, it seems that Shrek's seven-in-one should not be seen this time.

Putting away the notes, he looked at Tang San in front of him again. He hit the back of the head hard and fell into a severe coma. Now he was completely defenseless against him.

Turning Tang San's body over, looked at Tang San's cheeks, and gently brushed a section of hair blocking his eyes for him.

Shang An felt that something was wrong, always felt a little uncoordinated.

"Oh, by the way, I made him a one-eyed Douluo back then, but now his eye is healed."

Seeing Tang San's intact eyes, Shang An suddenly remembered the ardent expectations he had for Tang San before, no wonder he always felt that Tang San was a bit strange, it turned out that his eyes were not blind.

"Little Sanzi, let you continue to be a one-eyed Douluo, you can't live up to my expectations."

Shang An smiled and opened Tang San's left eyelid, and poured some of his secret corpse-resolving water into it.

But in a moment, Tang San's left eye was completely corroded, and some disgusting yellow liquid emerged from a hollow eye socket, making Tang San look like an evil ghost walking from hell.

Seeing Tang San's signs of waking up from pain, Shang An added another brick to ensure that he could sleep until tomorrow afternoon, and then left in style.

"The road is uneven, it's a brick, it's time to deal with the black hands, it's hot and fast."

the next day,
Shrek and the others were anxiously waiting again.

"Then what's the matter with Tang San, he doesn't come every time."

Ma Hongjun complained, waiting for Shrek Academy to fight against Canghui Academy, but Tang San hasn't shown himself since yesterday, and he hasn't even seen himself.

The master is also very upset, and he is extremely worried. Could it be that Xiao San was beaten up like last time?
He slammed his fist on the table so hard that his own fist hurt.

"Damn, who is it!"

Tang San didn't want to tell him last time, so he didn't care too much, but this time Tang San didn't show up again, what if he came out and surprised him?
"It seems that only a few of us will go up again."

Dai Mubai spread his hands, his face darkened, even he had to admit that without Tang San, they might not be able to enter the final with their strength.

Half an hour passed by, Tang San still didn't come back.

The referee announced, "Contestants from Shrek Academy and Canghui Academy are invited to come on stage."

The Shrek seven could only bite the bullet and play.

Canghui Academy is definitely a strong team. Although their individual strength is not strong, they have a seven-in-one fusion skill, which has been tried and tested repeatedly in the battle with other teams.

So far, it has only lost to Crystal Academy and Blazing Academy.

Several people from Canghui Academy set up their positions as soon as they entered the field. Following the referee's verdict, seven gem-like martial spirits emerged. The gems are of various colors and shapes, including rhombus, triangle, and square.

"Stop them quickly."

Dai Mubai sternly shouted, the spirit possessed him and took the lead in the charge.

Canghui Academy's seven-in-one fusion skill had been exposed in the previous few battles, so many teams were prepared, knowing that the best chance was to interrupt them before they finished.

It's just that if it was that simple, it wouldn't be Canghui Academy's trump card.

"Colorful Barrier!" The captain of Canghui Academy shouted, then looked at the Shrek seven with a sly smile.

The seven people headed by the captain of Canghui Academy raised their hands and shot out a beam of light, which gathered into a light curtain and blocked Shrek and the others.

Then the seven-color light illuminated the audience.

The seven-in-one fusion technique, the illusion of the seven Asuras, is done!
This Seventh Shura Illusion is somewhat similar to the seventh soul ring of that year, and it is the thing that arouses people's last unwillingness to face, but it is still a bit worse than that of that year.

But it was enough for Shrek, the highest soul masters.

With the shroud of colorful light, the seven Shrek people were immediately affected and fell into the environment.

Jiang Zhu saw her mother, who had no money to buy medicine, collapsed on the hospital bed and wailed non-stop, and finally gradually became lifeless.

Ma Hongjun saw that his lower body was pecked by chickens, and he could no longer use it. In the end, the evil fire exploded and died.

Dai Mubai saw Zhu Zhuqing lying in Shang An's arms panting tenderly, and then saw himself tied to a pillar, and his eldest brother Davis approached slowly with a sharp knife.

tyrone saw
"We lost again." Yu Xiaogang clenched his fists, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the seven Shrek people were completely immersed in the illusion.

Afterwards, the seven Shrek people fell to the ground one after another immersed in the illusion, losing the ability to resist.

The referee declared Canghui Academy the winner.

Everyone at Canghui Academy withdrew their soul skills, and after a while, Dai Mubai, who woke up from the illusion, walked off the ring with an ugly face, not only because he lost the game, but also because if nothing unexpected happens, what happened in the illusion will also be changed. will repeat itself in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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