Free Days in Siheyuan

Chapter 967 Stamps

Chapter 967 Stamps
He whispered: "My friend has connections. He left three kilograms of meat for me in advance today. I can't finish this meal. It's hot now and I can't leave the meat. Do you want it? If so, I'll give you half."

Li Sheng's eyes lit up and he immediately said, "Yes, why not?"

He knew that Zhang Yu wanted to subsidize him, and there was still too much meat to eat. He probably said this because he heard that the elderly at home were sick.

Li Sheng readily accepted Zhang Yu's kindness, turned around and took out the money from his pocket.

Zhang Yu knew that if he didn't want the money, the other party probably wouldn't want the meat either, so he whispered, "No need to give me a meat ticket. This meat friend left it for me privately. If you don't use the ticket, it costs thirty cents more per pound."

Hearing what he said, Li Sheng hesitated when he took out the money. It was not that it was too expensive, but that it was too cheap.

Although it costs an extra thirty cents per pound, there is no need to pay for it!

This alone made Li Sheng crazy.

Even though they issue meat stamps every month, for a big family, those meat stamps are enough to do anything.

Even if you have meat tickets, you may not be able to buy meat.

"You are still thoughtful." Zhang Yu gave him a thumbs up.

But he didn't dare to go to the black market often. If he was caught, he would lose his job and the whole family would be in trouble with him.

Li Sheng knew that Zhang Yu liked to collect stamps. Although he didn't think those stamps that were neither edible nor drinkable were of any use, he would still say hello to Zhang Yu every time he saw new stamps coming from the post office.

Li Sheng stuffed the meat ticket back in his hand, took out a piece of sixty-five cents and handed it to Zhang Yu, but he made a note of Zhang Yu's favor in his heart.

"Where can I put the meat for you?" Zhang Yu glanced around, but couldn't find any place on his body that could put the meat.

The two said a few more words and prepared to say goodbye.

His father was not in good health during this period. The doctor said he was malnourished and needed more nutrition. The family wanted to buy some meat for his father, but they queued up before dawn for several days in a row and couldn't get any meat. .

"New stamps!" Zhang Yu's eyes lit up instantly when he heard there were new stamps.

The meat on the black market does not require a ticket, but it is several times more expensive than on the market.

However, at this time, we don’t care whether it’s expensive or not. Being able to buy meat is the most important thing.

I had no choice but to take the risk and wander around the black market to see if I could buy meat.

"What's the point?" Li Sheng was embarrassed by the praise, but he didn't stop moving his hands. He took the meat from Zhang Yu's hand, quickly wrapped it in oil paper, and stuffed it into his arms.

Li Sheng grinned, then reached into his arms, took out a large piece of oil paper, and explained to Zhang Yu's curious eyes: "I am here to receive letters, and it is inevitable that it will sometimes rain when delivering letters. Wearing a raincoat or something, but there is no guarantee that it will not leak and get wet when it rains heavily, so I carry a large piece of oil paper with me. When it rains, I wrap the thread with oil paper first, and then put it under the raincoat. Don’t worry about the letter getting wet.”

By the way, Xiaoyu, a new batch of stamps arrived at the post office this morning. They are quite beautiful, but there are not many. If you want, you can go and have a look in these two days. If you go late, they may be gone. . "

Zhang Yu didn't delay, took out the money and stuffed it into his bag.

Before leaving, Li Sheng suddenly thought of something, slapped his head, and quickly called Zhang Yu: "Look at my mind, I was thinking about it just now, but now I almost forgot about it.

Now he collects stamps no longer just for money, but because he really likes the sense of achievement of collecting stamps.

Of course, while having a sense of accomplishment, it would be best if you can also make money. I’m afraid no one in this world would feel that having too much money would burn their hands.

If we really want to say that they are valuable, the things he has on hand will not be valuable in future generations. In addition, he didn't remember a few stamps that would be valuable in later generations, so he didn't bother to look for them later.

He collects stamps now mainly for his own enjoyment, and the other is to see if he can become the one with the most stamps.

As long as he thinks of waiting for his grandchildren to sigh that those stamps are valuable, he will take out his own stamp album as if nothing has happened. The picture, the style, and the sense of accomplishment make Zhang Yu unimaginable how happy he is.

Zhang Yu tried his best to control the smile on his face, so that he would not laugh like a fool because of some fantasy.

"Sorry, Brother Li."

"No trouble, no trouble. I still want to deliver the letter to Xiaoyu, so I'll leave first."

"Brother Li, please go slower on the road."

After Li Sheng had gone far away, Zhang Yu thought of something and patted his forehead with a little annoyance on his face.

Damn it, I was just thinking about stamps and forgot to tell Brother Li about the doctor.

Forget it, let's talk about it in the afternoon when we go to buy stamps.

Zhang Yu opened the letter as soon as he got home. The letter was written by his uncle. It talked about some daily things. The family members were in good health, so Zhang Yu didn't have to worry.

But there was an extra reminder at the end, telling Zhang Yu to make time to go there this summer.

Looking at the last line of words, Zhang Yu began to think. Is there something important that cannot be said in the letter?

But it was really time for him to go to the Northeast. He had said he wanted to go several times, but he never made it due to various reasons.

Putting down the letter, Zhang Yu thought that after finishing the college entrance examination, he would take time to go to the Northeast.

Zhang Guifang was already used to Zhang Yu's bringing meat to his house. She knew that he had an idea and it was useless to persuade him, so she gradually stopped trying to persuade him.

But every time her nephew brought meat home, Zhang Guifang would always show off her skills and satisfy the whole family.

The same was true today. Zhang Yu made up for the meat that he had shared out after returning home. Not only that, Zhang Yu also killed a chicken from space and took it out together.

So Zhang Yu, who was satisfied with what he had eaten that night, rarely went into the simulation classroom to study again, but had a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, as soon as Zhang Yu arrived at school, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the school.

After sitting back on his seat, before Zhang Yu could ask, he leaned from the table and whispered in his ear: "Do you know why the school gave us a day off yesterday?"

Zhang Yu shook his head: "I don't know, but isn't it said that he was requisitioned?"

"No, that's not the case. The college entrance examination is coming soon. Even if we are requisitioned, it won't be our senior year students' turn." His deskmate retorted directly.

Then he looked at Zhang Yu helplessly, hoping that he would take the initiative to ask.

His appearance gave Zhang Yu a little bit of bad taste, and he wanted to know what his deskmate would do if he didn't ask questions.
However, thinking about the atmosphere of the school today and the extra security guards at the school gate, Zhang Yu was still a little curious, and finally followed his lead and asked, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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