Chu Ze listened with a smile, and after everyone had imagined for a while, he said seriously:

"Ladies and gentlemen, although the time and place are favorable now, we still need to prepare for the rainy day and face the challenges head-on. Laying down railways across the country is unprecedented in scale and cannot be accomplished overnight. We must start from point to surface, from easy to difficult, first make samples in one or two places, accumulate experience, and then expand layer by layer."

He took out a map from his pocket, spread it out in front of everyone, pointed at the word "Ru Ning" and said:

"At present, I think Runing is the most suitable place for a new pilot. First, it is rich in coal and iron resources, and has sufficient fuel and raw materials. Second, it is located in the heart of the Central Plains, with strong radiation power and easy to spread to the surrounding areas. If we make great efforts here, we will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort."

Everyone came forward and looked at the map carefully.

Runing is located in the Central Plains and borders mineral-rich areas such as Nanyang, Xuchang and Pingdingshan. It is indeed the best choice for industrial development.

"Your Highness has really thought it through!" Zhao Si gave a thumbs up and praised: "Look at this layout, it's really a natural heavy industrial base. With sufficient coal and iron, why worry about not being able to produce locomotives?"

"What's even more rare is that this place is at a crossroads, connecting the south and the north, and radiating from the east and the west." Li Changji pointed to the well-connected transportation lines and said, "Building a railway from here will kill two birds with one stone and achieve twice the result with half the effort, right?"

Chu Ze nodded and smiled, "That's right. Moreover, Fengyang and Runing are close neighbors. If we connect the railways of the two places, communicate raw materials and freight, and open up production and sales, wouldn't that be even more powerful?"

Everyone thought about it and it was indeed true. If Fengyang's advanced technology and Runing's rich resources were combined, it would be a match made in heaven, and the prospects would be limitless!
At this time, Li Si raised a question: "However, Ru Ning is not our territory after all. If we want to make a big move, we still need the support of local officials. Has Your Majesty considered this?"

Chu Ze smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry about this. When I was in the capital, I invited Lord Sun, the prefect of Runing, to come and explain the pros and cons to him in detail. Lord Sun is a knowledgeable man. When he heard that it would benefit the local development, he immediately agreed. He said that when he returned, he would attract investment everywhere and give priority to introducing our railway technology."

"In addition, I also contacted the Minister of Industry, saying that the development of Runing is related to the railway plan, and asked the Ministry of Industry to support it. The Minister was also very straightforward and said that he would fully cooperate. Now, we have the right time, place and people, it's up to us!"

Chu Ze said confidently.

Everyone suddenly realized that the prince had already arranged everything. He was really prepared for a rainy day and had a plan in place!

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Let's go back and prepare, and try to open the railway from Fengyang to Runing as soon as possible, and take the first step in development!"

Zhao Si said eagerly.

"Wait a minute!" Chu Ze suddenly looked serious: "Before we start working, we have something more important to do."

"Ah? Is there anything more important than developing railways?" Everyone looked at each other and asked in confusion.

Chu Ze looked around and said firmly:

"That is to reserve talents! Think about it, it is not difficult to build one or two railways, but it is difficult to promote and operate them nationwide in the future. By then, without a large number of skilled and experienced professionals, we will not be able to develop even if we have extraordinary abilities!"

Everyone suddenly realized! Yes, railway construction is just the beginning, the most important thing is talent.

If we only build cars and roads but no one maintains and manages them, even if we complete the construction, it will be in vain!

“So, from now on, we must recruit talented people and cultivate them carefully. We must select the most outstanding craftsmen and apprentices from the public and send them to Fengyang for study. At the same time, we must also recruit talented people from all over the world in the Imperial College and the Imperial Academy, and let them learn the most cutting-edge science and technology. Only when people can give full play to their talents can the railway industry be passed on from generation to generation and continue to thrive!” Chu Ze inspired everyone present with the spirit of “reserving talents for the world”.

Everyone's blood boiled after hearing this, their eyes lit up and they were eager to try it out.

"Your Highness, please give me your orders. I will go back and recruit talents to bring fresh blood to the railway construction!" Zhao Si slapped his thigh and made an impassioned speech.

"Students are willing to serve the railway industry with all their might and vow to create great achievements with His Majesty!" Li Changji and Li Si said in unison, their fighting spirit high.

Chu Ze felt very pleased to see his subordinates so excited.

With these loyal and united arms, how can you worry about not realizing your own ideals?
He stood up, his eyes were sharp, and his tone was sonorous: "Good! Everyone, work together, the railway will play a major role in the prosperity and development of the Ming Dynasty! From today on, we will take 'promoting benefits and eliminating disadvantages, enriching the country and strengthening the army' as our mission, and 'travel a thousand miles a day and travel across the world' as our goal, to create a modern future for future generations!"

"We swear to create great achievements together with His Majesty, and rebuild the Ming Dynasty for thousands of years!" Everyone shouted excitedly, and morale was high.

In this way, starting from the "Enterprise" and with Chu Ze as the core, the reform group blew the clarion call for building the Ming Railway Empire. Fengyang and Runing will become a Gemini constellation of a new era, shining in the starry sky of history.

The next day, Chu Ze and his party returned to Fengyang and immediately began intensive preparations.

He first ordered Zhao Si to draft a detailed memorial and submit it to the court, requesting the establishment of a special railway management agency to coordinate railway construction across the country.

At the same time, we applied for grant support and provided tax incentives to encourage more local officials and businessmen to engage in the railway industry.

Afterwards, he ordered Li Changji, Li Si and other capable men to gather all the skilled craftsmen in Fengyang to teach them the core technology of railway construction, from surveying and site selection to track laying and bridge building, from vehicle manufacturing to parts casting, and he made sure that everyone had a comprehensive grasp of it.

"You are all the crystallization of wisdom and strength, and the backbone of Ming Dynasty's industrialization. The day you achieve success in your studies will also be the day when Fengyang's reputation spreads far and wide. I hope you will cherish the opportunity, study hard, and become the leading talents of the national railway system as soon as possible!"

As soon as Chu Ze finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause and cheers in the conference hall.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your cultivation! We will definitely live up to your trust and bring glory to Fengyang!"

"With a leader like the prince, Fengyang's future will surely be even brighter!"

In the crowd below the stage, the faces of the young and energetic people were flushed with excitement. Some of them were skilled craftsmen, some were apprentices eager to learn, and some were fledgling students.

Although they come from all corners of the world and have different backgrounds, at this moment, everyone's hearts are ignited by the same dream: to become the trendsetters of this new era and the pioneers of the railway industry!
Chu Ze looked around the stage, and wherever his eyes fell, every student was looking back at him with blazing eyes, with a gleam of determination to win in their eyes.

He smiled with satisfaction, slowly walked down the podium and came to the center of the students.

"Young man, what's your name? Why do you want to study railways?" Chu Ze casually patted a tall and thin young man.

The young man raised his head and looked at Chu Ze with his bright eyes. He was not at all shy and answered loudly:
"Your Highness, my name is Zhang Peng. My family has been farmers for generations and we are extremely poor. I have been interested in studying mechanics since I was young, but my family is poor and I have not been able to enter the field." (End of this chapter)

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