Chapter 301

Wuyan is not a careless person.

He loves Xiao Qingyun very much. It stands to reason that he shouldn't lose him. However, the strange thing is that he happened to take Xiao Qingyun to buy some gadgets, and suddenly he seemed to feel Xiao Xiaoxian So without thinking, he grabbed Xiao Qingyun who was walking and playing on the ground and chased after him.

He hadn't seen Xiao Xiaoxian for too long, now that he finally had the chance to see him, let alone how happy he was.

However, in a hurry, he didn't realize that what he was carrying in his hand was not Xiao Qingyun, but the big bag that Xiao Qingyun was holding in his hand to play with. There were many things in that bag, plus the Chubby, Wuyu really didn't realize that he was grasping wrongly, but when he chased after him, he found that Xiao Xiaoxian's aura had disappeared!He searched everywhere but couldn't find it, so he was ready to take Xiao Qingyun back. When he saw it, he was frightened. Where is Xiao Qingyun in his hands?

He hurried back to the spot to look for it, but Xiao Qingyun disappeared!

Now Wuyan was in a hurry, so he came to find Jun Mochu immediately.

Hearing Wu Yan's words, Jun Mochu looked a little anxious, and followed Wu Yan back to the place just now without saying a word.

Although the little girl was clever and clever, she was just a baby who had just learned to walk and talk, and she couldn't protect herself at all, so how could they not be worried.

"I'm sorry, girl, I really deserve to die..." Wuyan blamed himself, blamed him for being too careless, thought it was really Xiao Xiaoxian, and lost Xiao Qingyun in the end.

"Let's not talk about that, let's search separately, or meet at the restaurant." Jun Mochu said in a deep voice, "Go and inform Lian Zheng, let him look for it together." After that, she went straight to search in one direction.

Wuyan no longer hesitated, and started looking in another direction.

Where is Xiao Qingyun?

Xiao Qingyun herself didn't know, she watched her uncle fly away, so she sadly stepped forward and wobbled after her uncle.

However, the uncle ran too fast, and she was so tired after chasing him, so she had to sit next to a man who looked dirty and Mama said that he was a beggar.

Xiao Qingyun clutched her chubby legs, sat down beside a beggar in a dignified manner, and then smiled cheerfully at the beggar, "Dirty face!"

"..." The beggar looked puzzled at the milk doll sitting next to him. She looked very pink and cute. It seemed to be the little baby of the noble family. The beggar thought she was here for fun, but After sitting for a long time, she found that Xiao Qingyun was just sitting here, and people walking around occasionally looked at this beautiful little baby with a little curiosity, but they didn't care.

The beggar wondered, could it be a lost baby?

So, his dry eyeballs flashed, he moved a little closer to Xiao Qingyun, and asked in a low voice: "Such a cute baby, where are your parents?"

Xiao Qingyun looked at him with big innocent and lovely eyes, then turned her head away.

Uncle said, dirty people are bad money!She doesn't talk to Bad Silver!

Seeing that she was just looking at him, the beggar moved a little closer, with excited eyes shining in his eyes, "Good boy, will uncle take you to buy candy?"

Xiao Qingyun doesn't want to deal with this bad money even more, she still eats sweets!She stopped eating when she was a year old!

Seeing that she still didn't answer, the beggar simply became ruthless, dragged off his clothes, covered Xiao Qingyun's head, and was about to pick up her and run away.

However, before his dirty clothes landed on Xiao Qingyun, the beggar was suddenly kicked out. A heroic-looking woman in a red dress was holding a little boy in her hand, coldly Staring at the beggar.

"Such a young child also wants to kidnap and sell? Get out!" The red woman snorted coldly, her eyes were full of murderous intent, seeing that the beggar didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly ran away.

After driving away the beggars, the woman walked over leading the little boy.

The little boy doesn't seem to be very big, but I don't know if it's because of his growth environment. That small face looks very mature. A bit heroic.

He looked at Xiao Qingyun in front of him and didn't speak, but there was a bit of curiosity in those bright black eyes.

Mu Luoli knelt down, looked at this beautiful little girl, and asked softly, "What's your name? Where are father and mother? Why are you here alone?" As a mother, she knew the child's How important it is to parents.

Just now, I saw this little girl running alone in the crowd, and then ran to sit next to the beggar. She thought her parents were letting her practice walking, so she let her walk, but after watching for a while, she felt that something was wrong. The little girl seemed to be separated from her family, and seeing the beggar trying to take the child away, she had no choice but to come here.

Little Qingyun bit her finger, looked at Mu Luoli with big round eyes, then at the little boy standing in front of her, opened her small mouth, giggled, and called him sweetly: "Brother !"

The little boy was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to be frowning thinking, 'When did mother give birth to a cute sister for me'?He couldn't think of it, and he didn't think about it anymore, so he nodded and said, "Good boy."

Xiao Qingyun smiled even more happily, and touched the little boy's face with her slobber-bitten fingers, excitedly touching, "Brother, beautiful! So touch, touch..."

The little boy frowned directly, he hated drool the most, it was dirty!But... she smiled so happily.

He had never met someone who laughed so happily with him. After thinking about it, he had no choice but to endure it. His mother would often touch him, so it shouldn't matter if he gave this sister a touch, right?

"..." Mu Luoli came to his senses, his son was molested|molested by this little girl!

"You girl..." Mu Luoli was speechless, is this really just a baby?She thought that her son was old enough, he was only two years old, but because he grew up in the Tangling God King's Palace, eating genius treasures and those so-called spiritual roots, he grew up extremely fast, looking like Already like a four or five-year-old child, I don’t know who inherited his mind, and he can understand everything as soon as he is handed in. He is a genius child, but he didn’t expect that this little milk baby looks younger than his own son, but he is not at all lost to her son.

Suddenly, Mu Luoli's eyes turned cold, and those guys chased after her again. Are they really chasing after her and trying to catch her back?

She sneered, quickly hugged Jun Yi, and said in a deep voice: "Yi'er, they are catching up again, hold on to mother, let's get out of here now."

Jun Yi froze for a moment, looked at Xiao Qingyun who was sitting on the ground very well-behaved, and quickly tugged on Mu Luoli's sleeve, "Mother, younger sister?"

"Her parents should come to her."

Hearing what Mu Luoli said, Xiao Qingyun quickly stood up with her chubby legs, "Ma Ma is bad! Ma Ma don't want to be so..."

She grabbed Mu Luoli's trousers and said, "I want to be with my brother, my beautiful brother..." This brother is so beautiful, she wants to play with him.

This little girl is really not afraid of life, she actually wants to go with her?

Those people were getting closer and closer, Mu Luoli hesitated for a while, now it's not appropriate to throw her a little girl on the street with people coming and going, if her parents haven't found her after a while, this little girl will be in danger Now, she simply hugged Xiao Qingyun up, and decided to take Xiao Qingyun away first, and then help her find her parents later, which is safer.

Thinking of this, Mu Luoli hugged the two children, tipped her toes, and quickly flew away. Not long after she left, Wuyan just came back, but at this time, Xiao Qingyun had already been taken away by Mu Luoli. gone.

Mu Luoli led the two little guys, Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi, all the way to the front of the main hall of the headquarters of the Dark Realm.

"Who is it!" The guards outside the hall hurriedly stopped her and questioned her seriously.

Mu Luoli carried a child on her back and held a child in her arms. She looked a little funny, but her expression was not funny at all. As the daughter of a god king, she had the noble aura and the arrogance of a long-time superior. , making her look like a king.

"Go and tell Mo Yantian that I, Mu Luoli, have come to look for him." Mu Luoli said flatly.

Mu Luoli?

The two guards were taken aback. They were no strangers to this name. In fact, they were no strangers to the eight great god-king families that ruled the heavens. Therefore, when they heard Mu Luoli's name, they naturally knew who she was. .

Immediately, the tone of the two lowered immediately, and said respectfully: "It turns out to be Princess Dongling, please wait a moment, we will immediately notify Lord God King."

Mu Luoli was very satisfied with their acquaintance, then lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Qingyun in his arms, and said: "Little girl, after I get rid of those people first, I will take you to find your parents, I hope your father Mom, don't worry too much."

Xiao Qingyun blinked, father and mother?Didn't Ma Ma say that Daddy is here?She stuck out her little head, since Daddy is here... Well, she should not tell Aunt Jie that Daddy is here, she wants to play with the pretty brother!

She nodded her head obediently, lay on Mu Luoli's shoulder, looked at Junyi behind her, and stretched out her little hand with a smile, "En! Thank you, auntie, Yunyun wants to play with brother."

Children really get along very well with each other, Mu Luoli felt a little embarrassed.

After a while the guard came out and invited Mu Luoli in, "Master God King invited the princess, the princess please come with the little one."


There is also Jiageng, remember to remind the sound of typos, and revise later~

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