Chapter 303

Xiao Qingyun hugged Mo Yantian's thigh tightly.

Apart from Mu Luoli, there were quite a few other people in the hall.

They watched their Lord God King being hugged by a little girl and called him father, and they were a little messy for a while.

Well, everyone in the Dark Realm doesn't know that their Lord God King, although he is not very cold, but his indifferent and unfriendly appearance still makes everyone dare not approach him.

In particular, when the Lord God King first established the territory of the Dark Realm, the Eight Great God Kings in the Heaven Realm tried to seduce|seduce their God King Mo Tian with their beauties, intending to control the Dark Realm, so they sent all kinds of beauties.

However, none of their Motian God Kings looked down on them, and some women even boldly came to seduce them, and were directly kicked by the God King until they vomited blood and died.

Some people who have been with Lord God King for two years from the beginning have never seen Mo Yantian get along with any woman, and now, a little baby unexpectedly appeared?

Mu Luoli was also a little surprised. After all, she knew the relationship between Mo Yantian and Jun Mochu. After thinking about it, she thought that maybe this little girl was not afraid of life, and she liked to call everyone Dad...


Mu Luoli suddenly came to his senses, what did this little girl call Mo Yantian?dad?

This... isn't a modern name, is it?

Mu Luoli once again cast her eyes on Xiao Qingyun. Could it be that this little guy is a descendant of modern people?

Xiao Qingyun's face was very red and tender. She hugged Mo Yantian's leg, and tried her best to look up at the tall Baba. Her big eyes were shining, and she looked at him expectantly.

Nani?Why didn't Baba hug her?

Don't you like Yunyun?

Xiao Qingyun blinked her big eyes, feeling a little sad.

In fact, when Mo Yantian called Xiao Qingyun his father, he was stunned.

He has never had the joy of being a father. In heaven, he has always been with Xiaoxian. Xiaoxian has a mischievous personality and is quite like a child, but he is not a human being after all. There is such a little guy in front of him. Hugging him and calling him father, this made him feel a little soft involuntarily.

For a moment, he didn't know how to react.

No matter in the Yuncang Continent or the current Jiuchong Heaven Realm, many people around him are afraid of him and dare not get close to him.

Not to mention those children, when they saw his bewitching eyes, they might cry in fright.

And this kid...

Mo Yantian stretched out his hand hesitantly, hesitantly, wanting to touch that soft little guy.

But maybe he was silent for too long, but she thought he didn't like her, so tears welled up in her eyes.

Looking at the tears, Mo Yantian felt an inexplicable sense of distress in his heart, and he hugged Xiao Qingyun without any hesitation.

Xiao Qingyun immediately burst into laughter, hugged Mo Yantian's neck, and said "baji", a big mark of saliva was printed on his face, "beautiful!"

"..." Mo Yantian wiped the drool off his face speechlessly, not knowing how to tell this little guy that he is not her father, so he simply said directly: "I am not your father."

Xiao Qingyun was in a daze, Nani?Baba doesn't recognize her?

She stared at Mo Yantian with her round eyes.

Mo Yantian's purple eyes looked at her without blinking.

She thought she would cry after hearing him say that she wasn't her father, but she didn't expect that the little girl didn't cry, but looked at him quietly without speaking.

This kind of reaction made Mo Yantian a little anxious, wouldn't this child be frightened stupid by himself?

He has never been with children before, but when he saw this child, he couldn't help wanting to be nice to her. Seeing her like this, Mo Yantian actually had an urge to tell her, if your parents don't want you, then I want it.

Before he could say a word, Xiao Qingyun in his arms was struggling to get down.

Mo Yantian had no choice but to put her on the ground.

Jun Yi who was standing beside Mu Luoli saw this situation, pursed his lips and ran over, grabbed Xiao Qingyun, and said calmly: "Your father doesn't want you."

Xiao Qingyun glared at Jun Yi with puffed cheeks, her eyes were red, but she didn't cry. Ma Ma said that a child who can cry is a bad child!So she doesn't cry!

Xiao Qingyun felt that Baba was really too much!

He didn't recognize her!

She doesn't want this Baba anymore, she wants the one in Mama's space, that beautiful daddy who has been sleeping all the time.

Jun Yi is a full head and a half taller than Xiao Qingyun, looking like a four or five-year-old child, Jun Yi stretched out his little hand, and patted her little head comfortingly, "Don't cry, it's okay, my dad Don't want me either."

"..." Mu Luoli.

"..." Mo Yantian.

So, for these children, it doesn't matter if their father doesn't want them?

Hearing Jun Yi's words, Xiao Qingyun really felt a lot better in her heart, she moved a little closer to Jun Yi, "Do you want brother?"

Jun Yi nodded solemnly, "Well, I don't want him either."

Xiao Qingyun clenched her small fists and nodded solemnly, "Together, don't pull him!" Although...although she really likes to introduce him, he doesn't recognize Yunyun, so Yunyun doesn't want him anymore.

Jun Yi took Xiao Qingyun's small hand, and led her towards Mu Luoli, "From now on, my mother will be your mother, she is very good and can teach martial arts."

Xiao Qingyun's eyes lit up immediately, "Martial arts, flying around?" Martial arts flying around like Uncle Wuyan?

"Hmm." Jun Yi nodded.

"Kesu..." Xiao Qingyun looked at Mo Yantian and Mu Luoli with reluctance, but she still liked Baba so much, what should I do?

Looking at her longing eyes, Mo Yantian couldn't bear it, he stepped forward a few steps, and hugged Xiao Qingyun who was about to be abducted by Jun Chenxiao's son, "I want you."

Although, he is not her real father, but... the Dark Realm is so big, how can it not be able to support such a small child?

What's more, this child is so cute, so... I hit it off with him.

"From now on, you will be my little princess of the dark world." He said in a deep voice, speaking to Xiao Qingyun, and also to any person in the dark world in the hall.

Although she may not understand what the little princess means, Mu Luoli still knows,

Looking at Mo Yantian who was holding the child, she couldn't help but sneered, "What? Do you still want to adopt her?"

"Do you have an opinion?" Jian Mei slightly raised his eyebrows, and Mo Yantian's purple eyes swept towards her indifferently.

"Of course I have no objection, but I didn't expect you to like children." Mu Luoli said flatly: "However, I also said that I picked this child up on the street. Even if I have no objection, it doesn't mean Will someone's biological parents have any objections?"

Hearing what Mu Luoli said, one of them stood up with some dissatisfaction and said, "It's their family's blessing that God King Motian is willing to adopt this child. How can they have any objections?"

This person is an important general under Mo Yantian, named Wu Heng, and has always respected Mo Yantian. Although Mu Luoli is the princess of the territory of the Dongling God King, this is the territory of the Dark Realm, not the Dongling God King. He was already dissatisfied with Mu Luoli's unceremonious attitude towards the god king before, but he didn't expect her to say that again, so he lost his composure for a while and stood up to refute.

The God King Mo Tian has a noble status and is willing to adopt this child. The parents of the child should feel a thousand gratitude. How could they dare to have any objections?He didn't believe that the child's parents could be so stupid.

It's true, Mu Luoli didn't bother to refute that person's words, after all, she was asking Mo Yantian now.

Thinking that Jun Chenxiao is also in the heaven, Mu Luoli's heart can't help but feel a little confused, what is he doing here?Are you here... to find her?

Afterwards, she laughed at herself again. He didn't know his identity, so how could he come to heaven to find her? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take a breath, and said to Mo Yantian: "If you don't want to help, I will help you too." I won't force you, but... since you like children so much, can I put Jun Yi with you first?"

She tentatively asked him, this time her father sent a lot of people to catch her back, she didn't want Jun Yi to suffer, if she took him with her all the time, running away and running around for such a long time would definitely make the child overwhelmed.

She trusts Mo Yantian. Since he knows that Jun Yi is Jun Chenxiao's child, he won't embarrass Yi'er. In this case, she might as well put Yi'er in the dark realm, and after she gets rid of those guys, then Come back to pick up Yier.

Hearing this, Jun Yi tightened his lips, "I want to be with my mother."

Mu Luoli looked at his beloved son, and couldn't help lowering his voice, "Yi'er, you stay here with my sister, mother will come back to pick you up soon, okay?"

"How long is it soon?" Jun Yi insisted on an accurate time, he knew that he didn't know anything now, and if he followed his mother, he would really hurt her.

Mu Luoli gritted his teeth, "One month at most."

One month... Jun Yi's handsome face became more dignified, looking extremely mature, he thought quietly for a while, then nodded slowly, "Yi'er is waiting for you."

"Yi'er..." With such a sensible child, Mu Luo was so soft that she felt even more sad at the thought of being separated from her son for a month, but she had no choice but to make Yi'er follow her instead. She suffers together.

"Mo Yantian." Resisting not to look at Jun Yi, Mu Luoli raised his eyes and looked straight at Mo Yantian.

The corners of Mo Yantian's sharp lips curled slightly, and he nodded lightly, "I promise you, let him stay in the Dark Realm."

"Thank you!" Mu Luoli breathed a sigh of relief, and said gratefully, then, squatting down, took off a piece of jade pendant hanging on his body, put it around Jun Yi's neck, and said softly: "Yi'er is here Play with my sister here, mother will come back to pick you up soon."

"Hmm." Jun Yi nodded.

Mu Luoli just stood up, looked at Jun Yi reluctantly, then made up his mind, gritted his teeth, turned around and flew away from the place.

Watching Mu Luoli leave, Mo Yantian's purple eyes flashed a playful light.

Jun Yi still had no expression on his face. After seeing his mother leave, he didn't cry or make a fuss. He just quietly walked to Mo Yantian's feet, as if he decided to follow this man from now on.

"Brother." Xiao Qingyun kicked her legs, took Jun Yi's hand, and used Jun Yi's words to comfort her just now, as if comforting him in reverse, and said with a creaking smile: "You don't even want you."

"..." Jun Yi looked at her silently.

"It's okay." Xiao Qingyun couldn't take a picture of his head, so she could only rub his face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about Ma Ma."

"..." Jun Yi became more silent, but he was a little curious in his heart, why is she still so happy when her mother doesn't want her?

Of course, he wouldn't know that Xiao Qingyun was gloating at this moment's misfortune.Humph, my brother's Mama doesn't want my brother anymore, so... my brother can be with Yunyun all the time, of course she is happy!

Mo Yantian raised his head and said to Wu Heng who was beside him: "Go to Tiangongfang to find Jun Chen to smile, and just say..." His eyes fell on Jun Yi, and the corners of his lips curled up again, revealing a bit of strangeness, "I want to give him a surprise."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it right away." Wu Heng took the order.

"Also." Mo Yantian looked at Xiao Qingyun beside Junyi, his eyes softened a little, "Bring this little guy's parents too, I want to meet them in person."


At this time, Jun Mochu and Wuyan, who had searched for nearly a whole day but failed to find Xiao Qingyun, finally could no longer search calmly.

Lian Zheng was sweating profusely, seeing that he was about to see the emperor, but the young lady lost it at this time, what should I do?

In desperation, Lian Zheng suggested: "Miss Mochu, why don't we... directly go to the emperor? The imperial city is so big, we only have a few people, and there is no way to find it. Why don't we go directly to the emperor. Let Huang Zun send more people to search the entire imperial city, and we will definitely find the young lady."

Jun Mo's pretty face was cold at the beginning, Lian Zheng's words were exactly what she was thinking at the moment, so she nodded directly and said, "Yes."

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go." Wu Yan felt the most guilty in his heart, thinking that Xiao Qingyun might be in danger, he wished he could slap himself to death.

The three of them immediately turned around and headed straight for the Dark Realm Hall.


There is also Jiageng, continue to code words, um~ the family is going to meet.

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