Chapter 287

The Yuncang Continent, which had been quiet for many years, suddenly set off a wave of Gu Jieyuan upsurge.

No one knows where the ancient world yuan is, and no one knows what is in the ancient world yuan. It is said that the ancient world yuan is a dragon vein, which gathers the most abundant treasures in the entire Yuncang continent.Driven by profit, tens of millions of people locked their eyes on Gu Jieyuan.

It is said that the key of Gu Jieyuan was obtained by a person from a small backward country. Those who knew this secret wanted to take the lead in plundering the key of Gu Jieyuan before others knew it, and secretly flocked to Shengjing. backward small country.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Gradually, more and more people came to know about this matter and flocked towards Shengjing. The longer it is, the more people will know, and the more people will come to compete for the ancient world key. In desperation, the people sent by the first few forces decided to join forces and control the entire Shengjing together. Get Gu Jieyuan's key as soon as possible.

But they never imagined that such a backward small country, they thought, would be able to control it without much effort, so they only sent a few holy rank masters, and they could completely handle it.

But they never thought that in that small city of Shengjing, there were still masters of the holy rank, which was far beyond their expectations. To them, they lost several masters of the holy rank at the same time. Great hit.

When they received the news from the people they sent out, those people couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately wanted to leave for Shengjing, intending to meet the hidden expert.

At this moment, a person who claimed to have the key to the Ancient World Yuan let out the rumor that he was worried about the powerhouses on the mainland, and bravely entered the Ancient World Yuan together!

Hearing this news, the people who had previously ambushed and monitored in Shengjing almost vomited blood.

They originally wanted to pass on the key of the ancient world element by themselves, but they didn't expect that person to open it directly and announce it so that everyone in the whole continent would know.

They didn't believe it at first either, they didn't believe that there would be such a fool in the world who would actually contribute such a precious thing and let the whole continent know about it.

But immediately after, there was another rumor that Master Fanchen, the most respected master in Yuncang Continent, had personally verified that it was the real key of the Ancient Realm. Immediately, the entire Yuncang Continent erupted. Countless people flocked frantically to an ancient city tens of thousands of miles away from Shengjing.

This ancient city looks extremely old, as if it has experienced thousands of years of wind and frost.

After Jun Mochu leaked the news about Gu Jieyuan, he said goodbye to Cheng Chencheng and came to this ancient city.

As time passed day by day, more and more masters came to the ancient city.

This is Jun Mochu's selfishness. The Shengjing Dynasty is still too backward to withstand too much strife and disturbance, but this ancient city is different because there is Fanchen here.

Of course, she didn't think of asking Fanchen for help. Before coming to this ancient city, she originally planned to find an empty grassland and wait for the strong people to gather. She didn't want to come to this ancient city, but met Fanchen by accident. .

These days, Fan Chen's whereabouts are always erratic, and he may appear anywhere, but in any case, Fan Chen has unintentionally done her a big favor.

With Fan Chen coming forward to prove the ancient world key in her hand, how can those self-healing and noble practitioners hold back their own interests and come to fight for it.

On the bustling street, Jun Mochu seemed to be walking casually, but in fact he was secretly considering how many strong people came to the ancient city. After leaving, he realized that she obviously underestimated the interests of those people. They even disdain to go to the so-called ancient world with her, they want to plunder the key of the ancient world directly from her!

"There are three people following in the southeast, two holy ranks, and one seventh rank." Wu Yan shrunk his figure to the minimum, lay on Jun Mo's shoulders, and said lazily. After his strength recovered, he had already He can change back to the human form, but these days, when he first got along with Jun Mo, he was used to the animal form, so he has always maintained the original shape.

"There are also four people following us in the northwest." Wuyan flicked his tail calmly, and said casually: "These guys really don't cry when they see the coffin, and they want to take the key from you now."

Jun Mochu said coldly: "Now that the strong people from all directions are still in the future, it is the best opportunity to kill people and seize treasures. Will they let this opportunity go?"

"Why don't we get rid of these guys first?" Wuyan stretched out his claws, making a gesture of wiping his neck, his big blue eyes were full of murderous intent.

"No, it's not fun to kill now." Jun Mochu sneered, "Tricking them into the Eternal Road and letting them get lost in the Eternal Road, don't you think it's more interesting?"

Wuyan expressed sympathy for them.

Those people only know that the key of the ancient world can open a road to the sky, but they don't know that only those who have the key of the ancient world can pass the road to the sky, and they will be lost in the road of eternity forever!

What's even more ridiculous is that they actually thought there was any treasure in Gu Jie Yuan?

"However, girl, do you know where Gu Jie Yuan is?" Wu Yan asked her. He has always lived above the Ninth Heaven Realm. After his rebirth, he never left Shengjing because of the seal. The only time he left was with the girl, so he didn't know where the ancient world was.

"I don't know." Jun Mochu said lightly: "We don't need to worry about this, as long as we leak the news that the key is here, people who know where the ancient world is will naturally come to the door."

In this world, there are still many heaven-level masters who are deeply afraid of death and have not gone to cross the catastrophe. They are looking forward to reaching the heaven through the road to heaven. She can guess it almost without thinking. Among those people , someone must have found out exactly where Gu Jieyuan was.

Wuyan suddenly realized, "It makes sense, girl, they are coming towards us."

Wuyan felt that the two groups of people who had been following them were gradually approaching them, forming a siege.

Jun Mo looked at it thoughtfully, and said with a sneer, "Let's separate and go to a place with few people. Remember, the battle will be settled quickly."

Wuyan nodded vigorously, "Look at me!"

He jumped off Jun Mochu's shoulder, Jun Mochu patted the two small tentacles on his furry head, Wuyan smiled and rubbed her hand, and then quickly ran to the alley with few people.

After Jun Mo watched him leave, he walked slowly in another direction. It seemed that he was walking very comfortably, as if he was shopping, completely unaware that someone was following her.

Seeing them split into two groups, the people who had been following behind looked at each other and said decisively: "I will follow that woman, you two will follow that divine beast, it looks like it is still in its infancy, if you can get it If you accept it... hum."


Another wave of stalkers, seeing that the other party followed them in batches, couldn't help but sneered and said, "Those guys are from the King of the Sword Tower, right? They still want to plot against the beast? Go too, don't let them Get that divine beast! You must snatch that divine beast, if there is a change, even if you kill that divine beast with it, they won’t be able to get it, understand?”


The two groups of men, horses and soldiers divided their thinking, and they were in charge of each other on the surface, but they were competing with each other in secret.

It's a pity that they didn't know that they were stepping into the trap that Jun Mo had dug for her step by step.

Jun Mochu walked more and more remote, she continued to walk forward without paying any attention, as if she was looking for something, and seemed to be waiting for something.

Until all the way out of the city, those people finally couldn't hold back and rushed out.

When the first person pushed towards Jun Mochu first, he raised his hand and put a long sword on Jun Mochu's neck, and asked coldly: "Where is the key of the ancient world?! Hand it over! Otherwise, I will kill you now!" Kill you!"

Jun Mochu shrank his neck pretending to be afraid, and looked at him in fear, "You, who are you... What do you want to do?!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and hand over the ancient world key!"

Jun Mo's pretty face changed slightly at the beginning, as if he was afraid that the other party would rush over to snatch her things, he quickly hugged something in his arms, and said in fear: "No! This ancient world key does not belong to me alone , just wait...wait for two more days, then we can all go to the ancient world to find treasures together..."

Before Jun Mo finished his first words, the man impatiently stretched out his hand to grab it, "There's so much nonsense! Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Just kidding, the treasure in the ancient world belongs to their sword tower king!Others want a piece of the action?Don't think about it!

"Ah—don't!" Jun Mochu screamed, trying to escape.

At this time, another wave of followers hiding in the dark suddenly flew out.

"Let go! A man, a man, actually embarrassing a woman! Your Excellency, you are so kind?" The two men who came came were two men in dark blue clothes. As soon as they came up, they directly besieged the man who held Jun Mochu.

"Huh!" The man snorted coldly, he knew that they were following them secretly, now it's even better, he can get a pair and kill them directly, saving him the time to go out to find them himself.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and no one wanted the key of Gu Jieyuan to fall on the opponent. While fighting, they did not forget to fight for Jun Mochu.

Jun Mochu released his supernatural ability to investigate, well, everyone has been forced out, and all three of them are here.

Seeing the three of them wrestling together, Jun Mo watched them beating each other to death with an expressionless face, and slowly stretched out her white jade hands, she turned her hands slightly, and quickly formed seals with both hands, forming a terrifying killing intent. The killing array is generated on the ground.

The monstrous killing intent flowed out from her fingertips along with her ability. The three people who were fighting suddenly felt something, and the movement of their hands stopped slightly. The next moment, they suddenly realized that the world in front of them had changed!

At this moment, in their eyes, the world is only a piece of darkness, the sky is covered with dark clouds, the sky is flickering with cold light, and lightning bolts are like shrill ecstasy chains, mercilessly striking at them.

"Ah—" The lightning struck them numb and scorched, and they roared in fear.

"What kind of place is this—let me out! Let me out—don't—ah!"

The shrill screams and the dense lightning that fell from the sky directly split his whole body in half and scorched him black!

In the killing formation, there was no more sound coming out, Jun Mochu snorted coldly, withdrew the formation, and did not even look at the three black lacquered corpses that were so burned that they could hardly be seen as human beings, their heads were also covered. Leave without returning.

After she left, there was a silent gust of wind blowing from the flat ground, and the two white-clothed old men slowly landed on the spot where she was standing just now, and quietly glanced at the three charred corpses.

"What do you think?"

"It's very powerful. I'm afraid we won't get any benefits from her. Don't forget that she also has a divine beast that I can't see what it is."

"In other words, we should be glad we didn't shoot her?"

"Otherwise, fight to the death?"

"...Hey, young people these days really shouldn't be underestimated. It seems that the ancient world key in her hand must be real."

"Wait, look at her, she must be going to the road to the sky, just follow her."


The voices of the two old people gradually faded away, the wind blew gently, and the fallen leaves fell silently on the ground, covering the place where they had been standing. In a blink of an eye, the figures of the two old people were like the fallen leaves Generally, it disappeared without a sound.

However, they didn't know that after they left, Jun Mochu, who was supposed to leave, jumped down from a tall ancient tree with a light jump, and watched the two old people leave thoughtfully. direction.

"Count your acquaintances."

She had already noticed the existence of these two heavenly masters. If they had taken the opportunity to attack her just now, she would not have let them leave so easily.

After dealing with the enemies, Jun Mo clapped his hands and casually walked back to the city.

Just after entering the city, a holy man in white clothes came into her eyes.

Fan Chen stood not far away, dressed in white clothes that were sacred and inviolable, he just stood not far away, quietly glanced at her, in that glance, various emotions that she did not understand flashed in his clear eyes, Then back to cool.

Jun Mochu immediately put his hands behind his back, sniffed that there was no bloody smell on his body, and then walked towards Fanchen.

"God, why did you come out?"

Fan Chen looked at her, his clear eyes were so clear that Jun Mochu felt that if he just looked back, he would pollute this sacred white orchid, so he had to look away silently.

Fan Chen raised his hand, pointed to the position of his forehead, and said to her, "Here, blood."

After all, he turned around and walked towards a remote alley.

"...cough." Jun Mochu quickly wiped his forehead with his hand, and hurriedly chased after him, "My God, don't get me wrong, I killed some villains, and they brought it on themselves."

Jun Mochu felt a little embarrassed when such a noble and holy god knew that he had killed someone. After all, he was a monk. Even if he was indifferent to the world, he would never violate the precept of killing.

Perhaps Jun Mochu always felt in his heart that he had desecrated Fan Chen, first by kissing him forcefully and then causing him to be teased so miserably by Wu Yan and Xiao Xiaoxian. For Fan Chen, she always had such a little guilty conscience.

What's more, he is a magic stick!You can count all eight generations of your ancestors by pinching your fingers. It's not easy to offend!

Hearing this, Fan Chen paused and turned to look at her.

Jun Mochu's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said, "Great God, you won't be angry, will you?"

Fan Chen looked at her amusedly, "Everyone has their own fate, their fate is like this, why should they be angry? Besides, as you said, they are just lustful people."

Jun Mo breathed a sigh of relief at the beginning, "Yeah, but speaking of it, I really want to thank you this time." If it wasn't for Fanchen being here, even if she let out the rumor that she had the key of Gu Jieyuan, those people would He would not believe her so quickly and rush to this ancient city.

Fanchen's words, at some point, no one in the entire continent will doubt it, this is a kind of belief.

Fanchen smiled and remained silent.

Jun Mo thought of something at the beginning, and said again: "I said Great God, Wuyan said that you... are already a master of the gods, is this true?"

Facing Fan Chen, she always had the feeling that she couldn't see through him. When she was at the seventh level, she couldn't feel his strength. She thought that the great god might be a master of the holy level, but when she became a holy man, she couldn't see through him. When a high-level master met him again, he still couldn't see through his strength.

Just like she is a heavenly rank at the moment, but still can't see him through, how smart is this god-like figure?

Gathering his hands in his long and wide sleeves, Fan Chen raised his head with a smile, "Jun'er, are the heavenly ranks and divine ranks important?"

Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, is it important?

For her, this is of course important, the more strength, the more protection.

She doesn't like trouble, and she has always insisted on the idea that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others. However, if she has no strength, even if someone offends her, she will not be able to bully her back. In such a life, you will be trampled on all the time. underfoot.

Can it be important?

She nodded affirmatively, "It's important. If you have no strength, you will only become weak and be bullied by others. So, of course it is important."

"Is this why you insist on going to Gu Jieyuan?" Fan Chen asked again.

"It's not..." Jun Mochu lowered his eyes slightly, "I went there because there was a person waiting for me above the nine heavens, so I had to go."

"The Emperor of the Dark Realm?"


"That's the case." Fanchen looked at him with a smile, his smile as light as a magnolia flower seemed to be tainted with a layer of dream, "Is it important whether I am a god?"

Hearing this, Jun Mochu immediately understood.

The Great God is telling her that she thinks strength is important because she has something to pursue, and she wants to protect the person she wants to protect, so she thinks strength is very important.

As for him, the years go by, even though he is loved and loved, he has no pursuit, and he looks through the vicissitudes of time indifferently. What is there is only him alone. Since he is the only one, with his current status and beliefs, his It really doesn't matter whether you have strength or not.

Jun Mochu felt a trace of sadness for no reason in her heart, she looked at the jade-like gentle man in front of her, and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that in the half a year of life that is about to pass, you haven't met someone who cares a little bit? "

Family affection, friendship, no matter where it comes from, there will always be one or two people who will stop the shadow in his eyes, right?

Just like she used to, she always thought that she didn't need any feelings, the world came and went, but she just changed another space and continued to live.

But she had to admit that on such a day, she would be lonely, and the current Fanchen should also be... lonely.

This time, Fan Chen was in a daze.

He has always been walking, walking, wherever he goes, where he rests.

He has met many people, seen many things, and never stopped his steps for anyone.

Every plant and tree in this continent, every country and every state, he looked at it with a faint smile, but before he could see it, it had disappeared without a trace, clean and faint, just like the years he had gone through. Pass without trace.

Now, he has been staying in this land, not far away, hesitating to come here, because of the clear shadow that once reflected in his eyes.

Is there really no such person?

Kissing the heart, it is hard to escape in the whole life, he vainly wants to overcome the robbery, but he doesn't want to be rescued instead.

Who can say that there is really no such person.

Fan Chen raised his head slightly, his fingertips twisted and folded down a white orchid flower that fell on his head, then looked at her, and smiled.

"Maybe, yes."


There will be more updates in a while~

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