Chapter 171

As soon as he stepped out, Jun Mochu suddenly shook his whole body, and a sharp pain came, spreading to all four limbs!

She quickly supported the pavilion pillar next to her, her face turned pale for a while.

"Miss Jun?"

Feng Qing noticed her strangeness, took a step forward, wanted to stretch out his hand to help her, and remembered the unhappiness before, his hand stopped in mid-air, neither lifting it nor closing it, and finally had to ask a little awkwardly: "Are you... all right?" Bar?"

Jun Mo shook his head at first.

The intense pain nerve disappeared in just a blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for the severe pain just now, she might have thought that she was hallucinating.

She looked inside for a week, but found that there was nothing wrong with her body. What happened just now?

"...It's okay." She tried to move her hands, but she didn't feel anything, as if nothing happened just now.

Could it be that he suddenly had hallucinations?

It is estimated that my spirit has been too tense these days.

Thinking of this, Jun Mochu calmed down a lot. She glanced at Fengqing lightly, and had no intention of staying longer, so she had to go straight away.

Looking at the direction where Jun Mochu left, Feng Qing suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Can't help but think of what she said before, Feng Qing lowered his head and glanced at his hands.

Actually, she was right.

I thought that as long as I didn't betray the Emperor, I didn't betray the Dark Realm, and I could do something for Miss was fine.

He turned around, glanced at the direction of the ocean, hesitated a little in his heart, and walked there resolutely.

"Brother Fengqing, are you back?" Seeing Fengqing, Haiyang's eyes lit up, and he rushed over like a butterfly.

Seeing that the beautiful person was about to jump in front of him, Feng Wei took a step back, keeping a relative distance, and then said in a low voice: "Miss Haiyang, is the spar you mentioned earlier... really all right? ?”

He always felt a little uneasy.

Jun Mochu's suddenly pale face kept revolving in his mind. It was clear that he was fine before. Could it be that he was injured, but with her skill, she shouldn't be so easily injured.

He thought of that spar, and vaguely felt that it seemed to be related to that spar, but when he looked at Jun Mochu again, he found that she had nothing to do with her, and he was a little at a loss.

Hearing this, Haiyang's beautiful eyes condensed into a hazy layer of water vapor, bit his lips and said aggrievedly: "Brother Fengqing doesn't believe in Haiyang?"

Xi'er hurriedly said: "General Feng, we really snatched it from the five sects of Xianshan. We forced him to question him before he died. There must be no problem. Brother Fengqing gave it to Miss Jun." ?"

At the end of the conversation, Xi'er's tone was vaguely expectant.

Feng glanced at her lightly.

Recalling Jun Mochu's words in my ears... Yes, why, Haiyang can return to the dark world safely?

People from the Five Sects of Xianshan are not fools, so how could they not know that Huangzun's fiancée is outside the Dark Realm?

In addition, there are countless insidious and cunning people in the five sects of Xianshan. People from the five sects often fight for the position of suzerain and kill each other, so it is hard to guarantee that they will not attack Haiyang.

But she was extremely safe all the way, and didn't have any conflicts with Miss Jun until she returned to the Dark Realm.

Thinking of this, Feng Qing felt a little more suspicious, and looked at the beloved woman in front of him.

in case……

She will be unfavorable to the Emperor and the Dark Realm. He must stand on the Emperor's side without hesitation. Then she...

"Brother Fengqing, why don't you speak?"

Seeing the surprise and uncertainty in Feng Qing's eyes, Hai Yang's heart sank, did he suspect something?But there was still a puzzled look on his face, and he blinked innocently, looking at him for a moment.

"It's okay." Feng Qing quickly shook his head, and responded with a faint smile.

Haiyang blinked, and asked softly: "Did brother Fengqing give the detection spar to Miss Jun?"

Feng Qing glanced at her quietly, then shook her head, and lowered her voice, "No, she must have been guilty and refused to take the detection spar, but Miss Haiyang, don't worry, in just a few days, I will let her be obedient Get probed."

He decided not to tell her the truth for the time being. In this way, if something really happened, maybe... he could avoid the possibility of one more person messing around.

Haiyang smiled softly, "Then I can rest assured. If her identity can be confirmed earlier, everyone can stop worrying. Do you think she is Brother Fengqing?"

"That's right." Feng Qing nodded with a smile, "Miss Haiyang has a good rest, she has important things to do at the end, so she will leave first."

"Brother Fengqing, be careful." Haiyang blushed slightly and watched him leave.


As soon as Feng Qing walked away, Xi'er came over and opened her mouth quietly, as if she wanted to say something.

Haiyang waved his hands lightly, and said affirmatively: "Kill him, and then closely monitor Jun Mochu's every move."

Chess pieces that are no longer useless remain useless.

Only the dead will keep secrets like a bottle.

"Miss suspects that General Feng is lying, but actually handed over the earth grain stone to that bitch?" Xi'er asked suspiciously.

"It's not doubt, but affirmation." Haiyang said, a strange cold light flashed in the long and narrow phoenix eyes, "Therefore, there is no need to stay."

"Yes, Xi'er will do it right away."

"Wait, we don't need to do it, someone will kill him." Haiyang said suddenly, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Miss means..."

"Jun Mochu."

Xi'er's eyes lit up, "Xi'er understands, Miss is smart!"

Haiyang looked coldly at the direction where Fengqing was leaving, feeling chilly, Jun Mochu, no one can get what I can't get.

The sun sets in the west, and the red clouds fill the sky.

Jun Mochu, who originally wanted to check on the third elder, felt a little sleepy.

She had no choice but to think that Mo Yantian might come to occupy the bed with her again tonight, so she decided to sleep for a while so as not to sleep at night.

So, she went back to her other courtyard and lay down with all her clothes on.

However, she didn't know that closing her eyes and waking up again made it impossible for her to turn back.


Today, the bottom three changes are guaranteed, and one more chapter will be added. This is the first update.

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