Chapter 220 Space is discovered.

"Girl, what are you going to do?" Wuyan's voice sounded faintly from the bottom of her heart.

Jun Mo frowned, "I just want to know why he became like this."

Wuyan's voice was obviously weak, with a hint of helplessness, "Or, you can ask Mo Yantian."

It has been too long since he left this continent, he was reborn ten thousand years later, and has stayed in Shengjing since his rebirth. The world has changed so fast, he can only vaguely guess what happened to Jue Xin, but he doesn't know exactly what happened. what happened.

After all, the era in which he existed has passed too long.

"But don't get too close to him." Wuyan warned again: "He has a strong death energy, which will corrode everything."

"Corrosion?" Jun Mochu frowned even tighter, "If that's the case, wouldn't he stay in the academy..."

If you can't get close to him, then in the third class of the elite class in the name of Zhou Fei, wouldn't the students in the third class be corrupted?

"No." Wuyan explained: "He can't do large-scale corrosion for the time being. It depends on whether his consciousness is stronger or weaker. Maybe when he meets an opponent he is interested in and stimulates his fighting spirit, the corrosion Only then will it become stronger and stronger, under normal circumstances, it has no intention of interacting with ordinary people."

in this way.

Jun Mo glanced at the direction where Jue Xin left, fell silent for a while, and said slowly: "Is there any hope for him to return to the way it was before?"

Retrieve the previous memory, and return to the former Jue Xin.

Wuyan didn't answer immediately, as if he was thinking about something, he said after a while: "I'm afraid, it's a bit difficult."

The upper body of lifeless anger will first corrode everything about him. Even if he regains his memory in the future, it is unlikely that he will retain his humanity.

Jun Mo fell silent at first, and suddenly strode forward.

"Girl, where are you going?" Wuyan asked suspiciously.

Speaking of which, he has feelings for Jue Xin, at least they have advanced and retreated together in the trial ground together, seeing Jue Xin's current appearance, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Look for Mo Yantian and ask him if he can do anything." Jun Mochu said.

Since people can be controlled, there must be a way to release the control. No matter what the result is, you have to try it before you know.

Mo Yantian, with a cruel personality, hates crowds and noise. Today, in order to watch Jun Mochu's game, he made an exception and stayed in the crowded square for nearly an hour. It is already a miracle.

Therefore, as soon as Jun Mochu's competition ended, he left the academy and lived in a yard somewhere in an alley away from the noisy streets.

When Jun Mo first stepped into the yard, the first thing he saw were four big boxes placed in the middle of the yard. Each box was shining with gold and filled with gold bars!

She was taken aback, Wuyan in the Qiankun bag saw so many gold bars, and immediately swept away his exhausted state before, excitedly said: "Take it! Take it! The girl will take these gold bars soon! Money, money, money... we You can live your life without worrying about food and clothing.”

Because Jun Mo was a little dazed when he saw so many gold bars all at once, and Wu Yan kept yelling to put them away.

Jun Mochu was in a trance, subconsciously, with a 'swish', the four big boxes of gold bars suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, and the courtyard that was originally shining golden under the moonlight suddenly became dim and irrelevant.

"Aww..." Wuyan rolled on the four big boxes of gold bars, crying, "I'm rich! I'm rich! I can finally perform differently! It's simply out of place for Wang to show his face!"

"..." Well, so following her, is it really so sad.

"Do you have a space ring?"

While she was contemplating, an indifferent voice suddenly broke into her ears, Jun Mo raised his head abruptly, and saw Mo Yantian standing at the entrance of the main hall at some point, looking at her for a moment.

Before Jun Mo took away the four big boxes of gold bars, all of them entered his indifferent purple eyes.

"Uh." Well, the secret was discovered.

Jun Mochu secretly despised Wuyan in his heart.

——It’s all your fault, it was discovered.

——If you find it, you will find it. Although Mo Yantian's character is not bad, he won't steal your things.

——Didn't you say that no matter who sees the Qiankun bag, they will be jealous?

——But now I feel that the person Mo Yantian is jealous of and wants to overthrow is you.


After the exchange between master and servant, Jun Mo raised his head and looked at Mo Yantian sincerely, "Uh, the money is not in vain, I just put it away for you."

"Use the space ring?" Mo Yantian frowned slightly, and there was some dissatisfaction in the depths of her purple eyes, dissatisfied that she had something to hide from him.

"No." Now that he knew about it, Jun Mochu didn't want to deceive him, the Qiankun bag was indeed not a space ring.

Mo Yantian raised one eyebrow, and his purple eyes sank.

In his opinion, only the extremely precious space ring on the mainland can put away the items silently, but Jun Mochu told him no.

This made him subconsciously think that she was hiding something from him, or cheating him.

Jun Mo looked at the red tattoo-like pattern on her wrist for the first time. She stretched out her hand and placed it in front of Mo Yantian, letting him see the totem on her wrist clearly, and then said: "It's better than the space ring... Something a little more advanced."

"..." In the space, Wuyan rolled his eyes when he heard Jun Mochu's words.

More advanced?

It's not just more advanced, it's completely different, okay?

In comparison with the Qiankun bag, the interspatial ring, which everyone on this continent regards as a treasure, is probably equivalent to a piece of garbage.

Hearing this, Mo Yantian raised his eyebrows even higher.

Something more advanced than the space ring?

The space ring is so precious, it is almost considered as one of the few precious treasures in this Yuncang Continent, but she said, this one in her hand is more advanced than the space ring?

With bottomless purple eyes drooping slightly, Mo Yantian's gaze landed on the totem on her wrist, and he flashed a line of deep thought.


The third update, don't blame the sound for being too late. I was singing with the readers in YY before, so the update time was delayed. Those who like to join in the fun can also come to the readers.Group number: 281239537.Continue to update the codeword.

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