Chapter 276

Su Lan Garden is the only clean place in Jun's house.

Cheng Chencheng put Fengqing on the bed, and with the help of Wuyan, he helped Fengqing heal together.

Jun Mochu and the Patriarch of the Jun family were in the outer room, and the atmosphere between the two was a bit weird.

Jun Mochu clearly remembered the domineering appearance of the Patriarch of the Jun family back then, but at that time, she was only a cultivator around the sixth level, so she couldn't help the Jun family.

Now, her holy rank is enough to have the absolute right to speak in Jun's family, but she doesn't need it.

Because she has nothing to miss about the Jun family, and now she will stay here and want to help out because of her parents, and because her surname is 'Jun' after all.

"Sit down and talk." Jun Mochu said lightly, seeing the Patriarch of the Jun family standing there, he seemed a little cramped, and she felt very uncomfortable.

The Patriarch of the Jun family hesitated for a while, and then sat down. He took a deep look at Jun Mochu, and then heaved a long sigh, "Jun Mochu."

He looked at her and asked, "Are you really a holy powerhouse?"

Holy steps, a term that is too far away from them.

Among them in Shengjing, it is said that the most powerful person is the national teacher supported by the royal family, who is only one step away from the holy rank, as long as there is that opportunity, he can break through.

However, the seventh rank is not a holy rank after all, looking at the real holy rank powerhouse, the seventh rank can only look forward to and feel excited.

Jun Mo raised his willow eyebrows slightly, and looked back at his complicated eyes, "Are you surprised?"

In her opinion, she is still not good enough. In this Yuncang Continent, which is as deep as a dragon pool, perhaps, the Holy Rank is just the beginning. Above her, there are Heaven Rank and God Rank.

She used to think that she was proud enough, but later found that she still needs to work harder.

Compared to Mo Yantian, compared to Fanchen, she is far behind.

Surprised?The Patriarch of the Jun family asked himself this sentence in his heart, could he not be surprised?Isn't it surprising that such a powerful existence is actually a descendant of their Jun family?

Facing her words, he was speechless.

Jun Mochu said: "In your opinion, Shengjing is a prosperous place. As the first family in Shengjing, the Jun family is already a remarkable existence, but maybe you don't know that once you walk out of Shengjing, You will find that on this continent, by comparison, we are just the most ordinary people."

The Patriarch of the Jun Family murmured slowly, "Go out?"

"That's right." Jun Mochu said, "Only when you go out, you will know what is heaven and what is earth. This is the one and only suggestion and advice I give you as a descendant of the Jun family."

The Patriarch of the Jun Family looked at her complicatedly, "I thought you would no longer call yourself the Jun Family."

After all, in the eyes of their holy rank powerhouses, the Jun family is really inconspicuous.

He used to think that the Jun family, as the first family in Shengjing, was really enough.

However, not long ago, a group of people who did not know where they came from poured into Shengjing, all of them came for Jun's family. There are several super masters.

The Jun family was tightly suppressed by them, and there was no chance of resistance at all.

The entire city of Shengjing fell into panic. Originally, the royal family did not intend to help them. After all, among the royal family, the Jun family was too powerful, which would eventually affect their royal rule. The master collapsed.

But that group of people didn't even let the royal family go. In the end, the royal family could only join forces with the Jun family to fight against these people, but among them, there were seventh-level masters everywhere, and they couldn't do anything about it.

If Lord Fengqing hadn't suddenly appeared and gathered them all to fight against each other, perhaps the Jun family would no longer exist now.

Going out and walking towards the real Yuncang Continent, the Patriarch of the Jun family recited these words silently, and secretly made a decision in his heart.

If the Jun family can really survive this time, he will definitely let the younger generation of the Jun family bravely leave Shengjing and enter the mainland.

The Patriarch of the Jun Family didn't know that his decision this time would push the Jun Family to the Yuncang Continent in the future and become one of the best aristocratic families in the Yuncang Continent, indirectly driving the entire Shengjing to become a powerful country.

Hearing this, Jun Mo lowered his head slightly, and his eyes were a little complicated, "I really don't want to, but my parents won't."

Even though they ostracized her parents to the remote Sunset City for so many years, they still miss the Jun family, so she can't stand by and watch.

"What happened?" She asked. Although she didn't like the Jun family, she was even more unwilling to see that all the Jun family regarded her as the culprit.

Hearing the sinner's words made her feel very uncomfortable.

Mentioning this matter, the Patriarch of the Jun family couldn't help but lower his face, his expression became ugly.

"More than half a year ago, many unknown and powerful people came to Shengjing. At that time, those people were very quiet, as if they were looking for something. Some people came to Jun's house and said they wanted to see your parents, but that At that time, your parents were picked up by your elder brother. They couldn't find anyone and left many people. However, a few months ago, many people returned to Shengjing. This time, they still called to see your parents and said To ask us to hand over the key of Gu Jieyuan, we had no choice but to tell them that your parents are not here, and we haven't seen each other for a long time, but those people didn't believe it, and directly monitored everyone in the Jun family."

"They thought they would be able to find out the whereabouts of your parents by monitoring any one of us. Therefore, those people patiently monitored our Jun's family for more than two months. We wanted to resist, and each of them was a seventh-level master. We are not opponents at all, so we can only endure it. Later, when your parents didn't show up, they couldn't help it, arrested many of us, tortured and interrogated us, but we really didn't know that Mo Tian, ​​his husband and wife The whereabouts of those people, those people became angry..."

The Patriarch of the Jun Family's voice sank, as if holding back his anger, he said hoarsely after a while: "The Second Elder, the Fourth Elder, and the Seventh Elder were all beaten to death by them."

Jun Mochu's heart tightened.

The ancient world key?

She lowered her head, looked at the strange piece of jewelry in her hand, and the emotion in her eyes sank slowly.

I didn't expect that these people came here for the key of Gu Jieyuan. No wonder, no wonder everyone in the Jun family regarded her, no, her parents, and people from their branch as sinners, saying it was them Ruined the Jun family.

Those people couldn't find their parents, so they naturally vented their anger on the Jun family, saying that they destroyed the Jun family... There is nothing wrong with that.

Jun Mochu's face was cold, and he said, "Why is Fengqing here?"

Mentioning Fengqing, the Patriarch of the Jun Family's eyes suddenly became respectful, "Master Fengqing came here a month ago, and he came here to find you by name, but we thought that Master Fengqing was also here for Gu Jieyuan. When the key came, I ignored him, and didn’t even want to get close to him, until later, those who wanted the key of the ancient world couldn’t wait, they were eager to find something, and attacked our Jun family again.” The Patriarch clenched his fists tightly and said angrily: "Those guys are not human at all, they smash everything they see, kill people they see, and threatened that if we don't hand over Mo Tian and his wife, we will kill all the people in our Jun family. Fortunately, Master Fengqing happened to visit our Jun family again at that time, and when he saw those people slaughtering our Jun family, he quickly rescued them."

Jun Mo's face looked better at the beginning. At that time, Feng Qing disappeared suddenly, but no one knew where he went, but he didn't expect that he was looking for her. However, at that time, in order to prevent people from knowing the news of her blindness, she almost It was a random walk with no purpose, and accidentally went to Shengtan City.

But Feng Qingbian couldn't find her, and thought that she should have returned to Shengjing, maybe she came to Shengjing, but unexpectedly, she accidentally saved the Jun family from the disaster.

"By the way, there is another person." The Patriarch of the Jun family suddenly thought: "It is your fiancé, Lin Feng, who came to look for you after Master Fengqing came."

Thinking of Lin Feng, the Patriarch of the Jun family sighed: "Your parents did not misunderstand you when they promised you to Lin Feng. This child is young and already a seventh-level expert. Really..."

Before he finished speaking, the Patriarch of the Jun family suddenly thought that now that Jun Mochu himself is a master of the holy rank, he is still bragging about Lin Feng here, which seems a bit... weird?

Sure enough, Jun Mochu's expression suddenly became strange when he heard the words of the Patriarch of the Jun Family.

But she was surprised. She didn't expect Lin Feng to be at the seventh level after not seeing him for several months?What's more, she didn't expect that after she left the Dark Realm when she was blind, Lin Feng also left the Dark Realm and returned to Shengjing.

For such a long distance, he was only at the third level at that time, right?And penniless, how did he return to Shengjing safely, and become a seventh-level expert? !

Jun Mo straightened his face at first, and said after a while, "Go on."

The Patriarch of the Jun Family said: "Lin Feng and Master Feng Qing seem to be old acquaintances. After knowing what happened to the Jun Family, they also stayed at the Jun Family and helped together."

Jun Mo nodded, "What about Lin Feng now?"

"It is said that among those people, someone just happened to arrest Master Lin Feng's parents. Master Lin Feng got the news and went to rescue him alone." The Patriarch of the Jun family sighed, "It has been several days, and there are holy rank masters there , come to think of it..." I'm afraid it's more ominous than good.

The Patriarch of the Jun family didn't know the relationship between Jun Mochu and Lin Feng, and felt that since they were an unmarried couple, their relationship should not be that bad, so he didn't say it very bluntly, but left that sentence in the bottom of my heart.

Hearing this, Jun Mochu immediately frowned, and asked quickly, "Where did he go to save him?"

In the final analysis, although she and Lin Feng did not get along, she owed Lin Feng a favor after all. Besides, Lin Feng only had a bad mouth at the beginning, so he was very kind to her. If he could help him, Of course she wants to help.

The Patriarch of the Jun family shook his head, "Master Lin Feng didn't say anything, but he should be in the palace."

Those people have already subdued all the forces of the royal family and occupied the palace grandly. If not, the royal family would not cooperate with their Jun family.

Hearing this, Jun Mochu already had the bottom line in his heart. Thinking about it, those people are all from Yuncang Continent. The most indispensable thing in Yuncang Continent is masters. Shengjing is just a backward small country, and it has no ability to resist at all.

She glanced at the worried Patriarch of the Jun family, and said in a deep voice: "Since they came for the key of Gu Jieyuan, it is indeed my fault for making the Jun family like this. I will definitely deal with this matter." Deal with it to the end."

She raised her hand, took out a stack of thick banknotes from the interspatial ring, and placed them in front of the head of the Jun family, "There are more than 90 banknotes here, first rebuild the Jun family, I don't want my parents to come back suddenly , to see Jun's family ruined like this."

The Patriarch of the Jun family glanced at the bank note in front of him, a light flashed from the corner of his eye, the space ring,

I didn't expect that she even had a space ring.

The Patriarch of the Jun Family smiled wryly in his heart. If...if that hadn't happened back then, and people from their lineage hadn't been rejected, it would have brought their Jun Family an unprecedented peak.

He collected the bank notes. If it was before, their Jun family did not lack this money, but now, those precious treasures and money in the family have been robbed by those people. He can only endure embarrassment and put The money was collected because the current Jun family really needed it.

More than 90 is not a lot, but this is the only amount that Jun Mochu can currently get. He won a lot of money when he was in Shengnan College, but he put it in the Qiankun bag. The bag was rejected, so she collected it all in Mo Yantian's space ring. Now she is still very poor.

Jun Mo felt a little gloomy at the beginning, and finally became rich for a while, and now he became a poor man again.

"Don't worry, if the Jun family lost it, I will return all of them." Jun Mochu said coldly.

Those people took one or two from the Jun family, and she would get it back a hundredfold!

The Patriarch of the Jun family looked a little hesitant, "The opponent also has a master of the holy rank, and now Master Fengqing is injured again, do you want to wait for Master Fengqing to heal before attacking?"

In his opinion, although Jun Mochu is a master of the holy rank, he is only one person after all, and the other party has more than one holy rank. If Jun Mochu ends up in the same serious injury as Master Fengqing, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Jun Mochu said lightly: "I have my own measure, you said they are all in the palace, right?"

The Patriarch of the Jun family nodded, "Well, the royal family members were kicked out by them."

Jun Mochu sneered, these people are arrogant.

At this time, Wuyan came out from the inner compartment.

When Jun Mo saw him coming out for the first time, he asked, "How is he?"

Wuyan said: "Fortunately, it just takes time to heal."

Jun Mochu breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine, Wuyan, let Cheng Chencheng stay and help look after Jun's house, let's go to the palace."

"Go to the palace?" Wuyan's eyes lit up, he naturally heard their conversation in the inner room, now that she said that she was going to the palace, he immediately knew what she wanted to do.

"Go, go! Go now! Scholar, I'd like to see if those guys have three heads and six arms. They want to play Gu Jieyuan's idea. Even if they get the key, they must have the strength to go in." Wuyan was excited. road.

"Sister Mochu, you go, I will help you take care of the Jun family." Cheng Chencheng's voice came from the inner room, and he obviously heard their words, "Or let Tingting stay and take care of it, and I will go with you ?”

"No need." Mo Tingting's strength is not enough, she must be protected by a strong man of the holy rank, Jun Mo said without thinking at first: "You guys stay here."

She turned to the Patriarch of the Jun Family and said, "Tell the rest of the Jun Family not to come here to disturb Feng Qing's recovery. If you are dissatisfied with me, just tell them to come to me in person."

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Jun family frowned, and hurriedly said: "I will give orders, but." He glanced at Wuyan with some hesitation, then looked at her, and said: "You go alone, really Is it okay? Or, the Jun family still has a few seventh steps, I..."

"No need." Wuyan waved his hand indifferently and said, "You will get in the way when you go, you should hurry up and clean up Jun's house."

The girl's ability is different from ordinary martial power. At the seventh level, she can fight with the strong of the holy rank. Now that she is a holy rank, can she still fail to beat the holy rank?

The head of the Jun family had no choice but to shut up.

In fact, the current him does not have any qualifications to speak.

Reluctantly turned around and left, after walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and asked hesitantly: "Mo, Mo Chu..."

"Is there anything else?" Jun Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

The Patriarch of the Jun family said awkwardly: "No, I'm just, it's just a little strange that you and Mr. Fengqing... seem to know each other?"

Originally, he wanted to ask her what kind of relationship she had with Lord Fengqing, but once she said it, she felt that asking such a question was superfluous. If she didn't know Fengqing, would she want her to kneel down?But he was afraid that he would ask too bluntly, so he could only say this.

Jun Mo nodded first, "I know."

Wuyan smiled slyly, "It's not just acquaintance, the girl is Fengqing's boss, oh, you seem surprised by your expression? Don't, don't think it's incredible, Fengqing is just one of the girl's many subordinates. If the girl is willing, hundreds of thousands of military horses can also be recruited for you. By the way, there, those who are not strong enough to join the army at the third level, the army will not accept them, so you know, among the hundreds of thousands of military horses, each of them has He is a powerhouse above the third rank."

"..." The head of the Jun family was completely frightened.

Master Fengqing, a saint-level powerhouse, still respectfully call her master?No, this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, all of them are... Tier [-] powerhouses?What is this concept?

The Patriarch of the Jun family didn't know how he left. He only knew that a sentence buzzed in his mind, hundreds of thousands of horses from third-level powerhouses could completely level the entire Shengjing.

Watching him leave blankly, Jun Mochu glanced helplessly at Wuyan, "What are you scaring him for?"

Wuyan bit her paw with a wicked smile, "Who told them to treat you like this at the beginning? Now it's just to let them know what's so great about the Jun family. You already have a power hundreds of times stronger than them, besides , I'm not fooling him."

What he said was the truth, as long as the girl said a word, wouldn't the whole dark world be at the mercy of the girl?

Jun Mo had nothing to do with him at the beginning, so he had no choice but to say to Cheng Chencheng who had just walked out: "Then Jun's house, please take care of it, Wuyan and I will go and come back."

"Don't worry, sister Mochu." Cheng Chencheng said: "If there is any situation, I will notify you in time."

Jun Mo nodded, "Wuyan, let's go."

Half of Wuyan's body is the blood of the orc race. Without Jun Mochu's reminder, he immediately jumped on Jun Mochu's shoulders, and said arrogantly: "Let's go, steal their hometown!"

"...their hometown is not in Shengjing."

"Copy later!"

"..." Can this guy be any more shameless?

After leaving Jun's house, Jun Mochu took Wuyan and flew towards the palace without hesitation.

Not long after they left, a man dressed in black walked to the gate of Jun's house, each with a sword. The man wore a cloak on his head and hid his entire face, making it impossible to see his appearance.

At this time, the Jun family hadn't come back to life yet. When they saw someone coming here alone, and the powerful aura emanating from this person, their expression changed drastically in fright, and they rushed towards the inner courtyard.

"Another powerful enemy is coming!"

The Jun family went up and down, and the highest alert was raised. Now Master Fengqing is still seriously injured. As for Jun Mochu and her friends, although they look very powerful, who knows if they are really here to help the Jun family? What's more, Jun's family will become what it is today, all because of Jun Mochu's family, they don't count on Jun Mochu.

Cheng Chencheng heard the wind, ordered Mo Tingting to take care of Fengqing, and rushed to meet the enemy.

"Who?! What are you doing at Jun's house?!"

The man in black looked at the faces of each of the Jun family's faces, and slowly raised his hand to take off the cloak on his head.

Cheng Chencheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said ecstatically, "You are... the elder brother of sister Mochu, Jun Chenxiao?"


There will be a gold medal update later, but it will be later, dear friends, you can watch it tomorrow, there are typos to remind you, I don’t want you to wait too long, so I will post it first, and I will revise it later.

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