Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 242 The situation is critical

Chapter 242 The situation is critical

Haiyang ran away rolling and crawling.

Originally, Wuyan wanted to escort her to Mo Yantian, but he used other methods to forcibly improve his strength. This method was extremely detrimental to his vitality, and it would not last long. He did not dare to take the risk of escorting Haiyang to Mo Yantian. In front of the sky, because he was afraid that before seeing Mo Yantian, the power in his body would disappear and he would turn back into a beast again.

Therefore, she can only be allowed to leave.

"Girl, girl, are you okay?" He hurried over and helped Jun Mochu, who was half-sitting on the floor, before his hands touched anyone, suddenly a blue light flashed, "哧啦——" He was still showing off his might just now Wuyan immediately turned back into a fluffy, fiery red puppy-like beast.

Because of the damage to his vitality, he was originally about the size of an ordinary puppy, but now he has become smaller. Jun Mo looked at him for the first time, and the corners of his mouth curled, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"Wuyan, you are only a little bigger than a rabbit now."

"..." Wuyan looked at his appearance wanting to cry without tears, his big blue eyes were already watery and misty, but this time, he looked cute and aggrieved.

He waved his paw listlessly. For a period of time, he might fall into a semi-comatose state. He might wake up in a day or two, maybe four or five days. The damage to his vitality made him feel extremely tired.

"The you just now, is your real strength?" Jun Mo first knew that he used a secret method to forcibly increase his strength, but he couldn't help but be surprised when he thought that the holy master he fought desperately was as small as an ant in his hands , How strong was Wuyan before?

"Pfft." Wuyan scratched the back of his head disdainfully, "It's just a layer of strength from my heyday as a scholar, it's enough to deal with that woman with no breasts and buttocks."

"..." Jun Mo Chu Mo, a layer of power in the heyday, but squeezed and flattened the holy masters. How strong was this guy before?

Such a tyrannical strength has been sealed by someone, how strong is the person who sealed him?

"Tell me honestly, what kind of monster are you?" Jun Mochu gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain in his body, stood up from the ground, and looked at the mess around him, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

"Uh..." Wuyan opened his mouth and looked sloppy, "I'll talk about this later, I'll talk about it later, I'm so tired as a scholar now..."

Just kidding, he didn't want to tell the girl that he was a half-orc.

One must know that a half-orc is the lowest existence no matter in the Nine Heavens Realm or in the Yuncang Continent, he... has low self-esteem! ! !

He didn't say it, and Jun Mochu didn't force it. In fact, she felt that she was a little dizzy, and there was no power or force in her body. She summoned Feng Fei out with difficulty.

"Miss Mochu." Although Feng Fei was injured, he used his kung fu to heal his injuries in the Qiankun Bag for a period of time, and the spiritual energy in the Qiankun Bag was rich, and his face looked much better now.

However, at this moment, his expression towards Jun Mochu is respectful, one is because of the life-saving grace just now, and the other is because he discovered Jun Mochu's body, the more he gets along with her, the more secrets she has. .

First, the Ancient Realm Key, and then this terrifying space magic weapon. In his eyes, Wuyan was just like a top-quality old fritter. He only regarded him as an ordinary divine beast, but he never thought that Wuyan was so strong. Thinking, the Wuyan just now, I am afraid that the master is not his opponent.

He didn't know what else he didn't know about Miss Mo Chu, but just a few points were enough to make him startled and respectful.

"Go back and tell him... Just say, just say that I won't go back to the Dark Realm with him." Jun Mochu lowered his eyes and said.

Feng Fei was taken aback, "Miss Mo Chu, the master has been staying here just to wait for you, if you don't return, the master..."

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something, and said hastily, "Don't you want the master to see you injured?"

Jun Mo felt a little top-heavy at first, and she felt that if Feng Fei didn't leave, she would definitely be unable to hold on.

If Feng Fei knew about her poor health, he would definitely tell Mo Yantian, and he would not be at ease at that time, but Mo Yantian's time could not be delayed any longer.

Haiyang is also seriously injured now. Once she is injured, the power of the five sects of Xianshan will be greatly damaged. This is the best opportunity for the dark world to launch an attack on the five sects of Xianshan.

What's more, Liu Liqing is still in Haiyang's hands.

She tried her best to support her body, and said: "I only have fifteen days to save my parents. If I go back to the Dark Realm...it will be too late."

Hearing this, Feng Fei's expression changed, "It turns out that Miss Mo Chu has already received news from your parents. Well, I'll go back and tell the emperor right now!"

He didn't hesitate anymore, turned around to leave, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and asked worriedly: "Miss Mochu, you look very bad... are you okay?"

"It's okay." Jun Mochu hurriedly said, waving his hands pretending to be relaxed, "These are all skin injuries, whether there is rock or not, I'm afraid that something will happen to me."

Hearing what she said, Feng Fei thought of Wu Yan's abnormality, and immediately felt relieved, "Then I'm leaving, be careful!"


Jun Mo watched her leave at the beginning, until Feng Fei's figure disappeared in front of her eyes, she staggered a bit, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and Wuyan was startled.

"Girl? Girl, are you okay?" Wuyan jumped over in a hurry, trying to support her crumbling body, but he was helpless now that he was in the body of a beast.

Jun Mo didn't answer at the beginning, not because she didn't want to answer, but at this moment, she was already dizzy, and before her consciousness entered the darkness, she only had time to put herself and Wuyan into the space of the Qiankun bag, and then fell unconscious .

Wuyan, who entered the space, didn't last long, and he fell into a deep sleep with his vitality severely injured. Only in a deep sleep can the divine beast get the best healing.

But Wuyan had lived for tens of thousands of years before his rebirth, and his mental strength was strong, so he woke up in less than two days.

Jun Mochu remained silent.

One day, two days, three days... Seven days passed, and she still didn't wake up.

Wuyan started to panic, the Jun family and his wife are still waiting for the soul pill on her body to save their lives, they only have fifteen days, if she continues to sleep like this, Mochu's father and mother will probably... lose their wits.


Another update, continue to code

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