Although it was stumbling and awkward at the beginning, I gradually became able to ride well.

"Hey, why is it so hard to ride up here? My legs are sore!"

An old man rode in a circle and complained out of breath.

"It's just that I was shaking so hard while sitting on it that my buttocks hurt!"

A middle-aged woman also complained.

Chu Ze couldn't help laughing and comforted him: "Don't worry, folks, the technical skill of riding a bicycle is not something that can be achieved overnight. Practice a few more times, and I'm sure you can ride faster than a horse!"

He then ordered Li Xing to push out the other cars so that more people could try them out.

Li Xing hurriedly followed the instructions and asked everyone to line up to get the car.

"Come, come, come, the prince has an order, everyone has a share! Come and try this precious pimple!"

For a time, the square was full of people riding bicycles, stumbling and stumbling, and it was very lively.

Someone rode too hard and stumbled, causing the dog to chew on the mud, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Some people rode too slowly and were stuck in a long queue behind them, stamping their feet anxiously.

Chu Ze watched from the side, cheerfully giving pointers from time to time.

He secretly said proudly: "Sure enough, as soon as this bicycle was unveiled, it became the new favorite of the people. If it were mass-produced, wouldn't it be even more popular in the Ming Dynasty?"

Thinking of this, he ordered Jia Shang, an official from the Ministry of Industry beside him:
"Master Jia, the response to this bicycle is good right now, and people are rushing to ride it. Do you think it's time to strike while the iron is hot and mass-produce it as soon as possible?"

When Jia Shang heard this, he nodded quickly and said:
"Your Majesty is wise! This minister also has this intention. How can we delay such a good thing?"

He pondered for a moment and then added: "However, if we want to produce in large quantities, I am afraid that the existing craftsmen are not enough, and we will have to recruit more people."

Chu Ze waved his hand and said disapprovingly:
"What's so difficult about this? Just recruit more smart workers, and then send them to centralized training to take up the job."

Chu Ze looked at the people riding bicycles in the square with unsatisfied feelings and felt secretly proud.

He knew that such new things could not be worn out in a short while.
"Okay, folks, it's getting late. Let's get here first today." Chu Ze shouted loudly: "The rest of the cars will be left in the government office first, and we will give them a test ride another day!"

When the people heard this, they immediately let out a sigh.

"Oh, Your Majesty, please let us ride a little longer! I just got started and I'm riding with great energy!"

"That's right, this cart is more comfortable to ride than a donkey cart. I can't even bear to get off!"

Chu Ze was amused by them and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, folks, there will be plenty of opportunities to ride this bike in the future. Your Majesty promises that before long, everyone will be able to ride this magical bike!"

He waved his hand, signaling Li Xing and Yang Cai to put the cars away.

The people reluctantly got out of the car and saluted Chu Ze reluctantly.

"Your Majesty is wise! We, the common people, will never forget it!"

"My lord, take care and let us have fun some other time!"

Chu Ze watched them leave with a happy face, feeling happy in his heart.

"Li Xing, have you seen it? Today's scene is even more exciting than we expected!" Chu Ze rubbed his hands excitedly.

Li Xing nodded hurriedly and agreed: "Isn't that right, Your Majesty! I see all the people are fascinated by this bicycle and wish they could ride it for the rest of their lives!" Chu Ze said secretly in his heart: "That's natural, even if it's In later generations, it was the same situation. Once they learned to ride, they wanted to ride endlessly. How had the common people in the Ming Dynasty ever experienced this?"

He narrowed his eyes and said triumphantly: "Let's strike while the iron is hot, quickly summon the officials from the Ministry of Industry, and start mass production immediately!"

When Li Xing heard this, he also became energetic and said: "What a great idea, Your Majesty! Such good things that benefit the people cannot be delayed! I will go and spread the word now!"


Returning to the government office, Chu Ze immediately summoned Jia Shang and other officials from the Ministry of Industry.

"Dear dear friends, what is the public response to this bicycle after seeing it today?" Chu Ze asked straight to the point.

Jia Shang nodded repeatedly and said with great emotion: "Back to the prince, I have seen it with my own eyes. The common people are all rushing to ride the bike. I wish I could ride it until the end of the world!"

Chu Ze nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's right. I see, let's take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, quickly organize workers, and put into production immediately!"

An official asked hesitantly: "But Your Majesty, our existing craftsmen are probably in short supply. Besides, we have to consider the long term for materials and equipment..."

Chu Zedi waved his hands and said: "What's so difficult about this? Just recruit more smart workers and send them to teach you step by step. As for the materials and equipment, the Ministry of Industry will arrange them immediately. Don't delay the bicycles." of production.”

All the officials looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Jia Shang hurriedly came out and said: "Your Majesty is wise! Wei Chen will do it right away! I guarantee that this bicycle will be spread all over the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible!"

Chu Ze then nodded with satisfaction and said, "Also, wouldn't it be nice if you arrange for people to go to various merchants to discuss cooperation? From now on, our government will specialize in production and wholesale, and they will be responsible for the retail agency, and together we will benefit the people?"

All the officials took the order and went away to perform their duties.

Officials from the Ministry of Industry immediately summoned craftsmen and began planning the mass production of the bicycles.

I saw carpenters, blacksmiths, and workers gathered together, all gearing up and eager to try.

"This is our new mission!" an old blacksmith said with excitement: "Your Majesty is wise, once this bicycle is mass-produced, the skills of our craftsmen will shine!"

"That's right!" A boy echoed excitedly: "Although I am young, I am very good at riveting. I have all these new things on my body!"

The craftsmen were talking to each other, and they were all very motivated.

On the other side, Yang Cai was leading a team of people to transport large quantities of steel, wood and other materials into the industrial zone.

Truckloads of goods were transported into the industrial zone.

"Hey, make way! Make way!" Yang Cai shouted with sweat dripping from his back: "It's all for our bicycle cause, everyone, please give us some help!"

The workers and businessmen in the industrial zone were dazzled and looked sideways.

"Oh my god, what are you doing? Why are there so many materials?"

"You don't know? I heard that our prince is going to mass-produce that thing called bicycles! We are preparing for it!"

"Oh my God, is it true? I've never heard of it. What a rare thing!"

At the same time, the streets and alleys of Fengyang and the government bulletin boards were also crowded with people.

I saw eye-catching job recruitment advertisements posted above, attracting countless people to stop and watch.

"We're recruiting! We're recruiting! Anyone who is smart and agile can come to the government to sign up! Food and accommodation are included, and the monthly salary is generous. Those who don't know how to do it can be trained and put on the job." (End of this chapter)

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