Daming: After self-explosive time travel, Lao Zhu's mentality collapsed

Chapter 1044: Something big happened in the laboratory!

As the days passed, the experiments in making kerosene guns and cannons went smoothly.

The factory was filled with the squeaking sound of gears and the clanging sound of anvils. People were sweating everywhere, and the air was filled with hot smoke.

In this prosperous period, this firearms team has gradually taken shape.

Some people focus on firearms technology and strive for perfection; others design firearms factories and gradually improve efficiency; others explore the tactics of using new firearms and prepare for war...

Just when everything was going smoothly, a burst of terrified shouts broke the silence of the workshop.

Lu Yao, who had been personally taught by Chu Ze, suddenly stumbled out of a laboratory, her body covered in stains.

She seemed terrified, and shouted in horror: "Oh no! Oh no! Your Majesty, come and have a look, something big has happened in the fuel laboratory!"

When Chu Ze heard this, he quickly quickened his pace and rushed to the scene.

Sure enough, the laboratory was filled with smoke and in disarray.

He immediately ordered his men to evacuate the wounded and quickly extinguished the burning gunpowder residue.

After the scene gradually calmed down, Chu Ze led several of his men into the laboratory to check.

Lu Yao's students were seen fainting on the ground, with faces horrified. The test tubes, fuel residues and tools scattered on the ground all indicated that a great catastrophe had just occurred here.

"Ms. Lu, what is the reason?" Chu Ze asked as he looked around the messy scene.

"Reporting to Your Majesty." Lu Yao stepped forward tremblingly to report, "We are testing a new type of drilling fuel this time, and we have put a lot of effort into it."

"But there was a spontaneous explosion for no apparent reason. Fortunately, we quickly closed the vents and prevented the spread. But some casualties were inevitable!"

Although Lu Yao was scared and still in shock, she still reported the whole incident to Chu Ze truthfully.

It turned out that these students were researching a new type of fuel and conducting practical experiments during the process. Unexpectedly, the gunpowder suddenly spontaneously ignited and exploded during the experiment.

Although they responded quickly and closed the vents to prevent the fire from spreading, some staff were still affected and casualties were inevitable.

"Tsk tsk." Chu Ze frowned after hearing this, feeling quite helpless and regretful about this unexpected situation.

He looked around, and the traces of residue left at the scene were distressing.

Several trainees were covered in stains and fainted on the ground. Several other workers were not killed, but their faces were disfigured and horrific.

"My Lord, I really acted too hastily."

Lu Yao clasped her hands together and confessed desperately:

"We are newcomers who are not yet proficient in the professional knowledge and operating procedures. It is really reckless to try new fuels like this."

Chu Ze did not rebuke Lu Yao, but after a moment's silence he said:
"This accident is sad, but it is unavoidable."

"You are all novices. You don't have a thorough understanding of the characteristics of the new fuel. It is inevitable that you act too hastily when using it. This is not your fault."

As he spoke, Chu Ze looked around the scene, his eyes sweeping through the mess. He sighed, walked heavily to one of the students' bodies, and squatted down.

The student's face was unrecognizable, his body was burned by gunpowder, and his clothes were blown to pieces.

Chu Ze's eyes were filled with pity. He gently wiped the stain from the student's forehead and murmured, "He is so young and has such extraordinary talent. It's such a pity."

Seeing this, Lu Yao was even more grief-stricken, and tears fell like rain. She choked and said, "It was because of my poor guidance that these children died, Your Majesty, it's all my fault."

"No, you shouldn't bear all of this." Chu Ze shook his head and said, "On the contrary, this accident taught us a cruel lesson - to truly control the power of new fuel, courage and motivation alone are far from enough, and systematic theoretical knowledge is also needed as a foundation."

As he spoke, Chu Ze stood up and walked to the experimental table, picked up an unexploded test tube, and examined it carefully. "You see, although this new type of fuel has high heat and strong explosive power, its unstable nature is also its biggest flaw."

"If the operation is not done properly, the consequences will be disastrous." He put down the test tube and said earnestly: "So from now on, while continuing to develop new fuels, we must strengthen the corresponding theoretical learning and have a comprehensive and systematic understanding of their properties."

"Only in this way can we truly control it and prevent tragedy from happening again."

Lu Yao and the other students remained silent and just nodded to show their understanding.

In fact, Chu Ze's words have already revealed their most fundamental problem at present - the lag in theoretical foundation is the biggest obstacle to development.

"Okay, you've all worked hard." Chu Ze saw that everyone was tired, so he said gently: "Now go back and rest. I will prepare a batch of new teaching materials and teachers, and focus on consolidating theoretical knowledge."

"And you should calmly prepare to learn new knowledge and get ready for a new round of breakthroughs."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone followed Chu Ze's arrangements and retreated one after another.

Chu Ze was left standing alone in the messy laboratory, looking at the bloodstained body on the ground, his heart heavy.

He knew that gaining full control of this extremely lethal new fuel would not happen overnight.

Only by closely combining theory with practice and cultivating both inside and outside can we truly tap its maximum potential without being fettered by its uncertainty.

Only by experiencing it yourself can you understand how difficult it is.

But without hard struggle, how can there be an update of revolutionary theory and a renewal of revolutionary struggle? As long as we persevere, we will find a way to deal with it one day.

Chu Ze calmed down and swore in his heart. To achieve the goal, no matter how great the price, it would be worth it. As long as it could eventually make the Ming Dynasty prosperous and the people healthy, all the sacrifices would be worth it.

Not far away, the classmates and friends of those students were carrying their bodies back to the dormitory in grief.

The road was empty, with only the sad voices of condolences floating from afar, which made people sad. But they were still determined to make their sacrificed classmates immortal.

"Everyone, we must work harder to cultivate ourselves. This bloody lesson is a warning to us to work harder!"

"Master, what you said makes sense. To master the lethality of fuel, we still need to learn more theoretical knowledge."

"Even if you are brave and fearless, you can't escape the fate of being accidentally injured!"

"I only ask the courage of my deceased classmates. How terrible this tortuous and bloody road is! I hope that my generation can also walk out of this road."

The wailing sounds penetrated this sunny and prosperous afternoon.

The Firearms Museum seemed to be immersed in a solemn and sad atmosphere, which made people feel discouraged.

As Chu Ze expected, the research on new fuels is by no means a one-time thing.

To harness this destructive force, one must separate oneself from others and study the relevant theoretical knowledge carefully. Otherwise, no matter how much courage and enthusiasm one has, it will only be in vain.

Just like that, life at the Firearms Museum came to a standstill.

What replaces it is more rigorous and systematic theoretical study and training.

Chu Ze spared no expense to recruit the most skilled teachers from home and abroad to study axioms, principles of calculation and many other subjects.

For a moment, all the students walked with their heads held high, calm and solemn, looking so majestic.

But gradually, they began to show signs of fatigue. Being trapped in the study all day, the boring exercises really made them lose sleep and appetite, and their spirits were depressed. (End of this chapter)

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