Chapter 317

Jun Mo was silent at first, without speaking.

Seeing her silence, the deep look in Mo Yantian's eyes couldn't help becoming a little colder, she had something to hide from him.

However, Jun Mochu was not unwilling to say it, but she thought, if she told the past between Fan Chen and Fan Chen, what would he think of Fan Chen and herself?

With Yan's personality, if he found out, he would be unhappy if she wanted to meet Fan Chen in the future.

She didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, but she couldn't just treat Fan Chen as a stranger, even if she didn't know that there was such a memory, she couldn't do it, let alone she knew everything now.

After a while, Jun Mochu finally broke the silence, and said slowly: "I don't want to lie to you, but I can't tell you for the time being, give me some time, can you?"

There was a slightly inaudible request in the tone. This may be the first time Mo Yantian has seen her so inclined to the weak side since he met them. She has always been so arrogant, and she has never been so humble. when?

Mo Yantian's heart softened all of a sudden, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to smooth her slightly frowning brows, and said, "Okay."

Jun Mo breathed a sigh of relief at the beginning, a faint smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, "Thank you."

Mo Yantian frowned dissatisfied, "Let me try this word next time."

Jun Mo narrowed his eyes at the beginning, "Just crush my bones?" This sentence has been on his lips since he met him, okay?

"..." Mo Yantian asked himself, did his dignity really drop so much?He touched his face, he clearly remembered that when he was in the Dark Realm, even the Four Kings were a little afraid to see him, let alone other people.

Jun Mo yawned at the beginning, feeling a little tired, it seems that she is also getting old... After several nights of sleepless, she felt tired, or it was heart tired.

"I'll go and see Qingyun." She left a sentence and walked to the backyard.

Mo Yantian watched her leave, and then walked out of the hall in a ghostly manner, and saw a group of guards walking in front of him, he put his hands behind his back, raised his voice, and said indifferently: "You guys, come here."

The team of guards immediately trot over when they heard what their Lord God King said, "What orders does God King have?"

Mo Yantian stared at them with cold purple eyes, put on his most serious expression, and said coldly: "You guys try to stare at this deity again."

The faces of the guards changed drastically, and they immediately lowered their heads, knelt down, and begged for mercy in fear, "Your subordinates should die! Please forgive me!"

Mo Yantian was very satisfied with their frightened and fearful reactions. Sure enough, his majesty still existed. He waved his hand and said with satisfaction: "It's okay, you guys go down."

"...Ah?" The guards looked at each other, completely unaware of what was going on.

Mo Yantian has already ignored them, turned around and left, thinking while walking, it is right to be afraid.

Poor Mo Yantian has been forced out of a habitual consciousness by the former dark world. He always feels that everyone should be afraid of him, but he has forgotten that he no longer has that weird dual personality. At best, the color of his eyes is different from that of normal people, and he is a little more indifferent. After getting to know him for a long time, others will naturally get used to what kind of person he is. His strength and identity are just, not fear.


Jun Mo returned to the dormitory a little tired at the beginning, wanting to see if Xiao Qingyun had woken up, but found that Xiao Qingyun was not in the dormitory, she was slightly surprised, did Xiao Qingyun wake up and go to play by herself?

She looked around, but she didn't find Xiao Qingyun's figure, so she walked outside the door, summoned the servant girl, and asked lightly, "Qingyun is awake?"

"Ah! Queen!" The little servant girl who served her was taken aback and hurriedly saluted, "My servant has seen the queen."

This girl has been in charge of everything about Mo Yantian's bedroom since the establishment of the Dark Realm Palace, and she knows her eyes very well. Although she doesn't understand where the queen came from, she can only see how much the King Motian loves her. Just let her keep it in mind and serve her carefully.

What's more, she also heard that Mo Tian Shenwang is going to hold a grand wedding ceremony to formally marry this indifferent queen.

Hearing Jun Mochu's question, the little maid hurriedly said: "Queen, the little princess went to bed at Master Jun Yi's place last night."

Jun Mo was slightly startled, pursed his lips and waved her back, "Understood, you go down."

Before the words fell, there was a sudden chaotic noise outside the bedroom. Jun Mochu frowned slightly, and heard a panicked cry from a servant girl.

"It's bad! The little princess and young master Junyi are gone!"

"Come quickly! The little princess and young master Junyi are gone!"

"Come on people!"

Jun Mo's pretty face changed slightly at first, and disappeared from the spot the next moment, appearing in front of the maid.

The servant girl was startled, and when she saw the indifferent look on Jun Mochu's face, she shuddered and shivered, "The king, the queen, the little princess she she she she is gone!"

"Be specific!" Jun Mochu spit out a cold tone, she didn't think that in this dark palace, Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi would disappear for no reason.

"I don't know, I don't know..." The servant girl replied with a trembling voice: "The young master Jun Yi always gets up early, today, I don't know why he didn't see you today, so, so Mr. Jun came to find the young master in person, and the servant wanted the little princess last night. I also went to bed here, maybe the two of them got up early to play, so I hurriedly asked people to look for it, but they couldn’t find the little princess and the young master, the slaves deserve to die, the slaves don’t take good care of them, please spare your life!”

In the end, the servant girl was afraid that Jun Mochu would directly blame her, so she knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy.

Staring eyes narrowed slightly, Jun Mo pondered for a moment, glanced at the maid who was kneeling on the ground, and said lightly: "Get up, and then send someone to look for it in a remote place."

This is the dark palace, Jun Mo thought it was impossible to take those two little guys away silently, not to mention that Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi are not stupid, she thought, these two little guys should run away by themselves Going to play, maybe even sneaking out of the palace.

"Then... can I tell God King Mo Tian?" The servant girl asked worriedly. Thinking of God King Mo Tian's unpredictable character, she was even more worried. Everyone could see how much God King loves the little princess. Now the little princess If they disappeared, their lives might really be in danger.

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows at the beginning, and looked at her coldly, "Do you think you can hide such a big movement from him?"

The servant girl shivered all over, "Queen..."

"It's better to get him back quickly than to beg for mercy here."

"...Slaves go right away!" The servant girl didn't dare to say any more, got up in a hurry, and called more people to find the two missing little guys.


Not long after the servant girl left, two soldiers hurried over with one person in their hands, escorted the person in front of Jun Mochu, and said solemnly: "Queen, I found Ah Shan."

Jun Mo looked down at the beginning, he was a very young and honest young man, he seemed to be wounded, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and he was in a coma.

"Wake him up."


The two soldiers were familiar with Ah Shan, so they couldn't bear to be rude, so they had to pinch him. Ah Shan felt breathless in a coma, and struggled to wake up.

"Ahem... you guys, what are you doing?" Ah Shan looked at his friend beside him in a daze, his brain still in a state of confusion.

A soldier touched his arm, indicating that there were others around him.

Ah Shan turned his head in a daze, just in time to meet Jun Mochu's cold eyes, he suddenly became jittery, and the whole person woke up. Scenes that happened last night broke into his mind, and his face changed suddenly. When asked, he hurriedly said: "This subordinate will see the queen."

Jun Mo squinted his eyes for the first time, and there were a few inconspicuous bloodshot eyes in the starry eyes that hadn't slept all night, but they were unusually sharp.

She slowly squatted down, looked at Ah Shan who was half kneeling on the ground, stared into his eyes for a moment, and said slowly: "The dark palace was stolen last night, and you were the only one missing. I will give you a chance to explain."

Ah Shan hurriedly said: "Damn this subordinate..." He hurriedly explained what happened last night, how he took Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi out of the dark palace, how he met Jun Shaoyang, before and after, and finally Only then said nervously: "Queen, hurry up and save the little princess and Young Master Jun. This subordinate is incompetent. Let the little princess and the other two be taken away by the gangsters. As long as the little princess can be rescued, the subordinate will do whatever they want."

Hearing this, Jun Mo stood up at the beginning, his brows were furrowed, and his heart was sullen. He knew that Mo Qingyun must have sneaked away by himself, but he didn't expect to meet Jun Shaoyang on the nine heavens.

Jun Shaoyang...

It seems that he was rescued at the place of trial that day. If Wuyan's guess is correct, it must be the man who guarded Wuyan who took Jun Shaoyang away and brought him to the Nine Heavens to let her What is more puzzling is that Jun Shaoyang has obviously been crippled by him and turned into a useless person. How can he still have martial arts?

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Jun Mochu's mouth, that's good, I actually met you in the heaven, this time, I can just leave you to Juexin.

**********[-] words are not counted as reading coins*******

Solemn apology: This is the third time that Yinyin has been discontinued, and it has been suspended for a month. I am ashamed and sorry everyone. It was because of the Chinese New Year that I couldn’t spare time to update. I visit relatives every day, and guests at home come to help cook Chinese food. After dinner, I was forced to go on various blind dates... I am getting old, alas.

After the Lantern Festival, I originally wanted to start updating, but I just went back to work and I was in various states. I wrote, deleted, and deleted. I felt like I hadn’t written for a long time, and I didn’t know how to start. Yinyin has been writing for a few days, but I am still very dissatisfied, but I dare not continue to keep my friends waiting, so I have to post it first, and then revise it later, dear friends, let’s take a look at it first, I am really sorry.

Yinyin hereby promises that because the article is almost over, so before the end, it will never interrupt the update again, and if the update is interrupted, Yinyin will destroy her claws! !It's only three things, this is the third time, it's a heinous crime!So... Yinyin faced the wall and thought about the past...

I also wish those who read this article, those who are already wives, a happy Women's Day. March 3 (audio)

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