Chapter 961 The medicine is powerful
"As long as it is used strictly in accordance with the prescribed amount, pesticides are poisonous to locusts but harmless to crops, humans and animals!"

"I repeat, as long as you use it according to the instructions given by Prince Chu, no one is in danger!"

As he spoke, he turned around and ordered a young government official behind him: "Please pass on Mr. Zhao's instructions and let these poor people relax."

"Yes!" The young man understood, cleared his throat, and read loudly: "Prince Chu has three ways to use pesticides: first, the powder needs to be mixed with ten liters of water before use; second, the mixed medicine needs to be sprayed immediately , any residue must be burned; thirdly, people and animals must be avoided when spraying, otherwise it is extremely dangerous. As long as you follow it one by one, you will be fine!"

Afterwards, the government officials distributed the pesticides to each farmer, and the farmers sprayed the pesticides non-stop to see the effects of the pesticides.

"Oh, this pesticide is really effective!" A farmer stood on the ridge of the field, looking at the field in front of him, and said with joy.

I saw those locusts just coming into contact with the pesticides, twitching and falling in the fields.

Some even froze to death before they even hit the ground.

"That's right!" Another old farmer next to him echoed with a smile: "After we sprayed the pesticide yesterday, I came here to take a look this morning. The locusts in this field are all dead, but the crops are still fine! "This Prince Chu is really a living god to the common people like us!"

"That's right, we common people have to thank the prince for his kindness!" In the fields, praises could be heard one after another.

These farmers, who have suffered from the locust plague, clenched their fists excitedly, as if they were grasping life-saving straws.

In another farmland, the government official Sun, who was instructing farmers to spray pesticides, couldn't help but be shocked by the sight before him.

He looked at the locusts that were staggering and crawling, or were dying, and he felt so comfortable all over his body, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"That's great! Pesticides really work wonders!" Old Sun murmured to himself.

He turned around and looked at the farmers beside him who were immersed in their work, and shouted loudly: "Listen, farmers, remember to be careful when spraying pesticides! You must add water in strict accordance with the prescribed ratio, no more, no less!"

"Don't worry, sir! We have all remembered it!" "Yes, yes, yes, ten liters of water to one dose of medicine, we guarantee that there will be no mistakes!" The farmers were working enthusiastically and responded in a flurry of voices. .

Seeing this, Lao Sun warned again: "Also, be sure to avoid people and livestock when spraying. This pesticide is highly toxic, and it will be serious if it gets on it!"

"No! We all know that although this pesticide is the nemesis of locusts, it is also harmful to us!" A strong farmer raised the watering can in his hand and said loudly: "I sprayed this pesticide in a strong wind. Oh my god, the medicine mist is all drifting into the fields, making sure to avoid people and animals!" "Hahaha, you have experience!" Lao Sun nodded and praised.

Seeing that these farmers were very cautious, he felt relieved and turned around to go to other fields.

Behind him, the farmers continued to work hard.

I saw them carrying watering cans or medicine buckets on their backs, walking back and forth in the fields with serious faces.

Before each spraying, check the wind direction carefully to ensure that pesticide mist does not drift to people and animals.

Once the nozzle is aimed at the crops, the locusts will immediately fall down like being shot, without any resistance.

"Good guy, this pesticide is like fairy water. You'll die wherever you spray it!" "No, I've been farming all my life, and this is the first time I've seen such a powerful potion!"

"Prince Chu is still awesome. I don't know where I got such a treasure!" The farmers were amazed while spraying.

They knew in their hearts that if Prince Chu had not made the pesticide in time, they would have been close to losing their harvest. Everyone was terrified when they thought of the scenes in the past when locusts destroyed their homes and people.

Now that there is such a miracle medicine suddenly available, it is simply an eye-opener for God!

"Hey, you guys said, what chance will we rough guys have to thank Prince Chu in person in the future?" A young and strong young man suddenly asked in a confused manner.

"That's right, we are living gods. If we don't thank you, we will feel bad!" "Isn't that right? We are just rough people, but we also know that a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring!" For a moment, everyone was seventy-six. There was a lot of discussion.

Some people say that when the crops are ripe, the best grain must be sent to the palace.

Some people also said that they should collect a generous gift and come to pay homage to the prince.

Some people also said that this pesticide formula is so good, maybe the prince will come to promote it in the future, and then we will have to support it... After some discussion, everyone has an idea in mind.

They secretly swore that they would repay Prince Chu's kindness in this life, even if they were broken into pieces.

While the farmers were discussing excitedly, swarms of locust corpses covered the fields in the farmland where the effects of the medicine were gradually taking effect.

However, those crops that have not yet been destroyed by locusts are still lush and full of vitality after being sprayed with pesticides.

Several young and strong farmers were quickly gathering the locust corpses together and preparing to burn them.

"Hey, look, these pests died so miserably, their stomachs turned inside out!"

"That is, I will not offend others unless they offend me. Since they dare to harm the crops, they must be prepared to suffer!"

"That's right, it's thanks to Prince Chu's pesticide, otherwise we don't know how much suffering we would have suffered!" As he spoke, the pile of locust corpses was ignited and turned into ashes with a sizzling sound.

Amidst the billowing smoke, it seemed that the farmers' resentment for many years had been burned away.

In the county government office in the distance, Zhao Si was pacing back and forth anxiously.

He is waiting for reports on the effectiveness of pesticide spraying in each village.

Although pesticides have shown miraculous effects in previous trials, it is still unknown whether any unexpected consequences will occur when used on a large scale.

"Master Zhao, good news, good news!" At this moment, a government servant hurried in, his face filled with excitement.

"What's going on? How effective is the pesticide?" Zhao Si quickly stepped forward and asked anxiously.

"Let me tell you, according to the reports from each village, the pesticide has an immediate effect!" The yamen servant wiped the sweat from his forehead and said excitedly: "It is said that after the locusts were stained with the pesticide, they died completely in the blink of an eye, while the crops were completely destroyed. In perfect condition! This pesticide is indeed a miracle drug!”

"Hahahaha, great!" Zhao Si was overjoyed when he heard this. He patted the Yamen servant on the shoulder and laughed heartily.

He looked up to the sky and roared: "Prince Chu is wise, long live Prince Chu! With this pesticide, we no longer need to be afraid of locust plagues!"

(End of this chapter)

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