Chapter 305 (Red Envelope Gold Medal Plus 6 Words)

"Ahhh, Mo Yantian, you bastard, how dare you throw my little Qingyun..."

Accompanied by a very familiar roar, Mo Yantian only felt that Xiao Qingyun, who was about to fall to the ground, was caught by a tall, thin scholar-like man.

His hands froze in mid-air, he recognized this scholar, he was like this when Wu Yan hadn't transformed in the training ground.

But Wuyan ignored him, and hugged Xiao Qingyun tightly like a baby. The joy of regaining what had been lost made him pick up Xiao Qingyun more carefully, "Little guy, are you okay? Is there any pain from the fall? Is there any?" Someone bullied you? Also, why are you and Mo Yantian together? You know each other? Such an important matter! Why don't you discuss it with your mother and me first! Well...don't talk about you, Let Uncle Wuyan take a look first, is there a hair missing?"

Wuyan was very angry. Mo Yantian, who killed the gods this day, actually threw Xiao Qingyun away when he saw the girl!Asshole!How could such a person be Xiao Qingyun's father?

Sure enough, in this world, only he is Xiao Qingyun's most qualified father!

Seeing Jun Mochu who was closest to him, Xiao Qingyun smiled cheerfully, tilted her head and said happily: "Uncle, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt."

Wuyan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if it doesn't hurt, it's fine if it doesn't hurt, do you know that, you're going to scare me to death..."

What if something really happened to Xiao Qingyun?Even if the girl doesn't blame him, he will never forgive himself in his life.

Mo Yantian stared at the familiar figures in front of him, and froze in place.

I never thought that happiness would come so quickly.

It seems that he only learned about them from Jun Chenxiao not long ago. He thought... thought he would have to wait longer...

Jun Mochu slowly raised his eyes, the bright star pupils condensed on Mo Yantian's body bit by bit, and then slowly opened an inaudible smile.

"I'm here." She said, with a slight smile, it seemed that the days and nights of the two years of separation between the two were just a dream. Hand in hand regardless of each other together.

Mo Yantian's heart turned into little ripples at this moment.

"Master God King, it's them! They are the ones who trespassed..." The guards who came after that were eagerly reporting the situation to Mo Yantian, but suddenly found that their God King was walking towards the seat sitting in the hall step by step. The woman in the middle, with every step, with extremely heavy thoughts, step by step, step by step, firmly and tightly.

The guard stopped suddenly, the words were held in his mouth, and for some reason, he couldn't say it again.

Mo Yantian walked in front of her, what he smelled was a familiar breath, what he touched was a familiar person, his hands trembled bit by bit, as if there were thousands of words, but in the end, after all, There was only a simple response, "Well, you are here."

Jun Mo smiled, but couldn't take his eyes off his face.

That smile was as bright as a hundred flowers blooming, one by one reflected in the depths of his purple eyes, Mo Yantian's slightly trembling hands tightened suddenly, and he suddenly hugged her into his arms.

Tightly, as if she wanted to embed her whole body in his own body, in his flesh and blood, and no one would separate them from now on.

"Chu'er...Xiao Chu'er..." whispering like a dream, embracing the real person, he was finally able to be sure, finally able to feel at ease, it turned out that it was really her.

"Well, I'm here." Jun Mochu hugged the man in front of him in the same tight way.

She's at.

She is always there.

Live in each other's hearts, exist in each other's souls.

"Hey, hey, I said, have you hugged enough? There are still children here, so don't teach Xiao Qingyun to be broken, can you?" Wuyan's sour words came faintly, staring at Mo Yantian's back, as if To stare him out a bloody hole.

Only then did Mo Yantian let go of Qingyun a little bit, but still tightly grasped Jun Mochu's hand, calmed down from the initial excitement, and looked towards Wuyan.

Seeing Wuyan holding Xiao Qingyun tightly, at this moment Xiao Qingyun was staring at him and Mo Chu curiously with big round eyes.

Mo Yantian couldn't help but frowned: "Do you know Xiao Qingyun?"

Wuyan raised his eyebrows proudly, "Of course I do, do you know who Xiao Qingyun is?"


"Girl, tell him!" Wu Yan wanted to show off to him enthusiastically, but thinking that Xiao Qingyun is their child after all, it's better to let the girl speak for herself.

Hearing this, Jun Mochu's rosy lips curled slightly, "She is my daughter."

Mo Yantian froze again, staring at Jun Mochu in disbelief, her daughter... Yunyun is Chu'er's daughter, could it be said that she...

Seeing Mo Yantian's expression, Jun Mochu smiled slightly, and continued to throw a bomb, "Well, it's your daughter too."

Mo Yantian's hairs stood on end, and he was on the verge of petrification. Little by little, he turned his gaze to Xiao Qingyun. his daughter?

Xiao Qingyun saw that Baba was looking at her, she immediately bit her finger, and giggled, "Baba, Yunyun is your good daughter!"

Hearing this, with a sound of "Boom -", they realized that Mo Yantian staggered and fell directly to the ground.

This day was the most humiliating day Mo Yan had lived for more than 20 years, but it was also the happiest day.

This day was the happiest day that Wuyan laughed at someone since he met Mo Yantian.

And this day is also the weirdest day in the Dark Realm Territory.

A rumor spread throughout the entire Dark Realm territory quickly and unexpectedly.

The so-called Xie Mei, indifferent and unapproachable King Mo Tian, ​​has a wife!

Mo Tian Shenwang not only has a wife, but also a daughter!

——What, you ask me where this wife and daughter came from, why haven't they appeared in the past two years?

—You ask me, who should I ask?The guards at the Dark Realm Headquarters who witnessed the whole process of the Lord God King's confession expressed calmly.

Of course, they would never reveal that during the process of recognizing their relatives, the King of God fell to the ground because of being too excited for a moment-shh, this is a secret, and if it is revealed, it will not save your life.

In the dark night, Mo Yantian and Jun Mochu leaned on each other, quietly telling each other about the past two years.

Their words were very succinct, but they poured out everything. This is their longing and concern for each other.

When he heard Mo Yantian say that he was brought to the heaven by Qing Mingye, Jun Mo was stunned.

At that time, the power of the seal was so powerful, she did not expect that at the critical moment, it would be Qing Mingye who brought him to the heaven. Think about it too, when she learned that he was in the heaven, she felt strange why he could He was able to ascend without crossing the catastrophe. It turned out that all this was because of Qing Mingye.

Mo Yantian did not expect that her journey to the sky this time would be so twists and turns.

What's more, if it wasn't for Fanchen's last protection, maybe he might really have lost the two most important people in his life, his wife and daughter.

In addition to being grateful to Fan Chen, he is still grateful.

"Fortunately, you are here." He hugged the person in his arms tightly and called out in a low voice.

Yes, fortunately she came, she was safe and sound, and came to him.

Even though they were separated from each other for countless days and nights, even though they experienced the trials of life and death several times, they still found each other after all.

At no moment did Mo Yantian thank God so much, thank...Fan Chen.

"I want to save him." Jun Mochu whispered in his arms.She wanted to save Fanchen, so after learning about Mo Yantian, she always regarded the goal of saving Fanchen as the most important goal.

"I know." Mo Yantian gently stroked her hair, and said in a low voice: "I want to save it too, this place is not far from the temple, we will go together tomorrow."

Jun Mo nodded at the beginning, retracted his whole body into his broad chest, and silently raised his lips and smiled.

The happiest happiness is nothing more than the simplest warmth at this moment.

On the other side, Wuyan hugged Xiao Qingyun and wandered around the entire Dark Realm Hall, but he never saw the person he wanted to see, so he couldn't help muttering, "It's strange, isn't Xiao Xianer always with Mo Yantian? Is the guy together? Why not?"

"Hey, brat." He looked at Jun Yi who had been following behind him, unable to drive him away, and asked, "How long have you been here?"

Jun Yi didn't even look at him, just ignored his words, but stared at Xiao Qingyun in his hand without blinking.The younger sister is so cute and beautiful, no wonder there are so many perverted uncles wanting to fight for her, he has to take good care of her so as not to be bullied by these old men.

Seeing that Jun Yi didn't say anything, Wu Yan curled his lips, "Tsk, where did you come from, you pulled him so hard." So, he turned his target to Xiao Qingyun, and asked kindly: "Little Qingyun, tell Uncle Wuyan , when you were here, did you meet a brother named Xiao Xian'er?"

Hearing this, Xiao Qingyun asked him in puzzlement: "Xiao Xian'er? There is no Xiao Xian'er, but a beautiful brother!" She stretched out her chubby fingers and pointed at Jun Yi.

Wuyan took another look at Jun Yi with his eyes. Xiao Qingyun had been with them all this time, and there was no child around him. Now he suddenly saw a child, and it seemed that Xiao Qingyun liked this guy very much.

So, Wuyan thought for a while, put Xiao Qingyun down, put it beside Jun Yi, and said: "Xiao Qingyun likes to play with her pretty brother? Then you two should play together, don't quarrel."

Jun Yi gave him a contemptuous look, "I'm a man, I don't quarrel with girls."

"..." Where did this kid come from, why is he so uncute!

Xiao Qingyun nodded again and again like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yunyun doesn't quarrel with brother!"

Jun Yi seems to want to play with his sister, and has been thinking about it for a long time.

But at the beginning, Xiao Qingyun was occupied by Mo Yantian, but now that old man Mo Yantian finally ran away, and Xiao Qingyun was occupied by this annoying guy again.

Seeing that he was finally willing to let little sister Xiao Qingyun play with him, Jun Yi said seriously: "If you are worried, then I..."

He thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, he ran to a side garden, picked a big red flower, ran back again, and stuck the big red flower on Xiao Qingyun's pink head.

Then, he looked at Xiao Qingyun seriously, "Sister, let's get married. Mother said, husbands won't beat their wives. If we get married, I won't quarrel with you."

"..." Mother's grandma, Wuyan almost knelt down. He stared at Jun Yi speechlessly. Whose family does this child belong to? Who is his father and mother? Wonderful.

Xiao Qingyun likes big red flowers very much, but when she heard Junyi's flowers, she felt embarrassed again, "Kesu, Yunyun is going to marry Uncle Wuyan!" Uncle Wuyan said that when Yunyun grows up, he will marry Wuyan. Uncle Yan, so Uncle Wuyan will eat that big ball for Yunyun.

Wuyan was deeply moved, he didn't expect Xiao Qingyun to care about him so much, love him so much since she was a child, and even said that she would marry him, oh oh what should I do?His heart to Xiao Xian'er has always been loyal, is it true that he really wants to split it in half and give it to Xiao Qingyun?

Hey, he's handsome, but there's nothing he can do about it, even a little milk baby is fascinated by his heroic spirit.

Hearing this, Jun Yi noticed that there was a powerful rival in love in front of him, he slowly raised his head, frowned his delicate little sword eyebrows, and said dissatisfiedly: "He is an adult!"

Xiao Qingyun doesn't care if Uncle Wuyan is an adult or not, "Uncle Wuyan, there are balls to eat, they are so big!" She even compared her hands, saying that it is really big, big and delicious. Egg.

"..." Wuyan's full of emotion suddenly vanished into nothingness, blah blah——His poor phoenix egg has always been missed by Xiao Qingyun, and he even sold his body to lure|seduce him!It's so sad.

"But." Jun Yi's little sword eyebrows were about to wrinkle into the word "Chuan", "He is an adult, and an adult will age very quickly, you will become a widow."

Wuyan: "..." Who can tell him where this kid came from!He...he wanted to kick him back to his parents!

Hearing the word 'widow', Xiao Qingyun finally showed a serious expression on her small face, she seemed to think of something for a while, and then smiled slowly, "It doesn't matter, uncle is old, that's what happened to balls !"

Uncle Lian Zheng said that widows are those whose husbands are not around. She doesn't know where Uncle Wuyan is going and why he is not around, but if Uncle Wuyan is not around, the balls must be hers.

Wuyan: "..." Dare this little guy still wait for him to pass away, inherit his property, and accept that phoenix egg by the way?

Wuyan is very sad, the reality is really too cruel.

Jun Yi finally gave up, his sister didn't want to marry him, he was very disappointed, but even so, he still wouldn't quarrel with his sister.

"Then let's go play." Jun Yi took Xiao Qingyun's hand, "You can't play with adults, adults are boring."

Wuyan suddenly became angry, and brought up Jun Yi, and said angrily: "Stinky boy! Tell me! Where did you come from! Don't deceive people here and teach my little Qingyun to be ruined."

Jun Yi glanced at him, then calmly lowered his head, looked at Xiao Qingyun, and continued to calmly add, "Look, your lord is still very fierce."

Wuyan: "..."

Xiao Qingyun tugged at Wuyan's trousers in dissatisfaction, and shouted angrily, "Uncle, don't let brother be violent!"

No rock tears.

It is said that women's colleges are not allowed to stay, and it is true, and now they are starting to turn their arms out!

Wuyan left Junyi angrily, turned his head and left, he wouldn't be as knowledgeable as a child, if he could, he would... he would... Wuyan doesn't have enough confidence to be sad and angry, in this world, there is only Xiaoxian You are the cutest and most obedient, Xiao Xianer, where are you, come and accompany Brother Wuyan to relieve boredom!

Damn Mo Yantian, where did he take his little fairy?

Of course, at this moment, Mo Yantian naturally wouldn't have any thoughts to tell Wuyan that Xiao Xiaoxian was just sent out by him to perform a mission.

At this time, his love and desire are unspeakable, and the spring is like.

Behind the screen, the two intertwined and entangled bodies are lingering on each other. Mo Yantian hugged his beloved woman tightly, and whispered tiredly in her ear, "Chu'er... these two years, miss me?"

Jun Mochu panted softly, bearing his delicate kisses on every part of her body over and over again, he couldn't help but softly moaned, "...well... think..." But he was secretly annoyed in his heart, whether this guy wants to Do you fall into heat as soon as you meet?

Although...she also knows that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, and they have been separated for such a long time, and it is no longer just a newlywed that can describe how much they miss each other, but...then there is no need to be so anxious, right?

Originally, she came to him eagerly because she wanted him to help find Xiao Qingyun's whereabouts, but she didn't expect Xiao Qingyun to be with him.

It's also a coincidence, she didn't expect that Mu Luoli would pick up Xiao Qingyun and bring her to Mo Yantian.

Perhaps, it was really because of the blood connection that made him fall in love with Xiao Qingyun when he saw Xiao Qingyun for the first time.

Thinking of this, Jun Mochu couldn't help but smile a little, he can like Xiao Qingyun, it's couldn't be better.

However, what surprised her was that Mu Luoli was actually in the heaven, and she was one of the eight god kings who ruled the heaven, the daughter of the god king Dongling. With such a big background, how could she be in the Yuncang continent?

What's more, according to Yan, Mu Luoli actually gave birth to a son, and that son was actually her brother's own son!

Thinking of the child she saw in the hall before, she couldn't help being a little happy, but she didn't expect that it was her brother's child, no wonder she looked familiar.

However, while they were talking, he began to behave irregularly, and later, the matter directly developed to the bed, which left Jun Mochu speechless for a while.

Satisfied to hear her answer, Mo Yantian used his fingertips to gently land on every place on her body, caressing lovingly, watching her tremble because of his actions, evil charm She curled her lips into a smile, and then, she covered her body completely, and the two bodies were tightly pressed together, so intimate that there was no gap.

"Chu'er... I miss you too..." I really want to think about it, he cultivates day and night, and constantly improves his strength in the killing, just to break through to the realm of the god king as soon as possible one day, and then shatter the void, and return to the human continent go find them.

Those people looked at him aloft, but who could know the slightest hope in his heart to go home.

Hearing his words, Jun Mochu's heart softened, and she rubbed her pretty face against his neck, as if to comfort him.

Such a small action made Mo Yantian's uncontrollable desire|desire uncontrollable. Bearing the intimacy between the two, Mo Yantian breathed heavily and let himself bury himself deeply into her body middle.

Jun Mochu hugged him tightly, letting himself rise and fall with his movements even more.

The indescribable emotions erupted vividly at this moment.

In the confusion, she suddenly heard him whispering eagerly in her ear, "Xiao Chu'er, do you love me or not? Do you love me or not?"

In a trance, Qingyun grasped his hand tightly, nodded heavily, "Love, I love."

Hearing this, Mo Yantian lost all sense, hugged his beloved, and leaped to the clouds together.

However, Jun Mochu didn't know that when she uttered the word 'love', Fan Chen, who had been sleeping in the space of Qiankun bag, suddenly moved at this moment.

There seemed to be a distant voice recurring in his mind.

"Fool, the world of mortals is in chaos, why are you doing this?"

"With her by my side, what is the pain?"

"Seven generations of reincarnation, cursed, once you fall in love, she will die tragically, and you will be reborn in endless reincarnation alone."

"If in this life, let her fall in love with someone else."

"Could it be that it's a wrong marriage, you...are you willing?"

"Not for the turbulence of ten feet, not for the four seas, not for the hardships of the common people, but for her sake, I am happy."

"She will forget you."

"So what? The seven lifetimes of mutual acquaintance and promise are enough. In this life, I am willing to shave my hair and become a nun, ordained as a monk, to comprehend the world of mortals, to save the world, and to fulfill her...wrong love."

The deep bell rang far away, and Fan Chen, who was sleeping, suddenly turned his head and spit out a big mouthful of blood.


I put all three chapters together, thank you abigail2000, a913138738, qq2451101352, China Unicom Yunyan, zhangdandan678, huangwing25 for their gold medals and red envelopes, all three chapters have been updated!

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