Chapter 270

In the inner courtyard of Su Mansion's deep house, a group of people sat in a row, and the atmosphere looked a little weird.

The original daughter-in-law, Mo Tingting, now flirts with other men in front of her fiancé, which makes the Su family's parents look extremely ugly, but seeing that Third Young Master Su didn't say anything, they had no choice but to turn a blind eye. one eye.

Mo Tingting cried for a long time before she realized that there were so many people here. As the daughter of a duke, it was too embarrassing for her to cry like this, so she stopped crying and hugged Cheng Chencheng tightly, as if she was afraid that she would be forced to same as separate.

Cheng Chencheng looked embarrassed and happy. Although so many people watched him and Tingting being so intimate, it made him a little embarrassed, but he has always been thick-skinned, so just ignore it.

Seeing his appearance, Jun Mochu and Wuyan couldn't help rolling their eyes a few times.

Jun Mochu is a little envious, he can be with the one he loves, so why should he care about other people's eyes and thoughts, they are actually quite happy like this, aren't they?

And she thought that that person would always be by her side hand in hand, but in the end she was still alone. Thinking of this, her beautiful eyes darkened slightly.

"How?" Su Sanshao's voice came clear and cold, he looked at Jun Mochu, and the corner of his mouth raised a beautiful arc, "Miss Jun, have you figured out how to compensate me?"

Jun Mo frowned and thought for a while, before he could speak, Wuyan blew his paws disdainfully, "What compensation do you want? At worst, I can just give you back a wife? Well, Cheng Chencheng..." He waved at Cheng Chencheng Claw, "You are familiar with this city of Qiyue, hey, where are there beauties? Hurry up and find one for him, if you really can't find it, then Yihongyuan, Baihuayuan, etc., just grab one or two. , but it depends on what taste Su Sanshao likes."

Hearing this, Su Sanshao's parents immediately said angrily: "What kind of human words are you talking about! My Su family is either rich or noble, a noble family, how can I marry a prostitute in the streets and alleys! You, you! Don't insult our Su family!"

Wuyan scratched his head casually, and said lightly: "Have you not seen my appearance? I am not a human being, why should I speak human language?"

"You!" The Su family's parents turned pale with anger.

Third Young Master Su's face darkened slightly, and he felt uncomfortable thinking about it.

Seeing this, Jun Mo called out coldly, with a warning tone, "Wuyan."

In any case, the Su family is already polite enough to them. After all, Cheng Chencheng and Mo Tingting will return to Qiyue City one day, and she doesn't want to get too stiff with the people in Qiyue City, and make them want to come back later. I can't go back.

Wuyan curled his lips unwillingly, isn't he doing it for her?Didn't you see that Third Young Master Su kept looking at the girl with that look?The intention is so obvious!

He lost to Mo Yantian and let the girl get on good terms with Mo Yantian. He can reluctantly accept this reality. After all, Mo Yantian didn't know him for a day or two, and he did so much for the girl. He is also obvious to all.

But this guy!Look at the attention in his eyes, it's not just a day of acquaintance!It's okay to have such thoughts about the girl!Must not be a nice guy!

Wuyan silently crawled back onto Jun Mochu's lap, and didn't speak if he didn't speak. He would use his body and actions to prove that if he wanted to get his hands on his girl, he had to pass his test first!

Seeing that Wuyan had calmed down, Jun Mochu said slowly to Third Young Master Su: "We can compensate you for how much dowry you spent, as well as today's losses."

Hearing what Jun Mochu said, Cheng Chencheng's eyebrows twitched, and he said quickly: "Sister Mochu, I'll pay the money myself."

Although he didn't know how much the betrothal gifts were, but judging by the situation of the Su family, it would not be too little. Sister Mochu had already helped him too much, so he couldn't bother him anymore.

"Are you rich?" Jun Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"...No." The treasure that was originally used as a betrothal gift has been forcibly plundered by Duke Mo. Fortunately, he didn't find that there was a precious space ring on his body, otherwise he might have been robbed too.

However, at this time, there was not much money in his space ring.

"I can pay it back slowly!" Cheng Chencheng hurriedly said, he is now a holy rank, as long as he can find a big power to join, he is definitely welcome, no one will refuse, and the salary will definitely not be less, he is not afraid now If there is no money, I am afraid that it will be too troublesome to Mochu's sister.

"Money is something outside of me. I don't care about those things." Third Young Master Su said indifferently. Their Su family has a lot of money, so they don't care about this little loss.

"Then tell me, how do you want to compensate?" Jun Mochu gave him the right to choose, as long as they can do it, they will naturally do it, but if it is some excessive request, she will not agree .

Third Young Master Su said slowly: "I quite agree with Miss Jun's statement of the beast. You have robbed me of my wife, so of course you should give me one back. But, I only want one person."

Jun Mo first looked up at him, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Who?"

She vaguely understands what he means in her heart, but she has always been very good at pretending to be stupid.

Sure enough, Third Young Master Su looked at her with a smile, and said without blinking, "You."

A coldness flashed in the depths of Jun Mo's eyes. She doesn't like people who are entangled. Even though she admires Su Sanshao's demeanor and demeanor in her heart, this situation still makes her feel a little sullen.

"You have a good idea!" Wuyan jumped out again immediately, "I knew you had no good intentions and wanted to hit my girl. Let me tell you, don't even think about it!"

"That's right." Cheng Chencheng's tone was a little annoyed, if his happiness was exchanged for the happiness of Mochu's younger sister, he would definitely not agree.

Mo Tingting, who was in his arms, heard what they said, she couldn't help pulling Cheng Chencheng's clothes, and said: "Cheng, I think Miss Jun is also pretty good, since Third Young Master Su likes it, why not..."

In her opinion, although she doesn't like Su Sanshao, it cannot be denied that Su Sanshao really likes the dream lover in girls' hearts. It is a blessing to be able to marry Su Sanshao, but Jun Mochu, she doesn't know Jun Mochu No matter who they are, she thinks that no matter how powerful a woman is, she needs to get married. In comparison, Su Sanshao and Jun Mo seem to be quite right at first glance, and if the two of them are together, they can restore her freedom No matter how you look at it, this is a happy thing for everyone. She doesn't understand why the beast and the city disagree.

Hearing this, Wuyan and Cheng Chencheng immediately changed their expressions, turned their heads to look at Jun Mochu, and immediately saw Jun Mochu sitting on the chair with cold eyes.

The atmosphere changed suddenly, and Mo Tingting vaguely sensed something was wrong, so she couldn't help but lower her voice, "Could it be, did I say something wrong? Third Young Master Su and Miss Jun really look like a good match..."

Third Young Master Su liked to hear these words, so he smiled slightly and said: "Thank you Miss Mo for your compliment, I wonder what Miss Jun would like?"

Wuyan snorted coldly, looked at Mo Tingting coldly with big blue eyes and sneered, "Since you think Third Young Master Su is good, why don't you marry him yourself?"

After all, Mo Tingting is a big lady, and couldn't stand other people's sly voices towards her, so she said unconvinced: "Cheng and I really love each other, but she has no one she likes! Why can't I try? She is a friend of Cheng, so just treat her as a friend." Can't you help our husband and wife? If you don't do this little favor, are you still friends!"

She directly classified herself and Cheng Chencheng as husband and wife, and Jun Mochu, as her husband-in-law's friend, should help and take it for granted.

Wuyan became even more angry, "What do you mean by that? Do you think that if it wasn't me and the girl today, you would be able to sit here comfortably now? If it wasn't for the sake of that kid Cheng Chencheng, you think we would Why don't you mind this business?"

"That's not because..." Mo Tingting wanted to say something else.

Cheng Chencheng suddenly shouted, "Tingting!"

Mo Tingting was stunned, with tears in her eyes, and looked at Cheng Chencheng sadly, "Did I say something wrong? What I said was just the truth. You have done so many things for her before, so why isn't she helping you now?" Should it?"

Cheng Chencheng said in a deep voice: "This is different, sister Mochu has helped us enough, how can you still say such things!"

"You... why are you trying to help her talk, who is the person you like!" Mo Tingting's eyes were red with anger, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying before, and she couldn't see her delicate appearance before.

Cheng Chencheng didn't expect that she would still doubt his feelings even now, which made his already irritable heart suddenly sink to the bottom, "Tingting, you..."

"That's enough, you all stop arguing." Jun Mochu said coldly, with an indifferent expression. Anyone who knows her well knows that she is very upset now.

In Mo Tingting's eyes, the quarrel between her and Cheng Chencheng was all because of Jun Mochu's fault, so as soon as she opened her mouth, Mo Tingting said angrily, "Shut up! You don't need to cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud slap on the face, and there was a 'pop'.

It was the first time for Cheng Chencheng to slap his beloved woman hard. When he heard Mo Tingting say that, he almost didn't think about it, and slapped her.

After beating, he was stunned, never thought that he would be willing to beat her.

Mo Tingting was also stunned, the burning pain on the right side of her face, a bright red five-fingerprint reminded her of the fact that the person who had always been cruel to her really hit her.

Hit her for another woman.

"You hit me?" Tears kept falling, mixed with blood from the corner of her mouth, Mo Tingting didn't move, she just looked at him with tears.

Jun Mo didn't expect Cheng Chencheng to make a sudden move, and his eyes became complicated for a while.

Wu Yan curled his lips, thinking that Cheng Chencheng's slap was really good, this woman just owed a lesson, but he wisely chose not to say anything for the time being.

As a bystander, Third Young Master Su quietly waved away all the servants on one side, and signaled to his parents to let them leave, leaving the living room free for them. He sat in his original position without saying a word. Watch this as a farce that doesn't feel like a farce.

What interested him was Jun Mochu's reflection.

No matter how you look at it, Mo Tingting is a spoiled young lady, and she, at first glance, is a person who doesn't like to endure, but she doesn't want to tolerate Mo Tingting everywhere for the sake of her friends. It seems that she has no appearance It's not easy to behave like that.

Cheng Chencheng put down his hands slowly, his expression seemed very tired, he looked at Mo Tingting, who was crying and tears, and seemed to want to comfort her, but his footsteps seemed to be fixed on the ground.

After a while, he exhaled lightly, wiped the sweat from his face, and said with a wry smile: "I told you a long time ago, I have always treated Sister Mochu as my own sister, she is younger than us , the family is not here, she is alone, and there are few friends, we should take more care of her, these days, my thoughts for you, although I don't talk about it every day, but...but I think , you should understand everything I have done."

He turned around slowly and stopped looking at Mo Tingting.

Mo Tingting choked for breath, and a sense of uneasiness welled up in her heart.

Cheng Chencheng's tone was very slow and calm, "I thought about it, indeed, you are the eldest lady, and I'm just a poor boy, so no matter what I do, I can't compare to your suitors, maybe we are not suitable after all, Tingting, I'm tired too."

"In order to please you and please your parents, I have exhausted all my efforts, and I can only do this." Cheng Chencheng smiled slightly, turning his back on everyone, and only he knew how bitter his smile was , "I will find a way to pay back Third Young Master Su for today's matter and all the dowry money. You can go back. Just tell the duke and madam that you have nothing to do with me anymore, and they will forgive you."

After a pause, he said to Jun Mochu: "Sister Mochu, let's go."

After all, ignore anyone and walk away.

Mo Tingting panicked, panicked and lost her mind, she just grabbed him and said, "Are you leaving? Don't you want me? Cheng! How can you say such things... How can you say that, I, I don't want me You go! You are not allowed to go!"

She hugged Cheng Chencheng tightly, fearing that if she let go, her beloved would disappear.

Cheng Chencheng didn't struggle or move, he just said word by word, clearly: "Tingting, I don't want to be betrayed one day because of you."

He has family, relatives, friends, and some good brothers.

He could bear all her willfulness, but if it would cause conflicts between him and his good friend, he would rather bury this feeling in his heart.


Mo Tingting's whole body froze suddenly.

It's such a cruel sentence.

It made her almost unable to think at this moment, and what kept circling in her mind was just this sentence, he didn't want to become alienated because of her one day.

Is she really that bad?

Cheng Chencheng gently took her hand, and this time, he really left without looking back.

Jun Mochu and Wuyan looked at each other silently, but they could only helplessly spread their hands.

It's hard for an upright official to decide on housework. Although she doesn't like Mo Tingting, she doesn't want Cheng Chencheng to be sad because of her. But at this moment, she understands that her help will only make the conflict worse, so she has to silently pick up Wuyan and leave.

Unexpectedly, Third Young Master Su didn't stop them, but let them leave safely.

Mo Tingting sat slumped on the ground, looking at their resolutely leaving backs, her eyes filled with despair.

The night in Qiyue City is beautiful.

The sky is full of stars, and the moon hangs high above the dark blue sky, bright and clean.

The two of them and the beast just lay on the roof of the Su Mansion with such big thorns, staring at the night sky with their bellies basking in the sun.

Originally, Cheng Chencheng didn't want to come to Su's mansion, but after looking around in the whole Qiyue city, only the attic of Su's house was the tallest, the closest to the moon, and it was an excellent place to enjoy the moon, so two people and one beast would have the brazenness to climb up. The roof of the house.

Looking at the moon in a daze, no one spoke for a long time, quietly enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

As if after a long time, Cheng Chencheng suddenly said, "Sister Mochu."

"Huh?" Jun Mo didn't turn his head back at the beginning, he put his hands behind his head, and replied lazily.

"Today... I'm really sorry." Cheng Chencheng lowered his voice.

Hearing this, Jun Mo moved for the first time and turned to look at him.

Cheng Chencheng also turned his head just in time.

Looking at each other, Cheng Chencheng was too guilty to speak.

"Hey, I'm talking about you kid." Wuyan patted his forehead with his paw dissatisfied, "You are promising, when did you become such a mother-in-law, who are we with whom, how can we care about these things with you."

"That's right." Jun Mo nodded, agreeing with Wu Yan's statement.

"I know." Cheng Chencheng wiped his nose sadly, "I just know, that's why I feel sorry for you."

He felt really sorry for letting Mochu's younger sister suffer such criticism and insult. If she was angry and she was dissatisfied with him, maybe he would feel better, but she didn't say anything, instead she silently accompanied him to relax. To accompany him to relieve boredom, he... Thinking of this makes him feel uncomfortable.

Jun Mochu turned his head helplessly, looking at the sky, she doesn't know how to comfort others, so she doesn't know what to say to comfort him at this moment, so she can only sit quietly and be in a daze with him.

"Actually, Tingting is really not bad." Cheng Chencheng said slowly, "When I first met her, she was lively and cute, and she was easy to get along with. However, after I found out that she was a noble lady, I I am afraid that I will neglect her, so I will rely on her and spoil her in everything, so she will become more and more self-willed... It's all my fault."

Wuyan rolled his eyes, "This has nothing to do with you, she is the daughter of a duke herself, and she is favored by three thousand people. It was just that you didn't realize it at first, so you thought it was something you got used to."

"Really?" Cheng Chencheng smiled wryly, but no matter what, he couldn't shirk his responsibility.

Wuyan couldn't see him looking so listless, so he jumped on his chest and stomped hard a few times, "I said, isn't it just a woman, without a Mo Tingting, it's not like there are no women in the world, it's a big deal Find another one, simple and ruthless, sad and sad."

Cheng Chencheng had no choice but to say, "It's not a matter of just looking for it." If a person's feelings can be changed so easily, then there's no need to call them feelings.

"Why not?" Wuyan said disdainfully: "I said yes, but you can see that our girl is also, even though Mo Yantian is dead, we Mochu are still alive and well, how can you look at it the same way as you do now?" Get up and die." Wuyan shook his tail, and looked at Jun Mochu obsequiously, "Aren't you right, aunt..." Mother.

Before the words were finished, Wuyan suddenly thought of something, immediately covered his mouth with his paws, and said without tears: "I didn't say anything!"

However, it was too late.

Jun Mo stood up with a swipe, his face gloomy.

Cheng Chencheng turned pale with shock, he completely forgot about his affairs, and quickly asked: "What did you say? Mo Yantian is dead?"

How can this be?

How could Mo Yantian die?

Something vaguely flashed through his mind, and Cheng Chencheng suddenly came to his senses. No wonder, when he saw Mochu's sister again this time, he always felt that Mochu's sister seemed to have something on her mind, and she was a lot haggard. At first, because of Tingting's matter, he didn't He thought too much, but now that Wuyan said this, he suddenly understood, did something really happen?

"Not dead." Jun Mochu's red lips parted slightly, and he uttered two words coldly.

Wuyan only felt the chill rising, and said aggrievedly: "I, I know, I'm sorry girl, I was just making an example... I also know that guy will be fine, I, I'm still waiting for Xiaoxian'er Come back and give me a baby."

Bah, he has a crow's mouth, what kind of nonsense is he talking about!Of course he believed that they were still alive, how could he say these things.

Cheng Chencheng looked at Jun Mochu, who was as cold as ice, and then at Wuyan, "Can you tell me, what happened...?"

Wuyan glanced at Jun Mochu cautiously, and said awkwardly after a long while: "This matter... it's a long story..."

Wuyan will slowly narrate what happened in the dark world. The night is very long and they have enough time.

However, they didn't know that on the nine heavens far away from them, a person slowly opened his eyes. The strange purple pupils looked endless, like a black hole floating in the universe, bottomless.


Dear friends, don't forget to recommend it after reading it, to give Yinyin some code words motivation.

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