Chapter 290

The god rank does not need to cross the catastrophe.

The reason why there is a catastrophe is to allow people to transform their own martial power into divine power after being tempered by the sky thunder when they soar.

However, Fanchen has been a god for a long time, and the power in his body has slowly transformed into divine power, so he does not need to cross the tribulation, as long as he wants to ascend, he can go to the Nine Heavens at any time.

It's just that he calculated his ascension day after a long time, so he has been quietly waiting.

This is his catastrophe, and it is also her catastrophe. He can avoid it, but she may not be able to avoid it.

Suddenly found that the noble and holy God, who is extremely sacred in the eyes of all the people in Yuncang Continent, actually has a dark side in his bones, Jun Mochu, and his face was very stinky all the way.

Because she happened to be the one who was hacked, and Wu Yan was also implicated.

Wuyan lay on Fanchen's lap bitterly, "Monk, I was hurt by you, scholar, I really forgot, you don't treat people like this."

He really forgot that there is no need to cross the catastrophe at the level of the gods. He had always lived in the heavens before, and after being reborn in Yuncang Continent, he often subconsciously regarded the people on Yuncang Continent as ordinary humans. If you want to go to heaven, you must cross the catastrophe.

After all, in the thousands of years that he had lived, he still hadn't really seen a person who was already a god before he ascended, which is really embarrassing.

The sedan chair was very bumpy, hearing Wuyan's complaint, Fanchen just smiled, then put down the sedan chair curtain, and looked at him with a smile, "Jun'er is not a vexatious person, you will be fine after a while."

She just felt that being ridiculed in such a veiled way made her feel ashamed, and that was all depression.

Jun Mochu did not sit in the sedan chair, but walked with Cheng Kun and Cheng Lun.

There are more than 60 people in a group. The speed is not slow, but it is not very slow. If you want to say fast, it is really not fast.

Most of the original team were holy-level masters, who could fly completely. Although the seventh-level practitioners would have a harder time chasing, as long as they slowed down a little, they would not fail to catch up.

However, these people are impatient, especially when they are about to face the wealth and treasures that Gu Jieyuan can get by surprise, everyone can't wait to fly to Gu Jieyuan now.

However, they cannot.

Because there was a mysterious sedan chair in their team, none of them knew who was inside the sedan chair, even though they were very curious.But it is precisely because of such an extra sedan chair that their speed has been greatly shortened. Originally, they could fly to the extreme east in about ten days by flying at full strength, but now it takes more than 20 days, which is twice as long. , which made most of the people in the team feel uncomfortable.

He has been talking about the people in the sedan chair for several days, but Fanchen is very patient. Jun Mo first let him sit in the sedan chair, and he sat in the sedan chair. No matter what others say or think, it has nothing to do with him, he just sits quietly sedan chair.

Gradually, more and more people voiced dissatisfaction, and many people sued Cheng Kun and Cheng Lun brothers. Facing so many voices of dissatisfaction, Cheng Kun was helpless and had no choice but to Come to ask Jun Mochu.

"Miss Jun, how strong is your friend, can't you come down and walk by yourself?"

Jun Mochu was using his spirit to expand the territory in the inner space of the Qiankun bag, dividing the inner space world into several parts. Hearing Cheng Kun's question, he couldn't help withdrawing his mental power, looked up at him, and asked: "Why should he walk on my own?"

As long as she thinks of a person like Fan Chen walking with those people who are full of market interests, she feels uncomfortable.

How could the Great God be polluted by their group of people?Cheng Kun's old face was filled with a wry smile, "It's not that the old man wanted to say, Miss Jun, didn't you realize that they are all dissatisfied with the people in the sedan chair?"

Cheng Kun is not in a hurry, anyway, he knows that with the deal between him and Jun Mochu, he will definitely be able to ascend successfully, and seeing that he is about to leave the human world of Yuncang Continent, staying a day or two longer is for them Said, there is no difference.

But other people are different. Those people only want to find the treasure, and some people naturally know that there is no treasure in the ancient world, only the road to the sky, thinking about the dream of ascension, can they not be in a hurry?

Jun Mo sneered at the beginning, "Even if the ancient world really has a dragon vein, if you want a treasure, you must first weigh how much you have. Are they so impatient to die?"

Everyone here, even if they died, she would not feel the slightest sympathy and pity.

Because from the very beginning, they had warned them that it was dangerous to go to Gu Jieyuan.

But they insisted on following, so Jun Mochu would naturally not be polite to them.

If someone who is so obsessed with Gu Jieyuan keeps getting clean this time, after she leaves Yuncang Continent and ascends to the heavens, she might deal with Jun's family in what way. Now that she is leading them into a trap, it can be regarded as keeping the safety of Jun's family forever .

And this can be regarded as her reward for the Jun family's blood on her body.

Cheng Kun said helplessly: "Miss Jun, it's not that you don't know these people are greedy for personal gain. No one knows who your friend is, let alone how strong he is. In their eyes, they will naturally be dissatisfied."

As long as Fanchen thinks about it and uses his divine power to hide his true face, I am afraid that no one present except Wuyan can really know who he is.

I don't know who he is, and he has been sitting in a sedan chair all the way. People indirectly regard the person in that sedan chair as a person of weak strength.

After all, if you are skilled, why would you need to sit in a sedan chair?Even the flying speed of a seventh-level cultivator is much faster than this sedan chair, okay?

Jun Mochu snorted coldly, "I want him to sit, clean all the way, without being disturbed by others, you tell those guys, if they think it's slow, they don't have to come, one more is not too much, and one less is fine." Definitely not too little."

Hearing what Jun Mochu said, Cheng Kun had no choice but to give up, and turned around to convey her words to those people, but he began to wonder who was sitting in that sedan chair. Seeing how she defended him like this, it might not be a simple matter. people.

It's just that he wanted to find out who was in the sedan chair many times, but there was always a hazy barrier like white mist blocking his investigation.

He couldn't see through the ranks of the people in the sedan chair. Cheng Kun didn't dare to take it lightly.

However, he just thought that the other party possessed a secret method to cover up his own strength, and he didn't think about it in the direction of god rank. How could there be a god-level master among people?

After dispatching Kun, Jun Mochu turned over on the horse, looked at the very conspicuous sedan chair placed in the middle of the team, hesitated for a while, kicked the horse's belly, speeded up, and chased after the sedan chair in front.

This sedan chair was found by Jun Mochu after searching for a long time. Although it is not as exquisite as Fanchen's exquisite Buddha lotus sedan chair, she looks quite comfortable and can also be used as a carriage, which is the best of both worlds.

She gradually approached the sedan chair, and the few people around the sedan chair did not notice Jun Mochu's approach, and were discussing in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, do you know who is in this sedan chair?"

"Who knows, I see, it's probably a guy who doesn't know anything, and wants to join in the fun. He thinks where Gu Jieyuan is, and he really came to play?"

"It's really annoying. I don't know how much time I've been delayed by him, but Miss Jun insisted on leaving with him! The key to the Gu Jieyuan is with Miss Jun. If she doesn't leave, there's nothing we can do."

"Why don't we just..." One of them raised his hand and made a movement of wiping his neck, his eyes were cold, "Give me the key!"

The others shook their heads, "The two seniors of the Cheng family said that no one can touch that woman, otherwise we won't be able to go to Gujieyuan."

"Hmph, let's talk about it when the time comes. When we reach the Far East region, there are many dangers there. When she leaves us alone..." the man also said gloomyly.

There are so many people in the team, and the Far East is so desolate. It is said that there are terrifying cannibals. When she accidentally places an order, she kills people, and finally directly blames the cannibals. Who can do anything with them?

"You're right, then we'll..." Before the man finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, he looked behind the other two in horror, his face turned pale.

"What's wrong with you? Why did your face become so ugly?" The two people with their backs turned didn't know that Jun Mochu was standing behind them, and they looked at their suddenly strange companion suspiciously.

"You don't have guts, do you? You bastard! So what if she's a master of heaven rank? The three of us, one heaven rank, two saint ranks, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with that bitch..."

The man quickly covered his mouth, looked at Jun Mochu who was standing behind them in fear, and said quickly: "Junjun Junjun girl..."

Hearing his words, the other two people all changed their faces, and turned around quickly, and they saw Jun Mochu riding on the horse, with his hands folded around his chest, looking at them with a smile that was not a smile.

"Why don't you say it anymore? It's a good strategy, a good calculation, keep talking."

Those three people knew that the matter was serious, and she heard what they said before, and immediately explained embarrassingly and anxiously: "Jun, Miss Jun, we, we were joking just now..."

"Yes, Miss Jun, it's not that the three of us were just idle and bored just now, so, so we were joking, you, don't take it to heart!"

"Really?" Jun Mochu looked at them with a smile, his tone suddenly changed, and he looked at them with an unusually cold look, "It's a pity, it turns out that you were joking, but what if I take it seriously?"

The faces of the three people suddenly became extremely ugly. Seeing that Jun Mochu didn't seem to want to let it go this time, they simply bit the bullet and said: "Jun Mochu, what exactly do you want?!"

"What do I want?" Jun Mochu sneered coldly, "Do you think I will keep someone who wants my life here anytime?"

As soon as the words fell, Jun Mochu had a thought, his body was as fast as lightning, and the power of his supernatural power was like a sharp long sword, and he rushed towards a holy master at a high speed.

It can be said that it is easy for a strong heavenly rank to kill a holy rank at a certain point, but there are also special circumstances, just like when Jun Mochu only had a holy rank, he still had a fight when he met a master of the heavenly rank .

However, at this moment, the holy rank master didn't even have a chance to dodge, and saw that she was already lying in front of him, and the speed was so fast that it made people dumbfounded.

A sharp pain came from his chest, and the man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw the woman who was lying in front of him raised her lips towards him, showing a cruel smile, as if he saw his soul in front of him. Slowly moving away from his body, and then falling back bit by bit, silently.


Absolute spike!

The sudden change made the people walking in front also feel it, and they all looked here.

Jun Mochu just withdrew his hand expressionlessly, and didn't even look at the person who fell at his feet. His starry eyes were cold, like Shura who came to reap his life after the gate of hell opened wide.

In the field, I was immersed for a moment.

"Asheng!!!" Suddenly there was a scream, it was one of the three people, he rushed to the dead person lying on the ground frantically, and found that the latter was no longer breathing, he was angry Zhao Junmochu roared, "Bitch! How dare you kill my brother! I want you to die!"

"What?" Jun Mochu asked him in a cold voice, "You are only allowed to kill me to seize the treasure as you planned, but I am not allowed to deal with you? Want to kill me? Just come!"

The other two rushed towards Jun Mochu angrily. A heaven-level strongman and a holy-rank strongman attacked her at the same time.

Jun Mo didn't dodge or dodge at the beginning, he didn't pay attention to the holy master at all, but turned directly to the heavenly master, and turned his back to his explosive punch.

The ability of the earth system is originally stronger in defense and weaker in attack, but Jun Mo has cultivated martial power at the beginning, and the seventh-level force combines the original power of the earth system of the heavenly rank, which has almost surpassed the power of the heavenly rank , easily received the attack of that heavenly master, and then bounced back.

The huge counter-shock force abruptly shook the two of them several meters away.

The two of them were shocked from the bottom of their hearts, they didn't expect her strength to be so tyrannical.

At the moment, I couldn't help feeling a little regretful. I knew I shouldn't be so impulsive at the beginning, but when I thought of my brother's death, I couldn't calm down the monstrous hatred in my heart.

This time, Jun Mo didn't hold back her hands anymore. She is good at killing people in formations. At that moment, her hands quickly formed seals, and a formation full of murderous intent was formed on the ground. However, this time, she will kill Tianlei and The lightning made some changes. When the lightning bolts fell from the sky, they were directly absorbed by their bodies.

The more they absorbed, the more their bodies swelled. Seeing that their bodies were almost as big as a ball, the two of them were frightened. However, the thunder and lightning kept falling.

In the formation, Jun Mochu is the master, and if Hades lets you die on the third watch, he will never let you live to the fourth watch.

Seeing that the bodies of those two people have been stretched to the limit, the skin has been pulled so that only a transparent layer remains, and everyone can even see the blood vessels flowing!

Jun Mochu's red lips parted slightly, and he uttered a word coldly, "Broken!"

Immediately, two huge explosions sounded, and the bodies of the two people who were almost torn apart suddenly exploded. Countless blood turned into blood droplets in the sky, like drizzle, and slowly fell on the ground, falling on everyone's eyes. face.

The crowd of onlookers suddenly took a deep breath and took a few steps back one after another, seeing surprise and fear in each other's eyes.

In just a few face-to-face encounters, two masters of the holy rank and one strong man of the heaven rank were just... lost.

The loss fell in the hands of this thin-looking woman with beautiful eyes but extremely cold.

Apart from the corpse that was killed in seconds on the ground, the corpses of the other two people had been blown almost to pieces, as if they had turned into dust in the air and disappeared completely.

A few drops of blood fell on Jun Mochu's plain and simple gauze skirt, her complexion did not change, her beautiful eyes swept around coldly, sweeping across the faces of those people one by one.

Those who were caught by her cold gaze couldn't help but take a step back.

Just kidding, killing two holy-level masters and heaven-level masters so easily, they dare not ignore such strength, not to mention, the key of Gu Jieyuan is still on her body, who would ask for trouble like this What to eat to provoke such a ruthless heavenly master?

This time, even if he is about to leave the human world, the three words 'Jun Mochu' will definitely resound in the Yuncang Continent.

After Jun Mo had finished killing someone, the two brothers Cheng Kun and Cheng Lun walked over.

In fact, a total of eleven heaven-ranked experts were raised here. If they want to save the three people just now, there is absolutely hope for them.

However, everyone here has the mentality of looking forward to the show. One less person means one less opponent to compete for the treasure. They will not be foolish to help someone who is likely to become their opponent in the future.

People are selfish.

"Miss Jun, what's going on?" Cheng Kun came over, looked at the corpse on the ground, and asked knowingly.

As a heavenly master, how could he not notice the movement here, he just wanted to make an example to others.

Jun Mo put on a black face at the beginning, and he put on a red face again, which is enough to subdue these people.

"No." Jun Mo looked at him blankly at the beginning, and said lightly: "It's just killing a few people who have bad intentions for me."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked towards the sedan chair, "Senior Cheng, I will leave this place to you."

"Then Miss Jun, you...?"

"Sleepy, take a nap."


Hearing this, everyone froze for a moment.

He killed three masters in such a thunderous streak just now, but now he still keeps his expression unchanged and says he is going to take a nap?Is this really a woman?

But it cannot be denied that in this team right now, she is the one with the most power. The two brothers Cheng Kun and Cheng Lun seem to be the leaders, but seeing their attitude towards Jun Mochu, it is not difficult to see the real leader who is it.

However, no one stopped her, everyone saw the situation just now, and no one wanted to be a bird again, so they could only watch helplessly as she opened the sedan chair curtain and got into that mysterious sedan chair—— nap.

The wind blew the half-opened car curtain, revealing a slender figure in white clothes, who was leaning comfortably against the window at the moment, with a careless laziness revealing a bit of nobility and elegance, lying on his lap The fiery red fluffy puppy-like pet looks extremely cute, but everyone knows that it is actually not cute at all, and it is even scarier than this female fiend.

Just one glance is enough to make everyone show all kinds of eyes.

They wanted to see clearly who the person in the sedan chair was, but found that no matter how hard they opened their eyes, they couldn't see who that person was.

Although he couldn't tell who that person was, seeing him lying in the sedan chair so comfortably and comfortably, as if he was on vacation, he couldn't help but envy everyone's eyes.

However, now, no one dared to raise any objections. They would rather walk slowly than offend her fierce god like the three people just now. Everyone secretly exchanged glances with their companions, The stagnant team moved again.

As soon as their footsteps moved, before they even had time to turn around, they found that the sedan chair curtain was suddenly lifted again, and Jun Mochu, who had only entered for a while, rolled down from the sedan chair with a 'gudonggudong'.

A clear and cold, but warm and pleasant voice sounded in a low voice, "Dirty."

The car curtain was lowered, and Jun Mochu was kicked out by the people inside.

Hearing Fanchen's words, Jun Mochu got up from the floor, and suddenly threw the table and was furious, "Ci'ao! This is the sedan chair I bought, and you think I'm dirty! You don't allow me to take a nap!"

Wuyan's beating voice was soft and smug, "Jie Jie, girl, hurry up and wash up before you go back to sleep. The god said, wash off the blood on your body before you are allowed to climb in."

"..." These two bastards!

Then, everyone suddenly realized that the one in the sedan chair was the real boss...


There will be more changes in a while, continue to code

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