Chapter 248 Brother and Sister Meet

At this time, in the attic, Jun Mo took over the cloth robe prepared by Fanchen and quickly changed into it, and Fanchen seemed to have expected that she would come and encounter these things, so he prepared everything up.

The exquisite and ingenious disguise mask, as well as the clothes worn by the little monk, are all available from the inside to the outside.

The clothes she was wearing were already in a state of distress, with a lot of blood stains on them. It happened that Fan Chen had prepared all the clothes, and she changed them quickly. In just a few minutes, she quickly turned into a thin and weak little monk. As long as Fanchen doesn't tell, and she doesn't tell, no one will recognize that she is a fake.

Jun Mochu looked at his outfit with satisfaction, and was about to say thank you to Fan Chen, when he took a step, he suddenly remembered something.

How does this dress fit you so well?It seems to be custom-made for myself, the most important thing is...

Nima, why even the size of underwear is just right!

Fan Chen obviously didn't know Jun Mo's roaring thoughts in his heart at the moment. Seeing Jun Mo's weird expression, doubts filled his clear eyes, "But the clothes don't fit?"

"..." No, Nima just fits too well, it fits to the point where she would be ashamed!

"Hey, God, why are you here?" She quickly changed the subject.

"Yunyou passed by, passed by here, and thought of your promise to come here, so I waited for a few days." Fan Chen smiled slightly, "Are your eyes okay?"

Knowing that he was talking about the blindness at the beginning, Jun Mo couldn't help but nodded, "It's all right now."

It's all right, but Yin Jili has cultivated a pair of piercing eyes, which are brighter than before.

Fan Chen smiled, took out a small blue kit from his bosom, and handed it to her.

"God, what is this?" She asked suspiciously.

Fan Chen explained: "Your brother entrusted me with the medicine to cure your eye injury." Although her eyes are already healed, this is what Jun Chenxiao entrusted to him, and he still has to deliver it to the other party .

Hearing this, Jun Mo's eyes lit up for the first time, and impatiently, he grabbed Fan Chen's hand and asked eagerly, "Have you seen my brother? Where is he now?"

In fact, what surprised her even more was, how did his brother know that her eyes were injured?How could she know that she knew Fan Chen and entrusted Fan Chen to bring her medicine.

Fanchen froze slightly, then retreated a little calmly, and silently retracted, saying: "Brother Ling is at Wuyan Mountain."

After hearing the answer, Jun Mo was relieved at the beginning, yes, at this moment, how could her brother go to other places, besides Wu Yanshan, where else could he be?

Jun Mo first squinted his eyes, and looked at the sky outside, and it was already evening in a blink of an eye.

The evening glow of the setting sun dyed half of the sky red, like a maple like a fire, and my heart skipped a beat, how could time pass so fast?

"I'm running out of time." Jun Mochu murmured, then raised his head, and bid farewell to Fanchen in a deep voice, "Great God, thank you for your help, I have to go first because of something urgent."

She has already delayed too much time, but her father and mother don't have that time to delay any longer.

Fan Chen glanced at her quietly, and said slowly, "I'll take you there."

Jun Mochu, who was about to leave, heard his words, immediately put back the foot he had just lifted, and looked at him in surprise, the Great God said to take her there?

How did he know where she was going?

As soon as this doubt came to her mind, she suddenly thought again, yes, the Great God has seen his brother, so he naturally knows where Jun Chen is laughing better than she does, why didn't she think of this possibility,

In addition, as Fanchen, it is definitely easier to enter and exit the headquarters hall of the five sects of Xianshan than himself. With Fanchen leading the way, it is easier than going alone recklessly.

Thinking of this, she quickly agreed without thinking: "Okay."

As soon as the words fell, before the two of them were ready to leave, Fan Chen frowned slightly, and his clear eyes showed a little seriousness.

Jun Mochu also frowned, because at the same moment Fanchen looked up and looked behind him, two extremely strong auras had already locked her in, leaving her no chance to hide, Jun Mochu no longer doubted, These two people who suddenly appeared must be heavenly masters!

"Jun'er, hide first." Fan Chen lowered his voice and said to Jun Mochu, apparently also understood the difficulty of the visitor.

He didn't tell her how to hide, let alone where she should hide to be safe, as if he knew she could hide in a way so that no one would find out, he just ordered her in a low voice.

"En." In front of Fan Chen, she has never concealed anything, not to mention, Fan Chen has long known that she has a magic weapon of space, so he directly entered the space without hesitation.

Jun Mo first entered the space of the Qiankun bag, and the Qiankun bag can isolate all detection breaths of soul and spiritual power. Therefore, the moment she entered, the locked person suddenly disappeared, and the two heavenly ranks who came from afar The masters felt it immediately, they looked at each other suspiciously, then carefully diffused their mental power, searched carefully, and found that they could no longer find that person, they rushed to Fan Chen's location quickly, and landed in front of the attic .


Gu He and Gu Qing stood at the same spot, their expressions were not respectful, but they didn't rush in hastily, but stopped at the spot and called out.

At their level of strength, they rarely bother about some things in the Fengyun plane, but Fanchen's name and reputation are not something they can underestimate, but no matter how high Fanchen's status in Yuncang Continent is, in their In their eyes, he was still too much younger than them, and he was regarded as a junior.

Fan Chen's voice came from the building lightly, "It turned out to be two elders. I learned that the two elders were in retreat a few days ago. Fan Chen was not able to pay a visit. It was a bit rude." The two brothers, Gu He and Gu Qing, were five The previous two elders of the Zong headquarters had been retreating in seclusion, but they did not expect to come out this time.

All the hidden treasures in the headquarters of Xianshan Five Sects have been evacuated for thousands of years. They are the geniuses and treasures that have been stored since the establishment of Xianshan Five Sects. After thousands of years, there are too many treasures that cannot be measured by money. The treasures, especially the space stone, are also missing. For Wuzong, this is more important than changing the position of suzerain, because the loss of those treasures prevents many younger disciples of Wuzong from using the spirit treasure to improve their strength. That is related to the future development of the five sects of the entire fairy mountain, so almost all the old monsters who lived in the dark were dispatched.

And those old monsters don't say much, but they say little, at least for the current Jun Mo and others, they are a powerful force that they can't resist at all.

Hearing Fan Chen's words, Gu He and Gu Qing were taken aback for a moment. Unexpectedly, Fan Chen already knew who they were before they met. It seems that he really can predict the future as rumored in the mainland.

At the moment, since the expressions of the two became serious, a person who can represent the beliefs of the entire continent, even if Fan Chen's age can be said to be their junior, can't be neglected.

"Master's words are serious, it is the old man and the brothers who have neglected the master." Gu Qing stroked his graying beard, hesitation flashed in his old eyes, and said slowly: "Forgive me for what I said, just now I feel strange around the master The breath is not from my five sects, dare to ask the master who is that person, and where is he now?"

Fanchen didn't answer.

The eyes of Gu Qing and Gu He couldn't help but sink. Gu He's temper was more irritable. Seeing that Fan Chen didn't speak, his tone couldn't help but rush, "Master is highly respected, and he must know what happened to my five sects today. This old man suspects that person just now. It is the person who stole my Treasure Pavilion, I hope Master will not shield such evil people!"

Fanchen still didn't answer.

The faces of the two elders became even more gloomy. They felt that for Fan Chen, a junior, they had already given enough face and were polite, but Fan Chen didn't take them seriously at all.

The two glared at the attic in front of them, and when they were about to question, the door of the attic suddenly opened slowly.

A white robe of Fanchen swept across the threshold, cool and transparent, like a noble white lotus scattered in the world of mortals.

He glanced at them indifferently, and gave way slightly, "The two elders can go in and look for them by themselves."

After finishing speaking, he walked unhurriedly to the white jade table behind them and sat down. There was nothing beside him, only a jug of wine and a light glass, and drank by himself.

He didn't say that he was in the attic, let alone that he wasn't there. Such an ambiguous answer made the two elders, Gu Qing, Gu He, even more vigilant.

Gu Qing winked at Gu He and asked him to go into the attic to investigate the situation, and stayed there to guard Fan Chen, fearing that he would do something tricky.

After a while, Gu He came out of the attic with a gloomy face, looked at Gu Qing shaking his head gloomyly, there was indeed no one inside.

Gu Qing's face was ugly, a living person, it's impossible to just disappear like this, not to mention that the two of them had already locked onto that person's aura, how could it be possible to suddenly disappear?He suspected that Fanchen must have done something to block the man's aura.

He simply sat down on the seat opposite Fanchen, and said hypocritically: "Master is very elegant, drinking here, if you don't mind, how about my two brothers drinking with the master?"

Hmph, they had a deadly fight with Fanchen, and they didn't believe that he could keep hiding that mysterious person!As long as they kept staring at Fanchen, they would be able to find out where Fanchen hid the person.

"Of course." Fan Chen chuckled, his smile was like the spring breeze in March, gentle and modest, "Please, two elders."

There was no trace of tension or worry on his face.

The two elders snorted coldly in their hearts, to see how long you can persist.

The sunset was completely down, the sky gradually darkened, and time passed bit by bit.

The two elders watched Fanchen closely, but Fanchen was drinking nonchalantly all the time, and occasionally lecturing scriptures for them, which made them drowsy. After two hours passed, he still smiled lightly like the wind, and The two elders couldn't sit still.

In the space, Jun Mochu, who watched the time pass bit by bit, seemed to be sitting on a needle blanket, but his heart became more and more anxious, but knowing that Fanchen was being watched by two heavenly masters at the moment, it was more Worried, "Will they attack the Great God? If two heaven-level masters really attack, the Great God does not know whether they are opponents."

"Don't worry, girl, that monk has a lot of skills, we should hurry up and think of a way, how to get out of here." Wu Yan said, it was dark now, and they only had the last two hours.

Speaking of this, Jun Mochu turned around and asked Wuyan, "Do you know what rank he is?"

She has never seen Fan Chen make a real move, even in the Dark Realm, she only vaguely felt that Fan Chen's strength seemed to be very strong.

But whether it is her seventh rank or the current holy rank, she can't see through Fan Chen's strength. She once asked Mo Yantian, and Mo Yantian also said that she couldn't see through Fan Chen's real rank.

Wuyan turned his blue eyes, and said helplessly: "I don't know, I can't tell, there is a kind of restriction on the monk, which cuts off all detection. Unless I break the seal, I'm afraid I won't be able to detect his strength." , but girl, I can be sure that among all the people I know, apart from Yin Jili, only the monk is the most perverted, and he is probably already a god-level master."

"God level?" Cheng Chencheng screamed strangely, "Master Fanchen is really so powerful? Mother's grandmother, sister Mochu, how did you know the master!"

When he learned of Fanchen's identity, Cheng Chencheng was completely frightened. He never expected that the great god in his heart would appear in front of him, especially when he knew that Jun Mo had a close relationship with Fanchen. Almost passed out.

He expressed his deep sadness, why did the people Mochu's sister knew become more perverted than each other?Is one identity more powerful than the other?

First Dean Yin, then the Emperor of the Dark Realm, and now, she even knows the most respected Fanchen monk on Yuncang Continent.

While lamenting, Cheng Chencheng couldn't help but lament how lucky he was to know Mochu's sister. He has met so many important people in his life, and he feels that he can die without regret.

When asked how to know Fanchen, Jun Mochu and Wuyan looked at each other, their expressions suddenly became strange, and they both coughed in embarrassment.

...Uh, how can you talk about this kind of embarrassing thing, especially how can you tell Cheng Chencheng? good.

"Is he really a god-level master?" Jun Mochu changed the subject in a timely manner.

Wuyan nodded, "Although I'm not sure yet, it's probably close to ten."

"Since the master is so powerful, why don't we just ask the master to clean up those guys and let us leave safely." Cheng Chencheng said with a look of admiration.

Wuyan glanced at him contemptuously, "Do you think that the god rank is invincible here? Where is this Yuncang Continent? The aura is so weak. God rank masters are in Yuncang Continent. Their strength is restricted everywhere and they will be suppressed." At the level of the heavenly rank, because of the weakness of the aura, the aura needed to break through the god rank is a hundred times that of the heavenly rank. The Yuncang Continent does not have that much aura at all. If you force it, it is easy to break the laws and regulations of this world and break this world. The world is peaceful, and the Yuncang Continent will be destroyed, and this is why there are so few sky-level masters here. It is because if they stay here forever, they will never be able to break through to the god level. They can only go to another higher level. Go to a more powerful plane, that is the Nine Heavens."

The Ninth Heaven Realm is above the Yuncang Continent, where there are heavenly ranks everywhere. On the Ninth Layer Heaven Realm, the masters of the heavenly ranks are there, just like the masters of the sixth and seventh ranks are the most ordinary and ordinary people in the Fengyun plane.

What's more, Fanchen is a god-like existence in the hearts of everyone in Yuncang Continent, the embodiment of kindness and holiness. If he makes a move in the five sects of Xianshan, let alone how much influence it will have on him.

Because of this, almost no one on the mainland has ever seen Fan Chen's real attack.

Cheng Chencheng's eyes widened, his jaw almost fell to the ground, "So powerful?"

"If that's the case, how could the great god break through and become a god?" Jun Mochu frowned slightly, and asked in doubt.

Wuyan flicked his tail. As a senior strongman, he liked the way Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng asked him about his appearance if he didn't understand, because it would make him feel like he had grown taller in an instant.

"In fact, this is related to the issue of soul strength. Among every hundreds of billions of human beings, there will always be one or two special people. Their soul power has improved very fast, and often their physical strength has not yet reached that level, but However, the power of the soul has far surpassed it. Once the power of the soul breaks through, there is no need to deliberately cultivate for their own strength. It will change naturally within a certain period of time, and Fanchen belongs to that kind Man, his soul strength has already become a god-level master, and the power on his body will naturally slowly transform into golden divine power after time has accumulated."

As he said that, Wuyan suddenly remembered his former master. His former master also belonged to such a group of people, and his soul power was extremely perverted.

Wuyan's sad Wangtian, his master... Will he still be able to meet again?

After listening to Wuyan's explanation, Jun Mo suddenly realized that it was so...Thinking about it, it is said that Fanchen has entered the Buddhist gate since he was five years old. People who practice Buddhism are not for fame or profit, and they are devoted to Zen. In his eyes, there is no selfish desire, no fame and fortune, and no power. In such a quiet environment, can the power of the soul not be strong?Especially Fan Chen is such a smart person.

But in the secular world, everyone wants to stand out. Even those who are indifferent to fame and fortune will have relatives, family members, friends, etc., and there are countless things to worry about every day. How can it be possible to cultivate quietly and single-mindedly? .

Jun Mo sighed secretly at the beginning, Fan Chen is indeed a powerful god.

But at this time, the two elders outside saw that Fan Chen was still drinking leisurely, and couldn't help but sit still.

I couldn't help but doubt in my heart, could it be said that Fanchen really didn't know where that person was?

Or, maybe that person has already left here.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be a waste of time for them to spend here with Fanchen?

But what if that person was really hidden by Fan Chen?Do you really have to wait forever?

They also want to do something to Fan Chen, but... Who is Fan Chen, if the people from the Five Sects of Immortal Mountain do something to him, if the news spreads, what will happen to the blasphemy of the holy monk... The people of Yuncang Continent are not yet It's no wonder that they drowned the five sects of the Immortal Mountain with one mouthful of saliva!

Thinking of this, the faces of the two elders turned green and pale, and they looked at each other, both hesitantly unable to make up their minds.

While they were in a stalemate, suddenly a person in charge ran over in a hurry.

"—I found it! The spy has been found, the two old ancestors, the Fire Sect Master asked me to invite the two old ancestors to go to the Fire Sect! The spy is hiding in the Fire Sect!"

"Really? Go!" Gu Qing and Gu He immediately stood up, without saying goodbye to Fan Chen, and left quickly without any hesitation.

At the same time, he cursed secretly in his heart, unexpectedly wasting hours of time here, fortunately he was not run away by the enemy.

Jun Mochu was staring at the situation outside all the time. When he saw the two people leaving, he also came out of the space, "Damn it, finally left." leave.

Seeing her come out, Fan Chen stood up, the plain white robe was a little wrinkled, but it didn't affect his demeanor at all.

"Follow me." He left without the slightest doubt in the other direction.

Jun Mochu followed quickly, the road was dark and dark, Fan Chen's speed was very fast, she followed closely behind him, the surrounding scenery gradually became remote, Jun Mochu discovered that they had already left the hall of the five sects , the trees here gradually increased, and the road began to be uneven.

Here... is Wu Yanshan!

Jun Mochu was overjoyed and quickly quickened his pace.

Fanchen walked all the way up the mountain, the rugged mountain road and the dark forest did not affect their speed at all.

The road became narrower and narrower, and the surrounding scenery became more and more hidden. Fanchen walked all the way to a mysterious stone wall. There was a half-recessed natural stone cave on the stone wall, hidden under the ancient tree of the sky. People passing by Almost impossible to spot.

Jun Mochu followed him into the cave, but before he could make any progress, a cold voice came from the depths of the cave.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of them, the black robe was darker than the night.

Jun Mo stared blankly at the person in front of him who looked almost exactly like her, and was dumbfounded for the first time.


The update is late, I'm sorry, I'm only out of the little black room now~ Thank you Zimo Miwei for the red envelope, I will add an update tomorrow~~ Dear friends, good night

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