Chapter 331

In the early autumn, the wind is a bit cool, but the evergreen trees in the courtyard are still luxuriant.

Jun Mochu's simple words, in Xi'er's heart, were colder than the autumn wind.

She has no doubt that Jun Mochu's words will be false. In the dark world, under the eyes of everyone in the dark world, she was able to do something to Miss Haiyang, so now she falls into her hands, What is she afraid to do?

So, startled, Xi'er thought of running.

If Miss doesn't save her, she might kill her now, but Jun Mochu will never let her go easily, she can only rely on herself now.

She wants to live!To escape!

Xi'er suddenly jumped up from the ground, and suddenly wanted to run from the window.

Feng Fei was already on guard, when she wanted to escape, he quickly stood in front of the window, blocking her way.

Xi'er glared at Feng Fei angrily, "Master Feng Fei, do you want to help outsiders deal with people in my dark world, against the Hai family!"

Feng Fei looked at her leisurely, "If I remember correctly, if Miss Mochu hadn't saved you, you would have died under the hands of the master, let alone..." He repeated his tone, looking innocently and kindly She, "Even if I kill you now, will outsiders see it?"

The "outsider" in Xi'er's mouth refers to Jun Mochu.

But at this time, the "outsider" Feng Fei said was referring to her.

This showed the status of the same front, and Xi'er was so angry that he simply smashed the can and wanted to forcefully rush out.

As soon as she moved, countless tentacles stretched out from the ground, firmly grasping her feet. Xi'er's eyes turned red, she took out a dagger from her bosom, and slashed at those hands fiercely.

With a swing of the sword, those tentacles continued to increase instead. The tentacles derived from the ability to control the land were as hard as iron, and she could cut them off with a single sword.

Jun Mochu controlled her supernatural powers, and tightly imprisoned her body. Feng Fei, who was behind her, suddenly came up to her and punched her on the back. Xi'er's legs and feet went limp, and she half-kneeled down.

Jun Mochu gave a cold snort, formed seals with his hands, and landed in a formation, trapping Xi'er in the formation.

"Let go of me!" Xi'er yelled angrily.

"If you want me to just drive you, it's fine." Jun Mochu said coldly: "As long as you tell me, in the dark world, in Master Fan Chen's room, was the man who cheated on you?"

The man was very thin, making people look like a woman at first glance. If he hadn't seen him having an affair with a woman, and that woman died in the end, Jun Mochu would not have suspected that the other party was disguised as a woman.

Later, on the night after the power on her body was absorbed by the earth texture stone, the person who held the soul lock flute in a vain attempt to control her, although she could no longer see it at the time, she was absolutely sure that the thin man was the one who had been in Fanchen back then. The one who cheated in the room.

Today, she met Xi'er again. When she resisted Mo Yantian before, she felt the strength and breath of Xi'er, which was exactly the same as those two thin men!

The one that blinded her could recognize it even if she turned into her, that's why he stopped Mo Yantian at that time.

Xi'er was angry and laughed back, with a mocking tone, "Jun Mochu, are you blind? Can't you tell if I'm a man or a woman?"

Jun Mo was not angry at first, "Whether it's a man or a woman, do you think I have no way to know today?"

There is a lot of malice and treachery in those sharp star eyes, don't forget who she is Jun Mochu, she has always been a despicable and shameless spokesperson!

Jun Mo slammed and sat down, "Feng Fei, take off her clothes!"

The face can be changed, but she doesn't believe that the body can also be changed. If she takes off all her clothes, she still doesn't know whether she is a man or a woman?

"How dare you!" Xi'er hurriedly jumped up, "Jun Mochu, how dare you!"

Jun Mo looked at her with a sneer at the beginning of panic, jokes, what dare she not.


"Uh, I don't dare." Feng Fei looked at Jun Mochu innocently, and spread his hands, "Miss should do this kind of thing yourself."

He is a man after all...

The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched, "Are you a man, you dare not do such trivial things."

Feng Fei took a deep breath, "It's because I'm a man that I can't."

"Why, are you afraid that your woman will find out?"

"Nonsense!" Feng Fei felt as if his hair had been blown up in an instant, "What kind of woman! How can I have a woman! Feng Fei devoted his whole life to serving his master, how dare he find a woman!"

"I didn't say you did, what are you so excited about, are you guilty?" Jun Mochu said coolly.

"..." Feng Fei was furious, and shook his hands angrily, "I don't care, I will solve it myself!"

"Girl." Wuyan's voice came suddenly, with a hint of schadenfreude, "Xiao Xiaoxian once told me that Feng Fei has a friend named Bing Bing. Ask him if he knows you."

Jun Mochu's expression changed, he swayed to Feng Fei's side, and said lightly: "Feng Fei, I heard that you have an old friend named Bing Bing."

Hearing this, Feng Fei's expression changed, and he fell headfirst. He thumped the ground angrily, "Damn little fairy! Look back and see how I clean it up!"

"Yo, so it's true." Jun Mochu sighed, "Master Feng Fei, this beautiful lady, hides it really deep enough. Well, since you have a woman, I won't make things difficult for you."

Jun Mo first rolled up his sleeves and decided to fight in person, just to take off his clothes.

If Xi'er is a woman, then she has what she has, so it's really nothing to look at.

If she is a man, even better, then she can be sure that Xi'er is the one who attacked her a few times, and Haiyang, no need to explain, is a member of the Five Sects of Xianshan!

"You, don't come here!" Xi'er seemed flustered, as if she was afraid that others would know her real gender, seeing Jun Mochu who was slowly walking towards her, she kept backing away.

At this moment, a black object suddenly flew in from the window at a very fast speed.

Jun Mochu smelled danger at that moment.

"Girl be careful!" In the space, Wuyan suddenly shouted anxiously.

Jun Mochu and Feng Fei immediately backed away. The next moment, the black object landed on Xi'er's body. With a 'bang', a huge force exploded, and the whole room was blown to pieces.


Another update, continue to code~

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