Chapter 296

Jun Mo took a deep breath, "Wuyan, are you sure this is the road to heaven, not the road to hell?"

The bone-strewn overpass, soaring above the sky, gives people a sense of illusion, as if stepping on it, what you are stepping on is not the road to heaven, but the road to hell.

Wuyan coughed lightly once or twice, "Well, girl, although I know this is the road to the sky, I have never been here before. How would I know that this place will look like this?"

He just heard it.

"Will you go?" Jun Mochu asked Fanchen and Wuyan.

Fan Chen asked her back, "Are you going?" When she left, he left.

"Go!" Wuyan said calmly, there is no turning back now, even if the road before them is not the road to heaven, but the road to hell, they must go all the way to the end.

"Well, let's go." Jun Mochu made a firm decision.

The two were still sitting on Wuyan's back, Wuyan carried the two of them, and jumped to the bridge in front of him that was piled up with bones.

A biting cold gushed out from the bottom of their hearts.

Wuyan shuddered, "There are so many bones here, and the yin is so heavy, we won't meet the ghosts who are unwilling to leave here, right?"

Only in a place with such a heavy Yin Qi, is it possible to encounter ghosts and other things from the underworld.

Before Jun Mochu and Fanchen answered, it seemed to be to verify Wuyan's words. Suddenly, a few ghosts floated from the bridge, and they let out bursts of shrill howls, which made the scalp feel numb. This... It is really the sound of death in the underworld!

They looked under the bridge, and under the bridge, which was still covered in white mist like a fairyland before, there appeared a yellow and turbid river water like corpse water, making roaring sounds!


Jun Mochu couldn't help cursing in a low voice, "I think we people in the human world have been deceived! There is no way to reach the sky here, it is clearly hell!"

There were many ghosts on the bridge. As soon as the Buddha's light came out from Fan Chen's body, those ghosts that were approaching them suddenly didn't dare to move forward.

At the beginning, Jun Mo felt that this supreme mentality method was very useful. It could not only heal injuries, but also dispel ghosts, so he also started to use the supreme mentality method, and a faint milky white light radiated from her body, making her look even more beautiful. Glamorous.

This journey was considered peaceful, until they got to the end of the bridge, they didn't see any ghosts who dared to bully them.

However, at this moment, a vast coercion surged down from above the tunnel.

Wu Yan's eyes lit up, and he looked over with infinite nostalgia.

"This is... the breath of the heavens!"

The breath of the heavens, that is to say, have they really come to the Nine Heavens?

"Let's go!" Wu Yan happily rushed forward.

Fan Chen pulled them back suddenly, and there was a rare dignified expression between his brows.

"What's the matter?" Jun Mochu looked back at him.

The expression in Fanchen's eyes softened a bit, and he shook his head, why bother to worry in vain?

The golden light instantly illuminated the dark space channel, and at this moment the space on this side gradually shattered, and a strange energy fluctuation came out of that space.

The so-called "heavenly space" seemed to be broken by the golden light. Jun Mochu and the others felt as if they were wandering in the long river of time, as if they had passed through endless years, and finally the light flashed. The place they were in seemed to be blocked. Truncated in general, the entire space suddenly distorted.

As if the whole world was about to collapse, Jun Mochu only felt that his whole body was being squeezed by the air, as if his whole body was about to be crushed.

"Why, what's going on..." As soon as she opened her mouth, she felt a storm rushing into her mouth. That storm seemed to be a grinder that could crush every part of them.

Huge pressure came from all directions, even Wuyan and Fanchen felt powerless at this moment.

Wuyan gritted his teeth, with an unwilling indignation on his face, "It's the space... the fragmented flow of space..."

The fragmented flow of space hidden between the two worlds rarely appears. Once it appears, even he is helpless. Unexpectedly, seeing the last step is about to reach the destination. Unexpectedly, they are so unlucky to meet A space fractal flow that is rare in ten thousand years.

Every part of her body was squeezed, and Jun Mochu could hardly bear the pressure. She and Wuyan were squeezed apart, and the skin on her body was cut with bloodstains. She watched Wuyan helplessly. Yan was swept far away by the shattered flow of space.

"Wuyan!" She screamed, and tried her best to go in the direction of Wuyan, but was sucked into the center by the shattered flow of space.

A sudden sharp pain came from the abdomen, and Jun Mochu's face changed drastically.

Her child... her child! !

Even she couldn't bear such a strong pressure, let alone such a fragile child in her womb.

Jun Mochu tightly clutched his abdomen, no, the child must have nothing to do, nothing to do!

She repeatedly mobilized all the pressure on her body to resist this powerful pressure, but it was useless, and even Wuyan couldn't do anything about the space fragmentation that penetrated the two worlds, let alone her.

Could it be that today is the day of her death, but... I really can't be reconciled!

Jun Mo gritted his teeth and mobilized all the strength in his body. The pain in his abdomen became more and more serious, as if something was about to leave her body. For the first time in her life, she had such a strong fear .

She is afraid.

Afraid that the child in her belly... is gone.

Her mind became a little dazed, and her consciousness gradually became confused.

Suddenly a divine light fell on her body, Jun Mochu only felt his whole body lighten up, and suddenly fell into an extremely warm embrace, the pressure on her body suddenly decreased a lot, she was a little dazed, she didn't know what happened, she was in a trance Suddenly raised his head, only to see Fan Chen hugging her tightly in his arms for the first time and the only time, continuously pouring divine power into her body.

"Jun'er, hold on." He whispered.

Forbearance's voice seemed to be in great pain, but the tone was as soft and gentle as he usually spoke to her.

"Great God... let me go..." I felt that he poured all his divine power into her body, but he was bearing all the pressure.

Jun Mochu's heart is flustered, he will not be able to hold on.

Fan Chen was silent.

In other words, he has absolutely no strength to speak now.

Big drops of sweat kept falling on his forehead. Jun Mochu had never seen such a holy and noble god before. Was there ever such a painful and embarrassing time?

She wanted to speak, but her voice was choked in her throat, and the pressure around her gradually increased.

The Great God couldn't hold it anymore, she knew how he could resist such a heavy pressure at this moment when he poured all his divine power into her body.

At this moment, there are two forces in her body that are contending, one is her supernatural power, and the other is Fan Chen's divine power. The two forces are balanced in her body, making her bear less and less pressure, and those forces , were all resisted abruptly by Fan Chen.

In the vast sky, Jun Mo only felt his head buzzing at the beginning, and then the whole person fell into the deep darkness.

The last thought that remained in her mind was that she... seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

It seems like a long time.

The moment Jun Mo opened his eyes, what he smelled was a light vegetable fragrance, and there were a few faint voices coming from outside the house.

She concentrated on it, looked at the pillars above her head, it seemed to be a small wooden house, she... where is this?

I still remember the moment before they fell into a coma, when they encountered a space shatter.

Wuyan was swept away by the shattered flow of space, and the Great God...

God! !

Jun Mochu was startled and sat up from the bed in an instant. How is he?

This is indeed an ordinary cabin, why is she here?And the child in her womb.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a woman about 50 or [-] years old came in with tea. Seeing that Jun Mo had woken up, she was slightly taken aback, and then said in surprise: "Little girl, you finally woke up!" Already."

Jun Mo didn't hear it at first, and stroked his abdomen with his hands tremblingly. Her he alright?

After all, the woman used to be a mother. Seeing Jun Mochu's actions, she could see what she was thinking at a glance, and said with a smile: "Little girl, don't worry, the child in your stomach is fine, but Ah, if you sleep for a few more days, the child will starve to death."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu turned his eyes to the woman bit by bit, what did she say?

Is the child still there?

Are you still there?Jun Mochu looked relaxed, as if he had finally let go of a heavy heart, and let out a light breath.


He's fine.

The woman had a very kind smile on her body. Jun Mo let go of his guarded heart a little bit, and asked in a low voice: "Why am I here? Here...where is it?"

The woman poured a cup of tea for Jun Mochu, and walked over with a smile, "This is the Qiha tribe. My husband found you in the mountains when he was hunting. You were all unconscious at the time. My husband was worried that you would be killed by wild animals." Take it away, and brought you all back, did something happen to you, why did you faint in that mountain forest?"

"We?" Jun Mo first caught the words in her tone, "Are you talking about my friend? Where is he now? Has he woken up?"

The woman smiled amiably, "Little girl, don't worry, he hasn't woken up yet, my guy, I invited a fairy doctor from the city to see him, your friend was injured more than you, and you are worse than him." Wake up first."

Hearing what she said, Jun Mo breathed a sigh of relief at first, and took another breath.

He breathed a sigh of relief because they were all still alive, and they were brought to this Qiha tribe by the shattered flow of space. The worry was that they didn't know how the great god was injured, and where Wuyan went.

Thinking of this, Jun Mochu looked at the woman with gratitude and said, "Thank you for saving us, how can I... um, call you?"

The woman just smiled, "You're welcome, just call me Aunt Mei."

"Thank you, Aunt Mei." Jun Mo looked at her body for the first time, and found that she was just a little exhausted, and there was nothing serious about it. With a thought, she mobilized the supernatural powers in her body and found that her supernatural powers were stronger than before. Much deeper.

Jun Mo looked at the ability for a long time, and vaguely felt that her ability should also change.

With the baptism of Fanchen's divine power, her supernatural power is more pure than the previous earth-type power.

She slowly shook hands, raised her head and said to Aunt Mei: "This... is it the Nine Heavens?"

Her words made Aunt Mei puzzled, "This is heaven, don't you know, little girl?"

The Qiha tribe is just a small village in a remote area. There are very few practitioners here. They don't know that there is a human world besides the heaven.

Jun Mochu heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled: "I know, my name is Mochu, Aunt Mei can just call me by my name, I... can I go and see my friend?"

"Of course." Aunt Mei smiled amiably, looking into Jun Mochu's eyes, she added a bit of humor: "Xiao Mochu, that friend of yours is really handsome, look at how nervous you are. , I will go to see him as soon as I wake up, could it be that he is your husband?"

Hearing this, Jun Mo was startled, and quickly said: "Aunt Mei, you misunderstood, he is my good friend, this time he was injured so badly because he saved me."

Just kidding, if you let the Great God know, others will mistake them for husband and wife, maybe they will panic.

In her eyes, the Great God has always been innocent.

"Do you want to rest for a while before going to see him?" Aunt Mei saw that her face was still a little pale, so she couldn't help asking worriedly.

Jun Mo shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I'm fine."

"Then come with me."

Aunt Mei took him out and walked to another room.

Fan Chen was lying quietly on the bed at this time, the clothes on his body were changed into commoner clothes, and he was sleeping extremely peacefully.

Jun Mochu walked over quietly, and stood silently beside the bed for a while, not knowing what it was like in his heart.

It was such a person who, at the most critical moment, gave her all the strength in his body, grabbed her, and never let go.

Jun Mochu suddenly discovered that it seems that since he met him, he has been until now.

He is helping her.

When I was in the Dark Realm, when I was in the Five Sects of Xianshan Mountain, when I was in the ancient city, when... when I traveled through the space tunnel.

She knew that Fanchen could ascend to the heavens at any time, and he didn't need to go through the tribulation, but he went to the ancient realm with her all the time.

If it wasn't for him, maybe she wouldn't be standing here now.

The child in her womb may also be...

Jun Mochu took a deep breath, squatted down slowly, stared at Fanchen's jade-like handsome face, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Fan Chen remained motionless, his peacefully sleeping handsome face, like a ray of Buddha's light, faintly covered with countless holy magnolia flowers.

But Jun Mochu didn't know that Fan Chen had predicted that she would have such a catastrophe.

Either she dies, or the child in her womb dies.

However, when he saw her accepting the fact that she was pregnant so happily, his heart softened.

Whether it's her or the child, he doesn't want anything to happen.

This is his catastrophe.

If he chooses to sit back and watch and ascend by himself, then everything on that day has nothing to do with him, whether it is Wuyan or Jun Mochu's life and death, it will no longer have any relationship with him.

But he...but in the end he couldn't overcome the calamity in his heart.

Since the day they met, who said she wasn't his robbery?

In Fan Chen's life, he has survived the vicissitudes of life, old age, sickness and death, and the splendor of thousands of continents, but he can't survive the unintentional kiss.

So he chose to be with her, protect her, help her, and silently...guard her.

"Mochu, don't worry too much. We invited a medical fairy from the city to show your friend. They said that he was just injured and his meridians were damaged. When he wakes up, he can take good care of him."

Immortal Doctor is an honorary title given to doctors in the Heavenly Continent. For cultivators, their physique is no longer so easy to get sick. Therefore, the most important thing for these Immortal Doctors is to help ordinary people see a doctor. For them, cultivators, It can be said that the medical immortal can't see any problems.

On that day, the immortal doctor invited by Aunt Mei saw some injuries on Fanchen's body, and prescribed a secondary prescription, and left a sentence saying that he would be fine if he took care of it, so he left.

What the immortal doctors saw was only external injuries. As for internal injuries, they couldn't see them at all.

Of course, Aunt Mei didn't know, because in their village, whenever someone was sick, they would ask the fairy doctors in the city to take care of them, so they believed in the words of the fairy doctors. It must be fine.

So, when Jun Mochu woke up on the fifth day, and Fan Chen hadn't woken up yet, Jun Mochu began to worry.

She tried to use her supernatural power to enter Fan Chen's body to check his physical condition, but Fan Chen's body automatically blocked any external force, she was helpless and could only watch Fan Chen faint day by day.

What is the situation?

The more Jun Mo waited, the more impatient he was. Thinking of Wuyan, if Wuyan was here, she would definitely know what went wrong with the Great God. She could vaguely feel that Wuyan's life was still very tenacious, which meant that Wuyan was fine, but I don't know where it was swept by the space shatter.

Until the tenth day, Fanchen hadn't woken up yet, and his gentle and handsome face was as pale as white paper. Jun Mochu couldn't sit still any longer, and summoned four people including Lian Zheng from the Qiankun bag space.

Before putting them in the space of Qiankun bag, Jun Mochu directly blocked their connection with the outside world, so they didn't know what happened in the space tunnel at the beginning, they only knew that they actually arrived at the nine heavens that all practitioners dream of, and Their emperor is also here!

They were so excited that they couldn't talk to themselves. As for Gu Jieyuan's wealth, they were all forgotten.

What is wealth in the human world?

The wealth above the heavens is the real wealth.

"Lian Zheng, I want the four of you to split up." Jun Mochu said in a deep voice, his brows furrowed deeply, like an inextricable knot, "Lian Zheng, go to the city and take care of all the medical staff. , or people with good medical skills are invited to come here, if they don’t come, they must be bound!”

She said coldly, right now, in her eyes, the safety of the Great God is the most important thing.

"Xiao Zhan, you are a strong man of the holy rank, and you are relatively able to walk away in the heavenly realm. You go to inquire about the whereabouts of the emperor, and come back and inform me as soon as you have news."

"And Liu Dayuan..."

Jun Mochu assigned tasks to all four of them, and he was a little thankful in his heart. Fortunately, he brought the four of them to the heaven, so that it would be much faster for someone to help.

"The subordinates will do it immediately!"

Lian Zheng and the others took orders and quickly completed their tasks.

Jun Mo first stepped into Fanchen's room, and tried to probe his body with his supernatural power again, but was still resisted.

If he couldn't check his body, he couldn't know the reason why he fell into a coma. Looking at Fan Chen who had been sleeping all the time, Jun Mo was helpless at the beginning, and could only withdraw his ability in a slumped manner.

Jun Mochu leaned on the bedside, sighing helplessly.

"Great God, you must... be safe."

Lian Zheng's ability to handle affairs is very strong, and the village is not far from the city, so in less than two hours, Lian Zheng brought more than a dozen experts with excellent medical skills back to the Qiha tribe village.

Fortunately, Aunt Mei went to deliver food to her husband, otherwise she would not have been terrified to see so many medical immortals coming to her house at once.

Jun Mo asked those medical immortals to carefully investigate the situation for Fan Chen one by one, but all the conclusions they came to were-the body was fine.

She was so angry that her face was cold, would she remain unconscious if her body was fine?Then even if he threatened to kill them, there was still only one conclusion. In desperation, Jun Mochu had to ask Lian Zheng to send them away.

After Fanchen was in a coma for a full month, Wuyan finally found this Qiha tribe village by relying on the induction of his natal contract.


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