Chapter 325

Jun Mochu hurried back to the dark palace with Xiao Qingyun and Jun Yi. In a hurry, he never had time to say goodbye to Wen Yang and Qin Hai.

After Jun Mochu left, Wen Yang and Qin Hai stayed on the ground and looked at each other face to face. After a while, Wen Yang seemed to have recovered his voice, and said hesitantly, "Brother... Just now, did we hear wrong?"

The God King Mo Tian... Isn't it the mysterious man who has just risen in the central region, the God King who created the territory of the dark world single-handedly?Not only is the undefeated myth Qing Mingye behind him as the backing, but even the temple has acquiesced in the dark realm that is on the same front as him?

And Miss Jun is the queen of the Dark Realm territory...

Wen Yang swallowed her saliva, she didn't expect that they would meet the high-level leaders of the Dark Territory unknowingly, but she never heard that King Mo Tian already had a queen.

Thinking of Jun Mochu's young woman, Wen Yang frowned slightly, 21 years old... High God, with such strength and talent, I am afraid that it will cause a storm in the heaven.

Of course, what Wen Yang didn't know was that if she knew Mo Yantian's real age, she might be even more surprised, after all, Mo Yantian already had the strength of a god king.

This is the benefit of ascension. Most of the human beings ascended from the human world are younger, and the rules of heaven and earth are fair. He has a very strong physique, but his cultivation speed is slow.

Qin Hai nodded silently, "Yangyang, the two of us came to the Dark Territory, originally to check the details of the Dark Territory, but we ran into Miss Jun instead."

And he once tried to pull Juexin into the banner of the God King Zhongyou in the southern region, which almost made a joke. The other party's status was much higher than theirs, so how could he join their power?

"Let's go back quickly. It seems that something really happened to the God King of Dongling. When we go back this time, there may be new tasks in the family." Wen Yang said in a deep voice.

The God King of the Eastern Tomb is not the strongest among the eight major families, but he is not the weakest either. As the princess of the Eastern Tomb, Mu Luoli's death was too sudden and shocking. I am afraid that something really happened.

"Well, let's start now." Qin Hai nodded.

Without any hesitation, the two left the Lanting Tower immediately and rushed back to the southern region. ,


The eastern region is an extremely rich place. Unlike the barren and dry northern region, it has a pleasant climate, rich resources and beautiful scenery.

Tanglin Palace is located in the picturesque scenery.

Entrusting Jun Yi to Mo Yantian, Mu Luoli knew that no matter how far she escaped, her father Dongling God King would send someone to find her back. She simply stopped running and followed her father's lead. The cronies returned to Tanglin Palace.

In the huge palace, she forgot all the servants who flattered her all the way, and directly entered the main hall. In the main hall, a middle-aged man in a fancy dress sat on the high throne, With a noble demeanor and a graceful demeanor, this is her father, the God King of Dongling.

"Finally willing to come back?" Dongling God King looked down at Mu Luoli.

This is his most beloved daughter, and also the only daughter. Since she was a child, he let her do whatever she wanted, and let her do whatever she wanted. No matter how shocking her words and deeds were, he felt that his daughter was Special, unparalleled in the world.

Even... even if she had gone from the human world and brought back a child whose father was unknown, he had been angry, but he couldn't bear to punish her after all.

He didn't understand that everything he did was for her benefit, why this child was so stubborn and didn't obey all her arrangements?

"Father sent so many people just to bring me back, can I resist?" Mu Luoli said indifferently, with an inaudible sarcasm in his words.

Seeing her attitude, the sullen Tangling God King slapped his back fiercely, and said angrily, "No resistance? You took Yi'er and ran to the central region. Is this what you call non-resistance?!"

Mu Luoli didn't answer, and she didn't bother to answer. She knew that her father had spoiled her since she was a child, and she thanked him, but what she wanted was not a good man who would pave the way for her in everything and prepare for her in everything. Father.

What she wants is freedom, she wants to do what she wants to do, not the road he paved for herself, like a puppet, a person without independent thoughts!

The God King of Dongling was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him, he endured the urge to beat someone up, and said with hidden anger: "Where is Yi'er! Where did you hide Yi'er?"

Mu Luoli turned around and walked out, "Isn't daddy supernatural, do I need to ask my daughter where Yi'er is?"

"You!" The chair under him was shattered with a loud bang, and the God King Dongling stood up angrily, "Mu Luoli! Is this the attitude you should talk to dad! Get out of here!"

manner?Mu Luo was not very upset in his heart, he did not hesitate to send many experts to catch her back, is this also the attitude a father should have towards his daughter?

"I'm tired, I can't go back to my room to rest?"

"You! You're trying to piss me off!" Tangling God King roared, his body trembling with anger.

Mu Luoli's eyes could not bear to flash, this man was after all the father who cared for her since she was a child, so she could only walk back and whispered: "Daughter dare not."

Seeing that her attitude softened a little, the anger of the Tangling God King eased a little, but he still said with a stinky face: "Father, no matter where you hide Yi'er, it's fine if you come back alone, wait until you get married In the western region, let Yi'er stay here with me."

I have a precious grandson here to accompany me, so that I can relieve my daughter's longing for marrying far away, and he won't lonely.

Hearing this, Mu Luoli shuddered suddenly, Huo De raised his head and stared at Dongling God King, "Western region?"

"That's right." The God King of Dongling eased his emotions, and said slowly: "The son of King Lanling, that Bailiyi, has arrived at our place a few days ago, and he came to propose marriage in person with King Lanling's oral instructions. Father has already agreed to him and fixed the date of marriage, and the seventh day of the next month will be the day of your marriage."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, and his tone gradually became gentle, "Li'er, Bailiyi is not bad, and he is also a good-looking talent for his father. If you marry him, you don't have to worry about your father not being by your side for the rest of your life. Will be wronged, father also..."

"I don't want to marry!" Mu Luoli interrupted him bluntly, holding back his anger, and said firmly, "I said, Yi'er doesn't have a father, and I also said that I won't marry anyone, I want to marry You go and marry yourself!"

"You!" The God King Dongling finally swallowed his breath, and immediately rushed to the top of his head, "Father did this for your own good!"

"If dad is really for my own good, stop arranging this and that for me. My daughter has her own ideas, and I will handle my own affairs!"

"How do you deal with it? You brought such a child back from the human world, do you know how much you have humiliated your father? Now Baili Yi doesn't care about your past, and we are in the same family. What are you dissatisfied with? Don't you want to go to the human world to marry that poor, white, and powerless mortal boy and suffer!" Dongling God King was so angry that his face was livid.

Jun Chenxiao is not a person without strength, on the contrary, he is more talented and powerful than anyone in the Nine Heavens, but Mu Luoli has given up interest in entangled with her father on this issue, she just said lightly: " Dad, don't force me, I still say the same thing, I don't want anyone but him."

After that, she ignored her father's expression and turned to leave.

The God King Dongling stared at her back as she was leaving resolutely. He clenched and tightened his fist, and finally he could only let it go helplessly.

He forced her?

Li'er, do you ever know why dad is forcing you like this...

Qing Mingye came back, and the Universe Sack appeared. That person... Once that person snatches the Universe Sack from Qing Mingye and grasps the rules of heaven and earth in his hands, the next thing he will deal with is probably the Eight Great God Kings' Family .

Father wants you to marry someone from the Lanling royal family, and the strongest family of gods and kings. As long as they join will not be so easy for that person to touch them. Father did this for you and for Dongling The future of the palace...

The Tangling God King let out a long sigh, thinking of that person, his face suddenly became gloomy.

The guy who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, used tricks ten thousand years ago to get the eight god kings to seal Qing Mingye together, trying to swallow the Qiankun bag all by himself. He didn't want Qing Mingye to be sealed successfully, but the Qiankun bag lost its trace, so he kept forbearing and used them all the time. Help him find the whereabouts of the universe bag.

Now that the Qiankun Bag appears again with Qing Mingye, I am afraid that this time, he is bound to win the Qiankun Bag. At that time, he will definitely not be able to tolerate their eight families...

However, what the Dongling God King didn't know was that Baili Yi, the son of the Lanling God King, was indeed a good-looking talent in front of outsiders, but in fact he was not only an out-and-out beast in clothes, but also a lecherous devil with a brain

After Mu Luoli came back, he who was still in Dongling's territory came to visit. On the first day, Mu Luoli avoided seeing him, so he asked his servants to deliver this thing back and forth outside her bedroom door for a while. Come, send that thing in a while, and it will annoy her for a day.

For the next few days, Mu Luoli went outside the palace, preferring to be followed and watched by his father's people, rather than stay in the palace to face that guy.

Bailiyi found out that she had gone out of the palace after searching for unknown people in the Tangling Palace, so he inquired about her whereabouts for several days and went to block people.

On the wide and lively street, she saw Bailiyi who thought she was handsome but was just a strange pig in her eyes. Bailiyi came to strike up a conversation, but Mu Luoli just sneered and turned a blind eye Leaving, leaving Baili Yi with a gloomy face behind.

The Lanling God King is the most powerful of the Eight Great God King families, so wherever he goes, others are polite to him, but such a woman is just a woman who has been slept with by other men. Seeing how good-looking she is and the strength of her family, she reluctantly married her. How could she be so ungrateful!

Bailiyi couldn't bear this kind of humiliation, so that night, he visited Dongling Palace again, and personally sent their family's token of love there.

The God King of Dongling was naturally delighted to see it, and hastily delivered the token to Mu Luoli's room.

As soon as Mu Luoli saw the token, he held it in his hand and sneered, and directly used force to shatter it, and let her marry, don't even think about it!

However, what she didn't expect was that when the token was shattered, a strange green smoke suddenly rose up, and Mu Luoli suddenly realized that it was poisonous, but it was too late, the green smoke was sucked into the tip of her nose, and she suddenly felt weak all over, and her strength was blocked.

At this time, the sanctimonious Bailiyi came in without anyone noticing. Mu Luoli stared at him coldly, thinking about it, he understood that she had fallen into his trick. The token was poisonous. If she returned the token, it would be the second and third time , he will continue to send them, and he has no choice but to destroy the token.

However, just for the sake of trouble, she directly destroyed the token and was poisoned by him.

"Do you feel weak all over your body? Do you feel the qi and blood are surging against the current?" He walked towards Mu Luoli step by step, slowly, walked up to her and squatted down, looking directly into her cold eyes with a sinister smile, "Yes Don't you feel... the burning desire | unbearable desire?"

He pinched Mu Luoli's chin, forced her to look at him, and sneered: "It's just a woman who has been played with by other men, why pretend to be noble and chaste in front of this king?"

Mu Luoli wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't even speak. What kind of medicine did this damned bastard give her? The reaction of her body told her that it was not only poison, but also a kind of aphrodisiac .

Is this guy crazy!This is Tanglin Palace!How dare he attack him here!

"Want to call? Don't waste your energy. I've already bought everything inside and out, and I'll tell that fellow Dongling King that I want to develop a 'good' relationship with you. Do you think it will happen?" Someone came here to stop this king?"

This damn bastard... If eyes can kill, her eyes are enough to make him die!But she didn't know what kind of medicine it was, so she couldn't exert any strength.

He didn't expect, he didn't expect his father to help him.

Could it be that Dad really wanted himself to be with this beast... Mu Luoli felt sick.

Bailiyi touched her face again with those disgusting salty pig hands, Mu Luoli couldn't break free, and spit at him with a 'pooh' sound, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Get out of here!

Bailiyi was spit out, his face was instantly livid, his face was distorted with anger, "Damn it!" A slap was mercilessly slapped at her.

A tingling sensation came from her face, and a trace of blood was left on the corner of her lips. Mu Luoli bit her lip tightly, but she couldn't make a sound. The five finger marks on her face were very clearly visible, but it made her brain sober. few.

"Bitch! How dare you be so bold when you're about to die!" Bai Liyi slapped her face, and even kicked her hard.

Mu Luoli's eyes turned cold, and taking advantage of the moment when his mind was clear, he pulled out the dagger from his waist, gritted his teeth and stabbed him in the abdomen!

Bailiyi's face turned pale, he didn't expect that Mu Luoli still had the strength to attack him, so he hurriedly backed up a few steps, but Mu Luoli hooked his back and caught his foot, Bailiyi's body was unsteady, Falling straight back, Mu Luoli deflected the dagger in his hand, cutting his thigh, less than an inch away from his lower body!

However, because of the poisoning, the sliver of strength that was finally gathered was still too small to cut off his lifeblood directly. Mu Luo was unwilling to do so, and wanted to do it again, but Baili Yi had already stepped on her hand .

"Damn bitch!" Baili Yi broke out in a cold sweat, and was almost crippled by this bitch. Thinking about it now, he is still terrified.

"Come on, tie her up for me and throw her on the bed. The king wants to see how she behaves! How can I beg the king to take her!" Bai Liyi didn't dare to be careless anymore, and suddenly called someone.

A strange man walked in from the door. He walked into Mu Luoli with a rope according to Bailiyi's instructions. When he got closer, Mu Luoli suddenly found that the man's eyes were a little strange, and he was slightly startled in his heart. What to say, but couldn't say anything, Bailiyi was checking his injuries and didn't find his weirdness.

Seeing that his hand was about to touch Mu Luoli, he turned around suddenly, and a huge pressure directly trapped Bailiyi.

Bailiyi woke up suddenly, and saw the man trapped Bailiyi, and quickly raised his sword and stabbed towards Muluoli, the long sword pierced through the heart.

Bailiyi froze, his eyes widened suddenly, no, no, no, he didn't ask this person to kill her, he just couldn't see the nobility of this woman, he just... just... Bailiyi broke out in a cold sweat, He stared at the blood gushing from Mu Luo's mouth like a spring, staining the ground red.

Mu Luoli lowered her head little by little, her body seemed unconscious, and she sighed very lightly.

It turned out that today was her death day, and she was not afraid of death, but it was a was a pity that she couldn't see him.

I heard that he came to the Nine Heavens.

I heard that Qing Mingye is Yin Jili's brother-in-law, following them, he will have a bright future and be safe.

It is said that……

Mu Luoli tried hard to keep his breath, but his vision gradually blurred, and the world slowly shattered in his eyes.

From today onwards, she... will never hear anything about him again.

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