Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 116 Ma'am, Chapter Fuck.

Chapter 116 Ma'am, morals.

fan dust.

26 is old.

It is said that the day he was born was the day when the abbot of the temple passed away.

All the monks in the temple followed the instructions of the host and found such a family in the earthen house in the country, and then they found Fan Chen.

However, Fanchen was born dull, until he was four years old, he was still babbling and unable to speak. Everyone in the temple was very disappointed, thinking that the prophecy before the death of the presiding officer must have been wrong.

Fanchen didn't develop his wisdom until he was five years old, but he didn't expect this enlightenment to be extremely amazing. He knows the secrets of the heavens and is extremely high. He learns Buddhism and martial arts, and many talents can be learned at once. Many people on the mainland were in dire straits and won the name of a holy monk, but because of their unrestrained nature, they resolutely left the temple at the age of 13, and even refrained from drinking and drinking all the way. They did not look like a monk at all. He was very angry, thinking that he would be ruined, and felt that he should not be cared about anymore, but he didn't want him to become more and more popular. In the end, he has become a god praised by everyone in Yuncang Continent. look up.

Jun Mochu secretly sighed while digesting the information about the Great God that he had inquired from others.

God is God.

Still so young.

If she hadn't already known Fan Chen's identity, she would have even thought that the great god was just a prince who came out of some palace to roam around the world, so noble and unattainable.

Such a dream lover in the hearts of women all over the mainland, it is really a pity not to persuade him to return to vulgarity!

Jun Mo first looked at Fanchen who was sitting not far away and drinking tea quietly at the moment, and felt that looking at him once was enjoyment, looking at him twice made people feel calm, and looking at him three times felt that he was blaspheming him up.

Look, those maids in the dark palace look at the great god with hot eyes!How excited!

At this time, many little maids were watching outside the garden, secretly observing the great god Fanchen, with red hearts in their eyes.

Jun Mochu suddenly raised his eyes, oh, the great god raised his hand!

The little maids covered their mouths with an 'Ah—'.

Oh oh, the great god is up!

The little maids made a 'wow--', and their hearts beat faster at the same time.

Oh, the great god looked here!

The little maids made a 'hum--', and they were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

"Did you see it? Master is looking at me!"

"Hey, Master is looking at me!"

"Look at me, look at me!"

"Look at me! You short-sighted!"

"You're looking at me! Ruin your face!"


The two maids immediately fought.

However, Fan Chen, the rightful master at this time, didn't look at them at all. It's better to say he doesn't look at them than to say he doesn't look at them.

Jun Mo frowned at first, it seems that the great god is not Guanyin who rescues the suffering, and he may not even be a kind person.

Jun Mochu didn't know why she felt this way, but Fan Chen gave her such an idea, which seemed to be friendly and fraternal, but in fact was indifferent.

"Great God." Looking at Fanchen who walked to his side, Jun Mochu suddenly opened his mouth quietly.

The corner of Fanchen's clothes caressed the stone pillar, and the faint fragrance of Buddha and Zen wafted into his nostrils and ears. He sat down slowly and looked at her with a smile.

"You really know how to pretend." Jun Mochu stared into Fanchen's eyes and said calmly.

Everyone in the world thinks that he is pitiful and sympathetic to the world, and is worried about the world's worries, but they don't think that he is just watching the life and death of everyone with a cold heart and indifference.

Fanchen seemed to see her thoughts, his expression remained unchanged, he raised his glass and smelled lightly, his facial features were clear, and said lightly: "Those who care about the world are worried about their minds. Fanchen lives for a lifetime, but Fanchen only lasts for a lifetime."

How many hearts can a person have in his life to worry about the world's major events?He just does what he wants to do and walks the way he wants to go.


Hearing this, Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment.

The world of mortals, the life of Fanchen.

She gradually understood, yes, the world is big, but he, Fanchen, has only one person, no matter how respectable he is, what he can give is only a lifetime, what can he change in the end?

Jun Mochu looked at Fan Chen silently, and suddenly felt that such a great god made people feel even more admired.

She gave Fanchen a big thumbs up, "It really is a great god!"

Fan Chen smiled, lightly instigated a glass of wine, "Madam is coming."


Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, he was talking about Mo Yantian's mother?

Sure enough, as soon as her thoughts came to her mind, there was a sudden burst of super-high-decibel loud voices outside the hospital.

"Where is Jun Mochu? Where is Jun Mochu?" A woman's voice opened her mouth and shouted from afar.

Jun Mo raised his head at the beginning, and there was something wrong in his heart. The voice was familiar, and it seemed to be the voice of Mo Yantian's mother, but...

Didn't she say she came to visit the Great God?

Why do you keep calling her name as soon as you come here? How rude to the Great God, the Great God is still by your side!

Jun Mochu was about to stand up and answer, but a guard had already answered for her first.

"Jun Mochu was there, right next to Master Fanchen."

Then, Jun Mochu only saw a fiery red figure rushing towards him quickly, Jun Mochu hurriedly tried to avoid it, but the strange thing was that no matter how she tried to hide, she couldn't seem to avoid it.

So, she had no choice but to obediently stand where she was, and the fiery red figure had already thrown herself on her body.

"Jun Mochu, are you Jun Mochu?" Liu Liqing grabbed Jun Mochu's clothes and asked in shock, surprise, and excitement.

Jun Mo nodded at the beginning, there is no need to be so excited...

"Is that Jun Mochu who jumped on Folian and sat in the sedan chair as soon as we met?" She asked excitedly.

"..." The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched slightly, and he nodded stiffly.This, how did you get involved in this matter?

"It's that Jun Mochu who threw down Master Fanchen as soon as we met?" His tone became more excited.

"..." Jun Mo nodded, his face began to cramp.

"It's that Jun Mochu who jumped at Master Fan Chen and kissed Master Fan Chen?" His emotions were completely out of control!

"..." Jun Mo nodded at the beginning, his whole body was already stiff, madam, don't forget that Master Fan Chen is still watching.

Liu Liqing threw Jun Mochu down in an instant, and shouted excitedly, "Mochu! You are the object of my admiration, and you have done something I have wanted to do for so many years but have never dared to do! Ahhh, master! Exhilarating moment! No way! Too excited!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Fan Chen.

Ma'am, morality, the Great God is still by your side, even if you want to fall down so much, you can't say it.

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