Infinite delusion starting from Leo

Chapter 84 The gift crab, the soil is singing

Chapter 84 The gift crab, the soil is singing

Faced with Lao Mai's request to play, Li Xiu agreed without hesitation. He also wanted to see how brave Lao Mai, who is not lacking in energy, can be!
Don't look at the countless famous scenes and emoticons created by Lao Mai, but in fact, Max has been firmly bound to the word "beautiful" since his birth.

Whether it's the typical appearance of a civil servant of the Red Race, or the fastest and strongest setting, or the name max itself, they all reveal a very clear message to the people who eat melons:

This Ultraman, he sucks!

But then again, time is ticking and Sakamoto is cheating.
Ahem, the version is being updated, the higher you fly, the worse you will fall, the number one model in the Heisei department is also talking about Lao Mai.

He has a super numerical setting, super excellent plot quality, but at the same time, he also has a super bad luck, holding various bug-level monsters, and suffering all kinds of perverted beatings.

Even in the subsequent few appearances, he was pulled out and repeatedly persecuted, crazily deflated, and the strong image he had finally established was basically destroyed in one fell swoop.

The setting of Max’s fastest and strongest fall is actually mainly due to the following two waves. One is in the legend of the super galaxy.

Secondly, in Galaxy Fight [-], he was attacked by the lingering Silan, and one who didn't pay attention was attacked by the egg of the Maga snake. He played a bondage play and gave it for nothing again.

However, these two works are actually a supervisor, Lao Mai's number one black fan, Koichi Sakamoto.


If there was no personal grievance, Li Xiu would have 1 unbelievers, what a vengeance this is, catch the fastest and strongest one and punish him to death.

I still remember that old thief Sakamoto vowed to tell the people who eat melons that Max is a work he has always liked before he started filming Super Galaxy Legend.

You special meow just like to eat Pipi shrimp!

Ahem, let’s get down to business, Lao Mai’s strength is obvious to all, and his performance on TV is also at a normal level.

Even if they are placed in a bunch of freshmen now, as long as they don't cheat casually, Lao Mai still deserves the title of fastest and strongest, there is no doubt about it.

As we all know, the strength of the monsters in Lao Mai TV is more and more insane, and each is more abnormal.

In other people's TV, they usually spawn mobs every day, and occasionally elite monsters. After the upgrade, they will fight the bottom boss at the end. It is reasonable and reasonable to upgrade all the way.

But Max is completely different. He fights bosses every day, occasionally spawns mobs, and there is nothing special about the end of the game. He is just an elite monster, yes, it is an elite monster.

Million Basaku is very strong, but if it is placed in front of those perverted bugs, it is just an elite monster, and it is still not the kind that can be ranked.

However, even in the face of this group of perverts, Max's defeat was only five times.

One of them was to beat Ye Fu, a seriously super-class ceiling bug. Reasonably, before the information was tested, it might not work for anyone to replace it.

And the remaining four times were all due to lack of energy and were forced to cancel the transformation, otherwise Lao Mai would still be able to fight!
And now, after so many words in the water, and complaining about how much Sakamoto likes Lao Mai, Max has finally ushered in one of the few extravagant battles with so much energy that he can use it casually!

The deep battle roar shook the four directions, the water trembled, and with the full blessing of the symphony, Max's bright red body burst into radiance.

He raised his head, facing the densely packed Silan Stars, he was not in the slightest. He who has energy and him who has no energy are two different concepts!
The Silanians also noticed Max's anomaly, and they didn't say anything nonsense. They all rushed towards Max. In an instant, the Silanians had a clear division of labor. Hundreds of destructive light bombs.

Max was not afraid, and responded calmly. He first stretched out his hand and drew a square energy barrier of the same style as the first generation in the void in front of him.

Then without looking at it, he turned back confidently, grabbed a Slan star who was trying to sneak around behind him, broke its claw on the spot, and gave the opponent an Otto hand knife.

With a flash of light from the knife in his hand, the body of the sneak attacking Silan star was separated on the spot, and he fell to the ground and twitched. At this time, the intensive attack also hit the square barrier. The barrier was rippled by this wave of attacks, but it still stood firm.

Max kept moving, turned around and kicked on the barrier in the opposite direction. With a turn of energy, the energy of the barrier was transformed into a hurricane piercing the sky, and he fought back brazenly!

The whistling hurricane brought the water to rotate at a high speed, and the kinetic energy it carried turned into a deadly waterspout, which was divided into seven parts, turning the waters upside down, and strangling hundreds of Silan stars in a mighty way.

In this way, the surrounding enemies are instantly swept away, and Max has time to let his stinky and long left-handed cannon shine.


The colorful light continues to store energy, and Max has unprecedentedly stored the energy of the cannon light to the maximum, the maximum power, for a full 15 seconds!
In 15 seconds, the dizzy Silanians who were swept up by the waterspout finally came to their senses at this moment. During the energy storage period, the irritable energy was not too scary at all, and immediately rushed over one by one desperately.


Just at this time, Max finally finished his energy storage. When several Slans approached, the left-handed man had already set his posture, and suddenly a huge light shot out across the sky, and the intensity of the energy instantly evaporated the surrounding water into a vacuum field. .

If you want to ask what is so good about Max’s ultimate move, except for the deadly energy storage time, everything else is pretty good. I have to mention that the old Mai has thrown the sniper. It is also max level.!

The power of the Ganon rays has reached the maximum value, and the power is very impressive. The "delicate" physique of the Islan star people cannot withstand such violent energy attacks at all.

Phew-boom boom boom! ! !

Never give up on the pursuit of good things

Turn hard tears into courage


The BGM is still playing, Max stands in place, under the full blessing, his whole body is shining brightly, the enlarged and thicker cannon rays shoot continuously, not soft at all, moving up and down, slamming left and right, and constantly sniping.

This scene has the demeanor of the muscular superman Sai Wen X playing a big move overnight in the underground cave. The classic re-enactment is especially deadly!

At the same time, in the outside world, Ellie was the first to discover something was wrong. After warning, the captain of the earth team immediately led all the members of the DASH team to come to support.

However, as soon as they arrived, they saw Team Ruixi lying on an open space in an extremely indecent posture, with his buttocks pouted, his body turned sideways, his ears pressed to the ground, and his face flushed.

Captain Tufang was stunned at this scene, and couldn't help but raise his voice: "Ruixi, what are you doing! Where's Kaito?"

"Hush, Captain, listen, it's Max!" Ruixi waved her hands again and again, motioning for them to come and listen together.


Everyone didn't know why, so they looked at each other. As a scientist, Sean was the most curious, and immediately, like Ruixi, he lay down and listened.




This post doesn't matter, the shocking BGM directly hit the soul, making Sean's eyes widen on the spot: "Gift Crab, Captain, this piece of soil is singing!!"

(End of this chapter)

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