Chapter 1311 Mobilization meeting for fixed positions!
When Wu Xianlong heard this, he paused with his brush, and instantly the ink was covered with paper. The handwriting was completely ruined, and he glared at his son unhappily, but he did not expose his lie.

There was no other trigger for the conflict after drinking in that place except women, but it was normal for the son to be young and energetic. He also came here at this time, so he understood the situation.

"Dad, I won't cause trouble, will I?" Mr. Xiao Wu is usually quite smart, but he only gets impulsive after drinking some wine. Seeing that his father was unhappy, he quickly got up and came over, his face full of anxiety!
From being a gangster to being able to live in a manor villa today, Wu Xianlong relied on the word "caution". There was not a single fuel-saving lamp at that party!
He frowned and replied, "I'll make a call!"

"Hey Xiaokang, I'm your Uncle Wu. I'm really sorry that Xiaofei has caused trouble for you!"

"Uncle, what are you talking about? I should be embarrassed. I didn't do anything to help Xiao Fei when he was beaten!"

"It's normal for children to fight. Who is that opponent? I'll take Xiao Fei over to apologize!" After Wu Xianlong was polite, he finally got to the point.

At the same time, Zhao Kang, who was in the nightclub, made the call in the bathroom, so he was very quiet when he answered.

He covered his mouth and said, "Uncle, that statement is not easy to offend!"

"His father is the most unpromising child in the family. He opened several chain dental hospitals. Although Mr. Chen and Uncle Chen have retired, the residual power is still there!"

"Besides, the aunt of the Chen family is the section chief of the district planning bureau, and the eldest uncle is a police officer in a white shirt. The family members are not easy to mess with~"

But the woman didn't care at all. She leaned over and said coquettishly: "Brother Shu, don't leave~"

But after he put down the phone, he slapped his son hard.

"Okay, thank you Xiaokang!" Wu Xianlong could not see the joy or anger on his face at this time.

Then he carefully changed his clothes and left without saying goodbye.


She was not wearing any rags, and her full body surged as she stood up.

"I hate you~"

"Got it~"

One of the women, whose hair was curled, was awakened by the statement. When she saw Qian in a daze, her eyes instantly curled up.

"Go back to your room and figure out a way to solve the trouble you caused. You don't give me any peace of mind day by day!"

After waiting for the others to go out, the woman who had just been acting coquettishly turned around and saw that her colleague was still sleeping soundly on the bed. A sly smile appeared on her face and she quietly put the wad of cash into her bag.

There are no thoughts left after the statement. This is just a spice in life. If you really indulge in it, you will lose.

It is very clear that if this offends the planning department, the company will definitely not be able to reap the benefits, not to mention that the other party has an uncle in a white shirt, who is someone the family cannot afford to offend.

After getting dressed, they took out their wallet, pulled out a wad of cash and put it on the bedside table, although they had already received their due reward.

"Dad, I was wrong~" Wu Xiaofei also heard what was on the phone.

The next day, Chen Shu got up from bed without even looking at the two sleeping women. He was already in sage mode.

He's not the kind of playboy who doesn't understand anything. He's usually very smart. It's just because he's had some alcohol that he's so impulsive!

"If I don't go to work, will you support me?" She said wearing clothes.


"You worthless thing, please stop touching this wine from now on. Don't drink some cat urine and you won't know your last name!"

The statement here has already gone downstairs and returned to the car. Looking at the message from Hu Yue on the phone, he went out to fool around just after confirming the relationship. He felt a little bit guilty.

Of course, for just that moment, men are all big pigs!
After replying to the message, I started the car and was about to put it into gear and step on the accelerator when I heard the ringtone of my cell phone in my pocket. It was a call from Zhao Kang, the second son of the Taikang Group.

"Si, I haven't been familiar with him before. Why are you calling me?" Xiu Shen cursed in his heart, but he still pressed the answer button and put it to his ear. He smiled and said politely: "Hey Zhao Kang, what's going on? Why did you drink half of it and run away last night?"

"Brother Shu, my ability to drink is not good. If I don't run away, won't the girl that Brother Long prepared go blind in vain?"


After talking and laughing, Zhao Kang got down to business on the phone.

"Brother Shu, I am also entrusted by someone this time. I wonder if you still remember the little brother who had a conflict with You and Zheng Tong yesterday?"

There is no need to guess when you hear this, you can immediately understand what the other party means.

"Yes, it's my fault too. I'm almost 30 years old and I still have a conflict with a child. How else can I say that drinking will cause trouble~"

"It's like this. My family has some business dealings with Junlong Group, so I want to be a peacemaker among them. See if you can give me some face. Come out for a meal if you have time!"

"Zhao Kang, if you want to say that, I don't want to. Who among us brothers is following the other? I must give you what others don't give you!"

After agreeing to meet next week, I stated that I would hang up the phone. The main thing was that it was time to go to work soon. No matter how deep my background was, I would still be deducted for being late!
It was a fast ride all the way, and I finally clocked in at 7:59.


Hu Yue was standing by, waiting for her boyfriend to finish punching his card and quickly helped wipe away his sweat.

"What did you do last night? Look how sweaty you are while running!"

"I've been drinking with Zheng Tong and the others all night, and I haven't recovered yet!" The statement naturally couldn't explain clearly what he was going to do, otherwise the relationship would be ruined.

And Hu Yue also felt something was wrong, mainly because he didn't get through the phone yesterday. When he was about to say something, the manager Zhu Qiang came over to organize a meeting for everyone, so he could only put down this idea temporarily!

After going through the process as usual, Zhu Qiang did not declare the meeting to be dismissed directly, but put his hand to his mouth and coughed lightly.


"I'll say a few more words about that. I'm going to leave a little late after get off work today. There is a mobilization meeting for defined positions. Of course, participation in this meeting is not compulsory. If you are in a hurry, you can leave directly!"

"But I still hope everyone can come. I'll say a few words behind closed doors. There may be important leaders coming to attend, so make sure you dress properly and don't be as sloppy as usual!"

"Okay, let's break up the meeting!"

The teller Mu Meng, who was about to be transferred to another post, curled his lips and said: "Brother Shu, why don't Lao Zhu take off his pants and fart? Who dares not to participate at this time?"

"That's right~" Chen Xiang nodded in agreement.

After a long day of work, they were still unable to leave. The low-level tellers had no human rights at all and were ordered by the manager to go to the venue to decorate.

The appointment meeting started on time at 5 pm. Everyone thought it was just some vice president coming, but they didn't expect that Zhao Hui would be there in person!

Originally, Hu Yue wanted to ask about yesterday's incident, but the moment he saw Zhao Hui, he could not care about these miscellaneous things, and his waist straightened instantly.

"Hey, I'll go, why does the boss come in person?"

Before the statement could be answered, the fat man on the side leaned his head over: "There is internal news that our bank has won the lead in the syndicate bidding for the Beverly Building construction project!"

"Who doesn't know this? Manager Zhu said it during the meeting two days ago!"

Several people chatted quietly.

To be continued!

(End of this chapter)

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