Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 236 Give You The Bed, Shall I?

Chapter 236 Give You The Bed, Shall I?

For such an unimaginable thing that a seemingly immature child can win the fame and the young master Jiu Leili, everyone has not yet recovered from their surprise, and it is such a thunderous thing that the child is actually Jun Mochu's son. Rad was anxious inside and out.

In fact, Jun Mo knew the reason why Xiao Xiaoxian called her mother when he reached an agreement with Feng Fei. She expressed contempt for Mo Yantian's vinegar pot in her heart, but her face was slightly raised. She pursed her lips, patted Xiao Xiaoxian's head, and said lightly at the corner of her mouth, "Good boy."

It looks like a loving mother and filial son.

Ye Xuan in the distance couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, no wonder the emperor would take a fancy to this woman, she turned out to be a strange one.

"Excuse me, Master Dean." After appeasing Xiao Xiaoxian, Jun Mochu straightened his back and stood under the high platform, looking at Dean Friesen for a moment, and said lightly: "Young Master Lei can't even beat my son , do you think, am I qualified enough to graduate?"

Dean Friesen's eyes twitched, what son!Did she think he didn't know that it was a divine beast!Do you think he would not know that this is the mutated sky-killing beast next to the Emperor of the Dark Realm!Not ashamed!

However, he couldn't say these words, so he took a deep breath dryly, and squeezed out the words through his teeth: "Of course, you can!"

Damn Yin Jili, what kind of apprentice did he accept!She wouldn't be happy if she didn't mess up the academy, wouldn't she!

Dean Friesen scolded Yin Jili, the culprit in his heart.

With the consent of the dean, Jun Mochu nodded slightly, "Thank you, dean." After finishing speaking, he took Xiao Xiaoxian's chubby hand and left without hesitation, without any nostalgia.

Dean Friesen asked himself deeply in his heart, has the reputation of Shengnan College declined in recent years?Why would someone leave as soon as they arrive?The spread of this word will damage the reputation of the college.

However, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only watch him leave.

After leaving the academy, Jun Mo first pinched Xiao Xiaoxian's pretty face: "Good guy, you have pretty good skills."

"That's right!" Xiao Xiaoxian raised her neck proudly, "It's not just because of her good skills, she can go to the kitchen, go to the latrine, be a cheerleader, beat scum and climb walls, she has many skills."

The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched, "Wuyan learned this, right? I think you are destined to be bullied by Wuyan."

"How is it possible!" Xiao Xiaoxian suddenly raised her fist, showing off her ability indignantly, "Just like Brother Wuyan, you don't need a fist!"

"There is a saying called outsmart, you know?" Jun Mochu reminded it.

"Then I'm smarter than Brother Wuyan."

"...Is it smart to say that you can go up to the kitchen and go down to the hut? Have you ever seen someone who put the kitchen and the hut together?"

"..." Xiao Xiaoxian explained without confidence, "Brother Wuyan taught me to say it."

"That's why you're stupid." Jun Mochu rubbed its head vigorously, the little guy looks more and more cute, Wuyan is an old fritter, the little guy is so innocent, how can he be Wuyan's opponent.

Back in the other courtyard, Mo Yantian had successfully controlled the toxin-like death energy, and Cheng Chencheng's pale complexion slightly improved.

Seeing Jun Mochu came back, Mo Yantian's purple eyes flashed a warm feeling, "Competition is over?"

Jun Mochu naturally wouldn't tell him that she was disqualified from the competition. She looked at Cheng Chencheng who was lying on the bed, and changed the subject: "How is he?"

Mo Yantian raised his sword eyebrows, "Did the emperor tell you?" He leaned close to Jun Mochu's ear, whispering softly, expressing his dissatisfaction, "In front of the emperor, don't care too much about the other man?"

Jun Mo first tilted his head to look at him, "He is a friend, you are different."

There was a light in the depths of the purple eyes, Mo Yantian lowered his head slightly, lowered his tone slightly, with a bit of coaxing, "Why is it different?"

Jun Mo raised his red lips lightly, with a smile in his eyes, "Guess."

Mo Yantian's sword eyebrows were raised even higher, but his bright purple eyes showed his good mood, his thick palms gently pressed on the back of her head, and his foreheads touched, "Say."

He wants to listen to her.

At the beginning, Jun Mo looked into his eyes with a smile that was not a smile. The weird eyes were so strange that everyone was jealous and fearful, but at this moment, they were blooming for her with the gentleness that only belonged to her.

"You really want me to tell you?" Her eyes were bright, as if she could reach the stars in the sky.

"Must." Mo Yantian said unquestionably, under the forehead that was close to each other, there was a bit of anticipation in the strange purple eyes.

Jun Mo poked his shoulder at the beginning, narrowed his star eyes, and said: "Cheng Chencheng is a friend, and you..." After a pause, she met Mo Yantian's slightly expectant eyes, and then said: "Long-term meal ticket .”

"..." Mo Yantian was taken aback for a long time... meal ticket?What's that?

He was a little dissatisfied that she said something he didn't understand, pinched her earlobe punitively, and said domineeringly: "Explain."

Jun Mo felt his ears were a little itchy and numb at first, so he couldn't help shrinking, shrugged and said: "It means long-term meal tickets, you don't even know what this means, do you?"

Mo Yantian stared at her dissatisfied, and heard her tone, as if he didn't know what it meant, and it was a very embarrassing thing.

He was so angry that his teeth were itching. A man's self-esteem, especially when his IQ is questioned by a woman, is often desperate for face. Therefore, he snorted coldly, "Of course the emperor knows."

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows as a beginner, "Oh? Then tell me, what do you mean?"

"It means long-term meal ticket." Mo Yantian blocked back with her words.

Jun Mo crossed his arms around his chest, appreciating the way a certain man gritted his teeth with a half-smile, with a faint smile on his lips, warming his heart.

Thinking of the time since I met him, no matter how angry I was with him, no matter how angry he was, he never really touched her. If it was someone else, his bones would have been gone by now. He always used this to pamper her.

I have to admit that it's really hard not to like Mo Yantian like this.

She has always been a person who dares to love and hate, if she likes it, she likes it, and if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. During the time when she was blind, Mo Yantian was not by her side. Looking at her, in fact, she has already fallen in love with that man.

Since I like it, why do I need to hide my feelings?The man she likes, will she make him see other women?

Absolutely, impossible.

She hooked her hands towards Mo Yantian.

"Say." Mo Yantian's eyes were dissatisfied, but he still moved his face cooperatively.

Jun Mo snorted, hooked Mo Yantian's neck, and kissed him on the face, "That's right, that's what it means, this is... a reward for you."

The purple eyes darkened, and a bit of desire surged in the deep eyes, "How is one enough?"

He embraced Jun Mochu, who was about to retreat, into his arms, and kissed him deeply without any explanation. This was sent to her door by herself. Would he refuse such a great opportunity?

Mo Yantian hummed and thought, I am not a fool!

It's rare to see her take the initiative...

Well, he was really surprised the first time and missed a great opportunity. If he misses it the second time, he won't be Mo Yantian!

However, just when he was about to punish this ignorant woman, before he touched the red lips that Xiao had wanted for a long time, a low coughing sound suddenly came from the bed.

Mo Yantian and Jun Mochu couldn't help but startled.

In the ear, Cheng Chencheng's voice rang out.

"Cough, cough, I said sister Mochu... Brother, brother didn't expect that you are such a bold and unrestrained person..." Cheng Chencheng weakly raised his hand, and soon relaxed due to his weakness.

In fact, he really wanted to say that he had already woken up!

And it's been a long time since I woke up!

He kept trying to remind them that he was awake!Come and comfort me, a wounded person.

As a result, these two people have been talking about each other like no one else, he can only be forced to treat himself as a transparent person, not to disturb their intimacy, thinking, although he is a wounded person, they will not completely forget him, he is also willing Watch an intimate scene for free.

However, it turned out that he was still too naive! !

Cheng Chencheng felt that if he kept quiet, the two of them might kiss together! !

He roared in his heart, don't forget that brother is single!Don't forget that brother is not wanted!If you want to make out, can you go somewhere else?

"Hey, brother also knows...You guys, you are so loving...cough cough, but please don't, don't irritate my brother who is seriously injured and lonely like snow, okay? Or..." He paused again, sincerely Looking at them sincerely, "How about, brother get up and give you the bed?"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Mo Yantian.

The two of you look at me, I look at you, and then slowly let go of each other, both of them smirking.

Cheng Chencheng covered his lips weakly, seeing how considerate his brother is, he was afraid that they would get out of hand when their love became strong, maybe, they really needed a bed.


Thank you for your affirmation of Yinyin, but recently, Kawen has been stuck a lot, so there are fewer. Tomorrow weekend, Yinyin will add more!

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