Chapter 260

"How do you feel?" Jun Mochu looked at Cheng Chencheng amusedly, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"Very good." It was simply wonderful, with this feeling of strength all over his body, Cheng Chencheng opened his mouth, and excitement slowly overflowed his face, "Sister Mochu, thank you."

The aura in this space is several times that of the outside world. He knows very well that without the help of this space, he would not be able to break through to the holy rank so quickly. All this is because of the person in front of him, and he is sincerely grateful.

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, "Are you still being polite to me?" Who said that she would protect her for the rest of her life.

Seeing her like this, Cheng Chencheng felt a little embarrassed, "Brother, brother, isn't he excited?"

Jun Mochu took out a ring from his arms. The ring was simple and looked very ordinary. She threw it to him casually, as if it was an ordinary thing, "Give it to you, to celebrate your becoming a holy master .”

Cheng Chencheng didn't know that it was a space ring, so he put it on his hand directly. No matter what the value was, even if it looked ordinary, the gift from Mochu's sister, he would definitely keep it forever and cherish it.

Seeing Cheng Chencheng put it on carelessly, Jun Mochu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. If this guy knew that she gave him the precious space ring, he would definitely accept it, so she deliberately asked Cheng Chencheng to hold out his hand.

"Ah? Sister Mochu, why do you look a little mysterious." Cheng Chencheng felt a little strange, but still stretched out his hand.

Mo Yantian who was on the side couldn't help but snorted coldly, this idiot, I don't know where he got Mo Chu's eyes right, let Chu'er treat him so well, even willing to give him a space ring.

It's not a good feeling to be a little small in my heart, but... Mo Yantian caressed the ring on his hand, so what, Chu'er got a good thing, so he gave it to himself?

These two idiots, at best, only ranked third and fourth.

Jun Mo first looked at Cheng Chencheng's outstretched hand. His fingers were actually quite long, but due to years of hunting and rough work, there were many calluses on the palm of his hand.

Without thinking about it, she directly took out the dagger and made a short cut lightly, and blood flowed out immediately.

"Sister Mochu?" The wound was so small that the pain was almost imperceptible. Cheng Chencheng frowned, not knowing what she was going to do, but even though Jun Mochu didn't say anything, and scratched him with a dagger, in his eyes , or full of trust.

I believe she won't do anything to me, she will scratch my hand, at best, it's just for...doing something, right?

Sure enough, Jun Mochu closed his palms together, making him clenched into fists, blood flowed down the fingers, but the next moment, he was completely absorbed by that quaint ring.

Jun Mo took back the dagger in satisfaction, "Okay, the confession of the master with blood is completed."

"..." Cheng Chencheng still didn't quite understand what she meant. He was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt that the ring in his hand was a little heavy.

"Spatial ring!" Cheng Chencheng shouted in a broken voice, "Sister Mochu, how could you give me such a precious thing, God, this, this is a space ring! You, take it back, take it back!" Although he He came from a very backward place, but he still knows a little about space rings.

He can guarantee that there are no more than ten people with space rings on this continent. The appearance of any space ring will easily cause competition, and its value can almost be said to be priceless.

Unexpectedly, he rose from a poor person to a rich person in an instant. As long as he wanted to, he could become a rich person. This was too...shocked him.

Hastily took off the ring, and stuffed it desperately into Jun Mochu's arms.

Jun Mo didn't answer at the beginning, "I have confessed to the Lord with a drop of blood, and it's useless for me to take it back. Your soul imprint has been branded on it. Unless you die, the soul imprint will be automatically removed." After a pause, she sincerely said Ask him, "Do you want to die so much?"

"..." Cheng Chencheng was speechless while holding the space ring, Sister Mochu, you little could you be so persuasive!

"So." Jun Mo patted him on the shoulder at the beginning, "You just accept it." Of course, she would not tell Cheng Chencheng that as long as the owner is willing, the soul imprint on the space ring can be automatically erased, and it can still be transferred to other people .

Cheng Chencheng stared at the ring for a long time, and for a while, he could only say helplessly: "What about you, you gave me this interspatial ring, aren't you gone?"

He saw Jun Mochu's hands were empty and didn't wear a ring, so he thought she didn't, so he said sullenly.

Jun Mo raised his lips at the beginning, raised his eyes, and looked at this world like a paradise, then turned his head and looked at him with a smile, "Do you think there is anything I can't let go of in such a big world? What about the space ring?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chencheng was stunned, and then smiled wryly, "Grandma, brother, I forgot where I am."

Yes, in such a big world, sister Mochu can put whatever she wants, this space is many times better than the space ring, why would she need the space ring, he is too hypocritical, Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, "Then I'll accept it, sister Mochu, thank you."

Jun Mochu just shook his head and smiled faintly.

With a thought, she felt the position of Jue Xin, and she asked in doubt: "Jue Xin, how are you doing recently?"

Cheng Chencheng has already broken through, and he doesn't know what happened to Juexin.

"He's fine." Cheng Chencheng said a little enviously: "He's enjoying the spiritual spring more and more recently, so he just soaked himself in the waterfall spring not far ahead, not to mention how comfortable it is."

At the beginning, he felt uncomfortable if he soaked for two hours, but now he can't wait to stay there all day long, and he doesn't want to go anywhere. What makes Cheng Chencheng speechless is that as long as Jue Xin is by his side, he can feel it completely. Without the spiritual energy, all of it was absorbed by Jue Xin, which made him very depressed, so he separated the boundary and let Jue Xin go to the eyes of the waterfall in front of him.

"It seems that Feng Fei is here."

Mo Yantian suddenly frowned and said, since just now he has kept a trace of vigilance, paying attention to everything in the outside world, and wherever he goes, he will leave Feng Fei with clues unique to the dark world, but because he is with Jun Mo for the first time. The reason for going to Shengjing together, therefore, is almost in two directions with the people in the dark world, Feng Fei will suddenly come here, which makes him frown, and there is a factor of uneasiness in his heart.

"Let's go out first." Jun Mochu said directly, then suddenly remembered something, turned his head and said to Cheng Chencheng: "Mo Tingting...should be waking up soon."

Cheng Chencheng was stunned for a moment, seeing her suddenly raise his heart, he fell silent for a while, and then seemed to have made some decision, "Sister Mochu, I think this place is not far from Tingting's house, why not, I'll take Tingting home Once, by the propose marriage to her parents, how about I go to the Dark Realm and wait for you?"

He understood that Tingting was not suitable to stay in this space.

"Propose marriage." Jun Mo stroked his chin and thought about it. If his friend proposes marriage, it can't be shabby, can it?

"Cough." Cheng Chencheng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He couldn't let Tingting follow him with no name or title. He really wanted to propose a marriage. In fact, he once did, but at that time, Tingting His father refused to agree, he was unwilling to marry his daughter to a man who had nothing, not to mention that they were a duke family with power.

Therefore, Cheng Chencheng does not have any hope for this marriage proposal, but now he is already a master of the holy rank. I believe that the Duke may consider it possible for this sake. After all, apart from those huge forces, the master of the holy rank It is also extremely rare.

Jun Mochu didn't say a word, raised his hand, and brought many unknown treasures from the treasure house of the five sects of Xianshan. Although he couldn't name them, the treasures that could be collected by the five sects of Xianshan were How could it be Fanpin.

"Take all these things with you, how can you lose the bride price when you go to propose a marriage." It just so happens that he has a space ring now, so he should carry it carefully.

"No!" Cheng Chencheng refused without thinking, "Sister Mochu, I have already taken such an expensive gift from you, and my brother will never accept these things again."

"If you let you hold it, you can hold it. When did you become such a mother-in-law?" Jun Mochu glanced at him lightly, "Did you forget how these things came from? It's just a spoil of war. There is nothing now. There are the most geniuses and treasures left behind." Take your place."

"..." Cheng Chencheng glared at her, look at what she was talking about, she still dislikes keeping something that people in the world want and can't get, and it takes up too much space.

He was helpless, but more moved. He wanted to know that this was Mochu's sister's wish, so he didn't delay any longer, and put it away with the space ring, "Well, I will definitely go to the dark world to find you. When you finish your work, come back quickly."

"Of course." Jun Mo raised his lips and took the four of them out of the Qiankun bag.

"Take care along the way."

After bidding farewell to Cheng Chencheng, she and Mo Yantian rushed towards the direction where Feng Fei sent the signal.

Feng Fei's direction was not far from here, and they soon met in a small town.

Feng Fei's face was serious, and his deeply locked brows almost frowned into Sichuan characters. The first thing he said when he saw Mo Yantian was, "Master, Haiyang is dead."

Hearing this, Mo Yantian and Jun Mo were startled, Haiyang is dead?

"When we found out, she was already dead." Feng Fei lowered her head in shame, "We still haven't been able to find out the whereabouts of Madam."

Mo Yantian narrowed his purple eyes slightly, feeling a little regretful in his heart, what a pity that she died so easily...

"Didn't you find any reliable news?" Jun Mochu asked with a frown. It is impossible for a person to disappear out of thin air, and there must be some clues left behind.

Feng Fei said in a deep voice: "We have searched all the gates of the Imperial City of the Dark Realm, and there are no people from Haiyang and Wuzong, so we suspect that Madam is still in the city, but all the large and small places in the Imperial City , we searched carefully and found no suspicious person."

"Are you sure you have searched everything?" Jun Mochu said.

Feng Fei nodded, "Even Master Fan Chen's exclusive meditation room has been searched." You know, generally speaking, without special permission, no one is allowed to enter the place where Fan Chen is. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to the master.

This is strange.

He hadn't left the Imperial City of the Dark Realm, and the entire territory of the Imperial City had been searched, so how could he not find anyone.

Jun Mo first glanced back at Mo Yantian, wanting to say something, but Mo Yantian suddenly stood up, looking at Feng Fei with deep purple eyes, "Have you been to the forbidden area?"

"Forbidden place?" Feng Fei lost his voice, "Master, you are joking, who dares to go to that place."

The places listed as forbidden areas, even when they searched, when passing by the forbidden areas, they just glanced at them hastily and left in a hurry, how could they investigate further.

"Someone dares to go." Jun Mochu said indifferently: "Yan and I went there once, as well as Wuyan and Xiaoxian. We all came out alive."

"You mean..." Feng Fei was shocked.

"That's right, as long as you are strong enough to withstand the strong wind and don't go too deep into the black hole, you can come and go freely there." Jun Mochu said affirmatively, "If you really can't find any clues, you can go there and see Look." The forbidden area is the most likely place to hide people these days.

Feng Fei said: "I'm leaving now to go back to the Dark Realm, Qing Ge will go back with me, with Qing Ge here, I think I can try entering the forbidden area."

Qing Ge is the most powerful of the four generals, with Qing Ge around, it would be no problem.

Although Feng Fei was still a little apprehensive, but hearing what his master and Miss Mo Chu said, he had to go to the forbidden area this time.

"We're going too." Jun Mochu then stood up and said.

Mo Yantian looked at her, "Sheng Jing?"

Wasn't her original decision to return to the Shengjing Dynasty and take Wuyan to the miracle?

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at first, "It's more important to find a wife."

The Legacy of the Gods can't run away in Shengjing, but Mrs. Liu Liqing's safety is different. Finally, I can get a little clue. Of course, it is more important to find someone now.

She believed that Wuyan would not mind.

As if to verify her thoughts, Wuyan's voice sounded from the bottom of her heart, "Girl, it's okay, let's go to the forbidden area first. To be honest, I have always thought that the forbidden area is a bit weird, so I can just go and see it now." look."

What's more, he was already prepared to wait for two years for the God's Legacy, but now, he just waited a little longer.

Hearing Wuyan's voice, Jun Mochu raised his lips slightly, and said to Mo Yantian, "It doesn't matter what Wuyan said."

Mo Yantian's purple eyes warmed a little, "Okay."


Everyone rushed to the dark realm quickly, because they didn't have any burdens on them, and their strength was superior, so they traveled extremely fast, but after a few days, they returned to the dark realm.

This is Jun Mochu's second visit to the Dark Realm. The first time, she was stopped outside the imperial city. This time...

Jun Mo looked at the towering city gate in front of him, a smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm curious, if I go in now, the restriction of the Dark Realm Imperial City will still be touched." She said slowly.

I remember the first time I came here, the original power of the earth element in my body touched the restriction. At that time, those who were waiting outside the imperial city for Mo Yantian's return all clamored to kill her, that is, at that time, She got to know the Great God and made such an oolong.

Feng Fei smiled, "Miss Mochu, don't worry, it doesn't matter if the restriction is touched again. Now we all know that you are not from the Five Sects of Xianshan. You are welcome to come to the Dark Realm again."

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, "I just want to try, is there a way to avoid this restriction."

As she said that, she concealed the supernatural powers in her body and mobilized the force on her body. Her force has advanced to the fifth level. The blue force, like the unique blue light on Wuyan, enveloped her whole body in blue. inside of force.

She glanced back at Mo Yantian lightly, then walked towards the city gate, step by step, calm and calm, as if she had a plan in mind.

Feng Fei couldn't help but get nervous.

Mo Yantian just watched quietly, the expression in his eyes was exactly the same as Jun Mochu's, and there was only a touch of arrogance.

Jun Mo first stepped into the city gate easily, and then stopped, as if waiting for the ban to be activated.

One second, two seconds, one minute passed quietly, and the ban still didn't activate.

She turned her head and looked at Mo Yantian, her gaze fell straight into the depths of his purple eyes, and she said understandably: "Hey, your family's restraint is not very good."

The light in the eyes was flowing, and the purple eyes that were almost black showed a little smile, Mo Yantian strode towards her, took her hand into his own, and said: "From now on, you are not allowed to leave alone. "

Even if you want to leave, tell him.

"Yeah." Jun Mo responded with a smile in his eyes, "Let's go, let's go to the forbidden area."

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