Chu Ze smiled slightly, pointed to the worn-out molten steel crucible on the ground and said, "Look at this thing, its problems are exposed."

"This outdated steel-loading process is not only complicated to operate and has a low safety factor, but also wastes a lot of energy, with most of the molten steel often splashing out."

"If we want to completely and fundamentally solve this problem, we must work hard on theory and technology and innovate equipment design."

At this point, Chu Ze looked at Master Qian, Liu Biao and others, and said earnestly: "You are all hardworking and simple workers, and your thinking is limited to the experience level. So you still need some people with professional attainments to guide you to improve your steelmaking process."

"Do you think we have the ability to do this?" Hearing this, Master Qian couldn't help but feel inferior and asked about the doubts in his heart.

"Haha, of course there are." Chu Ze said with a smile: "You are all the most simple and creative workers in Daming. As long as you are willing to study hard, you will be able to master the entire steel process and even create your own technology in the future."

"I have invited several steel technology experts from Fengyang. When they arrive, you will learn from them and push the steel industry of Daming to a new level!"

"Ah? Is there such a good news?" Master Qian and the workers were all overjoyed when they heard it.

"Then we are looking forward to it!" Liu Biao nodded repeatedly and said vigorously: "The steel industry has just started to take off, we must firmly grasp this development opportunity!"

"Very good!" Chu Ze felt sincerely gratified as he looked at these simple and enterprising workers.

As long as we have a solid theoretical foundation and the workers' ambition, steel technology will be able to take a big step forward and truly help the Ming Dynasty's industrialization take off!

Just then, Zhao Si hurried over and whispered a few words to Chu Ze.

Chu Ze understood and said to Master Qian and the workers, "Okay, let's stop here today. I heard that there are injured workers who need my inspection, so you should go back and rest early. When the experts come, start new learning immediately."

"Yes!" The workers responded in unison and left one after another. Master Qian and Liu Biao stopped and looked at Chu Ze's departing figure eagerly.

"You see, although the gentleman comes from a royal family, he is so close to the people and loves the people. We common people are so lucky to have his kindness and guidance!" Liu Biao exclaimed sincerely.

Master Qian nodded, stared into the distance, and murmured to himself: "With such a leader, the future of Ming Dynasty's steel industry is promising..."

Sure enough, steel technology experts came to Runing from Fengyang soon to share advanced steelmaking techniques with local workers.

Under their guidance, Runing's steel industry quickly leapt from an outdated and backward stage to a new era of scientificization and standardization.

Everything is developing in a positive direction.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang issued an order to inspect whether there were any new developments in Runing's arms industry.

In recent years, with the vigorous development of railways and metallurgical industries, the mechanical manufacturing technology in Fengyang, Runing and other places has also made a leap forward under the leadership of Chu Ze.

At that time, the Ministry of Works’ arsenal also allocated a lot of new firearms from these places to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Ming army.

Therefore, when Zhu Yuanzhang learned that the Runing area had become a modern industrial center, he couldn't help but become curious and decided to go and inspect it in person.

In Runing Prefecture, when receiving this massive news, Prefect Sun was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. "Oh my! The Emperor is coming to Runing for inspection! How can a small place withstand such a big inspection?" He said to Li Changji beside him in panic, "Our arms industry in Runing has just started and is still in its infancy. If we leave a bad impression on the Emperor, it will be a disaster!"

Li Changji patted his shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, sir. Although arms production is just starting, with our Runing's enthusiasm and skills, we will definitely be able to show it to your majesty. What's more, Prince Chu has done a lot of groundwork in Fengyang in recent years, and we Runing can be regarded as inheriting and carrying forward it."

Prefect Sun then breathed a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly: "Well, well. With Prince Chu's support, the emperor will naturally not lose his manners. Then let the prince come to take charge of the situation, and I will accompany you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a swift servant rushed into the government office, fell to his knees with a thud in panic.

"Your Excellency...Prince Chu and Eunuch Han, the commander of the Ming Fleet, have led a large number of naval flags and stationed outside Runing City! They said they were going to welcome the Emperor to inspect the arms!"

When Prefect Sun heard this, he was relieved and quickly stood up and ordered, "Quick! Have the prefectural chancellor go out of the city to welcome him. Spread red carpets and set up grand ceremonial guards along the way! The arrival of Prince Chu shows how much the emperor values ​​our Runing. We must not bring shame to His Majesty and the prince!"

The capital city is magnificent and grand, but it is naturally not as quiet and unique as the Ru'ning area. When Zhu Yuanzhang's carriage passed through the Ru'ning Boulevard, he saw weeping willows on the roadside, peach and plum trees filling the doors, and hundreds of flowers blooming since the beginning of spring.

Along the way, there were loud gongs and drums and fluttering red silks; it was like a grand scene of royal congratulations.

Obviously, Prefect Sun made extremely grand arrangements for this arms inspection.

"Haha, little Runing is so vain that he is waiting for me alone." Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile while driving.

Ming Fei in the car glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang at the right time and scolded him with a smile: "Why don't you say a few words? Do you think I don't know your vanity? Judging from your behavior, you must have been very proud of Runing's military strength for a long time, right?"

"Hahaha!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed out loud, and said without disguising, "That's right. What I value most in my life is military strength. I haven't stopped here for more than half a year just to see the strength of Ru Ning's firearms. After the inspection, see if they have any specialties for me, and I will reward them generously."

As soon as he finished speaking, the car had arrived at the city gate. Prefect Sun, Chu Ze and others came in their best clothes and had been waiting for a long time.

The gate of Runing City was decorated with lanterns and colorful lights, and gongs and drums were beating loudly. Prefect Sun personally led the civil and military officials to the city gate to welcome him, and the scene was extremely grand.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat in a large carriage with gilded dragon patterns and slowly drove into the city. In front and behind the carriage were the royal guards marching in neat marches.

"Oh, little Ru Ning has also set up such a scene. I am really flattered." Zhu Yuanzhang said to Ming Fei with interest.

Ming Fei was amazed by the scene and couldn't help but admire it sincerely: "The emperor is indeed foresighted and has long anticipated that Ru Ning is extraordinary. Otherwise, how could it be so grand?"

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded knowingly.

Originally, he had only heard that Runing had produced new firearms, but he had not expected it to be so publicized. It seemed that there was indeed a significant progress here.

When Zhu Yuanzhang arrived at the arms factory in Runing, there were gongs and drums and red flags fluttering. Prefect Sun, Chu Ze and other generals lined up to welcome him, and the scene was extremely warm.

Zhu Yuanzhang got off the dragon-horse carriage, and as everyone greeted him with a bow, he climbed onto a low table to inspect the scene.

There were iron cannons standing in the workshop, neatly stacked. Next to them were various gongs, iron bells, and ready-made gunpowder bags. (End of this chapter)

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