The end of the world begins with failing an exam.

Chapter 312 The Curse of the Pharaoh

Chapter 312 The Curse of the Pharaoh

"I'll go down and see."

Jaegertos stood up slowly, the flesh and blood armor on his body wriggled and began to shrink, as if he had entered the close-fitting state of preparing for battle again.

As soon as the words fell, he jumped from the sky with a leap.

"I can't kill him!" Bai Aji muttered in a low voice, and then he slapped Chen Jing.

"Can't the two of you be more harmonious? Let me save my worries." Chen Jing was a little helpless, "I see that when you teamed up to deal with that splendor in deep space, you were very friendly!"

"That trash." Bai Aji defended in a low voice, as if he had a lot of resentment towards Yegetos, "He also said that he was a bullshit hunter, but in the end he couldn't even deal with that splendor. Unfortunately, I still want to use him as a thigh hug I'm going..."

at the same time.

Accompanied by a shrill sound of breaking through the air, Yegtos had already fallen steadily to the ground.

Jaegertos quickly crawled out of the deep pit he had smashed out.

He looked up at Baiaji who was hovering in the air, and then gave a thumbs up gesture.

"Don't tell me he has a very strong body..." Chen Jing muttered, while Anu who was on the side didn't even dare to breathe, looked down nervously and curiously, his eyes were always wide open.

At this moment, the distance between Jaegertos and those weird old snails is only about a hundred meters.

However, those old people carrying snail shells never stopped.

They have always maintained the slow pace before, and did not stop because of a monster falling from the sky.

This made Chen Jing a little confused.

He had been carefully observing the movements below, and he was even prepared to kill each other when they met.

But the reality is beyond everyone's expectations.

When Jaegertos held a broadsword and was ready to face the enemy, the old men with snail shells on their backs did not stop at all, but just passed him by.

As if Jaegertos was an invisible mass of air.

Seeing this scene, Jaegertos couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then quickly followed the group of weird old people.

After several tests.

Jaegertos discovered that the group of old men with snail shells on their backs really couldn't see him, or if they saw him, they pretended not to see him.

They all seemed to have turned into walking corpses that could only move slowly.

"It doesn't seem to be dangerous." Seeing Yegetos standing on the ground and waving at him, Chen Jing patted the mane on Bai Aji's neck, "Let's go, go down and have a look."

Bai Aji hummed, then flapped his wings and descended quickly, sending Chen Jing to the ground after a while.

"What's the situation?" Chen Jing stepped on the sand in the desert, feeling like he was stepping on a hot iron plate.

In fact, when Chen Jing first entered the northern area of ​​the wasteland, Chen Jing found that the climate here was not quite right.

The extreme climate here was even more extreme than the ones he had seen in the wasteland before.

Although the sun could not be seen in the pale sky, the sultry heat in the air made even an old descendant like him unbearable.

"They all seem to be polluted by the power of the black pharaoh." Jaegertos whispered, looking like an enemy, "I have seen people cursed by the black pharaoh in the old days, although it seems It’s not the same situation as them, but it feels the same, they’ve all become empty shells.”

Chen Jing was confused, but he could vaguely feel that these old people were different from other creatures he had seen in the other world.

The aura that seemed to be shrouded in the haze of death was inexplicably strong, like a living dead who had just crawled out of a grave...

The old people walked in the front with snail shells on their backs.

Chen Jing took Jaegertos and the others followed.

Everything looks harmonious.

At least when Chen Jing deliberately approached to observe them, those old people did not show any abnormalities.

They were still walking forward with their heads depressed, like some kind of machine that never stopped.

After careful examination, Chen Jing found that the sixteen old snails were somewhat different.

At least their faces look different.

Some old people have the characteristics of Asian people, while others have the facial features of European people.

In addition, their gray skin could not see the slightest bit of blood, like corpses that had been dead for several days, exuding a strong corpse odor and a strange herbal aroma.

And the snail shells on their backs are like industrial products taken in batches from a certain factory, with the same size, specification and thread shape.

"Their direction seems to be the same as ours." Chen Jing's eyes stayed on the dark eyes of an old man for a long time, and there was no trace of anger in the cloudy eyeballs. "It is the direction Anu pointed us to."

"Kill them all?" Jaegertos asked in a low voice.

He is still extremely vigilant against these old snails, holding the broad sword tightly in his hand and not daring to let go, ready to strike at any time.

"Observe for a while." Chen Jing said softly.

Since these weird snail people didn't attack them, and didn't even show any hostility, he naturally didn't rush to do it.

What's more, he is also curious, what are these old people doing in the tomb of the black pharaoh?
"They look scarier than the polluted ones..." Anu grabbed Chen Jing's clothes tightly, his voice trembling slightly, obviously frightened by those weird old people.

"It's okay, they shouldn't attack..."

Chen Jing comforted Anu softly.

But before he finished speaking, the old man walking ahead with a snail shell on his back suddenly stopped, and the whole team came to a standstill without warning.

Yegtos almost instinctively raised his broad sword, and Baiaji, who was following behind, also opened his mouth wide, ready to reward them with a breath.

The three old men in the team suddenly fell to the ground with a plop, like dead bodies completely incapacitated, lying quietly and motionless.

"This is... dead?" Chen Jing was confused, and his heart was beating.

Is this a change that has come about under our influence?
"It seems to be." Yegetos carefully looked at the old people who fell on the ground, not daring to let his guard down.

at the same time.

The other old snails in the team suddenly moved.

They silently divided into three groups, then slowly surrounded the three "dead corpses", and mechanically dug the three old people out of the snail shells.

Yes, raw digging.

Their fingertips look sharper than blades.

But in the blink of an eye, they dug out the fleshy bodies from the snail shells.

It was only then that Chen Jing was able to see clearly what was going on inside the snail's shell.

Rough as a rock.

The bumpy surface is covered with slime.

Moreover, the bodies hidden in the snail shells have obvious distortions, which look much more exaggerated than the common hunchbacks, almost like a distorted sarcoma growing on the back.

Under gray skin.

There seems to be something else wriggling in the sarcoid...

 The first update is coming~
(End of this chapter)

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