Chapter 338 Forgive
In the dark alley, Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao were meeting a man. If Feng Yue were here, they would immediately recognize that man as the one who harassed her.

"Boss, I have completed your task, when will I pay the final payment!" the man said to Cao Debao with a playful smile.

Qiao Chunyan took out a thick envelope, threw it to the man, and said, "Remember, we won't know each other in the future."

The man took the envelope, opened it and glanced at it, with a wider smile on his face.

"Don't worry, take money to do things, I understand the rules."

The man took the money and left without saying a word.

When there was no one left, Cao Debao said to Qiao Chunyan: "This Feng Huacheng is really weird. He paid someone to harass his daughter and even beat him up. Is he out of his mind?"

"If you're confused, he's not." Qiao Chunyan said angrily, "He's playing tricks."

Cao Debao reacted and said, "You mean he wants to act for his daughter, why?"

Qiao Chunyan sneered and said, "I asked the doctor about his illness, and I heard that a kidney transplant is necessary to survive. Only the kidneys of immediate relatives are suitable for him."

Cao Debao opened his mouth in surprise, and said in disbelief: "He wants his daughter's kidney to save his life, no way! That's his own daughter, how can he do it?"

Qiao Chunyan sneered and said: "In order to live, people can't do anything, let alone a kidney, so what if they have a heart."

Cao Debao shivered all over his body, feeling a chill in his heart.

"This Feng Huacheng is too ruthless, it's better for us to have less contact in the future!" Cao Debao said with lingering fear.

"Whether he is ruthless has nothing to do with us, as long as he can make money." Qiao Chunyan laughed.

Cao Debao said worriedly: "You are seeking skin from a tiger, be careful of being bitten back by him, I think we should not get involved in this crap, and forget it when we go back to Jichun."

Qiao Chunyan said unwillingly: "I just want to make money now, not to mention seeking skins from tigers, what if I just sleep with tigers."

Cao Debao wanted to persuade him again, but Qiao Chunyan seemed determined to scrape Feng Hua into a layer of oil.


Feng Yue returned home with anxiety. Zhou Rong was overjoyed at first when she saw her daughter, but she quickly put down her face.

Cai Xiaoguang didn't have so many airs, and welcomed Feng Yue into the room happily.

"Yueyue, have you eaten yet? Would you like me to get you something to eat?"

Feng Yue did not eat, but she really had no appetite.

"Uncle Xiaoguang, don't bother, I'm not hungry."

Cai Xiaoguang said with concern: "If you're not hungry, you haven't eaten. It's okay not to eat. I know you girls love beauty and want to lose weight, but you have to eat."

Feng Yue said seriously: "No need, I have something to tell you."

Seeing Feng Yue's serious look, Cai Xiaoguang thought she still cared about peeking at the diary, and explained: "Yueyue, I know it's wrong for us to peek at your diary, but we also care about you."

"It's not about the diary." Feng Yue put down his schoolbag, looked at Zhou Rong and said, "My dad is back."

Zhou Rong was taken aback when she heard the words, she never expected her daughter to say these words.

"Feng Huacheng looked for you!" Zhou Rong stood up excitedly and shouted.

Feng Yue nodded.

Cai Xiaoguang went to Zhou Rong and persuaded him, "Zhou Rong, Feng Huacheng is Yueyue's biological father after all, and he has the right to see his daughter."

Zhou Rong yelled: "Feng Huacheng divorced me back then, he had already given up Yueyue's custody rights, and went abroad without hesitation. I raised the child and he came back. What does he want?"

Feng Yue said calmly: "My dad is sick, very sick, the doctor said he won't live for a few days."

Zhou Rong was completely stunned, feeling a little complicated for a moment.

"He's not lying to you, to gain sympathy!" Zhou Rong couldn't believe it.

Feng Yue said speechlessly: "My dad is still lying in the hospital with terminal kidney failure. The doctor said that there is no other way but to replace the kidney."

Zhou Rong was completely silent when she heard it, but it was Cai Xiaoguang who was watching clearly and realized something.

"Yueyue, Feng Huacheng didn't ask you to donate your kidney to him, did you?"

Zhou Rong was shocked and looked up at her daughter.

Feng Yue hurriedly said: "My dad is not as dark as you think. He never asked me to donate a kidney to him. He just wanted to see me in the last few days of his life, and regretted it."

"Really?" Cai Xiaoguang said suspiciously: "Maybe I'm overthinking it! Tiger poison doesn't even eat children."

Zhou Rong frowned and asked, "Which hospital is he in now?"

Feng Yue replied: "He lives in Xiehe Hospital, he said he wanted to ask for your forgiveness, and leave without regret."

Zhou Rong fell silent again, feeling extremely complicated.

To be honest, Zhou Rong hated Feng Huacheng all these years because the divorce was very unpleasant.

But the opposite of hate is love, and there is no hate without love.

When she learned that Feng Huacheng was going to die soon, Zhou Rong's hatred suddenly disappeared.

Cai Xiaoguang has loved Zhou Rong all his life, and he knows her psychology too well. Zhou Rong wants to go to the hospital to see Feng Huacheng, but is concerned about his feelings.

"I'll send you to the hospital right away." Cai Xiaoguang is an old dog licking dog, and he can't do anything to embarrass Zhou Rong.

Zhou Rong said to Cai Xiaoguang apologetically, "Xiaoguang, I'm sorry."

Cai Xiaoguang smiled and said, "It's this time, how can I be jealous of Feng Huacheng."

The three packed up, called a car and rushed to the hospital.

Feng Yue took Zhou Rong to Feng Huacheng's ward, Cai Xiaoguang didn't go up, and stood downstairs waiting.

The moment Zhou Rong saw Feng Huacheng, tears flowed down her face uncontrollably.

Feng Huacheng had already fallen asleep at this time, and his bruised face healed a little.

The Feng Huacheng in Zhou Rong's impression was that high-spirited poet, even in the most difficult time in Guizhou, he did not show his weak side.

But now there is only a dying patient lying on the hospital bed.

Feng Huacheng didn't seem to be asleep, he slowly opened his eyes, and was a little dazed when he saw Zhou Rong.

"Am I dreaming? Zhou Rong, I can only see you in my dreams."

Zhou Rong walked slowly to the hospital bed and gently held Feng Huacheng's hand.

"You're not dreaming, it's really me."

Feng Huacheng opened his eyes abruptly, touching the wound at the corner of his eye, he sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Zhou Rong, it's really you." Feng Huacheng exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't move around, take care of your body." Zhou Rong whispered softly.

"Zhou Rong, I've always wanted to say I'm sorry to you. The divorce and the abandonment of you and Yueyue were all my fault. If time could start over, I would definitely not do that."

Zhou Rong shook her head and said, "I have long forgotten about Chen Zhima's rotten millet, so don't take it to heart, and rest at ease."

Feng Huacheng shook his head and said: "My illness has been cured. I know that. Apart from meeting your mother and daughter this time and asking for forgiveness, I just want to leave the inheritance to Yueyue."

Feng Yue said: "Didn't I tell you that I don't want your money."

Feng Huacheng said: "Yueyue, you are a sensible and good boy. Dad is very pleased, but this is the last thing Dad can do for you. I hope you don't refuse."

Feng Yue looked at his mother, Zhou Rong, hoping that she would come up with an idea.

"Your father wants to give it to you, so you can keep it. What you want to do with it in the future is up to you," Zhou Rong said.

"Alright then!" Feng Yue said.

Feng Huacheng was overjoyed, and said: "Most of my property is in France, Yueyue may go back to France with me to deal with some legal documents."

"Ah! I still have to go to France." Zhou Rong said in surprise.

Feng Huacheng regretted: "It is troublesome to deal with cross-border assets. I have no time to sell the property and transfer it to Yueyue in China."

Zhou Rong said worriedly: "Yueyue has never been abroad since she was a child, I am worried, and can your body hold it?"

Feng Huacheng said firmly: "Even if I try my best, I will hold on until the last moment. If you are worried, go to France with Yueyue. I will pay for the round-trip air ticket."

Zhou Rong frowned and said, "It's not about money, I want to discuss with Xiaoguang about something as big as going abroad."

"Should be, should be, if possible, I also want to see Cai Xiaoguang, and thank him in person for raising Yueyue so well." Feng Huacheng said.

"Cai Xiaoguang is downstairs, I'll call him up." Zhou Rong immediately ran out of the ward to call Cai Xiaoguang.

When Cai Xiaoguang learned that Feng Huacheng wanted Zhou Rong and Feng Yue to accompany him back to France, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, but for a while he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Do you want to go to France?" Cai Xiaoguang grabbed Zhou Rong and asked.

"This is his last wish." Zhou Rong wondered.

Cai Xiaoguang let go of Zhou Rong's hand and said, "As long as you and Yueyue really want to go, I won't stop it. If not, I'll buy a plane ticket and go together, and Feng Huacheng and I will disappear."

Zhou Rong said: "You should meet Feng Huacheng, he is only a few days away."

Cai Xiaoguang thought for a while and said, "Okay! I'll go see him."

Zhou Rong happily dragged Cai Xiaoguang upstairs, and as soon as she reached the door of the ward, she saw Feng Yue walking out.

"Hush, keep your voice down, he couldn't help falling asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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