Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 108 Forced kiss in the street, crushed!

Chapter 108 Forced kiss in the street, crushed!

"Kill her! Kill her!"

One after another, there were loud shouts and iron waves clanging.

Mo Yantian's black eyes, which were as calm as a deep pool, slowly filled with frost and snow, icy cold to the bone.

The Great Elder's gloomy and sharp eyes met Mo Yantian's eyes, with a vague warning, "Your Honor, no matter why your Honor is with this woman from the Five Sects of Immortal Mountain, where is the Imperial City of the Dark Realm? Zun should also be clear that the disciples of the five sects must never take half a step forward!"

Mo Yantian looked at him with dark eyes, "I said before, she is not."

It was still that firm tone, with unquestionable majesty.

He said no, then, she is not!

When Jun Mo first heard the words, he tilted his ears slightly, looked up at him, and felt an inaudible movement in his heart.

From the very first meeting, he suspected that she was from the Five Sects of Xianshan, but he was quickly denied it.

Since then, no matter which personality has treated her, it is called domineering but it is connivance, and they have rescued her many times, but they still support her to the end today.

Jun Mo's starry eyes flickered, and he once again accepted his love for Mo Yantian.

"Since this is the case, I can only make my own opinion. After killing these five disciples, I will plead guilty to the emperor later!" After the words fell, the elder's eyes flashed sharply, and with a big hand raised, several figures rushed towards Jun Mochu. flew over.

Jun Mochu retreated sharply, and Liu Mei frowned deeply.

Mo Yantian strode forward, as if he wanted to stand in front of Jun Mochu, but the Great Elder seemed to know what he wanted to do, so he jumped forward immediately and restrained Mo Yantian.

Mo Yantian was injured in the first place, and the strength of the Great Elder who is over a hundred years old is unfathomable. Mo Yantian thinks he has the ability to fight him, but he can't part for the time being to help Jun Mochu .

Seeing that Mo Yantian was restrained, Jun Mochu decided to save himself.

However, the seventh-level master is really too strong, one, she can buy some time for herself.

But at the same time, several seventh-level masters locked her, and she didn't even have a chance to resist.

The sharp blade pierced the air, and the killing intent followed.

Jun Mochu only felt that all the power in his body was fixed in an instant, making it difficult to move an inch.

Danger was approaching, and at the critical juncture, she only had time to mobilize all the strength in her body to bear the bullet and take it.

As soon as the note fell, Jun Mochu's whole body was blown away by the powerful killing intent, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Wuyan who was lying on Feng Fei's shoulders, his blue eyes were solemn and cold, and he dared to touch his natal contract...

Stretching out his front paws, Wuyan jumped forward and quickly landed in front of Jun Mochu. A brilliant blue light burst out from his blue eyes, forming a protective shield, covering Jun Mochu in front of him. inside the Blu-ray.

Damn it, his strength hasn't recovered yet, otherwise, how could these ants touch her!

Mo Yantian's eyes sank, and he was about to go towards Jun Mochu quickly, but the elder guarded him tightly, and Mo Yantian shouted in a deep voice, "Feng Fei!"

Feng Fei turned his gaze, Jun Mochu is a member of the Five Sects of Immortal Mountain, there is no need to save her, but...

Feng Fei glanced at Mo Yantian's black and purple pupils again due to anger, and his heart was moved. Although Jun Mochu deserved to die, he absolutely couldn't let the elder get what he wanted.

Thinking of this, he flashed his figure and shouted: "Four Great Generals, protect!"

When Feng Qing, Feng Chen, Qing Ge, Ye Xuan and the other four heard Wang Ling, their expressions immediately changed, and they quickly approached Jun Mochu, taking a protective posture.

At this moment, the people in the imperial city of the dark realm suddenly commotion.

"Ah! Look! Look! That's..."

"Oh my god, that's Master Fanchen's Buddha lotus sedan chair!!"

"It's the holy monk! It's the holy monk who came to my dark imperial city!"

"Quick! Go--"

All of a sudden, the crowd rioted, and thousands of people flocked to it. In the distance, a golden Buddha lotus sedan chair with a pure heart and elegance like a lotus flower was slowly approaching.

The body of the sedan chair is shaped like a lotus flower, and its golden color is like the light of Buddha shining everywhere. The sacred and inviolable voice spreads to the earth. A Buddha lotus shines on the four continents, and the unattainable holiness spreads to the earth!

fan dust.

The belief in the God of Yuncang Continent.

The supreme Taoist monk came to the imperial city of the dark world!

At the moment, who cares about the disciples of the five sects, Master Fan Chen has come to the Imperial City of the Dark Realm!This is the pride and blessing of all the people in their imperial city!

The arrival of Fan Chen even Mo Yantian was slightly surprised. Where the lotus sat on the sedan chair, all the people worshiped and worshiped. In one breath, I immediately felt calm and calm.

Even those who were going to kill Jun Mochu stopped their hands one after another, and the ferocity and hatred in their eyes slowly dissipated, replaced by reverence and admiration.

However, at this moment, Jun Mo, who was completely unaffected by anything, saw the slowly approaching Buddha Lotus sitting in a sedan chair, and his eyes flashed sharply.

She didn't know who this person was, Fanchen's name seemed familiar, and she didn't know why this person caused such a big commotion when he appeared.

She only knew that once Fanchen's sedan chair passed by, those people who came back to their senses would definitely take her life again, and she would die without a place to bury her.

Thinking of this, Jun Mochu's starry eyes flashed, he slapped the floor with his backhand and flew up, and flew straight towards the Buddha Lotus sitting in the sedan chair.

Fan Chen never needs guards when he goes out, because no one dares to disturb his holy driver, let alone anger the belief of God.

But he didn't think it would be cheap. Jun Mochu let her fly directly into the sedan chair of Folian unimpeded.

Inside the sedan chair, a person dressed in plain white clothes was sitting with his eyes closed. When he saw someone coming in, he opened his eyes with a smile, and his eyes turned into thousands of soft colors, which was so cold to the bones. Thinking about it heavily in my mind, I actually didn't dare to desecrate that elegant and extremely sacred face.

After a glance, I was stunned.

Outside the sedan chair, as soon as Wuyan saw Jun Mochu running into the Buddha Lotus sedan chair, he immediately rushed towards the sedan chair, but he didn't expect Jun Mochu to be behind the Buddha Lotus, so he rushed straight to Jun Mochu's back back.

Jun Mo, who was completely stunned, was thrown defenseless at the beginning. He pressed forward and bumped his forehead forward. In Fanchen's surprised eyes, he suppressed the belief in the gods of the entire continent. Next, the huge lips pressed against Fan Chen's lips.

The Imperial City of the Dark Realm was suddenly silent, and the car curtain was blown by the breeze, and two bodies that were close to each other suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Their beliefs, their gods, their Fanchen masters, their holy monks - they were suppressed!

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