Chapter 166

Jun Mo is angry at the beginning!

For four full hours, I was forced to be pressed in that narrow partition with the Great God.

If you encounter something like murder and arson, it's justified.

Happened to encounter steal | love.

It's fine if she has an affair, if she's the only one, she'll be very happy, and even watch the modern version of A|movies with great interest, the trick is, isn't there one more person.

Thinking that they were teasing the ears of the pure God, Jun Mochu felt so angry.

How could such a holy god be profane.

You are happy up there, but she and the Great God are under the bed and suffer from their voices.

Jun Mo couldn't take it anymore, he slapped the bed board violently, and kicked the partition above his head away.

The loud noise obviously startled the men and women on the bed.

"Dog men and women."

Jun Mochu gave a soft drink, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and the big bed immediately fell apart.

It doesn't matter if such a dirty bed is broken, lest it stay here and tarnish the eyes of the Great God!

He didn't expect that there would be other people in this room at all, and the woman in black who appeared made the man and woman completely panicked.

However, the man was obviously also a very cunning person. After a moment of panic, he swept his arms around and quickly put the clothes on the ground on his body.

At this time, Jun Mochu just turned around, but he only had time to see his flashing side face, and the woman was very strange, and she was completely frightened at this time, her whole face was pale and bloodless, and she stood there blankly. In the same place, full, naked, naked, at a loss.

But Jun Mochu made up his mind that he must know the identities of the dogs and men. Without a word, his hands formed seals quickly, his powers soared, and strange tentacles stretched out from the ground, firmly grasping the man and woman's body. The legs fell heavily to the ground.

Aware of Jun Mochu's intentions, the man's hidden face suddenly changed, and he raised his knife without hesitation and slapped the woman beside him.

The woman who was following him up and down just a moment ago didn't even have time to scream, her eyes widened suddenly, and then her head tilted and she died on the spot.

The man's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly stepped on the woman as a stepping stone to get rid of the weird tentacles released by Jun Mochu.


Seeing this scene, the anger in Jun Mochu's heart became even worse. He picked up the long sword condensed from the supernatural power after the fusion of force, and stabbed fiercely at the man.

The man's skills are not only not weak, but rather weird, especially this man is very thin, a bit like a woman's figure, but if he can make trouble with a woman, he must be a man.

Seeing the long sword stabbing, the man gave a strange laugh. This sound, like a huge sound wave, exploded in Jun Mochu's brain, shaking her whole brain, and her soul seemed to fly away Out of the body in general.

Soul attack.

This person is using soul attack!

This attack can only be sent out after the opponent's soul reaches a certain level. It is similar to a sound wave, and it can seriously turn the opponent into a deaf-mute or an idiot!

The headache was severe, and Jun Mochu felt that his whole brain seemed to be exploded.

Just when she was so uncomfortable that she could hardly bear it, a milky white force in her dantian spread rapidly along the meridians, and rushed straight to the top of her head, and the place it passed was extremely cool!

It is the supreme method!

For a while, the headache symptoms slowly disappeared, and Jun Mochu felt that his whole mind became cooler.


Jun Mo opened his eyes at the beginning, his starry eyes were like torches, and his sharp eyes flashed past.

Seeing that Jun Mochu was able to block his own soul attack, a flash of surprise flashed in the man's eyes, but he no longer wanted to fight. He quickly rolled up the corpse on the floor, threw it at Jun Mochu, and then flew away through the window.

"I want to run." Jun Mochu kicked the female body away, and quickly rushed towards the window, trying to catch up.

"Don't chase after him." Fanchen's clear voice was like a sound of heaven in her ears, "This person's body skills are weird, if you chase after him, I'm afraid you will suffer."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu immediately turned back. Fanchen knew a lot of things, and she didn't doubt what he said.

"Do you know who that person is?"

"I don't know." Fanchen's voice was light, as usual elegant and holy, as if nothing had happened before.

She pulled off the clothes on the floor and covered the female corpse to cover her naked body before saying to Fan Chen: "Okay, my god, you can come out now."

She knew that if Fan Chen had made a move just now, the man would definitely not be able to escape.

However, there is still a naked woman lying here, she understands Fan Chen's difficulties, and feels a little sympathetic to him in her heart.

Jun Mochu's voice fell for a long time, but Fan Chen didn't come out. She was slightly taken aback, and was about to walk over to call him, but saw Fan Chen slowly get up from the partition.

His plain white clothes were wrinkled, the result of being pressed for two hours, but it didn't affect his demeanor at all.

Jun Mochu vaguely sighed, how could a man be so noble and holy.

"Master, come and see this woman, she looks familiar."

Jun Mochu looked away and called Fanchen to check the appearance of the corpse.

Fan Chen didn't move, but slowly closed his eyes, and silently recited the "Mantra of Rebirth".

"Don't look at it." He said lightly.

"Do you know who it is?" Jun Mochu was a little surprised.

Fan Chen nodded, with a cool and calm tone, "The girl who was rescued on the road a month ago, learned that we were going to the Dark Realm, so she turned into a little monk and asked us to take her with me."

I thought she was just a single woman, and she didn't dare to walk alone after a long journey, but she didn't want to take advantage of it, acting out just a scene of meeting by chance.

Jun Mo frowned at the beginning, "It seems that this person's identity is not simple, but just now that person is a master in the dark palace, there must be some conspiracy between the two."

It's a pity that he died.

Suddenly, a red light came in quickly from outside the house, it was Wuyan.

Just when Jun Mochu was attacked by the soul just now, Wuyan, who had a real name contract with her, felt that she was in danger, and immediately ran over.

But he didn't want to, what came into his eyes was a messy room, and a woman's body was still lying on the ground.

Wuyan jumped in and jumped right on top of the corpse, "Girl, I feel you are in danger, are you okay... Hey, what is the thing under your feet, it's soft..."

Wuyan looked down and saw that it was a woman. He thought she was still alive, so he was startled. He grabbed the woman with his claws, trying to grab the woman away, but he didn't expect that she was already dead. Clothes covering the body were caught flying.

Wuyan's mouth immediately opened into a "0" shape.

Then she screamed, "Emma! Terrible, Monk, you raped first and then killed!"


Four changes completed

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