Chapter 182 He is too good.

Man's patience is limited.

Jun Mo knew at the beginning that if she was weak at this time, if she wanted to sign up smoothly, she would have to make an example now.

So what if he is blind?

Does this college have a rule that blind people cannot sign up?

Therefore, in order not to waste time, and also in order that no one would dare to stop her in the future, Jun Mochu didn't mind being a bit harsher, to tell them who should be provoked and who should not be provoked.

Not to mention the freshmen watching the excitement around, even Cheng Chencheng, who was standing by the side, couldn't help feeling a pain in the ass when he saw the smooth bald head of Mr. Liu, and then took another look at the part Jun Mochu's long sword was pointing at...

More and more people were disturbed by the movement here, and many people came to watch here, and many people recognized Jun Mo at the moment.

"Hey, isn't this the invisible girl who has been performing on the street a few days ago?"

"It's really her. Look, the puppy is still beside her. Why is she here?"

"Didn't you see it just now? She seems to be here to sign up too. Look, Liu Qing has somehow offended her..."

"God, what kind of master is she? I didn't seem to see her use force just now, right? How did she do it? She looks very powerful!"

"You're dazzled... If she's really so good, why does she still go to perform... Such a shameful thing..."

"Could it be that everyone is collectively dazzled...?"

The discussion became louder and louder, and Liu Qing was completely frightened, until a few friends who made good friends with him hurriedly helped him up from the ground, and quickly apologized to Jun Mochu, "Uh, this... uh I'm sorry, girl who sells art, Liu Qing has always been outspoken, so let's just forget about it?"

Cheng Chencheng glanced at those people, and found that they were all dressed in aristocratic costumes, and they must be the young masters of a wealthy family. It's okay to provoke one or two, but it will be difficult to provoke them all at once.

Thinking of this, he quickly took back his sword, "Sister Mochu, brother also thinks it's okay, let's take it as soon as we get along... Besides, it's so disrespectful for girls to dance with knives and guns every family, brother knows you are a gentle man!" Skillful girl..."

"..." Wuyan, who was squatting at Jun Mochu's feet, couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.


Mo Chu is gentle?

That's because he hasn't seen her truly fierce appearance yet, okay...

Jun Mochu withdrew his hand, and nodded slightly, "Of course, I have always been a kind person."

"..." Everyone twitched the corners of their mouths inaudibly.

But no matter what, she let Liu Qing go, and many people were relieved.

Cheng Chencheng was also a little ashamed, he put away the sword, and quickly picked up Wuyan, this is a divine beast, it is so small, and there are so many people here, what if one person accidentally stepped on it and trampled the divine beast? ?

Holding Wuyan in his arms, Cheng Chencheng whispered to Jun Mochu's ear and asked, "Uh, this, sister Mochu, what level are you...?"

He is already a master of the seventh-level high-level, but Jun Mochu was able to snatch his sword calmly, which made him startled. How did she do it?

Cheng Chencheng's voice was very soft, but the people around were already curious about Jun Mochu. When they heard them talking, they pricked up their ears to eavesdrop carefully. After hearing Cheng Chencheng's question, everyone immediately turned their ears Stand up.

They also really want to know how high this entertainer girl is!

Jun Mo didn't talk nonsense at the beginning, with a thought, and with a twist of his fingertips, a touch of orange force flowed through his fingertips.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, each level of force corresponds to a color.

And the orange force is the symbol of the second level.

As a result, everyone once again had a gorgeous convulsion.

"...Ah Shan, hit me, hurry up, I must be dreaming today!"

"Oh my god, the second level of force... is it true or not? Hey, what level is Liu Qing?"

"Liu Qing... the sixth level, almost breaking through the seventh level."

"Are you sure we didn't read wrong just now? A little girl who can't see at the second level directly scared Liu Qing, who is at the sixth level, into a fool?"

"Not only was she frightened, she was also shaved into a bald head."

"I'm pretty sure we're all wrong."


Everyone is silent.

What is the concept of second order?

That is, every college present here can easily beat her far away, like an ant.

In their eyes, it is not enough to see at all.

And Liu Qing is a master of the sixth rank, and is about to break through to the seventh rank. However, such a master, in front of this small second rank, has no power to fight back.

They think that either Jun Mochu is hiding his strength, or Liu Qing is hiding his strength, or their identities have been swapped, Liu Qing is the second rank, and this blind girl is the sixth rank?

That was the only explanation they could think of.

Cheng Chencheng rubbed his eyes, then rubbed his eyes again, after confirming that the force in Jun Mochu's hands was indeed the second level, his mouth grew into a '0' shape, and he asked in disbelief, "Sister, you Did you lie to brother? Actually, you don’t have to be afraid of hurting brother’s self-esteem, just tell me that you are already a master beyond the seventh rank..."

At the beginning, Jun Mo didn't care whether they believed it or not, and directly withdrew his force, and said lightly: "I am indeed a second-order."

"Then how could you beat that man so forcefully just now that he couldn't fight back?" Cheng Chencheng's eyes were full of disbelief, and he was sure in his heart that Jun Mochu must be hiding his strength.

"Oh." Jun Mochu explained with a blank expression on his forehead, "Maybe, he's too good."

"Dish?" What do you mean?



Cheng Chencheng card rookie silently drew a circle, then she quietly snatched his weapon just now, could it be because he is too... good?

At this time, perhaps the previous noise was too great, which actually alarmed the teachers who signed up at the front. At that moment, two teachers broke through the crowd and came here, staring at the freshmen around them, and asked sharply:

"What's going on? Who is making trouble here and hurting classmates?"


The first update, there will be more~

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