Wang Gang and Tong Wenjie drove home separately. When they arrived at the parking lot downstairs, Wang Gang asked Tong Wenjie to get in first.

He got into Tong Wenjie's car and said, "I have something to tell you."

"What can't we say at home? It's already at the door?" Tong Wenjie asked confused.

Wang Gang said: "There are some things I don't want Fanfan to know."

"Then tell me!"

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Tong Wenjie said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, talk quickly!"

Wang Gang paused for two or three seconds before saying: "I was fired from the company."

Tong Wenjie's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "When did this happen? Why were there no signs at all?"

Wang Gang patiently explained: "Isn't my company about to merge? Mr. Yang wants to take action on me."

Tong Wenjie frowned and said: "You have worked in the company for 20 years, and you have worked hard without any credit. How can you be fired just because you want to be fired?"

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Now do you want to hear the good news?"

Tong Wenjie said in surprise: "You can still laugh now?"

Wang Gang said happily: "If you hear the good news from me, you will also laugh."

Tong Wenjie was furious when she saw Wang Gang's playful smile.

"When did you still have fun? Tell me what the good news is?" Tong Wenjie grabbed Wang Gang's arm.

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Didn't I come late just now? I was just discussing compensation with HR. How much compensation do you think I will get?"

Tong Wenjie said: "Did you lose a lot?"

Wang Gang raised a finger.

"One hundred thousand!?" Tong Wenjie misunderstood and immediately roared: "What's going on in your company? They fired you for just one hundred thousand!"

"Keep guessing." Wang Gang said with a smile on his face.

Tong Wenjie opened her mouth in surprise.

"Could it be 100 million?!"

Wang Gang directly announced the answer: "It's 150 million to [-]!"

Tong Wenjie was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

"How come there are so many? It's almost as much as your three years' salary?"

Wang Gang smiled and said: "I am an old employee of the company, and the compensation for dismissal is already large. What's more, now is the critical period of merger, so the company will naturally give more money to appease me!"

Tong Wenjie was a little worried when she heard that her husband had been fired. After all, her husband is not young anymore, and it is not easy for people in their 40s to find a job.

But with the compensation of 150 million, the situation is different.

Even for a middle-class family like the Fang family, 150 million is a lot of money.

"Husband, you said we suddenly had such a large amount of money, how should we use it well?" Tong Wenjie said longingly:
"How about we take Fanfan to a foreign country and bring your parents with us.

Or we can pay off the mortgage in advance and pay less interest! "

Wang Gang shook his head and said, "I plan not to look for a job this year and focus on supervising Fanfan's studies at home."

Tong Wenjie said displeased: "Although 150 is a lot, how old are you and you don't want to work anymore? The money will eventually run out."

Wang Gang took out his mobile phone and called up a video for Tong Wenjie to watch.

"When did you install a camera in your home?" Tong Wenjie discovered that the content of the video was from her own home.

"I installed it yesterday while you and Fanfan were sleeping. There are cameras available in supermarkets." Wang Gang explained:
"I deliberately didn't tell Fang Yifan, just to see if he could calm down and study when we weren't at home."

Tong Wenjie expressed her understanding, took Wang Gang's mobile phone, and played the video quickly to see her son's performance throughout the day.

As a result, the more Tong Wenjie looked at her, the darker her face became.

Fang Yifan was at home today. He did read for a while at first, but he couldn't even last two hours. He was jumping up and down after a while, and his mind was not on studying at all.

"You have also seen that when we are not at home, Fang Yifan does not study according to the schedule at all. Even if he is in a daze with nothing to do, he refuses to pick up the book and take a look."

"This brat is so old and still so unconscious," Tong Wenjie said angrily.

Wang Gang sighed: "It's less than a year before the college entrance examination. If Fang Yifan still has the same attitude as today, it is impossible to get into college." Tong Wenjie said seriously: "So you want to stay at home and tutor Fanfan in his studies."

Wang Gang nodded and said: "We were too busy before and neglected our son. It's not too late to make amends now. It just so happens that my compensation is worth three years' salary. I can just work at home for a year without much pressure.

Besides, I will be responsible for Fang Yifan's studies, so you can relax and concentrate on your career. "

Wang Gang vaguely remembered that Tong Wenjie was fired because she was worried about Fang Yifan's studies and took too many leaves. As a result, her boss caught her.

Now that Wang Gang has returned to his family and is focusing on taking care of his children, Tong Wenjie can also have more energy in her career, and there should be no more TV dramas.

As for Wang Gang, he doesn't want to work for others. He has been reincarnated in so many worlds and has plenty of means to make money. Why does he have to work and suffer?
Tong Wenjie originally wanted to object, but thinking of Song Qian's words, she swallowed the objection as it reached her lips.

Wang has just returned to his family and usually stays with his children, so he naturally has no time to find a mistress.

Tong Wenjie sighed: "Since you have thought about it, I will not object. I just feel wronged by you."

Wang Gang said indifferently: "I am Fang Yifan's father, so I naturally have a responsibility. I don't want him to fail to even pass the college entrance examination in a year."

Tong Wenjie said angrily: "Do you think we owed this brat in our previous life and we have to repay the debt in this life?

Why can't he be as conscious as Yingzi and let us worry less? "

Wang Gang curled his lips, disapproving in his heart, but said nothing.

Song Qian's daughter Qiao Yingzi seems to be a top student, but in fact her mother is almost forcing her to suffer from depression, which will make her even more depressed.

But Wang didn't bother to care about other people's daughters just now. If he hadn't occupied Fang Yuan's body and Fang Yifan, his son, had the responsibility, he wouldn't have wanted to care about this skinny monkey.

After Wang Gang and Tong Wenjie agreed, they went upstairs with their review materials. When they opened the door, they heard a rush of footsteps.

When they entered the room, they saw Fang Yifan sitting at the desk with a book, reading "seriously".

Wang Gang and Tong Wenjie looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that their son had heard the sound of the door opening and ran over to show off. Fortunately, he was not stupid enough to hold the textbook upside down.

Tong Wenjie sighed, feeling helpless towards this skinny son.

"Mom and Dad, you're finally back. I've been starving to death after studying all day. According to the agreement, you let me play games for two hours at night!" Fang Yifan pretended to stretch.

"That depends on your score in today's test." Wang Gang opened the suitcase, revealing a lot of review materials and test papers inside.

Fang Yifan almost rolled his eyes when he saw so much information.

"There's no need for you to come back with so many papers!" Fang Yifan complained.

"One paper a day, that's sixty in one summer vacation, which is not much." Tong Wenjie snorted coldly: "If you fail the test today, you won't have time to play. Just study for me."

Fang Yifan said confidently: "I told my dad this morning that today I will take the test of chemistry, which is my best subject."

Wang Gang took out a chemistry test paper from a pile of test papers and handed it to Fang Yifan.

"Take it and make it now."

Fang Yifan took the paper, reviewed the questions first, then held his stomach and said, "Dad, I haven't had time to eat dinner yet, so I can't take the test hungry!"

Tong Wenjie said: "I ordered pizza and grilled chicken wings in advance and will test again after eating."

As soon as Fang Yifan heard this, he immediately ran back to the room with the paper and picked up the chemistry textbook, as if he wanted to cram in and compare the questions to find the answer.

Wang Gang shook his head and did not give Fang Yifan a chance to cheat. He put the test paper away and then picked up the high school textbook given by Song Qian to read it.

Fang Yifan had no choice but to recall the questions from memory.

15 minutes later, the takeout was delivered, and Tong Wenjie asked Fang Yifan to come over and eat.

Fang Yifan held the textbook and read while eating, looking a bit like he was studying. But if he could do this during the day, he wouldn't have to improvise.

"Eat first and then read. We'll give you time to prepare." Wang Gang grabbed the book from Fang Yifan's hand and said:
"You have to pay attention to methods when doing things. Doing two things at once will make you less efficient."

Fang Yifan originally wanted to make a fuss, but when he saw Wang Gang's eyes, his heart suddenly became cold and he immediately started to eat honestly.

After eating, Wang Gang returned the textbook to Fang Yifan and continued to read the textbook himself.

An hour later, Fang Yifan closed the textbook and said, "I'm ready!"

Wang Gang saw that the time was about the same, so he handed the test paper to Fang Yifan, then took out his mobile phone and started timing.

"The test lasts for one hour. Is there any problem?"

Fang Yifan made an OK gesture, and then the test began.

Wang Gang and Tong Wenjie were sitting opposite Fang Yifan, leaving him no chance of cheating.

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