Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 139 The Vision of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 139 The Vision of Heaven and Earth

Hearing what they said, Jun Mochu smiled instead of anger, and took out the red stone to play with.

"I really don't dare, the future wife of the dark world, how amazing." She said in infinite surprise, however, the conversation suddenly changed, and her eyes were filled with strong sarcasm, "But please don't forget, now, She's just a fiancée."

Whether she can climb to the position of Madam is not up to her.

Jun Mo has seen many battles in the imperial palace for the first time. How many self-righteous people died in the conspiracy?

Hearing this, the faces of the two changed slightly.

"Don't tell her too much, just kill her." The other man said directly, the killing intent in his eyes was particularly obvious.


The other person nodded heavily, and the next moment, the two of them were fully armed, and the strange purple color showed their identity and arrogance.

A seventh-level master already has the capital of arrogance.

The two of them fought together, as if they wanted to kill Jun Mochu in seconds, so as not to give her a chance to resist.

Two seventh-level masters are more than enough to deal with one!

However, they didn't know that Jun Mo was able to compete with seventh-order masters before he broke through his supernatural power. Now, with this supernatural power combined with force, his power has doubled several times.

It was their bad luck to meet Jun Mochu who had a mutant power.

Jun Mochu gave a cold snort, but when they were approaching, he took a step back expressionlessly, and was about to put the stone he was playing with back into his arms, but he didn't want to, when she changed hands like this, the seemingly round stone The stone actually scratched her hand!

Jun Mo looked down at the beginning, and felt strange in his heart. Although the shape of this stone is weird, but the surroundings are extremely round and smooth, how could it cut her finger?

A streak of blood came out from the cut wound, and it landed on the stone in an unbiased manner. In an instant, a beam of red light shot up into the sky, shining in the entire Dark Realm Imperial City!

"What's going on?" The two assassins stopped and looked towards Jun Mochu in shock.

In fact, Jun Mochu was more surprised than them.

I saw that the stone and the speed visible to the naked eye absorbed all the blood she dripped on the stone, and then it stuck to Jun Mochu's hand, sucking her blood violently towards the wound.

Jun Mochu's expression changed, what the hell is this thing that can suck human blood!

"Get out!" She tried hard to push the red stone away, but the stone seemed to be inlaid in her hand, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push it away, instead it sucked more blood!

At the beginning, Jun Mo felt that the blood on his body was draining rapidly, but suddenly he felt a little top-heavy, damn it, she was careless!

The more blood the red stone sucked, the more the red light that shot straight into the sky shone brighter. For a moment, everyone in the entire Dark Realm Imperial City raised their heads and looked at this blood-like red light!

"My God, look, what is that!"

"Could it be something like a blood demon..."

"Blood evil? This vision of heaven and earth..."

Everyone's face changed when they heard that, and they looked at the red light that shot straight into the sky anxiously.

Just when Jun Mo thought that this red monster stone was going to suck all the blood from her whole body, her hand went numb, and the stone suddenly seemed to melt, and the intense heat burned her whole hand with scorching pain. , and then, it melted into her wrist!

The moment it disappeared, the dazzling red light also disappeared instantly. Jun Mochu, who had suffered a severe blood loss, lost his legs and almost fell to the ground. He quickly put one hand on the ground to support his weak body. There was no trace of blood on the paper!

The red stone disappeared, and on her wrist, a red birthmark-like thing appeared strangely. The shape was exactly the same as the strange stone before.

What the hell is this thing?

And the earth-shattering red light just now was like a vision of heaven and earth, dyeing the entire sky a strange red.

What is it that can attract such a huge vision of heaven and earth?

Jun Mochu stared at the totem on her wrist, and suddenly, with a movement of her mind, she slowly injected a little spiritual power, wanting to check it out, but unexpectedly, she felt as if she had entered another world, and felt a vast and vast space!

This is really another world, the boundless border is extremely empty.

Jun Mo gasped at the beginning, and ecstasy suddenly surged in his heart.

The depression that almost sucked all the blood disappeared without a trace at this moment, and Jun Mochu's whole heart jumped uncontrollably.

This is a space!A huge space!

Nowadays, in the entire Yuncang Continent, space rings that can store things are extremely rare. It is said that space rings have only appeared three times in the entire continent. object.

Not to mention Mo Yantian, I am afraid that there is no space ring in the entire dark world!

But this one of hers is wider and bigger than the legendary space ring!

No, this is no longer a space ring for her. It is said that the space ring is only tens of thousands of meters wide, but her space is so endless and boundless!

This is more than tens of thousands of meters?

I'm afraid it's more than hundreds of millions of meters!

Jun Mo, who got the baby by accident, raised his eyes with joy, and his eyes became fascinated. No wonder this thing just released such a big vision of heaven and earth under such circumstances.

The reason why he sucked her blood must be because he recognized the Lord.

The more Jun Mo thought about it, the more he felt that it was worth going out this time!Fortunately, this stone was not given to Haiyang and the others, otherwise, just thinking about it would make her feel so regretful!

However, before Jun Mochu was happy for too long, a cold killing intent suddenly came from beside her, which pulled all her thoughts back.

The two men who were about to kill her just now were greedily looking at the red totem in her hand, and two more men appeared behind them, as if they were attracted by the vision of heaven and earth.

"Such a big vision of heaven and earth, this thing must be a treasure, right? If you want to leave a whole body after death, hand it over to us!"

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