Chapter 169 Conspiracy!

Looking at the two people who left, Haiyang's eyes flashed an unfathomable light.

"Miss, do you think General Feng will believe it?"

Xi'er stood behind him, also with a mysterious look on her face.

Haiyang withdrew his gaze, and there was a strange look in the depths of his eyes, "If you don't believe it, let him believe it. He is a very useful chess piece, and it must not be wasted, understand."

Xi'er nodded, "Xi'er understands, I'm afraid that General Feng will suspect..."

"Then do it so that he doesn't doubt it." Haiyang clasped his hands, and a strange spar suddenly appeared in his hand, as if picking something from the air, it suddenly appeared in the hand that had nothing just now.

If Wuyan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the small ring on the middle finger of Haiyang's right hand is an extremely rare space ring in Yuncang Continent!

The aura of Yuncang Continent is thin, and the space stone has been slowly hollowed out as early as ten thousand years ago. Now, on the entire Yuncang Continent, not to mention the space ring, even the space stone used to make the space ring rarely seen.

Even Mo Yantian doesn't have such a space ring, but Haiyang actually has it.

Handing the spar in his hand to Xi'er, Haiyang said coldly: "Isn't that bastard with the power of the original earth element, as long as Feng Qing finds a way to get this earth grain stone to that bastard?" Of course, I have a way to deal with her, so you keep this piece, just in case."

Xi'er quickly took it, her eyes blazing brightly, "Miss, this plan is very good, with this earth pattern stone, once that woman is controlled, let's see how arrogant she will be."

Haiyang nodded indifferently, but he had another calculation in his mind.

This earth pattern stone is a rare rough stone in Yuncang Continent. Now there are few pieces on the main road, but each piece is a fatal blow to the five earth sects of Xianshan Mountain.

Because the earth texture stone is the nemesis of the original power of the earth system, it will absorb all the original power of the earth system in the world, and it is silent, so it is difficult for people to detect.

The most important thing is that if this earthen stone is used on a person, once the original power is absorbed, then the meridians of that person's whole body will quickly fail, age, and die!

At this time, Xiao Lanting.

Feng Qing stood beside the pavilion pillar, looking at Jun Mochu for a moment, his eyes full of thought and inquiry.

Behind Jun Mochu's back, she wore a light blue long dress that was very simple, but it set off her complexion even more white. She let Feng Qing explore herself, and said expressionlessly: "General Feng has something to say. , there is no need to play charades."

Her time is precious, and it's not for staring at him here.

Hearing Jun Mochu's words, Feng Qing raised his chin slightly, and his resolute face showed firmness, "Miss Jun speaks quickly, so I will say it directly, what is the purpose of you approaching the emperor?"

Hearing this, Jun Mochu curled his lips coldly, "I approached him?" She felt ridiculous, obviously Mo Yantian provoked her first, but now she is approaching him?

Feng snorted softly, "If it wasn't for you, with your identity and background, how could the Emperor have taken a liking to you."

In his eyes, Jun Mochu came from a small third-rate country. In such a backward place, he finally saw an emperor from the outside world. Naturally, he tried his best to seduce the emperor and let him take her to Come back to the dark world and enjoy the glory and wealth.

"Oh? General Yifeng said so. Could it be that General Feng was one of the four great generals of the dark world when he was born?" Jun Mochu sneered back.

Who didn't climb from the bottom to the top?

No one can reach the sky in one step!

Feng Qing's expression froze. Of course he didn't become the Four Great Generals at birth. He was an ordinary cultivator at the beginning, but the old emperor suddenly valued him and brought him back to the dark palace to practice with the current emperor. Among the many children, he continued to work hard and climbed up step by step, before he reached his current position in the dark world.

Seeing Feng Qing's expression, Jun Mochu sneered, "Why, still, General Feng was just a commoner in the beginning, and he didn't have such a status until today?"

Her pretty face is not cold, but she is unusually indifferent, and her words are so precise that they are as light as the wind.

Feng Qing was a little annoyed and shouted, "At least my loyalty to the Emperor and my loyalty to the Dark Realm have never changed in the slightest! And you, you said that you are not from the Five Sects of Xianshan, but since you came to the Dark Palace , So many things that happened are related to you, the relationship between the elder and the emperor is already delicate, but now because of you, it has worsened, do you want to shirk responsibility for all of these?"

She bah!

Jun Mo had a serious face at the beginning, what do you mean that so many things have happened in the dark palace since she came to the dark palace?Obviously those things must be blamed on her!

"I don't know how your relationship between the elders of the dark palace and Mo Yantian is, and the affairs of your dark palace have nothing to do with me. However, some of your incidents are blamed on me, and you keep saying that I belong to the five sects of Xianshan. Spy, what about the evidence?" Jun Mochu said coldly, "If there is no evidence, don't slander people casually here."

"The original power of the earth element on your body is the best evidence."

Jun Mochu suddenly laughed, "General Feng, but don't look at me, people from the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain don't have force, maybe, you want to see my force?"

Hearing this, Feng Qing frowned again, "It is said that people from Wuzong have a new method of cultivation, and that method can also cultivate martial power."

A cold snort was thrown from the tip of her nose, "It is said? Haiyang told you." She knew that woman was not a good thing.

Feng Qing took out a reddish-brown diamond-shaped stone from his arms, and said coldly: "This spar is related to the power of the original source, if you are not from the Five Sects of Xianshan, after three days, this spar will be intact, but If you are really a member of the five sects of Xianshan Mountain, no matter which sect you belong to, the spar will change to the color of that sect, if you want others to believe you, then you have to prove it to everyone."

Jun Mo first glanced at the diamond-shaped spar, and sneered, "Since there is such a detection stone, why didn't Mo Yantian and those elders take it out before, but asked you to bring it to me?" In his eyes, he obviously didn't believe it .

Feng Qing said lightly: "The emperor believes in you so much, so naturally he will not allow anyone to do this to you, otherwise, I don't need to find you in private, if you are guilty and don't want to try, I will naturally not force it. "

Unexpectedly, Jun Mochu took the spar, "I'll try."


The third update, another update...

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