Chapter 312

When Jun Mo first returned to the Dark Realm, it was already late at night. She leaned against the window, looking at the quiet bedroom in front of her. Two figures, one big and one small, seemed to be sleeping soundly on the big bed. She didn't go in to disturb her, but just walked through the window The scattered moonlight stared at their peaceful sleeping faces.

Xiao Qingyun seemed to love Mo Yantian very much. When she was sleeping, she lay on his body, hugging his neck with one hand, resting her head on his chest, like a tortoise, clutching at him with her limbs.

Mo Yantian pampered her very much, and he didn't dislike the fact that children like to drool when they fall asleep. Those thick big hands gently hugged her, like hugging the most precious treasure in the world.

Jun Mo looked at them for the first time, and his originally complicated and chaotic heart gradually calmed down a little.

She didn't go in, just stood by the bed quietly for a while.

The light and shadow are sparse, the moon is quiet and the night is quiet.

Standing in the night, she stared at the warm picture in front of her eyes, and felt the warmth.

She wanted to go in and merge the warmth, but another person broke into her heart, thinking of the man who always smiled so softly, Jun Mochu's heart became cold again, as if fleeing, he left in a panic this place.

After she left, Mo Yantian slowly opened his eyes, his bewitching purple pupils gleamed with a faint light in the darkness.

Really, what's the matter? At such a close distance, she was so confused that she didn't even realize whether they were really sleeping or pretending to be sleeping. He had never seen her so low in vigilance.

Xiao Qingyun in her arms arched her head, opened her pink lips, and excitedly asked Mo Yantian for credit, "Baba, does Yunyun look like this?"

"Like." Mo Yantian rubbed her soft hair and said in a low voice, "It's so amazing."

Xiao Qingyun raised her head proudly, that was a must!She rolled her eyes, remembered something, and pouted, "Why doesn't Mama sleep with Yunyun?"

The movements in Mo Yantian's hands paused, and in the depths of his purple eyes, an unspeakable complexity quickly passed by. He hugged Xiao Qingyun and looked at her eye-to-eye, " in a bad mood, we have to... Give her time to be quiet."

He tried his best to say something that Xiao Qingyun could understand, but he ignored his daughter's IQ, and he didn't know that Xiao Qingyun was actually a cute little guy who liked pretending to be a pig and eating tigers the most. .

Hearing Mo Yantian's words, Xiao Qingyun's eyeballs rolled around, she didn't know what she was planning, but she still had a good look, "Okay!"

"Be good." The more Mo Yantian liked this daughter's cuteness, he wished he could give her the whole world. Maybe this is what it feels like to be a father?Of course, he would never have imagined that his daughter, whom he thought to be well-behaved, would stir up chaos in the entire Dark Realm territory in the future.

Xiao Qingyun rubbed Mo Yantian's face affectionately, and looked at him with twinkling eyes, "Then Yunyun is going to sleep with brother?"

"Want to sleep with brother?" Mo Yantian knew that Xiao Qingyun liked Jun Yi very much, and the two could be regarded as brothers and sisters, so he was happy in his heart, especially since they were both such young children, there was no difference between men and women, he thought, since he was a child, He grew up with Feng Fei and other four great generals, and compared to himself, he really likes people who are not much different in age.

"Yeah!" Xiao Qingyun nodded heavily.

Mo Yantian picked her up, "Okay, dad will take you there."

He put on Xiao Qingyun's clothes, hugged her in his arms, and sent it to Jun Yi's room.

Jun Yi's room is not close to here, separated by several long corridors, after arriving, Xiao Qingyun struggled to jump out of his arms, "Yunyun go in by herself!"

Mo Yantian had no choice but to put her down, and said softly, "Go."

He watched Xiao Qingyun enter the room, watched her climb onto Jun Yi's bed, and then closed the door for them to leave.

Jun Yi was sleeping in a daze, when suddenly something soft lay on his body, he was startled, the vigilance he had cultivated since childhood opened his eyes immediately, and what caught his eyes was Xiao Qing Yun smiled very heartily on his small face.

"Is brother asleep?"

"...No." Even if he fell asleep just now, he is still awake now, okay?

"Then let's play a game, shall we?"

"what game?"

Xiao Qingyun mysteriously pulled Jun Yi up, "Brother, follow Yunyun!"

The two little guys got dressed in the dark room, then sneaked out and disappeared into the dark night.

A pavilion, a person, a glass of wine.

Jun Mochu looked at Jun Chenxiao who was sitting quietly in the gazebo not far away, drinking, he hesitated for a while, and walked towards him.

Sensing someone approaching, Jun Chenxiao stopped pouring the wine and raised his head.

"Brother." Jun Mo called him at first.

"Well, I'm back." Jun Chen smiled and put down the cup in his hand.

"Yeah... just came back for a while." Jun Mochu sat next to him, and the two brothers and sisters seemed to be sitting together so quietly for the first time since they met, which made her feel a little emotional.

"How is Fan Chen?" Jun Chen asked with a smile. After Mo Yantian came back, he briefly talked to him about their going to the temple. .

Jun Mo nodded first, "He's already awake...Brother, can I ask you a question?"

"You said."

"Do you believe that a person... has past and present lives?"

"Naturally." Jun Chen smiled indifferently. This is his consistent character. Even in the face of his closest family members, he still can't change it. "The rules of heaven and earth, the six paths of reincarnation, this exists."

"But if you love someone, if you love her in this life, will you love her again in the next life?" Jun Mochu has always carried the knowledge of modern people, and in her mind, the high-tech knowledge of the 21st century Before she fell in love with Mo Yantian, in her eyes, the past and present, and the unswerving love from life to life, were just overly exaggerated and beautiful adjectives for love.

If she hadn't said it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears, how could she be so touched?

She has always felt that she is ignorant, and she treats whoever treats her well, it's as simple as that, but now, Fan Chen can no longer describe her with the simple word 'good', what will she do ?

"Our destiny... seems to be tied together." Jun Mochu murmured, a little weak.

Hearing Jun Mochu's words, Jun Chen smiled and asked back, "Why should you be restrained? Fate binds you, and breaking free is just a matter of human effort. There is nothing you can't do." And he would never entrust his fate to others hands.

There's nothing you can't do...

Hearing this, Jun Mochu seemed to be floating on the sea for a long time, and finally climbed onto a piece of driftwood, suddenly enlightened.

Yeah, she asked herself, why let her fate be controlled?She has never been such a passive person. She didn't expect to be distracted by this sudden change. She shouldn't be like this.

So what about being cursed.

Since that person can promise this curse, then there is naturally a way to unravel the curse, and today she suddenly found out about this, which made her too shocked and disturbed to ignore it. Originally own law of life.

"I understand." The haze of the whole day was swept away at this moment, and Jun Mochu suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Perhaps, she knew what she should do.


At this moment, a red light suddenly exploded in the sky. Jun Mochu and Jun Chen smiled and looked up. This red signal flare was an alarm from the dark world, and it was sent out in this dark world territory. What's the matter?

The two looked at each other, and quickly ran towards the place where the signal came from.

As soon as the alarm sounded, the originally quiet dark world suddenly brightened like daylight, and all the guards were dispatched.

But at this time, somewhere, the guards who were the first to notice the abnormality looked around anxiously for something.

"How could it not be there? It's clearly placed here!"

"The Black Underworld Knife is gone too! My God, this is the divine weapon that Motian Divine King snatched from Nandi Divine King!"

"Where's Wannian Vermilion Fruit? It's obviously placed here!"

"...and A Thousand Ripples!"

"The Dragon Subduing Whip is gone!"

For a moment, everyone was in a hurry, as if they were facing a big enemy.

The person who can steal so many treasures from the Dark Realm in such a silent manner must have unfathomable strength. The guards in charge of guarding in a panic, hastily released the danger alarm of foreign enemy invasion.

Losing so many treasures one after another is not only a blow to the Dark Territory, especially when they were lost without anyone noticing, which made them feel ashamed, as if they were being A slap in the face made them feel embarrassed.

"what happened?!"

After a while, many high-ranking members of the dark world arrived at the scene, and even Mo Yantian rushed over quickly.

Jun Mochu asked the guard beside him in a low voice, "What happened?"

"The king, the queen... There are foreign enemies! Many treasures are lost!"

The treasure is lost?Jun Mo's eyes sank at the beginning, "How many treasures are missing?"

The guard hurriedly reported back: "Back to the queen, thirteen things..."

Thirteen pieces are not too small, especially each one is priceless treasures, some are even priceless in the market, even if you want to buy things that you can't buy, they disappeared in the blink of an eye .

Mo Yantian glanced coldly for a week. There were familiar auras all around here. He was sure that no outsiders were there. Could it be that the treasure thief left quickly after getting the item?

This is unlikely, the defense of the Dark Territory has not been so weak, that is to say, it is very likely that it is an inside thief.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but sink a bit, if it was an inside thief, he wanted to see who it was that dared to do such a thing.

He looked back heavily, but unexpectedly met Jun Mochu's eyes, the deep part of his purple eyes flashed, Jun Mochu didn't avoid his gaze again this time, and slightly pulled the corner of his mouth to him, and then turned his gaze don't open.

Mo Yantian's heart warmed slightly. Has she... figured out something?

"Who came here before the thing was lost?" Jun Mochu asked coldly.

The guards looked at me and I looked at you, and couldn't help shaking their heads, "It seems... no one came."

"No one came?" Jun Mochu sneered, "Then why are you working on errands without even being vigilant?"

Hearing this, the faces of the guards changed drastically, and they quickly knelt down, and said with an extremely embarrassed expression: "This subordinate... this subordinate went down to lie in the latrine... Chongbao was gone when I came back."

"I also went to the hut." Another guard said hastily.

"You all went? I went there too, and something will happen when I come back..."

It's a good feeling, it turns out that everyone has gone to the latrine, and no one is guarding it, so it's no wonder it wasn't stolen.

Mo Yantian said: "Do you feel unwell?" Once everyone went to the latrine, there was no need to guess, Mo Yantian was already sure that they were going to be drugged.

However, in the Heaven Realm, there are heaven-level and god-level masters everywhere, whose bodies are so strong that ordinary medicines can no longer cause harm to their bodies. It seems that the person who came here must be a master of medicine.

The guards nodded quickly, "I felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach before, so I went to the toilet once."

Mo Yantian's forehead seemed to be drugged.

"Hey, where's Ah Shan? Ah Shan doesn't seem to be here?" Suddenly someone noticed that one of the guards was missing.

Jun Mo frowned: "Who is Ah Shan?"

"It's the guard who guards here with his subordinates. He is young, 26 years old. The subordinate remembers seeing Ah Shan guarding here before leaving."

It seems that it is very likely that the guards have stolen from themselves. Jun Mochu's pretty face is cold, and what she hates the most is betrayal.

Seeing the look on Jun Mochu's face, the guards hurriedly said: "Queen, Ashan's heart is definitely not the one who stole."

Mo Yantian still has a little impression of that Ah Shan, he is sincere and straight to the end, he pondered for a moment, and said: "You go and find him, and send some people here to take stock, and strengthen the manpower here in the future."

"Yes! The subordinates will do it right away!" Seeing that Mo Yantian and the others didn't directly blame them, the guards were immediately relieved, and hurriedly followed the instructions.

In fact, Ah Shan was indeed murdered by innocent...

At this moment, he is in dire straits.

In the middle of the night, he was holding a child with one hand, and he had to carry another child on his back. This was a lot of pressure for him who had never been married or had a wife.

And the two children on him at the moment are Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi.

Xiao Qingyun put her arms around Ah Shan's neck, and lay on his back, while saying to Jun Yi who was held by Ah Shan: "Brother, how powerful is Yunyun?"

Jun Yi pursed his lips, and taught her a very mature lesson: "You will be scolded by adults for stealing things."

Xiao Qingyun pursed her fleshy lips in dissatisfaction, "No stealing!"

"My mother said, if you don't ask, you are stealing."

"Plain robbery!" Xiao Qingyun debated, she wasn't plain stealing, it was robbery!

Jun Yi thought for a while, and felt that what she said seemed to make sense, so he said, "It's wrong to rob."

"Ma Ma said, Jie... Jie is so poor!"

"Stealing from the rich and helping the poor?" After all, Jun Yi, who was older than Xiao Qingyun and was trained by Dongling God King not long after he was born, already knows a lot.

"Yeah! Steal from the rich and give to the poor!" Just Su Jie, rob from the rich and give to the poor!

"To rob your father's wealth and help your mother's poverty?" Jun Yi frowned, "Sister, this is still wrong."

Xiao Qingyun was unhappy, she looked at Jun Yi pitifully, "But Su Yunyun has already taken it..." She shook the interspatial ring in her hand.

Ma Ma said that the interspatial ring was originally for the beauty dad who slept in Ma Ma's space, because the beauty dad was always sleeping, so it was given to Yun Yun.

However, I heard that the beauty's father has woken up!

She is going to find Daddy the beauty this time!Ba Ba said that Ma Ma was in a bad mood, but Ma Ma would be in a bad mood when Xiami's beautiful father woke up, so this time, Yun Yun must go to see her beautiful father!

Ah Shan took a deep breath: "This... little princess, young master, can this subordinate say something?"

Jun Yi and Xiao Qingyun looked at him at the same time.

Ah Shan said weakly: "This subordinate wants to say, you are still young, it is wrong to run out in the middle of the night."

Xiao Qingyun gave him a supercilious look, "So Yunyun brought you out!"

"..." What is this called belt!It's clearly a threat, okay?

Ah Shan felt a little wronged. At that time, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with his abdomen. He watched all his friends go to the latrine, and suddenly felt something was wrong, so he kept holding back and looked around vigilantly, but unexpectedly, The enemy didn't wait, but the two little ancestors did.

He watched helplessly as the little princess took away all the treasures with a wave of her hand, and he immediately stood there dumbfounded, not knowing how to react.

That should be a space must be a space must be a space ring...

Ah Shan felt that he was very messy at the time. Space rings are very precious in the heavens. Although they are not very rare, only those very big forces have such strength to create space rings.

As for the Dark Realm Territory, it has only been established for two years, and it has such a large amount of financial resources. To use such a precious interspatial ring for such a small doll, the Motian God King is not afraid that the little princess will one day be corrupted because of greed. Have you lost your game?

In his eyes, the little princess is just a doll like a bean!How can there be such a precious thing.

When he reacted again, he saw the little princess forcing him to take an antidote, and then forcibly threatened him to take them out, saying that he would go to the temple. If he didn't take them out, he would tell the Lord God King that he would bully them...

Ah Shan is very sad, who doesn't know that the god king Motian treasures this little princess, and this young master, who is the grandson of the god king Dongling!He can't afford to offend any of them, so he can only compromise, it's just...

Temple!What kind of place is that, how can a little guard like him get in?

But what else can he say, he can only follow the requirements of the little ancestors.

Jun Yi frowned, "Sister, he's right, let's go tomorrow."

Xiao Qingyun always thought that she was very obedient, and heard her brother say that, although she was a little unhappy in her heart, she still nodded obediently: "Then brother will accompany Yunyun tomorrow! The beauty daddy is really beautiful! "

Jun Yi is very envious of her, the younger sister has two fathers, and he... Jun Yi was startled, Jun Chen's smile suddenly flashed in his little mind, Jun Yi looked at his hand, he would hold it Do it yourself, teach him how to practice calligraphy, in fact, having such a father... seems not bad.

"Then, did your subordinate change his way back to the palace?" Ah Shan asked tremblingly.

"Hmm." Jun Yi nodded.

Ah Shan heaved a sigh of relief. Although when they left, in order not to be discovered by others, they took a quite remote road, but they were not far away, and they would be able to go back soon.

He hurriedly hugged the two little ancestors and walked back. Just as he turned around, a strong gust of wind suddenly hit him.

Ah Shan's expression changed, and he immediately moved away sideways, shouting angrily, "Who!"

A figure came out from the darkness, the figure of that person was hidden in the darkness, under the flickering moonlight, he could clearly see his slightly bluish face, if Jun Mochu and Wuyan were still determined If you are here, you will definitely be able to recognize this person. It is Jun Shaoyang who was sealed in the trial place by Jun Mochu and replaced Jue Xin in the Jun family!

At this moment, Jun Shaoyang was different from his once exuding arrogance and arrogance. Now he seemed to exude a gloomy and cold aura.

His eyes fell on Jun Yi, and he smiled coldly, Jun Chen laughed, Jun Chen laughed.

Others don't know who you are, but how could I, who stayed in Jun's house for so long, not know?

Now your son is in my hands...

A murderous intent flashed through his cold eyes, and he stared at Ah Shan coldly, "I'll give you two ways, one, I'll take the child away, and you get lost. Two, I'll take the child away, and you die."


I'm sorry, I can't open the message board again, I can't reply to the message in time, I burst into tears...

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