Chapter 267

Day after day, day by day passed quickly, and January was fleeting.

However, the person who should appear has disappeared and never appeared.

These people who were still holding on to a glimmer of hope gradually became disheartened, and even Feng Fei couldn't help but wonder if the master was really alive, and if he was, it had nothing to do with the master's personality and style. It is possible to put both the dark world and Miss Mochu aside for as long as a month.

In the past month, although the madam is the one who decides in the dark world, no matter how big or small the matter is, the madam will always discuss it with Miss Mo Chu, as if she is handing over the rights to Miss Mo Chu. Miss Mo Chu didn't let them down either. Maybe she looked more indifferent than before, but she didn't make any dissatisfaction. The Great Elder who had been eyeing her before had also calmed down and calmed down a lot.

The Great Elder, who had been stripped of his wings by his master, became well-behaved this time under Miss Mochu's lesson, and Miss Mochu also suggested that Liu Liqing take this opportunity to assign the Great Elder's son to the army. With Yexuan in the army's control, it is equivalent to grasping a handle of the Great Elder, and the son of the Great Elder is like a hostage in their hands. With his own son as a hostage in his hand, the Great Elder will not do this again Unscrupulous.

But Feng Fei still felt worried, and it was none other than Jun Mochu who was worried.

In his eyes, she was originally a relatively cold person, but she has become colder and colder in the past month. She doesn't say much, which makes people feel a little distressed.

Whether the master is alive or dead is very important to the Dark Realm, but to Miss Mo Chu, it is of no less importance, and he has no choice but to see it, because he doesn't know how to help her.

Feng Fei is anxious, but Wuyan is the one who is most anxious.

Mo Chu practiced harder than before, but his cultivation has been stagnant, as if stuck in a bottleneck period, Wuyan knew very well that this was due to a heart disease, the girl was too worried about Mo Yantian, so she couldn't really calm down and practice. So much so that although she has been studying and practicing day and night, but her strength has not made any progress, how can he not be worried.

The world space of Qiankundai is like a desert, without any life. Jun Mochu can only stay in the space for four or five minutes, and then he will feel severely hypoxic, and he can’t collect people into the space. The world is too broken .

The strength cannot be improved, and the space world cannot be repaired. Jun Mo sat in front of the window at the beginning, his eyebrows were tightly frowned, thinking about how to make up for it.

Wuyan jumped up and down on the side, seeing her in a daze for a while without speaking, finally couldn't help biting her paw and calling: "Girl, girl."

Jun Mo came back to his senses at the beginning, looked at him suspiciously, and signaled something with his eyes.

Wuyan silently rubbed against her face, his blue eyes stared at her for a moment, "Girl, let's go."


Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes slightly, yes, a month has passed, and the time she left for herself to indulge has also come to an end.

She fell silent.

Wuyan bit her finger, and said in a low voice: "Girl, I let you leave because only by leaving here can your heart calm down."

He put a paw lightly on Jun Mochu's wrist, "Have you noticed? You have been practicing hard for the past month, but your cultivation has stagnated. Your mind is too chaotic. Even if you are Even Fanchen's supreme mentality can't calm you down, do you want to go crazy?"

Her cultivation has stagnated, but it doesn't mean that all the spiritual energy she has accumulated will be less. Once more and more true energy accumulates in her body, she will still be unable to find a breakthrough point. Backlash, obsession.

He didn't want to see such a result, and she couldn't afford it.

That's why he let her leave here. Only when she leaves the dark world, can she not focus on the dark world and Mo Yantian.

Hearing this, Jun Mo first pursed his lips, withdrew his hand, and said slowly, "I know."

She knew what she should do, and even more her physical condition, so she could understand without Wuyan reminding her.

With an inaudible sigh, Jun Mo stood up and said in a low voice, "I'm going to pack my things, let's go tonight."

"Tonight?" Wu Yan was startled, "Aren't you... going to explain clearly to Madam and the others?"

Jun Mo shook his head at the beginning, saying goodbye was nothing more than making each other feel more uncomfortable. What's more, she had decided to seal the three words Mo Yantian in her heart today. She believed that she would come back, but...she had already Don't want to wait.

That being the case, there is no need to bid farewell to Madam, it will only add one more sad thing to Madam.

She turned back to the desk, and simply left a letter for Feng Fei, asking him to take care of the dark world and take care of his wife, then put the letter away, pressed it on the desk, and simply packed up.

She didn't have many things. She gave Mo Yantian two space rings, asked him to give them to his most trusted person, gave one to Cheng Chencheng, and left one space ring. She originally wanted to leave it to Fanchen. After all, Fanchen helped her too much, which was considered a kind of repayment, but at that time, he left Wuzong in a hurry and completely forgot about it. At the moment, the Qiankun bag space cannot be used, but this space ring just happened to come in handy.

Let's use it first, and when the Qiankun bag is recovered, you can erase the soul imprint on the space ring, and then give it to Fan Chen.

Almost all the treasures collected from the Five Sects of Xianshan were in Mo Yantian's ring, so she just packed some daily necessities and food casually, and finished it in a short while.

"Girl..." Wuyan looked at her, and then at everything in the room, he clearly saw the reluctance in the girl's eyes, and even felt extremely sad in his heart.

Aww——Xiao Xian'er, my brother is sorry for losing you, you must not die, the bastard master who followed you must show up alive.

Wuyan murmured silently in his heart, he hadn't seen him for dozens of days and nights, and he missed him even more than he imagined.

Night, a piece of silence.

The lights in the dark palace are bright, but the surroundings are extremely quiet.

Feng Fei and Ye Xuan walked on the long corridor, both of them were a little absent-minded.

"A Fei, tell me, will master, will it be true..." Ye Xuan gritted his teeth, his face couldn't hide the sadness, and his tone couldn't help trembling slightly.

Feng Fei was silent and didn't answer.

If it were a month ago, he would have answered him without hesitation, the master is fine, nothing will happen, but now, he is not sure himself, how can he answer him?

Ye Xuan suddenly punched himself in frustration, "Look at what I said, how could something happen to the master? I'm a crow's mouth!"

While Yexuan was feeling annoyed, the sharp-eyed Feng Fei suddenly saw Jun Mochu coming out from another corner of the corridor with Wuyan in his arms, and hurriedly called out, "Miss Mochu!"

Only now did Ye Xuan see Jun Mochu, and quickly called out.

Jun Mo stopped at first.

Wuyan in her arms stretched out her paws, tsk, I have to meet these two people before I leave. Fortunately, their things are all in the space ring, otherwise it would be obvious at a glance that they are about to leave.

"It's late at night, Miss Mochu hasn't rested yet." Feng Fei asked softly.

Jun Mo nodded, "Take Wuyan out for a walk."

Feng Fei lowered his head and gave Wuyan a hard look. This beast doesn't look like a beast at all. I don't know if Miss Mochu will work hard all day long?In the middle of the night, Miss Mo Chu took him out for a walk!What a guy!

Wuyan lazily stretched out his paws, and looked at him arrogantly, the master wanted to go for a walk, why not come back when he left by the way!

Feng Fei despised him, but said with a smile on his face: "Then do you want me to call some people..."

Before Feng Fei finished speaking, Jun Mochu shook his head and said, "No, it's just a walk."

Ye Xuan bumped Feng Fei with his shoulder, and signaled him with his eyes, with Miss Mo Chu's skill, how could anyone need protection.

Feng Fei had no choice but to say: "The dew was heavy that night, Miss Mo Chu should be more careful."

"Yeah." Jun Mo nodded expressionlessly, and continued walking forward with Wuyan in his arms.

"Girl, do you really not want to tell them?" Wuyan asked Jun Mochu through spiritual communication.

Jun Mo shook his head, "No, I have already left him a letter."

Wuyan flicked his tail lazily, and said quietly: "Hey, that idiot Feng Fei, I hope that after seeing the letter you left behind, girl, I won't regret not chasing you now."

Jun Mo shrugged, did not speak, and slowly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Feng Fei and Ye Xuan watched her leave, and when she was nowhere to be seen, Feng Fei asked Ye Xuan beside him with some doubts, "Ah Xuan, I always feel that Miss Mo Chu tonight is weird."

"...Miss Mochu has always been very strange." She speaks strangely and acts strangely. One day she won't be strange, so it's not her, okay?

"No, what I mean is..." Feng Fei shook his head, unable to express the weird feeling in his heart with words, but he was always a little uneasy.

It's already midnight, wouldn't it be a little strange to go for a walk at this time?

Feng Fei really wanted to catch up, but then he thought that Miss Mo Chu never liked other people's troublesome things, so after thinking about it, let it go, with her skill, there should be no accidents, thinking about it this way, Feng Fei was relieved a lot, and indirectly Put the uneasiness in my heart behind me.

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