Douluo: I am an extraterrestrial demon

Chapter 147 Tang San's Chance?

Chapter 147 Tang San's Chance? (two in one)

Shang An buried his head between Bibi Dong's hair, and greedily inhaled the smell of Bibi Dong's body. He hadn't seen the teacher for a long time, and he missed him very much.

"Xiao An, you are back."

With a trembling voice, Bibi Dong turned around and hugged Shang An tightly. Compared to Shang An, she missed her even more.

"Yes, teacher, were you thinking of me just now?"

Shang An's hand passed through Bibi Dong's leg, and gently picked her up and placed her on his lap.

"Well, I miss you, I miss you every day."

At this time, Bibi Dong is completely like a little woman, and she is very attached to Shang An's aura.

After coming here for a while, Bibi Dong finally recovered, but Shang An still did not leave.

"Teacher, let's deal with these files together."

"Well, listen to you."

"Teacher, why don't we deal with the file first?"

"Xiao An, you were the one who started the fire just now."

After a long time, Bibi Dong finally let go of Shang An, with satisfaction in his eyes.

Shang An also breathed a sigh of relief.
"Teacher, you make it difficult for me to do this!"

"Oh, how can I make it easy for you to do it?"

Bibi Dong looked at Shang An with a faint smile, the corners of her mouth curled up, showing all sorts of amorous feelings.

Thinking about it now, this disciple probably had thoughts about her very early on.

Otherwise, why would a lonely child be afraid of the dark?

However, she likes it.

This time, the Pope worked in the Pope's Palace until the sun went down to the tall building before returning to his bedroom, which attracted the sincere admiration of everyone in the Wuhun Hall. As expected of the Pope, he was so dedicated to his work.

Wuhun's prosperity is inseparable from the Pope's wise guidance.

In the bedroom, Bibi Dong was still wearing the Pope's robe, looking noble and glamorous.

"Xiao An, what exercises do you want to teach me?"

"Of course it is the wonderful method of intertwining yin and yang in the world."

"Heaven and earth yin and yang?" Bibi Dong was a little puzzled.

"Yes, this is the book, suitable for master and apprentice to practice together."

Shang An took out an "ancient book" from the storage ring.

Bibi Dong took this so-called secret book, as expected, it is very mysterious, every move in the book seems to contain the ultimate principle of yin and yang.

"Well, Xiao An, you are right, these secret techniques are very profound, we must practice hard."

After making preparations for cultivation, the two began to immerse themselves in cultivation, and their understanding of Tao continued to improve.

After a long time, Shang An finished his practice and was lying on the bed to rest for a while, while helping the teacher beside him cover him with a quilt.

Today, he helped the teacher practice, and he really did his filial piety.

Then he thought of Qian Renxue, he sent someone to send a letter to her before he left, she should have received it.

And on the other side,
Tang San left Shrek Academy to go out for a stroll, he didn't know why he wasted his time here, but it seemed that there was some kind of destiny guiding him.

Passing by a stall selling exotic treasures, one of the blood-red stones suddenly attracted him.

He walked up to the stall owner calmly, and picked up a small tripod casually.

"Boss, how do you sell this?"

The boss stretched out five fingers, "Tianwen Jinding, fifty gold soul coins."

Tang San frowned and put down this small tripod, then picked up the residual picture next to it, "What about this one?"

"Treasure map, twenty gold soul coins." The boss stretched out two fingers this time.

After inquiring about a few more items, Tang San picked up the original small tripod again.

"That's all, but fifty gold soul coins are too expensive, I have to bring a few more things as a foil."

As he spoke, he casually picked up the strange blood-red stone, "This stone is really pretty, so let's use it as an addition."

He took out fifty gold soul coins and wanted to pay the bill, but was stopped by the boss.

The boss sneered, thinking that he couldn't see through this set of tricks. Although he picked up the stone casually, he still couldn't study it thoroughly, as if it had no other use except hardness, and the kid in front of him obviously wanted it very much. If you still turned a corner to buy this stone, then don't blame him for killing it fiercely, "This stone is five hundred gold soul coins."

"What, why don't you go grab it!"

Tang San shouted, although he cooperated with Tiandou Empire and Qibao Glazed Tile School, he didn't receive any money. According to those in charge, the money was used to purchase various furniture to enrich the Tangmen's resident .

Regarding Tangmen, Tang San had an obsession in his heart, and wanted to make it bigger and stronger, so naturally he didn't object.

So now he only has two thousand gold soul coins left, which was the reward from the preliminary round.

"Hehe, this is much faster than grabbing."

The boss looked at the angry Tang San expressionlessly, he had seen this kind of person a lot, and he still wanted to take advantage of him, not to trick you.

Although Tang San really wanted to turn around and leave, but the blood-red stone had a throbbing feeling, making him feel that this was his chance, he didn't want to miss it.

"you are vicious!

Tang San said viciously, and took out a large bag from the storage device, because he couldn't trust the Spirit Bank opened by the Spirit Hall, so he exchanged his own money for more reliable golden soul coins.

"and many more."

He actually agreed, and it seems that he can continue to cheat, the boss's heart moved, and he stopped Tang San again.

"What's the matter?" Tang San now only wanted to buy this blood-red stone, and didn't want to haggle over with the boss.

"Five hundred is the price just now, and now this stone costs one thousand." The boss showed a profiteer's smile.

"What? You are sitting on the ground and raising the price!"

Tang San wished he could shoot the case, and angrily reprimanded the boss.

"Just say whether you want it or not."

The boss raised Erlang's legs, looking nonchalant.

Tang San gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll buy it!"

He took out a bag of gold soul coins from the storage soul tool, which is half of his net worth!
The boss was slightly surprised, he was willing to do all of this, but he wanted this stone so much. Is there anything special about the stone, but this fat sheep seems to be able to be slaughtered, and his heart is moving.

He stretched out his hand uncontrollably.

"Wait, it's two thousand gold soul coins now."

Tang San's expression froze, this person was sent by Flender to disgust him, it must be, otherwise why the way of raising prices is exactly the same.Sure enough, damn Flender.

The malice towards Flender in his heart deepened again.

"Are you sure you don't want to sell?"

Taking a deep breath, Tang San showed his aura slightly, he is a dignified inheritor of the gods, how can Tang Sanshao be tricked repeatedly, this is unbearable.

So he wanted to use his aura to force him. He was a majestic Soul Sect. He thought that this boss who could only set up a stall and didn't even have a shop would be a strong man. If he threatened him himself, maybe He would obediently hand over that thing and save himself some money.

Tang San was thinking beautifully, but the boss looked at Tang San with a weird face, has this kid been so brave all this time? Doesn't he look very smart? Doesn't he know that there is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger in Tiandou City? Is it possible for a brick to hit a soul emperor?
Six soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, came out of his body, and a bright red brick appeared in his hand.

"Boy, what did you just say about selling it or not, huh?"

Tang San's eyes suddenly froze, this is actually a strong Soul Emperor, wow, why is he so unlucky.

And for some reason, when he saw that brick, he felt a dull pain in the back of his head, as if he had been hit by something similar, which made him a little scared.

"Senior, I have just lost my eyesight, so here I offer you a thousand gold soul coins."

"not enough."

The boss looked at Tang San with a half-smile, and exerted a little force on the hand holding the brick.

Tang San hastily put down the things in his hands, reluctantly took out the remaining golden soul coins in the soul tool.

"It's time-conscious."

The boss said with a smirk, and tapped the soul coins in the bag. This adds up to two thousand gold soul coins, which is not a small gain. up.

Suddenly the smile on his face became sincere, looking at Tang San, "It's gone?"

Tang San trembled, this must be a devil, he hurriedly said: "Senior, it's really gone."

It's not that he's really so afraid of this soul emperor, even if he uses all means, he won't be the one who will kill the deer. After all, he knows not only soul power, but also hidden weapons and poison.

It's just that this is the block of Tiandou City, it's not suitable to make a big noise, and I don't know why I am quite afraid of this brick-shaped Wuhun, so Tang San behaved like this.

"Then get out." Hearing that Tang San had no money to fish, the shop owner lowered his head bored, put away the coins in front of him, and didn't look at Tang San again.

"Senior, then this gem."

Tang San stared at the ruby ​​he put back on the stall, he could feel that this gem was extremely important to him, even if he lost two thousand gold soul coins today, it would not be a loss.

"If you want, go back and get two thousand gold soul coins." The boss didn't even raise his head, he was not interested in people without money.

"You!" Tang San pointed at the boss and wanted to get angry.

"What are you!" The boss's brick resurfaced in his hand.

Tang Sanshi suppressed his anger and said: "Okay, wait for me."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

I can't get this stone for the time being, so stay here and listen to the boss's cynicism?
Back at the residence, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he even really suspected that the boss belonged to Flender, because his martial spirit was so similar to the mastermind who knocked him out, and his behavior style was similar to that of Flender. Simply the same.

So he went to the people of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School angrily, borrowed hundreds of gold soul coins from their surprised eyes, and then ran to the Heaven Dou Empire to borrow, and after one round, he finally collected two thousand gold soul coins. Run back quickly to find the boss.

It would be bad if that stone was bought by someone else.

As a result, when he passed by, the place was already empty, and the boss had closed the stall.

He cursed secretly in his heart, and returned to his room brilliantly.

As for going to Xue Qinghe or Ning Fengzhi, he was embarrassed to tell his two partners about such a shameful matter, otherwise wouldn't it make them look down on him, even though Tang San is only a little soul sect now, but he has already put himself out of the way Being on the same position as Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi, of course he couldn't hold back this face.

Moreover, this matter is not a glorious matter in the final analysis. It is a fact that he threatened others. If he fails to intimidate, he will be cheated. How could he say it, which only makes people laugh.

It's a pity that he didn't tell these two people, it doesn't mean they don't know, because of Shang An, Xue Qinghe still pays close attention to Tang San's affairs.

At this time, a soul master from the Heaven Dou Empire stood in the main hall and told Xue Qinghe about the matter in detail, including asking him to borrow money, and the news from the spies in the neighborhood afterwards.

"He fell in love with a blood-red stone, and then he was tricked instead of being threatened?"

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words, the son of Haotian Douluo actually behaved like this.But she was somewhat interested in the blood-red stone, she touched the back of her hand and said lightly:

Go and find the soul emperor, and then arrange for someone to buy the stone. Remember to disguise your identities and say that you belong to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.


The man responded respectfully and stepped back.

The efficiency of Tiandou Empire is still not slow, especially after being infiltrated by Wuhundian.

In just three moments, the blood-red stone was delivered to Xue Qinghe's hands, she picked up the stone curiously, and suddenly a sense of disgust arose from the bottom of her heart, as if what she was holding was not a stone at all, But something dirty.

She suppressed her nausea, and carefully inspected the stone with her soul power and mental power, but she found nothing abnormal, but she didn't believe it was an ordinary stone, and ordinary stones would cost Tang San a thousand gold Do you want to borrow money to buy it?Could ordinary stones make themselves so loathsome?

"Maybe my cultivation level is not enough." Qian Renxue thought about wrapping the stone with a layer of sandpaper, then put it into the lead box, and finally put the lead box into the storage bag.

"Take it back and show it to Shang An, he is so amazing, he should be able to figure out the origin of this stone."

Anyway, regardless of whether it is a real ordinary stone or not, we must not give the enemy what they want, this is what Shang An taught her.

Early the next morning,

"What? Someone bought it!" Tang San asked loudly to the boss in front of him, "Didn't you agree to keep it for me?"

The boss raised his eyebrows, "I didn't say that I must sell it to you, of course I will sell it to whoever offers the highest price."

Tang San's two rows of teeth were tightly biting together, trembling all over, his chance was actually snatched away like this.

"Who bought it?" He said a few words through his teeth.

As long as he knows the person, he still has a chance. At worst, he will ask Emperor Qinghe and Sect Master Ning. These two people will always give him some face for his partner.

Seeing Tang San's appearance, the boss picked out his ears and said with a sneer: "Why, if you want to grab it, it's okay to tell you, the buyer is a member of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, you go to the Blue Electric Overlord School to grab it."

"Blue Lightning Bawangzong." Tang San muttered these words, not paying attention to the disdain in the boss's tone.

The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is one of the top three sects, and there is a Titled Douluo in the formation. How could he win it? It seems that he really has to ask for help. His hands hurt, and he walked back silently. He had a premonition that he might lose this opportunity, so he no longer cared about shame.

As for revenge against this boss, it can only be postponed.

Soon he came to the palace of the Heaven Dou Empire, and under the notice of the guards, he entered the palace of the Heaven Dou Empire smoothly, passed through the splendid and luxurious buildings, and arrived in front of Xue Qinghe.

"Tang Gongfu is here, sit down, why did you come to me? Is there something wrong with the production line?"

Xue Qinghe arranged for someone to set up the seats, and then asked with a gentle and friendly expression.

"No, back to Your Majesty, the production line is fine, this time I am here for a private matter."

Tang San smiled with a stiff expression.

"Oh, private matter, Tang Enshrin's matter is my Tiandou's matter, if you need anything, just say it."

Tang San was extremely moved by Xue Qinghe's generous wave of his hand and the look of pushing him to his confidant.

"Your Majesty, I saw a stone on the street before. That stone was my mother's relic that I accidentally lost. It was very important to me, so I wanted to buy it, but unexpectedly, it was bought by someone from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Let's go, Your Majesty, you also know."

After adding oil and vinegar, the stone became what he used to be. This matter was also told by Tang San from the perspective of the victim, although he really suffered.

"Under Tiandou's rule, there is such a domineering and cunning boss, and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect dares to snatch things enshrined by Tang."

Xue Qinghexiang pretended to be angry, "Don't worry, I will send people to the Blue Electric Overlord Sect to negotiate. Even if you are against the entire Blue Electric Overlord Sect, our Heaven Dou Empire will still stand firmly behind you .”

Listen, how well that is said.

Tang San felt greatly relieved, there are still good people in this world!He actually felt somewhat guilty for wanting to steal Xueqinghe's golden soul coins before.

Some people actually said that Emperor Qinghe was suspected of murdering his brother and brother. It really was a rumor. How could such a righteous person do such a rebellious thing.

In order not to disappoint Tang San, Xue Qinghe directly called a Contra from the Heaven Dou Empire to enshrine, and gave some orders.And he handed over his emperor's token to him, and asked him to negotiate with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in person, and his attitude must be tough, and he must get the blood-red stone.

After Contra agreed, he set off immediately, Tang San saw all this.

What a good man!
Full of anticipation in his arms, Tang San returned to his room and waited.

Contra drove the carriage quickly to the residence of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. The last three sects were all located within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, and it was not too far from the Heaven Dou City. In less than half a day, the fast-paced Contra had already Arrived.

"Who is coming?"

Two disciples guarding the mountain gate stopped the carriage.

Contra took out the token bestowed by Xue Qinghe, "I am enshrined by the Heaven Dou Empire, I have something to discuss with your suzerain, so hurry up and get out of the way."

The two disciples looked at each other, they didn't hear about the visit from the Heaven Dou Empire, but the token in their hands couldn't be faked, after some hesitation, the two of them made a way out, and one disciple ran up to report directly.

When the carriage entered the Landian Overlord Zong Shanmen Square, Yu Yuanzhen was already standing there waiting.

He stopped in front of the carriage, cupped his hands slightly, "I don't know why the envoy from the Heaven Dou Empire is here?"

The envoy of the Heaven Dou Empire suddenly ran over with the Emperor's Token, and he didn't know whether it was good intentions or malicious. Although the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect didn't necessarily fear the Heaven Dou Empire, it was located in the territory of Tian Dou after all, and Tian Dou The empire has a large number of troops, so it is better not to be evil or not to be evil.

Contra got out of the car, and slightly bowed his hands to Yu Yuanzhen. He now represents Emperor Tian Dou, so even if he faces Title Douluo, he doesn't need to be too respectful.

"Sect Master Yu is right, this is for the private affairs of one of my enshrined Tiandou."

"What's the matter?" Yu Yuanzhen looked a little ugly when he heard the words, it was actually for a personal matter, and this kind of matter should be discussed on the stage, it shouldn't be.

"Sect Master Yu, the new enshrinement of the Heaven Dou Empire, Tang San, had his eyes on a blood-red stone before, but was bought by someone from your Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Tang San was so obsessed with this stone that he couldn't sleep at night because of it. , and even asked His Majesty, His Majesty had no choice but to agree, so I came here to ask for this stone."

"For a stone." After hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen felt that the Contra in front of him was joking, was he playing tricks on him?Because a stone broke into his Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in a hurry, if the token in the hands of the person in front of him was not true, he would drive him out.

 (A little bit has been deleted, if you want to see the original version, please join the group to watch)

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(End of this chapter)

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