Chapter 104 He Is Your Fiance

Meeting unexpectedly, Mo Yantian was in a very good mood.

He was in a good mood, and Feng Fei, Fu Jia and the others were also in a good mood, so they specially reserved this small piece of world for the two of them.

However, you don't need to think about it, it is impossible for the master to have a happy conversation with Jun Mochu.

Of course, Feng Fei is not afraid that his master will feel bored, because...

Lin Feng is back.

This side has its own thoughts, and the other side, Lin Feng, who was rushed by Jun Mochu to collect firewood, came back with firewood in his arms. When he saw Jun Mochu standing side by side with a man who seemed to be intimate, he burst into anger and threw Throwing the firewood on the ground, he said angrily: "Jun Mochu! You asked me to pick up firewood, but you have a private meeting with a man here, you..."

Before the roar was over, Mo Yantian, who heard his voice, suddenly turned around, his purple eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Lin Feng's heart trembled, and he immediately took a step back in fright, "You, you, how could it be, how could it be you!"

If it is said that in Sunset City, for Lin Feng, Mo Yantian was just a passer-by, and he had already forgotten it completely. Now, after the day of the Imperial College, Mo Yantian's appearance has been deeply imprinted in his mind Among them, like a nightmare, Midnight Dream lingered.

He is afraid.

Mo Yantian was angry, and suddenly tightened Jun Mochu's hand, his tone was extremely cold, "You guys go together."

Not a question.

Instead, he was affirming a fact that he already knew.

They came together, that's why he is here, and this man is her fiance.

Mo Yantian's thin lips were tightly pursed. The word fiance seemed to be a taboo, and it exploded in his heart. The sudden burst of murderous intent was like ice on the Tianxue Mountain, biting the bone.

Seeing Lin Feng coming back, Jun Mochu didn't think much of it. In her eyes, she had nothing to do with Lin Feng.

Hearing Mo Yantian's words, he just gave a faint 'hmm', and helplessly spread his hands, expressing that this guy is going to pester her, and he can't be driven away, and it's none of her business.

Lin Feng was afraid of Mo Yantian, so he pulled Jun Mochu over and ran away.

"Go! He is a monster, he will kill us!"

Hearing this, Jun Mochu's expression changed, he pushed Lin Feng's hand away, and said coldly: "Shut up! Don't let me hear the word Yaozu, who said he belongs to Yaozu?"

Lin Feng became even more anxious, "Jun Mochu! I am doing it for your own good. You have never seen his eyes, and you don't know that he will suddenly become another person. You must not approach..."

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, Mo Yantian in front of him suddenly made a move, a purple light flashed across, Lin Feng didn't even have a chance to reflect, his whole body flew upside down, and hit a big tree fiercely. Break the big tree down the middle.

"Pfft—" The old wound was not healed, but a new wound was added, Lin Feng spat out a big mouthful of blood, and lay on the ground dying.

Jun Mochu obviously didn't expect that Mo Yantian would suddenly shoot as soon as he said he would. Seeing Lin Feng lying dying under the big tree, Jun Mochu suddenly came to his senses.

When he was in Imperial College, Mo Yantian wanted to kill Lin Feng.

If she hadn't stopped him and Mo Yantian with another personality had returned, Lin Feng would have saved his life.

I didn't expect to be so obedient now, and dare to say that he is a monster in front of Mo Yantian.

What on earth is this person's brain made of? Does he not know how to read words?

", you said, you said you won't won't kill me..." Lin Feng coughed up blood, raised his head with difficulty, looked at Mo Yantian, and tried to struggle.

Mo Yantian looked at him coldly, his purple eyes without any warmth.

"I am not happy seeing you." Mo Yantian said coldly.

Said not to kill him?No, he didn't say that.

The Mo Yantian I mentioned is not him!

Mo Yantian snorted coldly, his eyes were cold and boundless. When Jun Mo saw him for the first time, he seemed to be about to attack again, so he quickly stopped him with one hand, "Mo Yantian, what are you doing killing him? It's still useful for me to keep him." Killing Lin Feng , who will burn the fire and barbecue for Yan to eat?

Ready-made strikers are not in vain.

Seeing that Jun Mochu was even familiar with Mo Yantian's speech and behavior, Lin Feng, who was lying on the ground, frowned deeply, as if he wanted to say something, his eyes flashed, and a picture vaguely flashed in his mind.

that day.

The woman from Imperial College.

The woman who is said to have been peeking at him.

It was the same words, the same demeanor, and the same arrogance.

Ever since he knew Jun Mochu's unfathomable kung fu, Lin Feng felt more and more that Jun Mochu seemed to have a lot of secrets.

It looks more and more like a certain person.

Now, seeing her like this again, Lin Feng couldn't help but overlap her with that female student.

Except for the face, except for that face, everything else is the same!

it's the same!

She is what she is!

Lin Feng suddenly came to his senses. It turned out that he had been deceived by Jun Mochu all along. From the beginning to the end, he was the one who was really stupid.

Lin Feng let out a muffled snort, and his viscera began to ache violently. Mo Yantian's casual blow almost killed half of his life, but he didn't even have the chance to fight back...

He seemed unwilling, angry, and finally turned into a mouthful of blood and vomited it out again. After taking a second look, he passed out.

Mo Yantian didn't even look at Lin Feng, looking at Jun Mochu with even more anger in his eyes, "What's the use?"

It's useless, but it's just a young boy who just started, so what's the use of keeping it, with a mere third-level force, can you still expect him to protect her?

Jun Mo first walked to Lin Feng's side, felt his pulse, and found that he was still alive, so he turned his attention to Mo Yantian.

"Keep chopping firewood and boiling water, doing laundry and cooking." She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Mo Yantian, "You killed him, do you want to do it yourself?"

Hearing this, Mo Yantian frowned slightly, "That's all?" Just to order him around?

"Then what do you think you are doing?" Jun Mochu pouted.

"He is your fiance." Mo Yan uttered a fact coldly.

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