Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 124 No One Touches Except Yours

Chapter 124 No One Touches Except Yours

Hearing this, Mo Yantian scoffed suddenly, what a pity, Xiao Chu'er seems to be...jealous?

He hurriedly rubbed his hands, and quickly walked towards Jun Mochu, "Oh, little Chuer..."

Before Mo Yantian approached, Jun Mochu quickly avoided, "Don't touch me with your dirty hands."

dirty hands...

The corner of Mo Yantian's mouth twitched, and he shouted in his heart that he was innocent!If it wasn't for that bastard Su Wuyan, how could he touch other women!

Seeing Mo Yantian's deflated look, Wuyan smirked triumphantly in his heart.

Small sample, I told you to pull, call you crazy, tell you to bully me, you deserve it!

Jun Mo didn't even look at him at the first glance, and pointed indifferently at the green clothes on the floor, "The daughter of the Great Elder of the Dark Realm passed out on the floor of my room, and the precious treasures on her body are still missing, how do you want me to talk to the Great Elder?" Confession?"

As soon as Wu Yan heard Jun Mochu say this, he immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, "Yes, yes, if she wakes up and finds that she is here and the baby is still lost..."

The girl is miserable.

The girl is in misery, so is he. For the sake of his own life, Wuyan still feels that it is important to solve the woman's problem first, and then save Xiao Xiaoxian.

Uh, Xiaoxian, just hold on for a while...

Mo Yan stared at Wuyan fiercely with his cold black eyes, was it because of something good he caused?This bastard, how could his other personality ask this guy to sign a contract with Xiao Chu'er? Doesn't this mean that staying in Xiao Chu'er's identity made him angry to death?

"What did you take from her?" Mo Yantian asked lightly.

People are easy to explain, but things are lost, but it is difficult to deal with, not to mention that the great elder has a son, and there is only one daughter in Luyi. It may not be so easy to deal with it.

Hearing this, Wuyan shook off the thing caught by his furry paws, and when he spread it out, it turned out to be a white and transparent crystal-like thing.

"This is... such a pure soul breath." Jun Mo first felt a clear breath rushing towards his nostrils, and the breeze blew past him, which made people feel shocked immediately, and the whole person's spirit was restored to fullness .

"This is Soul Jade." Mo Yantian directly affirmed.

Soul jade, an extremely precious item for repairing and enhancing the power of the soul. Unexpectedly, there would be such a precious soul jade on the green clothes. It seems that the great elder really hid a lot of good things.

To break through to the seventh level, you need to have a full level of soul power to break through completely, otherwise the seventh level mark is the biggest obstacle, and some people even stay at the seventh level forever and cannot go any further.

"That's right, Xiaoxian is in need of this kind of thing right now. If you still have some, you'd better bring some more to Xiaoxian, just in case." Wuyan said in a deep voice.

"What the hell is going on here? Why did Xiao Xiaoxian get hurt? It seems that his soul was hurt? What about you?" Jun Mochu frowned and asked. It stands to reason that the green clothes are only at the sixth level of force. The main body was forced to appear, but the defensive power of the monster's main body should be higher, how could it be so embarrassing and injured?

Mo Yantian snorted, "Don't tell me that the injuries on your body were all caused by the green clothes, if so, don't say that the emperor said you are useless, you don't even have the qualifications to be Xiao Chu'er's real-name contracted beast. "

"Nonsense! She still wants to hurt me with those little tricks? The reason why I ran back was to find medicinal materials, and I took you as a rescuer by the way!" Wuyan said indignantly: "It's just that this woman is too hateful, but I took some medicinal materials from her to Xiao Xiaoxian, and after I came out, I kept chasing after me, if my power hadn't been sealed, I wouldn't even have the desire to touch her breasts!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Mo Yantian.

How dare he steal other people's medicinal materials and touch their breasts, and now he still despises others?

"Then what are the bloodstains and wounds on your body?" Jun Mochu asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Wuyan coughed lightly in embarrassment, scratched his head with his paws, scratched his head with some confusion and embarrassment, and then pretended to be calm and said: "Girl... I think our top priority now should be It's... to find a way to deal with this woman, right?"

She is the apple of the eye of the Great Elder of the Dark Realm.

Mo Yantian turned his back on Mingzhu secretly, opened his eyes and told nonsense.

And he took away the soul jade from her body, and if she sued the Great Elder afterwards, Mo Chu would be in danger in the Dark Realm from now on.

"Kill it." Without saying a word, Jun Mochu made a cold decision to kill someone and silence him. The dead will never tell the secret.

Mo Yantian shook his head, "No, she chased Wuyan all the way here, and many people must have seen her. If she disappeared here, the Great Elder would also be suspicious."

They can't be killed, and they can't be kept, but it's not an option to continue this stalemate.

At this moment, a light sandalwood scent wafted, and a figure in plain white clothes walked in from the door.

Mo Yantian had already ordered his servants not to enter this place, and now the only person who can come and go freely here is Fanchen.

Everyone turned their heads, and sure enough, they saw Fan Chen coming with a clear body, and his facial features were clean and transparent.

"Great God?" Jun Mo narrowed his eyes at the beginning, the Great God came uninvited, and it was too late for them to hide the fainted green clothes.

Fanchen walked to the side of the green clothes, raised his eyes, his eyes were clear and bright, and his voice was light, "This woman is not bad at all, she is just spoiled by bad habits, just erase this memory, why bother to kill in vain."

As he spoke, his clear eyes narrowed slightly, a ray of Buddha's light fell, and Fan Chen's clean and slender hand slowly landed on the green-clothed forehead,

With Fan Chen's words, Jun Mochu and the others were startled. It seems that the Great God has already heard what happened just now. Seeing him doing this, Jun Mochu immediately felt relieved. You can't rely on them if you lose the jade.

"Thank you, the Great God, for your rescue!" Jun Mo said at first, thinking that the Great God is indeed omnipotent, even capable of erasing memories.

Fan Chen raised his eyes with a smile, "She will wake up at night."

Mo Yantian immediately understood, "Master, don't worry, let's go and come back quickly." Then, he pulled Jun Mochu and Wuyan up, and said in a deep voice, "Go to Xiao Xiaoxian first."

However, just as his hand touched Jun Mochu, it was coldly pushed away.

"Master Huangzun, I don't have one that is big, round and elastic, and not easy to touch."

"..." Mo Yantian was sad and angry, "Xiao Chu'er, I swear that in the future, I will never touch any woman's breast except yours!"


The fifth update, finally finished, go to sleep, good night, dear ones

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